|Files: Uses PKZIP.EXE(C) to archive file extensions of same name using original file names. Erases files after archiving. Write to current dir or use path to dir. Adds a FILE_ID.DIZ to most extensions. !Freeware!
016\DIMAG200.ZIP 320151 01-04-96
|Disk Image 2.00 Disk image will display and
|print a graph of your disk space
|utilization, by directory or extension
016\DLXDR272.ZIP 50900 11-11-95
|D E L U X E D I R Ver. 2.72 A DIR replacer
|with a SORTED FILE FINDER searching
|FILE VIEWER, flex. SORT, file exclusion,
|highlights EXEcutables, hid & sys display, 3
|columns, better wildcards, sub-dir sizes,
|wasted spc, err. handling, redirection,
|scr. saver, and much more ! FreeWare
|Written by: Oren Souroujon Req: 286, A hard
|disk, A CGA or better.
016\DNAMES12.ZIP 22771 12-09-95
|DoNames: Change file names. Can be a series
|or even a whole directory. ADD to the FRONT
|or END! INSERT data! Even NEW sequentially
|numbered names! Files are sorted before
|processing! Freeware!
016\EBAK60.ZIP 222147 12-01-95
|EASY BACKUP VERSION 6.0 Compressed Backup
|Disk Maker - Easy Backup makes compressed
|self-restoring backups. Backup parameters
|are stored in a data file so subsequent
|backups can be menu selected. Options to
|backup one or more named directories with or
|without their sub directories. Keywords:
016\FCUT10.ZIP 29878 01-18-96
|File Cutter v1.0 This is a very flexible
|file splitting program especially for
|binary. Cut any part of file with any size
|you want. Both 32bit OS/2 and DOS
|executables C) VG Soft & Gamzun Y.F. 1996
016\FHD210.ZIP 242204 01-28-96
|File_Handle v2.10 <ASP> - Filer/Finder/Shell
|Integrated File & Program Manager & Multiple
|Argument File Finder with global properties
|Links to your own tools. Embedded wildcards
|navigate through directories and trees and
|locate or select files. Side by side
|compare Extensive select and sort. Can
|touch, change disk labels and attributes.
|Tree sizes. Full mouse control. Support
|for unarchiving CD-ROM/MO. And more.
016\FIXTX511.ZIP 67502 11-04-95
|FIXTEXT.EXE (5.11): Program which applies a
|user-definable character-translation table
|to a text file. Can allow you to convert
|graphics characters to their ASCII
|equivalents, lowercase letters to uppercase
|letter, etc. Can also be used to translate
|DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and
|vice versa. Can also expand tabs, remove
|trailing spaces, and remove backspaces.
016\FIXTX512.ZIP 70139 12-06-95
|FIXTEXT.EXE (5.12): Program which applies a
|user-definable character-translation table
|to a text file. Can allow you to convert
|graphics characters to their ASCII
|equivalents, lowercase letters to uppercase
|letter, etc. Can also be used to translate
|DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and
|vice versa Can also expand tabs, remove
|trailing spaces, and remove backspaces
016\FIXTX601.ZIP 77126 01-24-96
|FIXTEXT.EXE (6.01): Program which applies a
|user-definable character-translation table
|to a text file. Can allow you to convert
|graphics characters to their ASCII
|equivalents, lowercase letters to uppercase
|letter, etc. Can also be used to translate
|DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and
|vice versa Can also expand tabs, remove
|trailing spaces, and remove backspaces
016\KUTIL13.ZIP 141050 12-06-95
|K-Tools Utilities v1.3 - A set of powerful
|file and disk management tools to Make or
|Remove whole directory trees, Copy files
|without writing over newer versions, Wipe
|files so they cannot be undeleted,
|Synchronise whole drives or directory trees,
|Encrypt & Decrypt files, set disk Serial
|numbers, Split files into several parts, and
|automatically Keyin responses in batch files.
016\LOGMAN19.ZIP 88431 12-18-95
|LogMan 1.9 Flexible log files archiver
|cutter for DOS, OS/2 and WinNT
016\MOV502.ZIP 35127 11-06-95
|MOVE 5.00 07/10/95 Copy or move files. Nest
|directories, renaming when names collide,
|etc. Too many features to list. From
016\PEPLIST.ZIP 16024 11-17-95
|List.exe is a utility that gives a COMPLETE
|directory listing of the drive indicated.
016\PIK001.ZIP 3072 01-29-96
|PIK will pick a file at random from a list
|of files, and copy it to a different name.
|Usefull for bbs logos and such
016\PROBE31.ZIP 14852 11-27-95
|Probe v3.10 - A simple DOS file finding
|utility. This program is FREEWARE!
016\RUNFOR11.ZIP 78882 01-19-96
|A utility that can run a command for a
|particular set of files/dirs.
016\SORT145E.ZIP 29301 01-02-96
|Sorts ASCII-files fast, many different
016\TREEGRPH.ZIP 148120 01-11-96
|TreeGraph v1.0 displays a "file manager"
|like directory tree.
016\VIEW100A.ZIP 87110 01-14-96
|VIEW 10.0a - the file viewer for DOS Read,
|convert and print Wordperfect, Word Word for
|Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write Notepad,
|HTML, ASCII, ANSI and UNIX files Full text
|search functions. Several print functions.
|Use in DOS or e-mail shell NOT CRIPPLED.
016\VIEWTHIS.ZIP 28950 01-05-96
|ViewTHIS! V1.0 Johnny Angel's quick and
|dirty FileViewer nothing fancy, limited to
|1500 lines but, it gets the job done and,
|it's FREEware! Features include Scroll
|Up/Down PgUp/PgDn Home/End and Search
|feature with Repeat last find Written in
|PowerBASIC! 1st Release
016\WDIR32.ZIP 41361 12-10-95
|WingDir v3.2 - Directory Match Utility
|Display directories side by side with file
|names aligned. Delete, Copy, Move, Or
|Rename Files. MASK File Names with '*.*'
|wildcards Display All, Same, Different,
|Unique, or Identical Files. Change Source
|and Target Directories. Version 3.2 adds
|Menu Bar Status Line, and Date Format
|Option. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. $10.00
|Registration Fee
016\WRDGRB12.ZIP 57189 12-05-95
|WRDGRB v1.2 - No more typing words you see
|on the DOS screen! With WRDGRB installed,
|you simply press the selectable hot-key
|sequence, highlight text with your mouse,
|and left click to copy it to the command
|line (or right click to cancel). New:
|double clicking on a directory-listing
|basename highlights and connects entire
|filename, can run off a CD-ROM, and more.
|23K TSR. No known bugs. Shareware by
|FileJockey Software ($30).
016\ZCVIEW16.ZIP 47410 01-01-96
|ZCVIEW 1.6 Tic file viewer which allows you
|to view all your tic files in a single run
*Finance & Business
017\ACE103.ZIP 140698 01-10-96
|Annuity Ace v1.03 [ASP] Now project your
|savings as never before! Professional
|illustrations for deferred, immediate and
|split annuities (Savings, IRA, 401K, etc).
|Flexible with variable deposits, withdraw-
|als, interest rates, and compound methods.
|Tax analysis, COLA, Loads, Inflation
|Factoring and more. Detail is monthly -
|annual, calendar or fiscal, whole dollars or
|cents, cumulative or non-cumulative.
017\BANK31.ZIP 247760 12-10-95
|Bank Investor (v 3.1) is a home accounting
|program designed for maintaining your bank
|accounts, writing checks and controlling a
|set budget. Read README.1ST file for a full
|description of the program.
017\BCR320.ZIP 359093 01-30-96
|NEW! BusinessCards v3.20 for Windows <ASP
|Extremely INTUITIVE and EASY TO USE free
|form database/organizer. Elegant folio-like
|user interface with tabs and flipping pages.
|Includes FREE BusinessDialer v1.12 Windows
|Mag "Superior Shareware", America Online
|Editor's Best Pick, Shareware Monitor's
|"Shareware of the Month". Cover disks on
|What PC, Windows Mag UK, Windows User, PC
|NewsFlash, more! MUST SEE
017\CGZW50B.ZIP 1349376 01-09-96
|Investment portfolio manager. Ideal for
|dollar-cost averaging. Record purchases,
|sales, dividends, capital gains, splits.
|Calculate gain/loss and total return. Print
|reports for one or more securities/
|portfolios and over range of dates.
|Generate tax forms. Reinvest dividends.
|Execute sales using FIFO, LIFO, max gain,
|max loss, specific ID, avg cost.
017\CHF112.ZIP 145871 01-10-96
|Loan Chief v1.11 Loan calculating has never
|been this easy! Professional schedules with
|a multitude of options: Weekly - Annual,
|variable rates, loan acceleration, tax
|analysis, variable payments, cumulative/non-
|cumulative, variable compound methods and
|much more! Produces LOAN CHARTS, a new and
|novel concept in loan processing. Save and
|retrieve info. Solve for values.
017\CJPOS537.ZIP 864227 12-12-95
|CJPOS Ver. 5.35 <ASP> A complete point of
|sale program configurable to any small
|businesses. This very easy-to-use program
|will write invoices, estimates, track
|inventory and salespersons, Perform sales
|analysis for any period, keep a customer
|database with purchase history, track
|accounts receivable, and more. A powerful
|program. Included is demo data for an auto
017\DEBTW201.ZIP 395372 01-10-96
|Debt Analyzer for Windows v2.01 [ASP] Debt
|Elimination at its best! A package designed
|to help reduce and eliminate debt and save
|you hundreds of dollars in the process.
|Build debt reduction schedules or loan
|consolidation schedules. Handles up to 50
|debts at once. Use minimum payments
|percentages too), current payments or
|accelerated payments with elimination. Nine
|priority methods or define your own
017\EEBNDW51.ZIP 1323774 11-15-95
|EEBond for Windows v5.1: U.S. Savings Bond
|database and valuation program; determines
|the value of Series E/EE Savings Bonds and
|U.S. Savings Notes; covers years 1942 to
|present; WYSIWYG reports 7 different sorts.
017\EZLOAN96.ZIP 188780 11-20-95
|EZ Loan Manager 96 is a money saving
|loan/mortgage manager that is easy, simple,
|and flexible to use. It is especially
|useful for home owners with adjustable loans
|and/or those who pay their loan early. EZ
|Loan Manager will show you how much interest
|you will save if you pay extra principle.
|It will save you money by helping you to
|choose what type of mortgage, when to pay
|extra principle, etc. For Windows 3.1.
|Registration fee is only $5.00. Free update
|for registered users of the previous versions
017\FADVSR15.ZIP 135346 11-14-95
|The Online Financial Analizer v1.5 Packed
|with the following options Tracking of where
|funds are spent Tracking income sources
|Keeping up with Savings Account Allowing for
|multi saving goals Tracking of Bills. This
|version fixes the problem with the saved
|records being deleted after saved.
017\FUND31.ZIP 412117 12-10-95
|Fund Investor (v 3.1) is a portfolio manager
|program. It maintains a record of all
|transactions, obtains quotes by phone.
|Particularly designed for investors in
|mutual funds. Read README.1ST file for full
|description of the program.
017\HSB10A.ZIP 904889 11-09-95
|Handy Stuff v1.0 -Programs everyone needs.
|Loan/Lease, Conversions, Reminder, Mail List
|LOAN/LEASE Calculations, amortizations, find
|interest, comparisons, change interest, make
|extra payments. CONVERSIONS, convert from
|unit to unit REMINDERS, tickler, simple date
|sensitive reminder system pops up, add on
|the fly. MAIL LIST/ADDRESSES, track
|call-backs, birthdays, print lists and
|labels, export for mail merge, make groups -
|christmas cards - relatives - friends -
|soccer team prospects - etc, keep notes with
017\HSB10B.ZIP 823873 11-08-95
|Handy Stuff v1.0 -Programs everyone needs 2/2
017\INV31AH.ZIP 510290 12-07-95
|& Customer Tracking system for the small
|business. Very simple to learn & use, and
|requires no accounting background. Perfect
|for any mailorder, retail, or any business
|that requires invoicing. Maintains
|Customers, Vendors, Sales Personnel, Sales
|History, Inventory Management, Invoicing &
|Receivables, Sales Taxes, Credits & Returns.
|Supports POS hardware and is network ready.
017\LWMD337.ZIP 188022 12-01-95
|comprehensive personal financial program.
|Provides calculations, projections, graphs
|for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
|Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
|Portfolio management system records, tracks
|and graphs your investment performance.
|Covers all stages of your financial life.
|Check your 401(k). Excellent On-Line Help.
|For DOS. Rated:
017\LWMD339.ZIP 188551 01-15-96
|Rich and Stay Rich A comprehensive personal
|financial program Provides calculations,
|projections, graphs for Saving, Investing,
|Retirement, Net Worth Mortgages, Loans,
|Stocks, Mutual Funds and 401(k) Plans. All
|aspects of financial life Investment
|management system records, tracks and graphs
|your investment performance Excellent
|On-Line Help. For DOS. Rated
017\MDFEDEX.ZIP 69793 11-19-95
|FS5 McDonnel Doublas MD-11 Federal Express
017\MRTCST50.ZIP 97179 12-17-95
|Mortgage & loan cost comparison program v5.0
017\PERMON11.ZIP 1143460 01-04-96
|Personal Finance Manager. An easy to use
|personal finance manager which tracks all
|your accounts and even takes care of regular
|payments. You will always know the state of
|your finances! By the use of categories and
|sub-categories detailed reports and graphs
|can be created.
017\PLUS52.ZIP 442416 02-06-96
|Retail Plus v5.20 - An easy to use sales,
|inventory, point-of-sale and invoicing
|system. Supports slip printer, cash drawer,
|barcode scanners. Prints price tags and
|barcode labels. Unlimited telephone support
|from True North Computer Services at
017\RSA2D.ZIP 290729 12-17-95
|RSA/2 v1.3: Stock market technical analysis
017\SMAN_10.ZIP 189425 01-10-96
|StockMan(F1.0) A stock analysis tool Need:
|Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL and VGA (256)
|color StockMan is a powerful stock analysis
|tool which allows users to analyze, watch
|and summary stock market You can reach me
|Internet: markqian@aol.com or America
|Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251 or
|mail me at: P.O. Box 390235 Mountain View,
|CA. 94039-0235
017\STOCK22.ZIP 268892 12-10-95
|Stock Investor (v 2.2) was specifically
|designed for subscribers of CompuServe who
|wish to follow automatically a large number
|of stock quotes and analyse their movements.
|It will store all the quotes and plot them,
|incl moving average plot.
017\TIP18V20.ZIP 268776 11-18-95
|Tip18 v2.0: stock market timing/charting
|program that can improve your general stock
|market timing - the 16 indicators help in
|timing stocks, mutual funds, or even options;
017\TOQCKN15.ZIP 57117 12-19-95
|(v1.5) ToQuicken for Windows ToQuicken is a
|simple utility that converts files of
|downloaded stock or mutual fund prices into
|a format that Quicken is capable of
|importing. The whole purpose of ToQuicken
|is to allow America Online, CompuServe, or
|Dow Jones members to be able to use their
|on-line service to obtain price information
|and easily update their Quicken files.
|Shareware (US$ 5), beiley@aol.com
017\TRADEDGE.ZIP 632604 12-03-95
|Trader's Edge A full featured and easy to
|use program designed to manage your
|investment portfolio and give you the
|information you need to reach your financial
|goals. Easy to use, designed for the CDN
|markets. Req. DOS 3.XX+ & Win 3.1+
|Demonstration version only.
017\VARIN592.ZIP 260695 12-21-95
|author Investment Portfolio Manager. MS-DOS
|Calculates profit, capital gain, total
|return, internal rate of return (IRR
|buy/sell prices. 12 types of charts
|Import/export data. Especially useful for
|investments with multiple cash flows, such
|as mutual funds, 401k plans, annuities, and
|partnerships. No hard drive required
|Pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse control
017\VL960105.ZIP 301523 01-05-96
|VendorList - v96.01.05 List of 4950 hardware
|and/or software vendors. Includes name,
|address, sales support, tech support, bbs,
|fax, and faxback phone numbers, if known.
|Now includes World Wide Web and FTP URL's
017\VTI269.ZIP 285729 01-16-96
|Investors program with databases Compare and
|determine the Value of company share prices
|and recognize Growth Stocks and Mutual Funds
|in advance of the Market Record, track and
|graph all popular Stock Market Indices such
|as the DJIA Calculations, projections and
|graphs for Saving, Investing, Retirement and
|401(k Excellent On-Line Help. For Win 3 or
|Win95 Rated: Requires VBRUN300.DLL
017\VTID268.ZIP 288006 12-18-95
|Investors program with databases Compare and
|determine the Value of company share prices
|and recognize Growth Stocks and Mutual Funds
|in advance of the Market Record, track and
|graph all popular Stock Market Indices such
|as the DJIA Calculations, projections and
|graphs for Saving, Investing, Retirement and
|401(k Excellent On-Line Help. For Win 3.x
|and 95 Rated: Requires VBRUN300.DLL
017\WERKS112.ZIP 56317 11-26-95
|MoneyWerks v1.12 Investment Projection
|Utility for DOS machines. Written by Robert
|Horvick. Includes all source (.bas) and
|.obj files.
017\WMSD837.ZIP 306864 12-01-95
|Rich and Stay Rich A comprehensive personal
|financial program. Provides calculations,
|projections, graphs for Saving, Investing,
|Retirement, Net Worth Mortgages, Loans,
|Stocks, Mutual Funds and 401(K) Plans. All
|aspects of financial life. Portfolio
|management system records, tracks and graphs
|your investment performance. Excellent
|On-Line Help. For Win 3.x and 95. Requires
|VBRUN300. Rated:
017\WMSD838.ZIP 309432 12-18-95
|Rich and Stay Rich A comprehensive personal
|financial program Provides calculations,
|projections, graphs for Saving, Investing,
|Retirement, Net Worth Mortgages, Loans,
|Stocks, Mutual Funds and 401(K) Plans. All
|aspects of financial life Investment
|management system records, tracks and graphs
|your investment performance Excellent
|On-Line Help. For Win 3.x and 95 Requires
|VBRUN300. Rated
*Fonts, Fonts, and More Fonts!
018\AD01SAMP.ZIP 32970 12-07-95
|Gallery TrueType font for MS-Windows that is
|similar to Galleria
018\AD02SAMP.ZIP 29279 12-07-95
|HotDog TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\ARN_____.ZIP 28024 01-08-96
|Rendition of Arlington, a Deco-inspired
|headline face Available in either Type 1 or
|TrueType format. Shareware
018\AS______.ZIP 57515 01-24-96
|AstrologySymbols: Astrological font in a
|sans-serif face, suspiciously like Phoenix,
|a thin, tall Deco style Includes sign,
|planet, aspect and 4 asteroid glyphs.
|Available in either Type 1 or TrueType
|format. Shareware
018\BR01SAMP.ZIP 22454 12-07-95
|Bankrupt TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\BUDBLDTT.ZIP 21342 12-06-95
|BudHand Bold TrueType font for MS-Windows is
|a bold handprinting style font
018\CA01SAMP.ZIP 27655 12-07-95
|Blackwoods TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\CA02SAMP.ZIP 31647 12-07-95
|CloisterBlack TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\DSFONTS.ZIP 42305 02-15-96
|This is a varied collection of DOSfonts 100
018\FONTSAMP.ZIP 243907 12-26-95
|FONTSAMPLER v1.0 <ASP FontSampler is a
|Windows program that displays the names of
|all the fonts you have installed on your
|computer, then allows you to select from the
|list and display and print a sample of
|letters from these fonts. The user can
|change the size of the font (6-12 points)
|and select font attributes (Bold Italic,
|Bold-Italic). Requires VBRUN300.DLL
|supplied). ASP shareware
018\FONTVPRN.ZIP 58962 11-30-95
|Font View & Print! V1.0: MS-Windows program
|which lists your TrueType and Abobe fonts
|and will let you view/print any and all the
|fonts you select from the list in various
018\FPRINTV1.ZIP 14319 12-28-95
|Fontprint prints VGA fonts a freeware
|utility by Vince Weaver mjweaver@umd5.umd.edu
018\NPFNTS01.ZIP 89290 01-14-96
|14 New fonts for NeoSoft's NeoPaint.
018\RPM22AA.ZIP 95674 11-19-95
|Signature Font v2.2aa for Windows - Increase
|the IMPACT of your faxes and letters: add
|your handwritten signature to documents
|created in Word and other Windows apps with
|a signature font, right from the keyboard.
|Much easier to use than bitmap graphic files
|and higher in quality, signature fonts are
|convenient, powerful and very personal.
|This demonstration contains the complete
|User's Manual and sample signatures of
|famous peopl
018\SIMPFONT.ZIP 165618 01-08-96
|Text font editor and loader in dos.
018\SS01SAMP.ZIP 26821 12-07-95
|Architech TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS02SAMP.ZIP 23591 12-07-95
|BoltedBold TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS03SAMP.ZIP 24033 12-07-95
|DoubleTrouble TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS04SAMP.ZIP 25066 12-07-95
|FriutfulBlack TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS05SAMP.ZIP 21320 12-07-95
|Machine TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS06SAMP.ZIP 22856 12-07-95
|PCMedium TrueType font for MS-Windows;
018\SS07SAMP.ZIP 22571 12-07-95
|Reveal TrueType font for MS-Windows;
|12/07/95; Gerard E. Bernor.
*JPG / GIF Pictures
019\MHTNY001.GIF 231981 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY001.JPG 836678 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY002.GIF 247084 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY002.JPG 239244 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY003.GIF 257590 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY003.JPG 246686 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY004.GIF 269887 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY004.JPG 155548 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY005.GIF 245405 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY005.JPG 557496 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY006.GIF 288355 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY006.JPG 341115 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY007.GIF 271335 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY008.GIF 228837 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY008.JPG 252273 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY009.GIF 287774 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY009.JPG 315252 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY010.GIF 289206 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY010.JPG 244913 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY011.GIF 223675 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY011.JPG 262967 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY012.GIF 206304 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY012.JPG 256059 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY013.GIF 252938 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY013.JPG 141021 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY014.GIF 253032 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY014.JPG 114620 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY015.GIF 203115 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY015.JPG 66475 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY016.GIF 255248 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY016.JPG 285058 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY017.GIF 226899 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY017.JPG 60325 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY018.GIF 384378 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\MHTNY018.JPG 160736 03-03-96
|Manhattan NY
019\PIER9.GIF 275032 03-03-96
|ThePier Shareware CD-ROM #9
*Gambling Programs
020\BJ_POK32.ZIP 259530 11-27-95
|Game Great sounds, real cards, and a
|beautiful user interface make this the best
|video poker and video blackjack simulation
|available. The included sounds make even
|losing fun Requires: VBRUN300.DLL (not on
|.ZIP file
020\CHERRY31.ZIP 74028 11-26-95
|CHERRY DELIGHT Video Slots V3.1 A Windows
|Game This isn't your grandmother's slot
|machine! This is a nine wheel video slot
|machine with 8 pay lines. Also has bonus
|spins and a progressive bonus pool. See the
|beautiful graphics and animation Requires
|VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file
020\DYNA31.ZIP 170105 11-27-95
|Game This isn't your grandmother's slot
|machine! This is a nine wheel video slot
|machine with 8 pay lines. Also has bonus
|spins, "wild card" symbol, and a pro
|gressive bonus pool. See the beautiful
|graphics and animation for yourself Requires
|VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file
020\FUNPK121.ZIP 66413 12-13-95
|Funpok (tm) Ver 1.2. 192 video poker
|machines Completed winter 1996. A Windows
|video poker game. Each machine has its own
|database. Double-up, progressive jackpot
|eight denominations, pay tables, casino mode
|get new cash game, sound. Logging of wins
|losses, types of wins, streaks and more
020\HORSEA13.ZIP 366778 11-16-95
|A Day at the Races v1.20 <ASP>. Test your
|betting skills and luck on an exciting
|animated horse racing game for up to four
|players. Choose one of eight horses to win,
|place or show, based on posted odds which
|influence the horses' performances. Create
|your own voice overlays and hear yourself
|introduce the races. Also included are a
|full on-line help, and the option to toggle
|voices on and off.
020\HS31.ZIP 192107 11-27-95
|This is the most realistic (and fun horse
|racing and wagering simulation available!
|Read the past performances of all the horses
|in a race to make wise betting decisions.
|Realistics odds, bets win, place, show,
|quinella, exacta horse graphics, and track
|sounds. GREAT Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in
|.ZIP file
020\LOTPRO35.ZIP 535238 11-01-95
|WINDOWS LOTTO PRO 3.5 <ASP> WIN | Windows |
|Lotto Pro v3.5 <ASP> - Determines | the most
| likely lottery numbers to be drawn | next.
|Uses an analysis of previously drawn |
|lottery numbers to pick your numbers, not a
| | random number generator. The numbers |
|picked | can be played in the 25 wheeling |
|systems | that are included. Requires |
|Microsoft | Windows 3.0+. For all lotteries
| that pick 5 | to 7 numbers, including
020\LOTTO117.ZIP 239694 12-01-95
|Universal Lottery System v1.11 Can be setup
|for any Lottery. Databases to keep winning
|sets of numbers from previous draws. Counts
|how many times numbers have shown up. They
|are displayed in graph and in grid form.
|Pick a Winner random number generator.
|Lotto 6/49 data. Excellent On-Line Help.
|For Win 3.x and 95. Rated: Requires
020\LOTTONYC.ZIP 11184 11-11-95
|File and database of winning lotto-54
|numbers for new york in wk1 and dbf format.
020\LOTTOV2.ZIP 42999 02-02-96
|Lotto program for picking numbers
020\LUCKY31.ZIP 76219 11-27-95
|LUCKY STARS Video Slots V3.1 A Windows Game
|This isn't your grandmother's slot machine
|This is a nine wheel video slot machine with
|8 pay lines. Also has bonus spins wild
|card" symbol, and a progressive bonus pool.
|See the beautiful graphics and animation for
|yourself Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP
020\LVSPRO20.ZIP 387484 11-16-95
|v2.0) Lvsltp20 - Las Vegas Slots - PRO The
|most realistic slot machine simulation
|Includes running jackpot that continues to
|update. As much as 8 chances to win on each
|spin. Comes with outstanding graphics and
|sound effects. If you only use one slot
|machine foe Windows, this is it Shareware
|(US $19.95 Tim Hirtle,
020\LVSPRO23.ZIP 572393 02-01-96
|Las Vegas Slots - PRO v2.3 - The most
|realistic slot machine simulation. Includes
|running jackpot that continues to update.
|As much as 8 chances to win on each spin.
|Comes with outstanding graphics and sound
|effects If you only use one slot machine for
|Windows this is it! Shareware (US $19.95)
|Tim Hirtle 102705.2261@compuserve.com
020\RVBJ31.ZIP 91972 11-27-95
|REAL VIDEO BLACKJACK v3.1 Windows Game The
|most realistic video blackjack game
|available. Digitized sounds, beautiful card
|designs (they look REAL), and ease of play
|make this game a REAL winner Sound card
|optional Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP
020\RVP31.ZIP 88565 11-27-95
|REAL VIDEO POKER v3.1 for Windows Probably
|the most realistic video poker game
|available. Digitized sounds beautiful card
|designs (they look REAL and ease of play
|make this game a REAL winner! (Sound card
|optional Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP
020\TLSD118.ZIP 142911 12-18-95
|Total Lottery System v1.18 .. Easy to setup
|for any type of Lottery . Create databases
|to record winning sets of numbers from
|previous draws. Shows count of how many
|times each number has been drawn. These are
|displayed in graph and grid form. With
|Pick-a-Winner random number generator.
|Excellent On-Line Help. For DOS. Rated:
020\VPOKD112.ZIP 572680 11-09-95
|VIDEO POKER DELUXE v1.12 - Windows 3.1 game.
|58 special effects, double or nothing, 8
|games, progressive jackpot, resizable cards.
|Double draw. Full sound support, taps into
|Monologue for Windows 1.5. 12 cardbacks.
|Customizable appearance and game events.
|Monitors resources. VBRUN300.DLL req'd. By
|Glen McGregor. $10 U.S. or $15 Cdn.
*Games & Entertainment
021\10MUS.ZIP 78678 12-13-95
|10MUS.WAD 10 mus files to go along with my
|10 PAK wad. It will also work with the
|regular DooM 2 levels or any other D2 pwads
|you may load. Made to match the 10-PAK
|levels however as the speed of the song is
|matched to the size of the level being
|played. Most of the songs are by Led
|Zeppelin which seem to be a DooM natural Tom
|Sanner (Mr.DooM
021\10PAK.ZIP 298143 12-13-95
|10 PAK WAD 10 original Death-Match levels.
|Perfect for a good, long, bloody marathon
|with alot of variety. All skill levels are
|included to match everyones various playing
|abilities. These levels are also optimized
|for use of monsters as they are kept at a
|minimum to allow for good respawning monster
|play in death match (they won't get too much
|in the way but still add alot to the fun By
|Tom Sanner (Mr.DooM
021\27DTH.ZIP 771970 12-13-95
|27 Death-Match Wad for DooM 1 Here it is
|Death Match fans, 27 straight Death Match
|levels for your bloody enjoyment. Some
|levels are by yours truly, but most are just
|DM wads that I think are the fun. This
|entire wad will give you a super DM marathon
|that can go on for hours Also compatible
|with Ultimate DooM
021\2FIFFY8.ZIP 301621 11-23-95
|replacement, that's HUGE A 550 sector
|savable level, where you go killing in
|another base in Hell You can BREAK WINDOWS
|in this DooM II level, almost like in HeXeN
|RECOMENDED: 486/100 or better PLEASE READ
|!!READ!!.BAT FIRST E-mail: Georgef551@aol.com
021\2ISLANDS.ZIP 9472 12-25-95
|Warcraft II Scenario Title: Two Islands
|Terrain: Winter, Map Size: 96 x 96 Players:
|1, Author: Roland Haag
021\2PC3PUDS.ZIP 39108 12-21-95
|NEW! PUDS for Warcraft II if you are a
|Maniac you'll should like some fresh new
021\36NOT_CA.ZIP 16279 11-24-95
|1936 Nottingham (Alekhine, Tartakower
|Botvinnik, et al). Chess Assistant
021\36NOT_CB.ZIP 13834 11-24-95
|1936 Nottingham (Alekhine, Tartakower
|Botvinnik, et al). ChessBase
021\36NOT_NB.ZIP 9281 11-24-95
|1936 Nottingham (Alekhine, Tartakower
|Botvinnik, et al). NicBase 3
021\36NOT_PG.ZIP 22833 11-24-95
|1936 Nottingham (Alekhine, Tartakower
|Botvinnik, et al). PGN Format
021\3DCHEETS.ZIP 3893 12-03-95
|The Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Rise of The
|Triad Lists of cheat commands.
021\3DDUKE_A.ZIP 1097508 01-29-96
|- DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - by 3D
|Realms Entertainment Part #1 of 4. Also
|needs 3DDUKE-B, C ,D.ZIP. "It makes every
|PC game we've seen, DOOM included, look
|dull. Honestly!" PC Gamer. Duke blows away
|everything you know about 3D action games.
|Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings,
|fight underwater--all in a truly interactive
|game like you have *never* seen. Supports
|SVGA modes, multiplay, most game contollers.
|Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince.
021\3DDUKE_B.ZIP 1458803 01-29-96
|- DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Part #2
|of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, C ,D.ZIP.
021\3DDUKE_C.ZIP 1458579 01-29-96
|- DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Part #3
|of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, B ,D.ZIP.
021\3DDUKE_D.ZIP 1455702 01-29-96
|- DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Part #4
|of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, B ,C.ZIP.
021\3FIFFYB.ZIP 127705 12-20-95
|v1.1 Castle of the Damned 2: InSaNiTy A
|MAP01 pre-release for HeXeN This is a small
|version of the first of 6 main levels in
|COTD2! Also planned: 3 secret levels BUG
|FIXED: THING problem eliminated RECOMENDED:
|486/100 or better PLEASE READ !!LOOK!!.BAT
|FIRST E-mail: Georgef551@aol.com
021\51MAR_CA.ZIP 27592 01-26-96
|Mar del Plata 1951. 253 games
021\51MAR_CB.ZIP 29246 12-10-95
|Mar del Plata 1951, 253 games
021\51MAR_PG.ZIP 53181 01-27-96
|Mar del Plata 1951. 253 games
021\51USA_CA.ZIP 10807 01-19-96
|1951 USA championship
021\51USA_CB.ZIP 7966 12-10-95
|1951 USA championship
021\51USA_PG.ZIP 13612 01-19-96
|1951 USA championship
021\52BEV_CA.ZIP 8689 01-19-96
|1952 Beverwijk
021\52BEV_CB.ZIP 5320 12-10-95
|1952 Beverwijk
021\52BEV_PG.ZIP 8594 01-19-96
|1952 Beverwijk
021\52USSRCA.ZIP 22571 01-19-96
|1952 USSR championship
021\52USSRCB.ZIP 23107 12-10-95
|1952 USSR championship
021\52USSRPG.ZIP 42246 01-19-96
|1952 USSR Championship.
021\53BEV_CA.ZIP 11089 01-26-96
|Beverwijk 1953: Euwe, Rossolimo, J. Donner,
|et al. 66 games
021\53BEV_CB.ZIP 8490 12-10-95
|Beverwijk 1953: Euwe, Rossolimo, J. Donner
|et al
021\53BEV_PG.ZIP 14285 01-27-96
|Beverwijk 1953: Euwe, Rossolimo, J. Donner,
|et al. 66 games
021\53BUCHCA.ZIP 20624 01-26-96
|Bucharest 1953: Spassky, Boleslavsky,
|Barcza, et al. 190 games
021\53BUCHCB.ZIP 20538 12-10-95
|Bucharest 1953: Spassky, Boleslavsky,
|Barcza, et al
021\53BUCHPG.ZIP 36203 01-27-96
|Bucharest 1953: Spassky, Boleslavsky,
|Barcza, et al. 190 games
021\54BUENCA.ZIP 8297 01-26-96
|Buenos Aires 1954: Argentina vs. USSR
021\54BUENCB.ZIP 4462 12-10-95
|Buenos Aires 1954: Argentina vs. USSR
|national teams. 32 games
021\54BUENPG.ZIP 7722 01-27-96
|Buenos Aires 1954: Argentina vs. USSR
021\63LA_CA.ZIP 11016 01-11-96
|1963 Los Angeles (Najdorf, Keres, Gligoric
|Petrosian, Benko, Reshevsky et al
021\63LA_CB.ZIP 7146 01-11-96
|1963 Los Angeles (Najdorf, Keres, Gligoric
|Petrosian, Benko, Reshevsky et al
021\63LA_PG.ZIP 12710 01-11-96
|1963 Los Angeles (Najdorf, Keres, Gligoric
|Petrosian, Benko, Reshevsky et al
021\737_AF.ZIP 66572 12-13-95
|FS5 BOEING 737-400 AIR FRANCE for B.A.O
|Flight Simulator Flight Shop and MS FS5.1
021\82IZT_CA.ZIP 31035 01-11-96
|1982 Interzonal (Browne, Smyslov, Timman
|Petrosian, Nunn, Seirawan, Spassky, et al
021\82IZT_PG.ZIP 56978 01-11-96
|1982 Interzonal (Browne, Smyslov, Timman
|Petrosian, Nunn, Seirawan, Spassky, et al
021\85IZT_CA.ZIP 42286 01-11-96
|1985 Interzonal (Short, Seirawan
|Polugaevsky, Torre, Vaganian et al
021\85IZT_PG.ZIP 83852 01-11-96
|1985 Interzonal (Short, Seirawan
|Polugaevsky, Torre, Vaganian et al
021\87DEATH.ZIP 5175 01-03-96
|This small deathmatch only DOOM II PWAD
021\94DUT_CA.ZIP 11168 11-23-95
|1994 Dutch Championship, Chess Assistant
021\94NYO_CA.ZIP 12171 11-25-95
|1994 New York Open, Chess Assistant
021\94NYO_CB.ZIP 8856 11-25-95
|1994 New York Open, ChessBase
021\95AMN_CA.ZIP 8433 11-07-95
|1995 Amantea, Chess Assistant
021\95AMN_CB.ZIP 5196 11-07-95
|1995 Amantea, ChessBase
021\95AMN_PG.ZIP 7426 11-06-95
|1995 Amantea, PGN Format
021\95ANK_CA.ZIP 15678 11-07-95
|1995 Ankara Zonal, Chess Assistant
021\95ANK_CB.ZIP 14486 11-07-95
|1995 Ankara Zonal, ChessBase
021\95ANK_PG.ZIP 23543 11-06-95
|1995 Ankara Zonal, PGN Format
021\95ANT_CA.ZIP 8683 11-07-95
|1995 Antwerpen (Belgium), Chess Assistant
021\95ANT_CB.ZIP 5629 11-07-95
|1995 Antwerpen (Belgium), ChessBase
021\95ANT_PG.ZIP 7707 11-06-95
|1995 Antwerpen (Belgium), PGN Format
021\95ARM_CA.ZIP 11316 11-07-95
|1995 Armenian Championship, Chess Assistant
021\95ARM_CB.ZIP 8823 11-07-95
|1995 Armenian Championship, ChessBase
021\95ARM_PG.ZIP 14042 11-06-95
|1995 Armenian Championship, PGN Format
021\95CAN_CA.ZIP 9111 11-07-95
|1995 Canadian Championship, Chess Assistant
021\95CAN_CB.ZIP 5962 11-07-95
|1995 Canadian Championship, ChessBase
021\95CAN_PG.ZIP 9209 11-06-95
|1995 Canadian Championship, PGN Format
021\95CSGMCA.ZIP 9700 11-07-95
|1995 Credis GM, Horgen SWZ. Chess Assistant
021\95CSGMCB.ZIP 6659 11-07-95
|1995 Credis GM, Horgen SWZ. ChessBase
021\95CSGMPG.ZIP 11642 11-06-95
|1995 Credis GM, Horgen SWZ. PGN Format
021\95CSM_CA.ZIP 10457 11-07-95
|1995 Credit Suisse Masters, Chess Assistant
021\95CSM_CB.ZIP 8088 11-07-95
|1995 Credit Suisse Masters, ChessBase
021\95CSM_PG.ZIP 12467 11-07-95
|1995 Credit Suisse Masters, PGN Format
021\95DON_CA.ZIP 11350 11-11-95
|1995 Donner Memorial, Amsterdam, Chess
021\95DON_CB.ZIP 9494 11-11-95
|1995 Donner Memorial, Amsterdam, ChessBase
021\95DON_PG.ZIP 15080 11-11-95
|1995 Donner Memorial, Amsterdam, PGN Format
021\95KIE_CA.ZIP 23718 11-11-95
|1995 Kiekrz, Chess Assistant
021\95KIE_CB.ZIP 23045 11-11-95
|1995 Kiekrz, ChessBase
021\95KIE_PG.ZIP 40729 11-08-95
|1995 Kiekrz, PGN Format
021\95KISHCA.ZIP 37027 11-07-95
|1995 Kishinev, Chess Assistant
021\95KISHCB.ZIP 45808 11-07-95
|1995 Kishinev, ChessBase
021\95KISHPG.ZIP 71996 11-06-95
|1995 Kishinev, PGN Format
021\95MEL_CA.ZIP 11598 11-07-95
|1995 Melbourne, Chess Assistant
021\95MEL_CB.ZIP 9801 11-07-95
|1995 Melbourne, ChessBase
021\95MEL_PG.ZIP 15093 11-06-95
|1995 Melbourne, PGN Format
021\95PRGPCA.ZIP 9149 11-18-95
|1995 Intel Paris Grand Prix, Chess Assistant
021\95PRGPCB.ZIP 5614 11-18-95
|1995 Intel Paris Grand Prix, ChessBase
021\95PRGPPG.ZIP 9161 11-14-95
|1995 Intel Paris Grand Prix, PGN Format
021\95WCHWCA.ZIP 5899 11-23-95
|1995 World Women's Ch., Chess Assistant
021\A10A.ZIP 10590 01-02-96
|FS5 A-10 "Thunderbolt II" bettern known as
|the "Warthog
021\A321IOB.ZIP 72226 12-12-95
|FS5 A321-111 Swissair HB-IOB
021\ABALON11.ZIP 1118806 11-13-95
|Abalone v1.1: MS-Windows game of strategy
|and skill
021\ABBSDTH2.ZIP 1308410 12-16-95
|AbbsDth2.wad orignal 20 levels of pure
|deathmatch New Sounds, Graphics, Music, and
|loads faster. Created for a contest to vote
|on best levels Call 817-629-8308 and take
|poll contesttwo. Or enter your orignal
|Deathmatch wad into our next contest. We
|Also added some invisable monsters for a
|different look for deathmatch. The new
|graphics include more blood Happy Fragin
021\ADD_JPGS.ZIP 152186 12-08-95
|Some files in JPG format based on Advanced
|Dungeons & Dragons.
021\AHKCITY.ZIP 58199 11-08-95
|02Children of Galaexy presents 14The City of
|The Sun GOD 1.1 02IGM for L.O.R.D 02Travel
|to an ancient Egyptian City 02have fun and
|improve your game
021\ALBIN_CA.ZIP 57037 01-13-96
|Queen's Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit: 471
021\ALBIN_CB.ZIP 53672 01-13-96
|Queen's Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit: 471
021\ALBIN_NB.ZIP 34741 01-13-96
|Queen's Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit: 471
021\ALBIN_PG.ZIP 79793 01-13-96
|Queen's Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit: 471
021\ALIEN.ZIP 26247 11-11-95
|Descent - Aliens Base - New level
021\ANTAG.ZIP 304151 11-20-95
|Antagonizer ai module for ascendancy. Game
021\APESV21.ZIP 194688 12-08-95
|Planet of the Apes PWAD for DOOM 2
021\AP_SOFT.ZIP 628270 11-06-95
|ApolloSoft DOOM Conversion (Ultimate DOOM)
021\ARCH_CA.ZIP 160712 11-28-95
|Ruy Lopez, Archangelsk var.: 1807 Games from
|John Pandis
021\ARCH_CB.ZIP 194939 11-27-95
|Ruy Lopez, Archangelsk var.: 1807 Games from
|John Pandis
021\ARCH_PG.ZIP 292551 11-27-95
|Ruy Lopez, Archangelsk var.: 1807 Games from
|John Pandis
021\ARCO_2.ZIP 17392 01-06-96
|Arco's Arena Part 2 - DOOM 2 Dmatch For 2-4
|players.. great wad
021\ARMAGON.ZIP 119834 11-20-95
|The Final Works of PsYcHo These are the
|finals levels ever to be made by PsYcHo
|KiLlEr for ROTT. This ZIP file has the
|Ultrarot.rtl where I took the 36 best levels
|I ever made and put them in one RTL with
|fancy new textures and map designs. And
|this ZIP file also has the Armagon.rtc which
|is also a collection of 48 of PsYcHo's best
|Comm-bat levels redesigned and retextured
|But PsYcHo will be back hopefully making
|levels for Hexen and Quake Minimal
|Requirements Ultrarot.rtl- 486 SX/33 8mb of
|RAM 32bit Video Card Armagon.rtc- 486 SX/25
|with 8mb of RAM VGA Card Also included in
|this ZIP I have made a battle.rot file that
|will forever change the way you play Comm-bat
021\ASTERIEL.ZIP 123134 11-17-95
|WAD for Heretic game by ID: moderate
|thinking man's level quite large and complex
|with many puzzles and not as munch violence.
|Well done, see asteriel.txt
021\AWAD2.ZIP 125023 11-23-95
|Awad v2.0. This Doom2 wad file repacles the
|first 12 levels and the first secret level.
021\AZGUIDE.ZIP 4751 11-29-95
|Guide for mastering the game Absolute Zero.
|Cheat codes are included!
021\BARTHEX2.ZIP 20655 12-11-95
021\BARTHEX3.ZIP 20734 12-13-95
|HEXEN DEATHMATCH WAD. Mirrored after my
|famous Bartman 5 .wad real battlefest.
|don't choose the cleric because there aren't
|many weapons for him. lots for mage and
021\BBCASL20.ZIP 75916 11-24-95
|Beach ball castle v2.0 PWAD for DOOM
021\BEHAVE51.ZIP 126118 11-14-95
|Hexen: Hexen BEHAVIOR De-compiler v0.50.
021\BESPIN12.ZIP 420092 11-13-95
|Return to Bespin: Reclaiming Cloud City
|add-on mission for Dark Forces game by
|lucas-arts. Real nice mission with extras
|stuff for those with over 8 meg ram
|machines, unzip using -D into an empty
021\BIGDOOM.ZIP 430248 12-06-95
|4 Player Doom II Deathmatch WADS Complete 4
|Player Doom Kit. Wads and all files to play
|Deathmatch against up to 3 other players
021\BIRD2_CA.ZIP 234336 01-18-96
|Bird's Opening: 2205 Games. Expanded
|collection. Replaces earlier BIRDS-CA.ZIP
021\BIRD2_CB.ZIP 264885 01-18-96
|Bird's Opening: 2205 Games. Expanded
|collection. Replaces earlier BIRDS-CB.ZIP
021\BJVISION.ZIP 214792 12-27-95
|High speed Blackjack simulator/game.
|Adv-Beg. Many features/options/stats.
021\BLEDIT.ZIP 25319 11-03-95
|Save game editor/cheat program for BACKLASH
|A Turret Gunner Simulation. BACKLASH is a
|3D action game for DOS from )|( Sanctuary
|Software Studio, Inc. Allows campaign and
|mission selection and credit changing
|REQ:BACKLASH shareware software REC:BACKLASH
|full release software
021\BMOUS131.ZIP 668283 01-17-96
|Boldermouse v1.31 - BolderDash Clone
021\BOGOI_CA.ZIP 415957 11-10-95
|Bogo-Indian Defense, 4197 Games, Chess
021\BOGOI_CB.ZIP 523913 11-10-95
|Bogo-Indian Defense, 4197 Games, ChessBase
021\BOGOI_NB.ZIP 318364 11-10-95
|Bogo-Indian Defense, 4197 Games, NicBase 3
021\BOMBER22.ZIP 228914 12-31-95
|BOMBER v2.2 The REAL Arcade game! Offers
|you great VGA graphics and SoundBlaster
|digitized sounds. A new version with
|several bug fixes better sound engine,
|better graphic engine and more weird playing
|modes. The game can be run in english or
|french. An entertaining software by Patrick
021\BRD033.ZIP 3294 01-24-96
|Xmas is over, so here's 10 more wild & wacky
|board layouts for Nels Anderson's Dragon's
|Bane mahjongg game. These are NOT easy!
021\BRIDGE11.ZIP 141915 02-07-96
|Contract Bridge Play and Parties 1.1.
021\BRIDGE23.ZIP 157033 11-20-95
|CONTRACT BRIDGE v2.3 <ASP> - Consisting of
|program bids, plays and scores rubber
|matches of the card game Contract Bridge.
|Requires a color text monitor. Mouse
|support included On-line instructions. The
|program is ideal for recreational Bridge
|players, and can be used to sharpen skills.
|Written by Robert Lindsay Wells
021\BUG3D.ZIP 1592221 02-05-96
|THRILLER: Your mission begins on alien
|world, Crwand, where your race has been
|taken from your home, Erthron, 100 years
|ago. Now is the time for your race to
|attack the aliens who made you all slaves.
|Your mission is to terminate the Skulls and
|the Nuls, who have teamed to try to stop
|your army before it gets a chance to make
|any headway. 15 levels. Requires 386+ and
|2.5 MB of EMS or XMS memory. By Jim Ball
021\B_58HUST.ZIP 96352 11-26-95
|FS5 B-58 Hustler made for FS5 using the
|Flight Sim Flight Shop (FSFS
021\C2MCHT.ZIP 33436 02-02-96
|Caesar2 Savegame Money Cheat
021\CAESCHT.ZIP 10534 01-06-96
|A saved game for Sierra's new stratagy game
|"Caesar 2 Copy into your Caesar 2 directory
|to use
021\CALV1295.ZIP 75176 12-02-95
|DECEMBER 1995 CalvaryNet Info. A Computer
|Ministry of Calvary Chapel World Wide! Come
|share in the Love of Christ with us
|Brotherly Love Strictly Maintained
021\CAT747.ZIP 52292 12-15-95
|FS5 Cathay Pacific 747-400
021\CBCOUNT.ZIP 47185 11-11-95
|CBCOUNT 0.1 beta. 32-bit version (req. Win
|95 or NT). Creates sorted report of players
|number of games played from a ChessBase data
|file. From Rob Weir
021\CC118P.ZIP 453646 11-22-95
|Command & Conquer: The offical Command Hints
021\CCEDT118.ZIP 94223 12-01-95
|Command and Conquer Editor v1.5 (revision 1
|Allows editing of weapon payload for
|infantry, vehicles and structures infantry
|and vehicle costs structure costs structure
|power requirements structure power
|production structure and unit hit points
|stealth capabilities of vehicles vehicles
|firepower unit and structure ownership unit
|and structure tech. levels vehicle speed
|structure and vehicle invulnerability
|available only for the v1.18p version of
|Command and Conquer Only works with the
|English language version of Command and
021\CC_SCEN.ZIP 252240 11-26-95
|Command & Conquer: - Scenery Editor.
021\CENTVA1.ZIP 163228 01-16-96
|Louisa County Airport - LKU Charlottesville
|Albemarle Airport - CHO, Lake Anna Airport
|7W4 Cub Field - Private.Designed utilizing
|Airport 1.21, SCASM 1.45 and FS 5.1 CD
021\CGW1.ZIP 993499 01-11-96
|1/14/96 CGW is a new electronic newsletter,
|with reviews, previews, and more! Very
|small, not a full-fledged electronic
|magazine. This is sue contains info on:
|Crusader: No Remorse Pax Imperia 2,
|Battlecruiser: 3000 AD, and MORE! Includes
|screen shots
021\CHADPARK.ZIP 6526 11-30-95
|Rott: Chadpark - 2 New Levels of Fun And
021\CHESS6.ZIP 110291 11-23-95
|Chessboard & Wine (.GIF
021\CHOKE.ZIP 19980 12-17-95
|Warcraft II Scenario Title: Supchoke
|Terrain: Forest, Map Size: 128 x 128
|Players: 2, Author: BobaPhat
021\CIVNETV1.ZIP 981101 12-08-95
|V1.1 update for CivNet 1995 game by
|MicroProse fixes many bugs, ect. SeeTXT
|files to use
021\CIVSAV0.ZIP 21989 11-28-95
|This is a Civilization save game.
021\CIV_EDIT.ZIP 38059 01-31-96
|Civilization Editor - coded by Travis
|Tucker, edits the race the difficulty and
|the discoveries Requires registeration, but
|is not crippled in any way, registration
|allows discounts on future programs such as
|the Unit Editor, release date July '96
021\CKFAN_CA.ZIP 34785 12-20-95
|Caro-Kann Fantasy var. (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5
|3.f3 238 Games
021\CKFAN_CB.ZIP 30819 12-20-95
|Caro-Kann Fantasy var. (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5
|3.f3 238 Games
021\CKFAN_PG.ZIP 46778 12-20-95
|Caro-Kann Fantasy var. (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5
|3.f3 238 Games
021\CK_CA.ZIP 1164231 11-28-95
|Caro Kann Defense: 12,975 Games
021\CLDF2DM.ZIP 88182 01-17-96
|Doom 2 WAD where aliens invade a space
|station development facility to stop us from
|becomming a space power, large level
021\CM_KIT.ZIP 37631 11-19-95
|Chaos Module Developer's Guide (rev.1 This
|is the official guide to making Chaos
|Modules for The Land of Chaos from SD
|Technologies! Sample source for the Wishing
021\CNTRMSUR.ZIP 146772 12-05-95
|Doom ][ Deathmatch PWAD. Many hours to make!
021\COLORLIF.ZIP 24871 12-17-95
|Colorlife: Fractal-type graphics drawing
021\CONCORD2.ZIP 114255 12-25-95
|have Flight Simulator Flight Shop to use
|this aircraft
021\CONN5.ZIP 97505 12-28-95
|Connect 5 v 1.0 - The aim of this game is to
|connect 5 tokens in a row within a large grid
021\CONV2HEX.ZIP 37750 11-26-95
|pwad converter version 2.00 c) 1995, SImply
|Silly Software
021\CORKSCRW.ZIP 65381 11-06-95
|Descent - Corkscrewer - new level
021\COZE20.ZIP 1132588 11-07-95
|single matches, elimination tournaments or
|the awesome 20 monsters bash, which is one
|of the most action-packed event every seen
|Elite Edition includes better graphix than
|Champions of Zulula, more monsters, one more
|boss, digital sound support. Download one
|of the most original fight game today
|Requires : [VGA][1mb XMS Recommended :
021\CRONOFAQ.ZIP 33610 12-28-95
|FAQ for SNES RPG game Chrono Trigger
021\CROSSP7A.ZIP 213921 11-08-95
|Crossword Power v7.00 <ASP> Create a variety
|of crossword puzzles and kriss-cross
|activities from your words and clues
|Includes foreign language character support
|100% compatible with Vocabulary Power
021\CROSSRIV.ZIP 17125 12-17-95
|Warcraft II Scenario Title: Cross Rivers
|Terrain: Forest, Map Size: 128 x 128
|Players: 1, Author: Jeff Kunkel
021\CRUSADSG.ZIP 86535 11-11-95
|CRUSADER: No Remorse End of Game Save File
021\CTORRECA.ZIP 15151 01-27-96
|Carlos Torre: 103 Games
021\CTORRECB.ZIP 11530 01-27-96
|Carlos Torre: 103 Games
021\CTORREPG.ZIP 20446 01-27-96
|Carlos Torre: 103 Games
021\CTTECH.ZIP 2360 12-28-95
|Chrono Trigger game technical reference
021\CTWT.ZIP 33613 12-28-95
|Chrono Trigger game walkthru/solution
021\CXWORD20.ZIP 626619 01-18-96
|CXWORD v2.0 Centaurus Xross Word. The
|crossword puzzle is the most widely played
|word game, which is familiar to everyone
|This program combines that entertainment
|while providing puzzles with educational
|value. Features include saving and
|restoring of incomplete puzzles, printing
|puzzles, word auto check, clue auto advance,
|word hints vowels, consonants, letters), and
|background style patterns
021\CYBERMUD.ZIP 313369 12-02-95
|Doom ii multi-floor pwad by jim kaminski.
021\C_C_HELL.ZIP 17563 02-07-96
|Command & Conquer scenario: Hell where you
|have enough cash and some units and you must
|build and defend yourself fast
021\C_C_STGY.ZIP 71972 11-21-95
|Strategy Guide for Command and Conquer.
021\D2CCTH10.ZIP 1279816 11-17-95
|COBUG Deathmatch : Closer to Hell V1.0 for
|DOOM 2 V1.9 This is a no holds barred battle
|to the death featuring 32 of the most
|diverse and difficult levels That could put
|together. There are no working exits so
|these settings are recomended when playing
|Deathmatch 2.0 setting with a 5 minute time
|limit and monsters. Yes there are monsters,
|makes it a little more interesting
021\D2CHT10.ZIP 19332 02-06-96
|your own cheat codes for this game
021\D2SGED13.ZIP 10132 01-05-96
|Descent II: SaveGame Editor v1.3 under DOS
021\D3DCHET2.ZIP 1214 02-07-96
|A complete list of all available cheat codes
|for the great game DUKE NUKEM 3D. Updated!
021\DADWAD.ZIP 206879 01-06-96
|Some kids' father after a couple of drinks
|adds a few sounds to doom (1 or 2) in this
|sound patch. Kinda funny.
021\DARKLAKE.ZIP 45034 01-18-96
|Doom 2 WAD Darklake with a dark lake, use
|your weapons sparingly but you can survive
021\DARKPANG.ZIP 18362 02-01-96
|WARCRAFT ][ scenario: THE DARK PANGEA v1.5
021\DAWN_SCT.ZIP 24158 11-03-95
021\DBS_14B.ZIP 361479 02-19-96
|DBS Chess 1.4b postal chess move & analysis
|recorder, with multi-lingual support
|Requires Windows 3.1 Version upgrade
|Replaces earlier DBSCHS14.ZIP. Unzip this
|then run DBSZIP -D-N in a new subdirectory
021\DCAD10.ZIP 405039 01-04-96
|dCAD 1.0, BETA, a COMPLETE from-scratch
|rewrite of DOOMCAD. Edit Doom/Doom
|Heretic/Hexen levels. 10x faster/twice as
|easy to use than DoomCAD. (Need separate
|node builder). Written in Borland Delphi
021\DDTYPE.ZIP 3551 12-16-95
|A revised edition of the 35 types of AD&D
|players. A text file.
021\DEACC11.ZIP 26747 12-05-95
|HEXEN "DEACC v1.1" script decompiler by Luc
021\DECLASS.ZIP 80997 11-20-95
|Declassified missions for SSI's SU-27 By
|Grant Senn (Tagert
021\DEEP804S.ZIP 728054 12-14-95
|DeeP v8.04 Edits DOOM, DOOM II, HERETIC and
|HEXEN levels
021\DEMON_AS.ZIP 48912 01-22-96
|New DOOM 2 Wad file, HUGE level, beatable
|but very difficult.
021\DETHCAST.ZIP 271120 12-15-95
|CASTLE OF DEATH = Deathmatch wad for Doom2
|VERY advanced level design, new sounds, new
|graphics, new music, and great gameplay help
|to make this one of the best "Deathmatch
|levels you will ever play! Enter the castle
|grounds and see what you're made of
021\DEU25311.ZIP 161468 11-02-95
|DEU (Doom Editor Utility) 5.3 beta 9 Release
|1.1 for OS/2 2.1 and above Edit WAD files
|for DOOM, DOOM2, Heretic
021\DEVIL20D.ZIP 312168 12-16-95
|Latest version of DEscent leVEL editor!
|Unzip using the -d option!
021\DFHOERBY.ZIP 176149 02-05-96
|Imperial Outpost D-42 (Part I) mission for
|Dark Forces game
021\DFRGOBAY.ZIP 102474 12-28-95
|Dark Forces by LucasArts mission: Cargo Bay:
|Rescue a prisoner, ect from an imperial base
021\DHUPLINK.ZIP 6765 11-23-95
|Here are 3 under par rounds I shot at Harbor
|Town on Links386. Golf
021\DIA_BLK5.ZIP 156681 01-05-96
|FS5 Denver scenery. This is most of the
|city area no airports in this block
021\DIENBIEN.ZIP 126233 12-14-95
|Trio of scenarios for Steel Panthers 1995
|cd-rom pc wargame by SSI Dien Bien Phu
|battles with accurate maps, ect, spring 1954
|Real good scenarios
021\DIGSOLVE.ZIP 4122 12-06-95
|Full Walkthru For "THE DIG" By Lucasarts
021\DIMGATE.ZIP 142203 12-15-95
|Doom 1 by ID WAD: Dimension Gate starts in
|office, many stages seperated by gates, well
|done with several new sounds, ect.
021\DLH10NOV.ZIP 374970 11-02-95
|Dirty Little Helper 1.0 November 1995 von
|Bernd Wolffgramm Jetzt mit Hilfen zu 400
|Spielen Datenbank f r Spiele, enth lt Cheats
|Codes, Tips und Tricks, Telefon- und
|Mailbox-Nummern, Updateliste, Komplett l
|sungen Diesen Monat neu: Dungeon Master 2
|Battle Beast, Brutal Battle, Crusader No
|Remorse, Greed, Hexen Demo, Need for Speed,
|SimIsle, Die total verr ckte Ralley, Der
|Planer, Hardwood Solitaire Powermonger,
|Alien Breed - Tower Ass New Horizons,
|Crusade, Alone in the Dark 3, Flight of the
|Amazon Queen Cybermage, High Seas Trader,
|Champion ship Manager 2, Hexen Vollversion
|Updates: Lemmings 3D, Hi Octane Stronghold,
|Tyrian, Little Big Adven ture, Desert Strike,
021\DLUPIS11.ZIP 410822 12-12-95
|A NEW add-on mission for registered Descent
|Lupis Outposts v 1.1 The Lupis system used
|to be a very productive system, being rich
|in resources. Unfortunately the Lupis
|system has not only been infested by the
|"intelligent drillers", but is has been
|affected by a series of radiation showers
|that have mutated some of the infestation
|that has taken over this system. Your
|mission is to drive the infestation out of
|Lupis 1 - 6; only to find that all that are
|left in this system are trying to reproduce
|their own "homes" at Lupis Outpost Seven
|(Dejavu design, but not game play). This
|level is excellent for individual, Anarchy,
|or co-op play. Large design and fully
021\DM1_DM2.ZIP 316487 11-15-95
|DM1DM2.WAD I'll bet all you DooMers loved
|the 1st DooM even tho' you play DooM 2 now
|Well here's your chance to revisit your old
|favorite while still playing the new
|release. This wad is a conversion of DooM 1
|Episodes 1-9 with a few new twists and
|surprises thrown in. Of course all the new
|monsters are included too. Should make for
|a great 9 level Death Match although you can
|continue on through to the regular DooM 2
|levels after number 9). If you play it solo
|see if you can find all the new secrets Have
|fun all over again
021\DM2_LMPS.ZIP 97510 11-26-95
|Fastest times for DooM ][ ver 1.9 These lmps
|cover ALL floors on skill setting
|"Ultraviolent". The demos were recorded by
|"Typhoon" of San Diego
021\DMA09B.ZIP 35728 12-29-95
|DM ASSISTANT .9beta Tool for the game master
|that will roll up NPC's Magical Item's,
|Treasure Hoards and a few other things.
|First public release FREEWARE
021\DMAN10S.ZIP 307755 12-04-95
|DentureMan v1.0S - DentureMan is a fast
|paced arcade style maze game for kids.
|Features VGA 360 degree scrolling graphics,
|multiple levels, tough, monsters. Get those
|special pellets that give you special
|powers. Requires SoundBlaster, VGA
|graphics(320x200) & hard drive, 512K RAM.
|Registration $10.0
021\DMANIA36.ZIP 68773 12-24-95
|Doomania v3.6 is an OUTSTANDING front-end
|for Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and
|Hexen. It supports nearly every option that
|the games do, and is VERY easy to use
021\DMANIA37.ZIP 67704 01-08-96
|Doomania v3.7 is an OUTSTANDING front-end
|for Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and
|Hexen. It supports nearly every option that
|the games do, and is VERY easy to use
021\DMINE100.ZIP 360584 01-01-96
|Dynamite Minesweeper for Windows. Move the
|sensor square around the minefield and see
|the signal in each pixel vary from light to
|dark and noise gradually decrease. Clear as
|much of the field as quickly as you possibly
021\DMLVL32.ZIP 44606 12-08-95
|Doom EPI-3 level 2 patch WAD I built totally
|from scratch using DEU5.2.
021\DMSGEW10.ZIP 26445 12-30-95
|Descent Master V 1.02 can modify saved games
|for Descent 1 shareware, Descent 1
|registered, and Descent 2 shareware.
|Descent Master is a Windows application
021\DMWEAPON.ZIP 1165 11-22-95
|New weapons for the game DOOM
021\DOOMBENC.ZIP 8271 12-08-95
|DOOM II "Results of DOOM II Benchmark"
|contains the results of testing 112
|different machines for their DOOM II
021\DOOMHEAT.ZIP 403203 12-29-95
|3 High Quality Doom II Gifs Graphic Artwork
|by Hosebag Modem Gamelink 603-788-2213
021\DOSBSHIP.ZIP 34499 12-27-95
|DOS text battle ship game. It's you against
|the computer. Has bios writes for screen
021\DOSFBALL.ZIP 57548 01-29-96
|DOS text football game. Pick your team and
|QB then play an entire season including
|playoffs and Super Bowl. Has bios writes
|for screen readers
021\DRAGON23.ZIP 301732 02-03-96
|The Dragon's Claw v.2.3 Full featured
|on-line adventure game with topographical
|ANSI maps of terrain and multi-level
|dugeons. ANSI monsters, magic items, towns,
|ruins, over 200 monsters, and real time user
|to user battles. Uses fossil or interrupt
|driven COM routines for best compatability
021\DSTRINGS.ZIP 4513 01-02-96
|Can't get Doom/Doom2 to work over the modem
|Here is a text file that list the very best
|Modem Doom strings for 246 different modems
|Your modem is most likely to be in here
021\DS_POUET.ZIP 892499 01-03-96
|D-Stroy This is a prerelease of the game
|D-Stroy is a fast arcade game for up to 4
|players. With fast scrollings, lots of
|bonuses, intelligent monsters, and lot of
|FUN Requirements: 386+, VGA
021\DUTSW_CA.ZIP 104773 01-20-96
|Dutch Defense, Stonewall var.: 834 Games
021\DUTSW_CB.ZIP 112983 01-20-96
|Dutch Defense, Stonewall var.: 834 Games
021\DUTSW_PG.ZIP 165029 01-20-96
|Dutch Defense, Stonewall var.: 834 Games
021\DWANGO6.ZIP 939802 11-22-95
|DWANGO6.WAD released November 1995 is a
|smashing, fragfest compilation of levels
|that is sure to keep you and your friends
|busy deathmatching for hours! With 24 new
|levels and a great selection of music, this
|is another MUST for multiplayer Doom
021\DWOLF.ZIP 128740 12-30-95
|Wolf WAD for DOOM II 2 player deathmatch.
021\EARLYGMS.ZIP 304454 01-08-96
|Collection of Early Games (1485-1861), from
|Philippe Boulet
021\EBENEMAE.ZIP 15967 11-20-95
|Eben Emael 10-May 1940 scenario for Steel
|Panthers 1995 cd-rom wargame by SSI. Also
|d/l the latest update for Steel Panthers.
|Can you capture the Belgian fortress of Eben
021\EGADOOM.ZIP 16583 11-21-95
|Egadoom.for doom1.makes guys 16 colors.
021\ESDILWRT.ZIP 723401 11-22-95
|Excerpt from "How to Play the Dilworth
|Attack" (of the Ruy Lopez), by Eric Schiller
|PDF file - read with ACROBAT
021\ESWINAWR.ZIP 32195 11-22-95
|Excerpt from "How to Play the Winawer
|Countergambit", by Eric Schiller PDF file -
|read with ACROBAT
021\EVANSD29.ZIP 4947 12-30-95
|Evans on Chess for December 29, 1995
021\FALCON1.ZIP 27285 12-02-95
|FS5 F16 Falcon aircraft
021\FERB10.ZIP 123201 11-13-95
|Ferbal V1.00 Archade-Style Action Game,.
021\FESG0911.ZIP 53971 01-07-96
|The Falcon's Eye Strategy Guide v.911
|Written by: Justin Verduyn of Xenophobia.
|This 2500 line guide is the most up-to-date
|comprehensive text file for Falcon's Eye
|that I've seen. Includes help on choosing a
|race every command on every menu, all spells
|and buildings, helpful charts, advice on
|InterBBS Warfare, a list of RunTime Errors,
|a FAQ, and much much more. This Update
|Dated: January 7 1996
021\FF3FAQ60.ZIP 74338 12-28-95
|Final Fantasy III game for SNES FAQ v6.0
021\FLSTRM.ZIP 13703 01-02-96
|Custom mission for Warcraft 2. Game adjunct.
021\FRADV_CA.ZIP 310800 11-29-95
|French Defense, Advance Var.: 3110 Games
021\FRADV_CB.ZIP 383114 11-29-95
|French Defense, Advance Var.: 3110 Games
021\FSDC951.ZIP 39912 11-19-95
|New DC9 Model 51 This is a new DC9 Model 51.
|Features Slats, Flaps Forward Strakes, Anti
|collision lights (wings tail Please see the
|enclosed DC9-51.txt for operating
|Information and Installation Instructions
|Flight Shop Required Designed By Mike Vidal
021\FSSEATLE.ZIP 128045 11-09-95
|Fs5.x scenery of seattle, wa.
021\F_16WOLF.ZIP 70359 11-23-95
|FS5 Wolfpack F-16C. Made for FS5 using the
|Flight Sim Flight Shop (FSFS
021\GBOYDOS.ZIP 213533 12-16-95
|Virtual GameBoy
021\GCONLIST.ZIP 10574 12-29-95
|This is a partial list of systems running
|Game Connection online game servers as of
|9/26/95 The following is a list of games
|that are supported by Game Connection
|systems Multi-player games supported Sid
|Meier's CivNet (tm) (up to 7 player Descent
|(up to 8 player DOOM (up to 4 player DOOM II
|(up to 4 player Heretic (up to 4 player
|Hexen (up to 4 player Warpath (up to 4
|player NetSpades (up to 4 player Empire
|Deluxe (up to 6 player Global Conquest (up
|to 4 player Spectre VR (up to 8 player
021\GDMATCH.ZIP 606621 02-13-96
|A collection of doom and doom ii wads.
021\GENI_SNC.ZIP 129131 12-28-95
021\GK2HINTS.ZIP 14566 01-03-96
|Hints for Gabriel Knight 2 the Beast Within
|- from Sierra
021\GK2PAT.ZIP 112830 01-18-96
|Patch file for gabriel knight ii: the beast
|within upgrades to v1.11
021\GKICC_CA.ZIP 6137 12-09-95
|Kasparov Simul vs. Internet Chess Club All
|Games, Chess Assistant Format
021\GKICC_PG.ZIP 2887 12-09-95
|Kasparov Simul vs. Internet Chess Club All
|Games, PGN Format
021\GND_FIRE.ZIP 227085 01-23-96
|GroundFire Is a challenging,addicting
|non-stop action,War shooter game for Dos.
|Great graphics and good game play. (Fully
|functional demo version You gotta try this
|one Min requirements: 386/sx with a Sound
|Blaster or compatible sound card and v.g.a
021\GOBMAN11.ZIP 72134 12-31-95
|GOBMAN DOS Arcade Game. Gobman is a pacman
|clone with a few nice twists. Collect bombs
|hourglasses, and special red dot to use
|against the monsters. Nice graphics and
|good game play. Requires 286+, VGA,
|Joystick optional
021\GOLF95Z.ZIP 292551 12-02-95
|GolfLog v9.5z Golf handicapping system
|Maintains stats for 8 Golfers, 8000 Games
|Determines HANDICAP Index and a Course
|HANDICAP. Provides Summary for each Golfer
|showing 45+ stats like those maintained for
|the PGA touring Pro's. This program is
|perfect for maintaing a history of all your
|Golf outings along with giving each Golfer
|up-to-the-minute Handicap status. Developed
|written by RiverBend SoftWare Home of
|GolfClub, GolfTour, GolfCap and GolfStat
|GolfLog is Microsoft Windows 95 compatible
021\GOLFCAP3.ZIP 218238 12-02-95
|GolfCap v3.0a Golf handicapping system
|Maintain stats for 1 individual Golfer
|Determines HANDICAP Index and a Course
|HANDICAP. Provides Summary showing 40+
|stats like those maintained for the PGA
|touring Professionals. This program is
|perfect for maintaining a history of all
|your Golf outings along with giving you
|up-to-the minute Handicap status. GolfCap
|is written by RiverBend SoftWare The home of
|GolfLog GolfClub, GolfTour, and GolfStat.
|GolfCap is Windows 95 compatible
021\GOLFCLB3.ZIP 167996 12-02-95
|GolfClub v3.0a Handicap system & database
|for Golf and Country Clubs. Maintains all
|stats for 7,500 Golfers, 65,000 Games, and
|1,000 Courses. Determines HANDICAP Index
|along with providing 40+ individual stats
|like those maintained for the PGA Touring
|Professionals Now used by Clubs, Leagues,
|Corporations etc. GolfClub is Windows 95
021\GOLFSTAT.ZIP 197300 12-02-95
|GolfStat v1.0a Golf database system for 1
|Golfer. Features unlimited Games and it
|provides Summary showing 40+ stats like
|those maintained for the PGA touring Pros.
|This program is perfect for maintaining a
|history of all your Golf outings. Developed
|& written by RiverBend SoftWare. The home
|of GolfLog GolfClub, GolfCap, and GolfTour.
|GolfStat is Windows 95 compatible
021\GOLFTR30.ZIP 158410 11-22-95
|GolfTour v3.0a Database system for Golf
|Tournaments. Used by clubs, leagues, etc
|Maintains Tournaments, Scores, Golfers
|Teams, Flights, etc. Provides print-outs of
|all scores, flights, etc. Makes the job of
|providing tournament information so much
|easier and faster. Unlimited number of
|Tournaments, Games, Teams, and Golfers
|Registration includes free tech support,
|free lifetime upgrades, and other extras
|Shareware from RiverBend SoftWare, the home
|of GolfLog, GolfClub and GolfCap. GolfTour
|is Windows 95 compatible
021\GOLFTRN4.ZIP 304984 12-17-95
|Full-featured golf tournament manager
|Includes handicap, %handicap, Callaway
|Hidden Callaway and Stableford type
|tournaments. Builds intelligent pairings
|lists, can use 2-somes to 6-somes, and has
|automatic and manual flighting From 1 to 4
|day tournaments
021\GOODPUD.ZIP 45157 12-29-95
|A set of three pud files for Warcraft II. 86
021\GORIOUS1.ZIP 85480 12-17-95
|Truly awesome doom ii deathmatch levels
021\GREENWTR.ZIP 65352 12-11-95
|Green Water for Doom 1: People down the
|river are dropping like flies and returning
|from the dead as blood thirsty zombies.
|Tests show that the water supply is being
|poisened. Now it's up to you to sneak into
|the demon's contamination facility and shut
|it down
021\GWIZ30.ZIP 271895 11-01-95
|GAME WIZARD 32 v3.0 The NUMBER ONE rated
|game cheating utility just got a whole lot
|better. Full support for DOS EXTENDER under
|all memory managers It has the ability to
|search/modify/freeze 90 items while playing
|a game; create cheat table files; save/load
|current game in progress; view/edit files
|inside games capture any EGA/VGA/SVGA screen
|to disk full blown file manager; instant
|online help; adjust game playing speed;
|shell to DOS within games; quick exit to DOS
|from programs and MUCH MUCH MORE
021\H2PEARL2.ZIP 52296 12-11-95
|Harpoon II PC game scenario Pearl Harbor II
|where the Japan attacks Pearl Harbor in
|their quest to dominate the Pacific in
|modern times Contains well done backround
021\HBDJBTRN.ZIP 51605 11-11-95
021\HDSK02.ZIP 49839 12-01-95
|Hide 'N Seek Word Search Game v2.00 Make and
|play puzzles on paper or on screen with or
|without timer. Make your own word lists or
|use built-in list. Printout can be
|customized with name, date, title, etc. Can
|use numbers rather than letters, if desired.
|Two sizes available. Up to ten words in the
|small matrix and up to 25 in the large.
|Other options include number of words and
|directions. Hidden words can be revealed
021\HER2HEX.ZIP 24009 11-21-95
|HER2HEX - Quick Heretic to Hexen PWAD
|converter Version 1.00 (beta c) 1995 Simply
|Silly Software
021\HEROES12.ZIP 565941 11-08-95
|V1.2 update for Heroes of Might and Magic
|1995 game by New World Comp. fixes sound,
|memoru, modem and other problems
021\HER_HELL.ZIP 109573 02-16-96
|Three wonderfully challenging levels for
|Heretic game by ID Uploaded by: Gino Costa
021\HETH_B13.ZIP 156278 11-10-95
|Heth Editor for editing Heretic and Hexen
|Beta 13
021\HEXELENT.ZIP 122942 11-26-95
|Hexen "Hexelent" Deathmatch Wad Awesome use
|of scripts and design. Registered version
|of Hexen required.
021\HEXENCHT.ZIP 2279 11-18-95
|Cheat for the Game HEXEN
021\HEXENCOD.ZIP 1963 12-10-95
|More complete cheat codes for Hexen,1995 game
021\HEXENMOK.ZIP 71703 01-19-96
|Hexen by ID WAD with demo: Monastary of
|Korak V1.0 where you are in a monastary in
|the mountains
021\HEXENV03.ZIP 18514 11-10-95
|Hexen Faq 0.3 Unofficial, User Contributed
021\HEXENWKT.ZIP 47540 01-17-96
|Walkthrough for the original levels of Hexen
|game by id, very detailed text file
021\HEXEN_WT.ZIP 47506 12-09-95
|Complete Hexen Walkthrough from Internet
021\HEXGATE.ZIP 39577 11-01-95
|New HEXEN PWAD file.
021\HEXGRAVE.ZIP 18473 11-02-95
|New HEXEN PWAD file.
021\HEXMAN.ZIP 15709 11-08-95
|HEXEN "Hexman" Deathmatch Level
021\HEXME.ZIP 14258 12-25-95
|SUPER,SUPER HEXEN CODES, over 25 hexen codes!
021\HEXNFINL.ZIP 151957 12-15-95
|Saved Games for Registered HeXen This Zip
|file when unzipped and copied to your
|Hexndata directory in the Hexen di rectory.
|This zip file has three saved games one for
|each character that puts you at the end of
|the game in front of the door that leads to
|Korac Requires registered HeXen And also
|back up any files in your Hexndata directory
|before unzipping this Zip file PsYcHo KiLlEr
021\HEXNMINE.ZIP 167819 01-15-96
|Hexen WAD file where you are a king who must
|drive out the evil that has taken over your
021\HEXRUSS.ZIP 9835 01-02-96
|Hexruss.wad deathmatch wad for Hexen. Small
|good deathmatch level for hexen. It was
|converted from a DoomII level that i created
|Happy Fragin
021\HEXSALTM.ZIP 96729 01-30-96
|2 level Hexen WAD: The Salt Mines
021\HEXSOLVE.ZIP 62178 12-07-95
|Hints and Tips and Solve for HEXEN game.
021\HEXSPC09.ZIP 59787 11-02-95
|The OFFICIAL Hexen Specs, version 0.9, by
|Ben Morris (bmorris@islandnet.com Technical
|info on Hexen, by Raven Software This is a
|preliminary release to get the info out.
|Version 1.0 is coming sometime soon!
|Includes the Hexen Script Compiler
021\HEXSPCW6.ZIP 51483 12-13-95
|HEXSPC09.DOC v0.9 - So you want to make a
|Hexen WAD and you've got an editor. This
|doc tells you about Hexen's guts. This is
|Ben Morris' HexSpecs v0.9. Not plain ASCII
|format. It's been formatted in WORD 6.0.
|Now with Table of contents. THRILL to data
|organized in tables! WONDER at the Hexen
|Logo! No longer squint as you search
|through numberless pages of monospaced type.
|I know ASCII's traditional, but so is PONG!<G
021\HEXTOWR.ZIP 16137 11-10-95
|HEXEN "HexTower" Deathmatch Level
021\HEXWADS.ZIP 112041 11-04-95
|A collection of wad files for hexen great
|for modem play.
021\HEXXEN1.ZIP 165844 12-04-95
|640x480x16.1m color BMP of the HEXXEN Logo
|this is not an official Hexxen revolt logo
|Makes a cool windows background for HeXen
|and HeXXen fans
021\HEXXEN2.ZIP 451899 12-04-95
|640x480x16.1m color bmp of the HEXXEN Logo
|with a evil looking skull faced dude in the
|background Great windows background for
|HeXen and HeXXen fans not an official HeXXen
|revolt bmp
021\HOOF11.ZIP 52802 11-10-95
|Hoof Biter, the fast-paced horse racing game
|featuring Ansi graphics. Adjust the
|accuracy of odds as up to 5 players bet and
|root the mini horses on. Mouse supported.
|(Shareware) v1.1
021\HOROS003.ZIP 75993 01-05-96
|Horoscopes-N-Such, Displays Daily Horoscopes
|Ski Slope Data, Soap, Lottery, Weather info
|transmitted by Planet Connect
021\HOSTHELL.ZIP 31168 12-18-95
|Hostages Hell - New Level for Descent1
021\HRRCNMRK.ZIP 3435 11-03-95
|Hurricane Mark character file for One Must
|Fall 2097 (Full Edition)
021\HUEYCHOP.ZIP 28835 12-12-95
|FS5/FSFS Huey UH-1c Helicopter: Please read
|the readme file for vertical take-off and
021\HWIZRAGE.ZIP 312371 01-17-96
|Heretic WAD consisting of four levels that
|takes place in a castle full of things.
021\HXBAT.ZIP 14123 12-07-95
|HEXEN "Batman Forever" DM Level. Awesome
|Deathmatch level with a Batman theme
|Requires registered version of HEXEN.
021\HXCASTLE.ZIP 17571 11-06-95
|HEXEN "The Dark Castle" Deathmatch Level
|with many weapons and artifacts!
021\HXCOD1.ZIP 96307 11-22-95
|Description : A single player and
|multiplayer .wad for Hexen You must make
|your way through the city' to find the
|switches that will open the gate and lower
|the pillar giving access to the FlameMask.
|Once the gate is open, you will then make
|your way down the path to the final building
|Do you have what it takes to complete it
021\HYPERECT.ZIP 28284 01-24-96
|Hyperectangles for Terminate 3.0. Written
|by Josh R. Williams
021\ICECATLG.ZIP 10122 11-22-95
|Inside Chess Electronic Catalog 11/22/95
021\ICEFORT2.ZIP 27707 01-14-96
|COOL Warcraft 2 PUD Game adjunct.
021\ICR95JC.ZIP 306734 12-31-95
|Papyrus indycar ii 1995 carset. Game adjunct
021\INVADEME.ZIP 415240 12-30-95
|DeMoN InVasIoN ThE DisCoVerY FoR DOOM II You
|come home from Leave to find your Home is
|not a nice place to Live anymore Maybe they
|were right about the Noises in the Basement
021\ISR_NED.ZIP 3713 11-11-95
|1995 Israel-Netherlands Internet Match ASCII
021\ITSAPIG_.ZIP 15568 01-21-96
|It's a Pig! wad for HeXen Small and fast
|DeathMatch in this one kiddies, and plenty
|'o stuff too
021\JAMTECOD.ZIP 3157 12-27-95
|NBA Jam TE for the Sony Provided Playstation
|Cheat Codes by ALL secret players UNKY ALL
|power-ups Expansion Teams ONKEY
021\JBDEATH.ZIP 177844 12-08-95
|JBDEATH* Doom2 Multi-Player Deathmatch WAD
|Well planned Deathmatch Level with some cool
|new sound effects, music, and graphics! ALL
|Deathmatch rules were kept in mind as this
|level was created. Edited by Dan Miler of
|D-Soft",The creator of ALL_THAT, NEWMISTD
|and FRAG101 WADS **Very nicely Done
021\JBOYS.ZIP 190523 01-23-96
|Jerky Boys sounds for DOOM 2. T
021\JERI.ZIP 149230 11-13-95
|Jeri's Car Poker - Yet another Video Poker
|game. Great sound, graphics and hours of
|fun Now you can win a Car, bet $100 and draw
|a royal flush and you win a Toy Model Car
|(void where prohibited by law
021\JM1_RTC.ZIP 4563 12-04-95
|This is a collection of seven levels that I
|have made for Rott. These particular levels
|are the .rtc levels which are for use in
|Comm-bat games only. These levels require
|that you have a registered copy of Rott
021\KARP_CA.ZIP 219516 11-24-95
|Anatoly Karpov: 2858 Games (1960-95 Chess
021\KARP_CB.ZIP 311726 11-24-95
|Anatoly Karpov: 2858 Games (1960-95 ChessBase
021\KARP_PG.ZIP 491544 11-24-95
|Anatoly Karpov: 2858 Games (1960-95), PGN
021\KASP_CA.ZIP 150388 11-24-95
|Gary Kasparov: 1934 Games (1973-95 Chess
021\KASP_CB.ZIP 194881 11-23-95
|Gary Kasparov: 1934 Games (1973-95 ChessBase
021\KASP_PG.ZIP 294254 11-23-95
|Gary Kasparov: 1934 Games (1973-95), PGN
021\KCPRISON.ZIP 24047 11-22-95
|This is a prison for Doom ][.great for
|deathmatches as well.you'll love this.
021\KHALKHIN.ZIP 31710 12-23-95
|Steel Panthers Scenario: Khalkhin-Gol, May
|1939 A Japanese incursion into the Outer
|Mongolian People's Repbulic by Inner
|Mongolian Cavalry and their Japanese advisors
021\KID4P_CA.ZIP 127422 11-16-95
|King's Indian Defense, 4 Pawns var., 1177
|Games, Chess Assistant
021\KID4P_CB.ZIP 146375 11-16-95
|King's Indian Defense, 4 Pawns var., 1177
|Games, ChessBase
021\KID4P_NB.ZIP 88513 11-16-95
|King's Indian Defense, 4 Pawns var., 1177
|Games, NicBase 3
021\KID4P_PG.ZIP 208519 11-16-95
|King's Indian Defense, 4 Pawns var., 1177
|Games, PGN Format
021\KILL_SND.ZIP 294091 01-07-96
|Remote Ridicule sounds for Combat ROTT games.
021\KNOWIT.ZIP 585532 11-11-95
|KNOW IT ALL is the incredible, EXPANDABLE
|learning game with great VGA graphics, a
|MIDI soundtrack, and digitized sound
|effects. Soundtrack and effects play
|through your sound card or PC speaker
021\KPEND_CA.ZIP 96882 12-17-95
|559 Games with K+P vs. K+P endings. No
021\KPEND_CB.ZIP 102416 12-17-95
|559 Games with K+P vs. K+P endings. No
021\KPEND_PG.ZIP 189108 12-17-95
|559 Games with K+P vs. K+P endings. No
021\KUSP1195.ZIP 90515 11-02-95
|JAN'S KUGELSPIEL 11/95 : Jan's Kugelspiel f
|r Windows ist ein Logik- bzw. Knobelspiel
|Ziel des Spiels ist es, eine Spielfigur
|durch ein Level hindurch zum Ausgang zu
|bringen Dabei wird sie von verschiedenen
|Objekten Steine und Kugeln) behindert oder
|gegebenenfalls unterst tzt. Jeder d. 20
|i.d Sharewareversion vorhandenen Level ist
|mit Passwort gesch tzt. Optional kann eine
|Zeitbegrenzung eingeschaltet werden
021\LASHXLED.ZIP 17413 12-11-95
|Lasher's Ledges For Hexen Beta. Here it is
|for all you scum bags who cant wait to DM in
|Hexen. This wad is a hack of the awesome
|hxmorgue.wad by Eric Duprey and Mark Summers
|I left some things the same but overall, it
|is ALOT different
021\LEAFWELL.ZIP 32565 12-11-95
|HEXEN: The Leaf Well. Once upon a time
|there existed an amazing little well know as
|the Leaf Well. Every Autumn, magical little
|elves, who lived at the bottom of the well
|would start making millions of little autumn
|leaves, and throw them up out of the well
|The leaves would float up and up and up into
|the sky, scattering themselves all over the
|land, and covering it in a rich brown Autumn
021\LINKSAB.ZIP 5337 12-25-95
|A couple of recorded games for Links386.
021\LITES101.ZIP 30111 12-24-95
|Lights Out! v1.01 - like the hand-held game
|Turn out all the lights on a 5x5 grid. For
|MSDOS and OS/2. Public domain, with Pascal
021\LITESOUT.ZIP 28658 11-04-95
|Lights Out! - like the hand-held game Turn
|out all the lights on a 5x5 grid. For MSDOS
|and OS/2. Public domain, with Pascal source
021\LOST_SH1.ZIP 5361 11-17-95
|This is a solution filein DOC format for the
|Lost Files of Sherlock Homes.
021\LRPUZDEB.ZIP 89016 12-30-95
|more lode runner puzzle sets DEBRA.PZL and
021\LRPUZNIK.ZIP 5696 11-12-95
|a set of 10 puzzles for Lode Runner
021\LUNARCOL.ZIP 72406 02-02-96
|Lunar Coloney HQ V1.01 Descent mission with
|three levels, one secret
021\MAG3.ZIP 36474 11-28-95
|A NEW add-on mission for registered Descent
|Magnum Three v 1.0 This is the third mission
|of seven for the Magnum Mines. You stopped
|them at Magnum Two but they escaped and are
|back for the hot plate materials at Magnum
|Three. Hot plates have a devistating
|potential; the importance of gaining control
|of this system is great Fortunately, the
|resistance at this outpost has been reported
|as "light". Of course you never know This
|level is appropriate for individual Anarchy,
|or co-op play. Careful design and fully
|multiplayer supported and tested Created By
|Brett Russell brettr@interramp.com
021\MAROON1.ZIP 503607 02-12-96
|THE INVIS-RAY Killer death match OR COOL NEW
|BOGGLING!UNREAL great SOUNDS as well as
|MAROON t this now .:-) It is awEsOMe as wel
|fast paced !U will play for hours MORE
021\MARVIN01.ZIP 410967 11-20-95
|Marvin's Contract Bridge Bidding Handbook
021\MASTERWL.ZIP 115008 11-27-95
|Martial Arts Master Won Liu has been
|captured and imprisoned by the evil Dr.
|Chang. Each dungeon is seemingly made up of
|"packing crates No problem from Master Liu,
|right? Wrong some boxes contain guards,
|some contain healing items and some contain
|bombs. And somewhere, Dr. Chang awaits a
|final confrontation with Master Liu Master
|Won Liu is a 2-D maze shareware game
|suitable for all ages. And though rated PG
|in concept is actually rated G from M.T.
|Software SoundBlaster soundcards and clones
|are supported
021\MD_WC2.ZIP 5597 12-10-95
|Thru M D <7i8
021\MECH2.ZIP 1430 11-17-95
|Mech Warrior 2 cheat codes
021\MECHCODE.ZIP 74463 01-18-96
|An EXE file that gives most of the
|MECHWARRIOR ][ codes; bugs.
021\MEGAHEX2.ZIP 22998 12-07-95
|MEGAHEX2.WAD New level from scratch for
|HEXEN This is a good Dmatch and Single Co-op
|level with plenty of monsters weapons, and
|artifacts Kewl Castle, complete w/moat, and
|no castle would be complete without a
|graveyard This is MEGAHEX1.WAD, w/bugs fixed
|Created By: MEGAMAN
021\MENZOHEX.ZIP 71456 12-18-95
|Menzobarranzen for HEXEN
021\MHSDOOM2.ZIP 140053 12-20-95
|Doom 2 at Muscatine High School!
021\MIKEY.ZIP 16754 12-17-95
|Warcraft II Scenario - Mikey's Level
|Terrain: Forest, Map Size: 128 x 128
|Players: 3, Author: Mike
021\MIKE_KIL.ZIP 17805 12-08-95
|HEXEN "Mike & Kil" DeathMatch Level
021\MIKE_RTL.ZIP 4593 12-15-95
|Rott: Convulsion, single-player level 86
021\MILLER2.ZIP 45519 11-22-95
|Follow the Icon - PWAD for Doom2 A small
|level with some really nice effects.
021\MILLEWLK.ZIP 7709 11-14-95
|Worl for Win 6.0+ doc: Hints and tips for
|playing Millenium: Altered Destinies, 1995
|PC CD-ROM game by Take 2 Interactive, really
021\MINIS_CA.ZIP 123152 11-17-95
|1997 Wins in 12 or Less Moves, Chess
021\MINIS_CB.ZIP 112989 11-17-95
|1997 Wins in 12 or Less Moves, ChessBase
021\MIXMAN.ZIP 24562 12-20-95
|MIXMAN V1.0 Mix File Manager for Command
|Conquer. This program lets you manage .MIX
|files, especially the GENERAL.MIX file
|Look/Extract and several other options
021\MNOCHEAT.ZIP 34971 11-15-95
|Cheat for Monopoly (Windows 95 version
|Version 1.0 - by John Fowler - 11/15/95
021\MODUL91.ZIP 71844 01-29-96
|ChessBase Data: Volume 1991 of Austrian
|computer chess magazine MODUL. Test
|positions, computer/computer and
|computer/human games (in German). From
|Roland Pfister
021\MOSHPIT.ZIP 54800 11-27-95
|Doom level E1M1. This level is quite large
|and challenging. Try it out! MOSHPIT.WAD !
021\MOUNTKNG.ZIP 577280 12-02-95
|Mountain King Deathmatch/Udtag twist wad for
021\MUDLAKE.ZIP 14224 01-02-96
|This is a custom scenario mission for
|Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness.
021\MYSTWIN.ZIP 988 11-17-95
|Cheat code for MYST, beat the game in 5 Min
021\NAJDORF.ZIP 212457 01-11-96
|Sicilian Najdorf Games Collection
021\NBAJAMDD.ZIP 410219 12-08-95
|Add Jordan, Barkley, & Shaq to NBA-JAM
|PC-CDROM TE Check out Chicago's roster Bulls
|fans will love this
021\NETSPEC.ZIP 3834 01-03-96
|Descent1: Specs for Structure of IPX-Packets
021\NEXEH.ZIP 27862 12-11-95
|Oekir's water treatment center. His Royal
|Army uses Nexeh to convert sludge to
|drinkable water. There are plans to expand
|production in the southern cave. The room
|west of the cave houses a TR209 Power- Plant
|SAFETY NOTICE> Be careful in the Water Flow
|Station. Falling into one of the W.F.C
|wells will NOT be very heathly
021\NHPUM_GA.ZIP 19422 01-09-96
|Steel Panthers Scenario: Nhpum Ga Ridge,
|1944 Combat teams of "Merrill's Marauders"
|hold a key defensive position against a
|Japanese 56th Infantry Regiment
|counter-offensive in Burma
021\NIMZO_CA.ZIP 49006 12-30-95
|Aaron Nimzowitsch: 466 Games
021\NIMZO_CB.ZIP 55698 12-30-95
|Aaron Nimzowitsch: 466 Games
021\NIMZO_NB.ZIP 34157 12-30-95
|Aaron Nimzowitsch: 466 Games
021\NIMZO_PG.ZIP 92554 12-30-95
|Aaron Nimzowitsch: 466 Games
021\NOAR1.ZIP 11034 12-06-95
|Rott: 7 single-player levels
021\NORMAL.ZIP 75006 12-07-95
|PGN Normalizer for MS-DOS
021\OBTUSE.ZIP 64599 11-12-95
|Obtuse Outpost, add-on level for Descent
|game by interplay
021\OPCODE.ZIP 905 11-17-95
|Cheat codes for Outpost
021\OZZY1.ZIP 912333 12-17-95
|THE OZZY WAD COLLECTION a collection of
|deathmatch wads merged for your DOOM
|plaeasure this is wad#1 of 9 in the
|collection works with DOOM 2 HAPPY! FRAGGING
021\OZZY5.ZIP 874245 12-17-95
|THE OZZY WAD COLLECTION a collection of
|deathmatch wads merged for your DOOM
|plaeasure this is wad#5of 9 in the
|collection works with DOOM 2 HAPPY! FRAGGING
021\OZZY7.ZIP 524708 12-17-95
|THE OZZY WAD COLLECTION a collection of
|deathmatch wads merged for your DOOM
|plaeasure this is wad#7of 9 in the
|collection works with DOOM 2 HAPPY! FRAGGING
021\OZZY9.ZIP 699126 12-18-95
|THE OZZY WAD COLLECTION a collection of
|deathmatch wads merged for your DOOM
|plaeasure this is wad#9of 9 in the
|collection works with DOOM 2 HAPPY! FRAGGING
021\PARDISE4.ZIP 117381 01-12-96
|AV Productions Presents P A R D I S E 4 30
|hours in the making. This wad will have you
|pulling the hair right out of your head
|Dozens of puzzles to solve. This is by far
|the best Paradise wad to date. This wad has
|close to 600 sectors in it. Difficulty
|levels are in place. If you are not ready
|for a brutal solo player wad, then Look
|elsewere for your fun. This Doom][ wad was
|beta tested on a DX2/50, DX4/100, DX4/120 a
|P100 all with 16megs of ram. I recommend at
|least a DX2/66 with 8megs of ram to play it
|at it's best frame rates Author: H-V L
|Released: 1/12/96
021\PEG_SAN.ZIP 91675 01-10-96
|This level is for Registered Heretic v1.2
|There are four puzzles that you must solve
|in order to find your way out. Have fun
|Another WAD from P.E.G.
021\PETRO_CA.ZIP 151263 11-19-95
|Tigran Petrosian, 1850 Games
021\PETRO_CB.ZIP 190488 11-19-95
|Tigran Petrosian, 1850 Games
021\PETRO_NB.ZIP 114223 11-19-95
|Tigran Petrosian, 1850 Games
021\PETRO_PG.ZIP 292487 11-19-95
|Tigran Petrosian, 1850 Games
021\PGNSTD.ZIP 40153 12-02-95
|PGN Notation Standard: 1994.03.12
021\PHAN203.ZIP 204776 12-05-95
|your way past the Skeletons to capture the
|Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery Enter
|the Mausoleum and see if you can survive the
|plunge through the Deep Abyss Find the
|Treasure or Rescue the Victim if you can
|survive the Creatures that await you in the
|Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests PLAY AS LORD
|IGM OR STANDALONE GAME Unzip in its own
|Nannette Thacker
021\PHIL_CA.ZIP 248027 12-15-95
|Philador's Defense: 2315 Games
021\PINBTSNG.ZIP 134014 11-02-95
|Pinball World - TSENG driver. Game adjunct.
021\PITFCHET.ZIP 910 11-30-95
|Cheat codes for PitFall game Windows 95 ver
021\PIXM.ZIP 119493 01-17-96
|Pixm - tiles of trouble is a match game.
021\POKER132.ZIP 121814 12-04-95
|Video Poker v1.32 Another version
021\POLUG_CA.ZIP 167422 12-16-95
|Lev Polugaevsky: 2050 Games, 1953-1994
021\POLUG_CB.ZIP 233231 12-16-95
|Lev Polugaevsky: 2050 Games, 1953-1994
021\POLUG_NB.ZIP 134537 12-25-95
|Lev Polugaevsky: 2050 Games, 1953-1994
021\PPLUS_.ZIP 1051176 12-22-95
|PASSAGE PLUS is a strategic game in which a
|set of 72 stones has to be placed onto the
|board. 256 colors; MIDI musi, digital sound
|game variations will make you rest in front
|of the screen for hours and hours.
021\PRELUDE1.ZIP 9767 12-17-95
|Warcraft II Scenario Title: Island of
|Alhjin' Dar Terrain: Forest, Map Size: 64 x
|64 Players: 1, Author: Nae'Blis
021\PROTEK01.ZIP 44693 12-06-95
|This is a HEXEN WAD converted from a Heretic
|level called Azure. Numerous modifications
|have been made; e.g rear exits added to the
|upper rooms sniper spots added to the main
|arena and teleporters to the upper areas
|Since it's a rather large WAD for a 2 player
|deathmatch, 3 NPC's have been added (Zedek,
|Traductus Menelkir) & are available if you
|enable the monsters. This can make playing
|the WAD rather interesting since it is all
|most impossible to tell if you're fighting a
|NPC or an opponent
021\PSYCH01.ZIP 136207 11-10-95
|A fun wad for Doom2
021\PWRH11UP.ZIP 832682 11-12-95
|V1.1 6/3/95 update for Powerhouse 1995
|Windows game by Impressions. See file
|readme.txt fixes bugs and adds features
021\P_PULSE.ZIP 102699 01-22-96
|POWER PULSE: Vertical Death 2 Fight for your
|life in a Doom 2 deathmatch Lots of secrets
|and sniper spots included New sounds, music
|and graphics Excellent add-on level for DOOM
|2 Made from scratch with the best tools
|DEATHMATCH ONLY! Specificly made for
|multi-player killing
021\QGA_CA.ZIP 547651 11-06-95
|Queen's Gambit Accepted, 6286 Games Chess
021\QGA_CB.ZIP 826477 11-06-95
|Queen's Gambit Accepted, 6286 Games ChessBase
021\QGRAG_CA.ZIP 190972 01-21-96
|Queen's Gambit, Ragozin System: 1917 Games
021\QGRAG_CB.ZIP 221029 01-21-96
|Queen's Gambit, Ragozin System: 1917 Games
021\QGRAG_PG.ZIP 335408 01-21-96
|Queen's Gambit, Ragozin System: 1917 Games
021\RADIXCHT.ZIP 1179 12-07-95
|Cheat for Radix game
021\RAPPING.ZIP 197515 01-21-96
|funny rap sounds for doom and doom 2 if you
|like rap, or even if you don't this will
|make you laugh.. its great for deathmatch,
|considering the nature of lyrics and of the
|game.. at least try it.. file: rapping.wad
021\RAPPING3.ZIP 451664 01-21-96
|funny rap sounds for doom and doom 2 if you
|like rap, or even if you don't this will
|make you laugh.. its great for deathmatch,
|considering the nature of lyrics and of the
|game.. at least try it.. file: rapping3.wad
021\REBEL2CO.ZIP 855 12-23-95
|Rebel Assault 2 level codes
021\REDROBES.ZIP 28362 11-13-95
|This is just another SIMcity 2000 city.
021\REIGN.ZIP 180203 01-29-96
|An awesome DOOM ][ Deathmatch wad with a
|temple-like setting. New sounds and music
021\REOLWIN.ZIP 48194 11-11-95
|PROOF POSITIVE that it IS possible to break
|windows in DooM II!
021\RIDDLELU.ZIP 10004 12-09-95
|Riddle of Master Lu game hints/walkthrough
021\RIDDLMLU.ZIP 6034 12-21-95
|Solve for riddle of master LU game
021\RIVERDM.ZIP 13024 01-08-96
|Hexen DeathMatch wad. It has a small, fast
|moving river taking you by all the rooms.
021\RIVERWAR.ZIP 19837 01-29-96
|Warcraft 2 scenario River War where you must
|defeat all orcs
021\RLM103CD.ZIP 553064 12-08-95
|Lords of the Realm 1994 Impressions game
|V1.03 CD-ROM version update fixes all known
|bugs inc disappearing armies
021\RLMAR_CA.ZIP 142088 01-20-96
|Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack: 1728 Games
021\RLMAR_CB.ZIP 167555 01-20-96
|Ruy Lopez, Marshall Attack: 1728 Games
021\RMATFA12.ZIP 545595 11-14-95
|Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can
|play Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a
|charismatic, animated, talking cat. A
|friendly companion for your child, Roxie
|will aid your child in learning math. Two
|levels each of addition, subtraction,
|multiplication and division are available.
|The program is very intuitive and progresses
|at the child's own pace. Online help
021\RMATFB12.ZIP 533756 11-14-95
|Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can
|play Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a
|charismatic, animated, talking cat. A
|friendly companion for your child, Roxie
|will aid your child in learning math. Two
|levels each of addition, subtraction,
|multiplication and division are available.
|The program is very intuitive and progresses
|at the child's own pace. Online help
|included. Used in schools
021\ROCCHEAT.ZIP 5024 11-12-95
|This is a super saved game for Apogee's
|Realms of Chaos. It starts you on level 1
|with 10 hp for each character and 1000 gems.
021\ROCSAVED.ZIP 5759 11-18-95
021\ROTTCOMP.ZIP 24920 11-30-95
|Rott: ROTTCMP 1.0 - compress and uncompress
|level files.
021\RREAFB12.ZIP 683882 11-14-95
|Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can
|play Roxie's Reading Fish" with Roxie, a
|charismatic, animated, talking cat. A
|friendly companion for your child, Roxie
|will aid your child in learning to read many
|words. These words were chosen with the aid
|of reading specialists in early elementary
|education. The program is very intuitive
|and progresses at the child's own pace.
|Used in schools and libraries
021\RRRET20.ZIP 362721 12-26-95
|Version 2.0 -- In the year 2020, the robots
|maintaining Earth's life support systems
|have revolted. Defeat the enemy robots in
|the tunnels beneath our complex using a
|remote control tank from the R3 squad.
|Shareware from Just For Me Software <ASP>.
|(Note: The 10.00 registered version makes an
|ideal holiday or birthday gift
021\SAVE2MCV.ZIP 12013 11-01-95
|Command & Conquer Savegame. T
021\SAVESSC.ZIP 214874 11-04-95
|A couple good save games for Simcity 2000.
021\SC2KTHM.ZIP 1263688 11-27-95
|Simcity 2000 desktop theme pack.
021\SCHL_CA.ZIP 13778 01-11-96
|Carl Schlechter: 90 Games
021\SCHL_CB.ZIP 9895 01-11-96
|Carl Schlechter: 90 Games
021\SCRCRD70.ZIP 127031 11-22-95
|Allows a golfer to track their golf outings
|For use with OS/2 warp This is Version 7.0
021\SCRCRD73.ZIP 161653 12-30-95
|Allows a golfer to track their golf outings
|Average's and progress graph For use with
|OS/2 warp This is Version 7.3 01/11/96
021\SETH1.ZIP 4336 12-31-95
|Rott: Dark Journey, Two Single-Player Levels.
021\SHERWIN.ZIP 370099 11-26-95
|Computerized version of logic puzzles A game
|of deduction, it is your task to deduce the
|location of 36 images using provided clues.
|Many options, thousands of puzzles. The
|word most used to describe Sherlock is
|'addicting Shareware: $19 EVERETT KASER
021\SHRISKIT.ZIP 82059 12-17-95
|A really fun game for kids from 6 to 12 or
|so. They use cards, coins, ice, old wigs
|dice, ballons, etc and carry out commands
|that are shown on the screen. They can
|choose to do a command, or take a chance on
|a command that is not shown to them at first
|if the command is then not one they want to
|carry out, they can abort it, but if they do
|this 3 times they have to do a special
|command, or they are removed from the game
021\SKEEWALK.ZIP 29018 02-03-96
|Walkthrough for Stonekeep 1995 game by
021\SNESC300.ZIP 174014 12-06-95
|SNES-Cheat v3.00 Almost 280 ever-growing
|cheats for the Super Nintendo Entertainment
021\SNOWTSET.ZIP 268280 11-12-95
|Snow covered Tile Set for use with SimCity
|2000 plus urban renewal kit games by Maxis.
|All buildings and even bulldozer, ect, are
|covered with snow
021\SORCAV11.ZIP 309515 01-09-96
|Sorcerer's Cave v1.1 is a simple, fast
|playing dungeon adventure for all ages Reqs
|MS-Windows 3.1 or 95 with 256 colors.
021\SOZIN_CA.ZIP 477811 01-21-96
|Sicilian Def., Sozin Attack: 5386 Games
021\SOZIN_CB.ZIP 604091 01-21-96
|Sicilian Def., Sozin Attack: 5386 Games
021\SPASS_CA.ZIP 185601 11-24-95
|Boris Spassky: 2416 Games, 1948-1995 Chess
021\SPASS_CB.ZIP 241706 11-24-95
|Boris Spassky: 2416 Games, 1948-1995
021\SPASS_PG.ZIP 356256 11-24-95
|Boris Spassky: 2416 Games, 1948-1995 PGN
021\SPEARMOR.ZIP 119927 12-24-95
|SPEARMOR is new levels for the classic Spear
|of Destiny game.
021\SPGUADAL.ZIP 35517 12-23-95
|Speel Panthers, 1995 SSI wargame scenario:
|GUADALCANAL2, very bloody where marines try
|to capture the airfield
021\SPHIL235.ZIP 34638 12-21-95
|Steel Panthers SSI wargame scenario Hill 235
|July 1943 involving a German push on a
|critical hill mass in 1943 around the area
|of Kursk
021\SPHIL421.ZIP 17740 11-19-95
|scenario for Steel Panthers 1995 CD-ROM
|wargame by SSI Hill 421. It is August of
|1943 and Operation Citadel and the Soviet
|Summer Offensive are in full swing. Both
|sides are making progress. A Soviet armored
|column has penetrated the front and is
|heading into the German rear, endangering
|lines of communication and supply Orders
|have rapidly been passed down assembling
|Kampgruppe Kunz to squash this breakthrough
|and save the situation
021\SPINGOUF.ZIP 41517 01-02-96
|Steel Panthers SSI wargame scenario 10 June,
|1944, The battle for Carentan begins
|Airborne vs. Paratroops & Flak
021\SPORPHAN.ZIP 22678 12-21-95
|Scenario for Steel Panthers 1995 PC CD-ROM
|wargame by SSI: Orphanage Hill July 1944
021\SPPALVOG.ZIP 22744 01-02-96
|Steel Panthers SSI wargame Scenario:
|Pavlograd--February '43
021\SPPERSHG.ZIP 27578 12-21-95
|Steel Panthers SSI wargame scenario
|involving the first combat between an M26
|Pershing and a Tiger during WWII
021\SPSCHUTZ.ZIP 24688 01-04-96
|Steel Panthers scenario: Schutzmassnahme,
|1944 During the massive Russian offensives
|of 1944 the Russian "cavalry/tank" groups
|did great damage among the German rear
|areas. The 580th Signal Regiment and 286th
|Security Division defend their oupost
|against the Russian force
021\SPUKRAIN.ZIP 21588 01-29-96
|Steel Panthers scenario: ahistorical based
|on confusion following Operation Citadel and
|the battles for Kiev following the summer of
021\SPVOREZH.ZIP 26908 02-02-96
|Scenario for Steel Panthers 1995 wargame by
021\SP_ACE.ZIP 47512 11-18-95
|Ace scenario for Steel Panthers, 1995 PC
|CD-ROM wargame by SSI. Also d/l the V1.1
|(or later) patch for Steel Panthers
021\SP_HOLDA.ZIP 22405 01-03-96
|Steel Panthers SSI wargame scenario Hold at
|All Costs, Russians broke through the German
|front line, you must hold them back
021\SP_PSBN.ZIP 54877 12-15-95
|Scenario for Steel Panthers, SSI wargame
|Panzer Battalion, May 1943 German forces
|have breached Soviet defenses in the
|Volchansk area. You must take vital
|objectives in the area: the air strip in the
|northeast, the ammunition storage depot in
|the south-center, and the town of Chersky in
|the southeast
021\SP_SCSP.ZIP 36678 12-30-95
|Steel Panthers wargame by SSI scenario
|Soviet Balkan Thrust, July 1945
021\SP_SINGL.ZIP 28805 12-01-95
|Singling 6-Dec 1944 scenario for Steel
|Panthers 1995 cd-rom wargame by SSI. Also
|d/l the latest update for Steel Panthers.
|Can you capture the town of Singling,
|Americans vs Germans
021\SQ6WALK.ZIP 11036 12-21-95
|Space Quest VI walkthru
021\SQUESH.ZIP 17374 01-20-96
|A really good Hexen deathmach wadfile. Lots
|of crushers!
021\STALINO.ZIP 24523 12-28-95
|Steel Pathers scenario: Assault on Stalino
|Elements of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps
|try to exploit a breakthrough in the German
|lines against the German 514th Infantry
|Regiment of the 294th Infantry Division
021\STARCMAN.ZIP 38693 02-07-96
|Star Crusader 1994 game by Take 2 complete
|manual in ascii text direct from Take 2
021\STAUF2.ZIP 57313 11-11-95
|Doom ][ WAD like 7th Guest.
021\STAUFDM.ZIP 61118 11-11-95
|Stauf mansion WAD for DOOM
021\STAUFDM2.ZIP 57846 11-11-95
|Stauf mansion WAD for DOOM2
021\STAUFHTC.ZIP 61355 11-11-95
|Stauf mansion WAD for HERETIC
021\STEIN2CA.ZIP 38983 01-18-96
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 392 Games
021\STEIN2CB.ZIP 45215 01-18-96
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 392 Games
021\STEIN2NB.ZIP 27395 01-18-96
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 392 Games
021\STEIN2PG.ZIP 74445 01-18-96
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 392 Games
021\STEIN_CA.ZIP 48317 12-25-95
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 569 Games. From John Grant
021\STEIN_CB.ZIP 58143 12-25-95
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 569 Games. From John Grant
021\STEIN_NB.ZIP 34950 12-25-95
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 569 Games. From John Grant
021\STEIN_PG.ZIP 95469 12-24-95
|Wilhelm Steinitz: 569 Games. From John Grant
021\STNKPFAQ.ZIP 15328 12-21-95
|StoneKeep FAQ file for this great RPG game
021\STONEKP.ZIP 15266 12-25-95
|Stonekeep FAQ Version 0.2.
021\STONKEEP.ZIP 12090 11-30-95
|More information on StoneKeep RPG game
021\SWALL_CA.ZIP 13728 01-06-96
|Stonewall Attack (1.d4 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.Bd3 c5
|4.c3): 60 Games
021\SWALL_CB.ZIP 8857 01-06-96
|Stonewall Attack (1.d4 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.Bd3 c5
|4.c3): 60 Games
021\SWALL_PG.ZIP 13890 01-06-96
|Stonewall Attack (1.d4 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.Bd3 c5
|4.c3): 60 Games
021\SWARM_.ZIP 34100 11-01-95
|1 level pwad for Doom2 Fast with an overkill
|of monsters! You can play it again and
|again it won't get any easier
021\SWATHINT.ZIP 6950 01-03-96
|Hints for Police Quest SWAT game by Sierra
021\TBNIGHT.ZIP 23091 02-07-96
|Tiberium Nightmare scenario for Command &
|Conquer game by Westwood Studios, see text
|file for instructions, very simple use
021\TETRAX2D.ZIP 251514 11-12-95
|Dirk Aehnlich SPRACHE : Deutsch / Englisch
|RUBRIKEN : Spiele - Logik u. Strategie
|Coloris in einem - was will man mehr Hier
|die wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale tolle 256
|Farben-VGA-Grafik 5 verschiedene Grafiksets
|f r Steine unterst tzt Soundblaster und
|Speaker leider (noch) keine Hindergrundmusik
|in der Sharewareversion aber ne Menge cooler
|und witziger FX-Effekte Joystick -und
|Tastaturbedienbar 3 verschiedene Spielmodi -
|Tetris normal, Tetris f r Profis und Coloris
|Two-Player-Modus - gleichzeitig auf
|demselben Computer 4 Schwierigkeitsgrade
|mehrere Bonusm glichkeiten
021\THERMOP.ZIP 24851 12-13-95
|Steel Panthers wargame by SSI scenario
|Thermopylae, 1941 German assault against 1st
|Anzac Corps on the slopes of Mt. Olympus
|and Thermopylae By Keith Heitmann,
021\THESWAMP.ZIP 15606 11-24-95
|Duke it out, down in the bog By Driller
021\TNGWIN10.ZIP 116126 01-12-96
|The 16 bit Windows Automated Episode Guide v
|1.0w for Star Trek: The Next Generation a
|full featured Windows program that makes it
|easy to view information on the popular
|syndicated TV show -- Star Trek: The Next
021\TOCOMBR.ZIP 58616 12-16-95
|Rott: 48 combat levels 86
021\TOMDUMB2.ZIP 183094 11-18-95
|8 X 8 Chess is too hard and besides it's for
|nerds? Try Dumb Chess <tm> instead Played
|on a 5 X 5 or 6 X 5 board it's easier to
|learn and games last only 10 min! BONUS
|Dumber Chess <tm>. Each game has different
|rules & pieces! 1-9 level lookahead (2 in
|unreg.vers.). Auto game save/restore Works
|with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor no
|mouse or joystick needed Programmed by
|aliens from outer space
021\TOMGOMAK.ZIP 152024 11-12-95
|TOMMY'S GO MAKU (TM-161 The Oriental board
|game! Learn instantly play long time <g>.
|Be the first player to get 5-in-a-row on an
|8 x 8 grid. 2-player game. Demo mode.
|Auto game save/restore Works with any DOS PC
|or clone, any monitor no mouse or joystick
|needed Programmed by aliens from outer space
021\TOMHALMA.ZIP 156345 01-10-96
|TOMMY'S HALMA (TM-061 Like Chinese Checkers,
|but played on a 16x16 square board, you vs.
|the PC. Pretty cool Works with any IBM PC
|or clone, any monitor no mouse or joystick
|needed Programmed by aliens from outer
|space" <tm
021\TOMSEC96.ZIP 45365 02-12-96
|addresses/phone numbers for Star Trek fans!
|Also, sci-fi/gamer/gambling Japanime/X-Files
|fans! Music group fan clubs. From Tommy's
|Toys. 1996 ed BBS 303-433-2648. Current as
|of file date
021\TOMTOYIX.ZIP 1262158 02-01-96
|Tommy's Toys concentrating on unusual games
|with an alien touch. For Earth kids of all
|ages from 8-adult! Awesome and astounding,
|one whale of a lot of playtime in one pak!
|Nyet (Tetris), Jotto, Trash Zilch), Tricky
|Questions, Oh Hell, Fantan Tommy's Toys: The
|Original Series works with any DOS PC or
|clone, any monitor, no mouse or joystick
|needed Programmed by aliens from outer
|space" <tm
021\TOMTRIP.ZIP 157101 11-14-95
|TOMMY'S TRIP-UP! (TM-162 Fun family game
|for 1 player/team vs. the PC Played with a
|double deck of cards and the giant Trip-Up
|board. Many surprises and twists & turns!
|(AKA Touch Works with any IBM PC or clone,
|any monitor no mouse or joystick needed
|Programmed by aliens from outer space
021\TOMTRIV1.ZIP 273011 12-23-95
|TOMMY'S TRIVIA (TM-060 The best trivia game
|ever made! Why? Because it has questions
|from a unique perspective outer space!
|Comes with over 2000 trivia questions! 4000
|in the reg. vers.! 8 ways to play! Wring
|your mind out like a sponge Works with any
|DOS PC, any monitor, no mouse or joystick
|needed. FUN FUN FUN Programmed by aliens
|from outer space
021\TOMTUT.ZIP 169417 12-13-95
|addictive board game! Like Tic-Tac-Toe only
|on a 4x4 board! 2-player game, you vs the
|PC. Demo mode. Auto game save/restore
|Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor
|no mouse or joystick needed Programmed by
|aliens from outer space
021\TOMYACHT.ZIP 145360 01-10-96
|TOMMY'S YACHT (TM-039 Play Yahtzee, Yacht,
|and Crag with this neat toy. For 1-8
|players, or play against the computer. High
|Fun MPG Works with any IBM PC or clone, any
|monitor, no mouse or joystick needed
|Programmed by aliens from outer space" <tm
021\TOMYUCKY.ZIP 162690 11-26-95
|and play this instead! The card game for
|people who don't like cards. Your team vs.
|the PC. Options. Demo mode Works with any
|IBM PC or clone, any monitor, no mouse or
|joystick needed Programmed by aliens from
|outer space
021\TRIDIAN.ZIP 108450 12-22-95
|Some descent saved game files.Descent rules!
021\TVCHEATS.ZIP 3527 12-02-95
|Terminal Velocity: ALL of the Cheats, Debug
021\TV_SAVED.ZIP 26210 11-05-95
|Ultra TV Save Game Editor version 1.000 by
|Joe Rabinoff
021\TWIC58.ZIP 48883 11-19-95
|The Week in Chess No. 58, by Mark Crowther
021\TWIC58CA.ZIP 22809 11-19-95
|The Week in Chess No. 58, Chess Assistant
021\TWIC58CB.ZIP 24649 11-19-95
|The Week in Chess No. 58, ChessBase Data
021\TWIC60.ZIP 120717 12-03-95
|The Week in Chess No. 60, by Mark Crowther
021\TWIC60CA.ZIP 52224 12-03-95
|The Week in Chess No. 60, Chess Assistant
021\TWIC60CB.ZIP 63173 12-03-95
|The Week in Chess No. 60, ChessBase Data
021\TWIC61.ZIP 229835 12-10-95
|The Week in Chess No. 61, by Mark Crowther
021\TWIC61CA.ZIP 93608 12-10-95
|The Week in Chess No. 61, Chess Assistant
021\TWIC61CB.ZIP 118030 12-10-95
|The Week in Chess No. 61, ChessBase Data
021\TWIC67CA.ZIP 37954 01-21-96
|The Week in Chess No. 67, ChessBase Data
021\TWIC67CB.ZIP 43163 01-21-96
|The Week in Chess No. 67, ChessBase Data
021\TWIC69CA.ZIP 79480 02-04-96
|The Week in Chess No. 69, Chess Assistant
021\TWIC69CB.ZIP 96160 02-04-96
|The Week in Chess No. 69, ChessBase Data
021\TWOLF.ZIP 112037 01-13-96
|Both BMP and GIF file of a MechWarrior 256
|color timberwolf class.
021\ULTDEATH.ZIP 6549 12-09-95
|HEXEN "Ultimate Way to Die" DeathMatch Level
021\UMK3.ZIP 26691 11-16-95
|Mortal Kombat 3 FAQ/Cheats/Tips.
021\UNGAME20.ZIP 173369 11-16-95
|NO GAMES AT WORK Have you ever considered
|how many employee working hours are wasted
|playing PC games? What about network
|performance degradation and wasted disk
|space? YOU could achieve substantial
|NETWORK. UNGAME can search, detect and
|optionally delete games from your network
|server's disk or from individual disks (C
|drives). The shareware version can detect
|100 different games under Windows, Windows
|95, Windows NT, OS/2 and DOS. The
|registered version can detect 3100 games
021\UNUS_11.ZIP 595964 01-24-96
|collection of sounds for Id Software's DOOM!
021\VGAMEB_2.ZIP 67254 12-23-95
|Virtual GameBoy The Portable Nintendo
|GameBoy Emulator v0.3 by Marat Fayzullin.
|MS-DOS Version Release 2
021\VGA_FAQ.ZIP 22375 01-03-96
|Maintained by Marat Fayzullin [FMS] version
|3.1b 8/22/1995
021\W2DCOMIC.ZIP 156391 12-12-95
|Warlords 2 Deluxe scenario: Comic book wars
|with characters from the comics, well done
021\W2DEATHI.ZIP 13572 01-06-96
|Warcraft 2 scenario: Death Island where you
|are the human player against a whole bunch
|of orcs
021\W2DIRLAN.ZIP 169891 01-24-96
|Irland 900 - 1,000 AD scenario for Warlords
|2 Deluxe, very detailed
021\W2DSHOG2.ZIP 292111 12-04-95
|Warlords 2 Deluxe scenario: Shogun highly
|detailed scenario of feudal Japan with all
|new graphics, ect.
021\W2D_LYON.ZIP 208388 12-12-95
|LYONESSE: The Elder Isles Warlords 2 Deluxe
|scenario based on Jack Vance Lyonesse Trilogy
021\W2D_OGRE.ZIP 124719 12-06-95
|Warlords 2 Deluxe scenario: Ogre from the
|board game
021\WAR2CHET.ZIP 30388 12-10-95
|CHEAT for WARCRAFT II: Tides of Darkness
|Version 1.0 - 12/10/95 by John S. Fowler
|Gives you 999,999 GOLD LUMBER and OIL
021\WAR2EQUL.ZIP 20216 01-25-96
|Equality scenario for Warcraft 2 game
|created without bias for either side fast
|work and decisions will pay off here
021\WAR2MAP.ZIP 19732 12-25-95
|Warcraft II Scenario Title: Lands of Glory
|and Doom Terrain: Forest, Map Size: 128 x
|128 Players: 1, Author
021\WAR2MAZE.ZIP 17895 01-24-96
|Warcraft 2 1995 game by Blizzard scenario
|Maze, one giant maze, 128 by 128 in size
021\WARC2ROB.ZIP 17735 12-28-95
|ROB scenario for Warcraft 2 game 128 by 128
|in size
021\WARCFT2.ZIP 306861 01-01-96
|PWAD for Doom or Doom2 Thanks to the sound
|editor of Warcraft and the features of
|Wintex 4.0 The sounds of Azeroth are now
|able to come to the worlds of DOOM DON'T
021\WARM15.ZIP 226775 11-29-95
|Node Builder for use with HCK Hexen Editor.
021\WC2BEYNH.ZIP 20480 01-29-96
|Beyond Herr scenario for Warcraft 2 128 by
|128 in size You must rescue two towns and
|destroy three
021\WC2SYCOE.ZIP 13419 01-29-96
|Warcraft 2 scenario: Search and Destroy with
|8 sides, not much scenery everyone for
021\WC2_TRN.ZIP 50636 12-10-95
|Grudge Presents For You Today Another wicked
|Protected Mode 16 Interactive TSR Trainer
|for WARCRAFT II Options include: Unlimited
|Gold Unlimited Lumber INCLUDES ACCESS TO
|Unlimited Oil ALL CHEAT CODES 10/12/95
021\WCHAMPCA.ZIP 85690 11-25-95
|All World Championship Games 1886-1993 Chess
021\WCHAMPCB.ZIP 94850 11-25-95
|All World Championship Games 1886-1993
021\WCHAMPNB.ZIP 60642 11-25-95
|All World Championship Games 1886-1993
|NicBase 3
021\WCHAMPPG.ZIP 174673 11-25-95
|All World Championship Games 1886-1993 PGN
021\WCH_PG.ZIP 166384 11-24-95
|World Championship Games 1886-1990, PGN
021\WCR2ED1.ZIP 26225 02-17-96
|Warcraft II Savedgame Editor V1.1 Gold /
|Holz / Oel beliebig editieren Etwas
|verbessert da Aenderungen im Savedgame ab
|Level 8 (zumindes bei mir
021\WHODUN55.ZIP 279671 12-10-95
|Who-Dunit is a mystery door that plays just
|like the board game clue Multinode, Real
|time interactive Players can send messages
|in real time and team mates can share info
|from their detective notebooks Easiest setup
|program in the world WEB
021\WHRP155C.ZIP 244524 11-20-95
|Harpoon Classic for Windows 1.55c
021\WINTEX41.ZIP 295974 11-07-95
|WINTEX 4.1 FOR WINDOWS WinTex lets you
|customise your DOOM HERETIC or HEXEN levels
|beyond what is possible with level editors.
|It lets you replace sounds, musics, and
|monster sprites, and lets you create new
|wall textures, floors and ceilings And it
|will collaborate with your level editor
021\WIZBAG.ZIP 2718 11-07-95
|Some of my finest shots on various Links 386
|pro courses. See if you can top any of these
021\WORDY370.ZIP 459113 12-03-95
|WORDY v3.70: Educational wordgame study
|system, especially for Scrabble (tm)
|players. Includes a word construction game
|as well as many utilities for creating
|custom word lists. With 99,000+ word
021\WPNEDIT.ZIP 9162 12-09-95
|Steel Panthers utility/weapon editor that
|allows the user to edit all the weapon
|characteristics Game adjunct.
021\WRESTMAN.ZIP 22583 11-24-95
|FAQ for WrestleMania: The ARCADE Game.
|Includes bugs, some codes, real names, and a
|couple other cool hints for this game!
021\WTRIDARK.ZIP 20770 02-03-96
|Warcraft 2 scenario: Trinity of Darkness
|with modified units, 128 by 128 in size
021\WWFKEYS.ZIP 3371 11-23-95
|Wrestle Mania - Favorite Maneuvers Keys FILE
021\XP152.ZIP 141872 12-26-95
|X-Wing Pro V1.52 X-Wing & Tie Fighter game
|editor Missions, Ships, Pilots, & More
|Supports Tours 1-5 & CD for X-WING Supports
|Tours 1-13 for Tie Fighter All known version
|of both Tie Fighter and X-WING are supported
021\ZEN096.ZIP 246670 11-29-95
|ZenNode 0.96: An extremely fast NODES
|builder for OS/2, DOS & Win32. Merges
|multiple WADs into a single WAD file
|Rebuilds NODES and/or BLOCKMAP for any or
|all levels in a WAD file Supports DOOM, DOOM
|II, Heretic, and HEXEN
*Genealogy Applications / References
022\71DISTS_.ZIP 11612 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - file showing the
|districts with their associated Townships,
|Towns, Wards, Counties and the associated
|microfilm numbers.
022\71DOCN.ZIP 16245 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - documentation
022\71MAPS.ZIP 304025 01-01-96
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - GIF maps for the 1871
|Electoral Districts.
022\71V3_A.ZIP 255227 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\71V3_B.ZIP 733122 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\71V3_EF.ZIP 448997 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\71V3_IK.ZIP 437189 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\71V3_NO.ZIP 237370 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\71V3_S.ZIP 712452 12-15-95
|1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households,
|Alpha VERSION THREE - letters included in
|file-name 419,000 name database extracted
|from database created by National Archives
|and OGS rearranged into alpha order. See
|71DOCN file for more info.
022\ANTRIM.ZIP 6692 11-27-95
|An index to localities in County Antrim,
022\BROWN_ST.ZIP 8317 12-08-95
|Transcription of baptisms at Brown St.
|Baptist Chapel, Salisbury (WIL, UK)
|1786-1837. Bob Henly, October 1995.
022\CAE51C01.ZIP 9435 12-08-95
|Caernarfonshire (WAL, UK) Census 1851,
|parish of Aber. J. & D. W. Hinde, 1994
022\CAMOSUN.ZIP 3387 11-27-95
|Index to Victoria (BC) High School
|matriculation class 1922.
022\CFTW107A.ZIP 496860 02-11-96
|Cumberland Family Tree for Windows v1.07
|STAR> <ASP> - Powerful easy-to-use genealogy
|program. Unique "story" reports turn dry
|data into a delightful readable form. Show
|ALL major events in a person's life: birth
|death, education, immigrations, marriages
|divorces, or other. Attach scanned photos
|Document with source notes, transcribed text
|or scanned documents. Create an Indexed
|Book with 30 different reports. Many extras
022\CUDDESDN.ZIP 4750 11-08-95
|Transcript of MIs in Cuddesdon Churchyard
|(OXF,UK). Colin Alsbury.
022\DAUNTSEY.ZIP 57238 12-08-95
|Transcription of Dauntsey (WIL, UK), Parish
|Registers, spanning the years 1653 - 1812
|for baptisms 1653 - 1812 for burials 1654 -
|1754 for marriages. Clive Henly, November
022\EZT231.ZIP 233902 01-01-96
|EZ-Tree Genealogy from MicroFox Company. A
|Family Tree Tracking and Reporting System.
|EZTnnn.ZIP contains EXE, DOC, and sample
|tree files. It has improved pedigree,
|ancestrial, and descendant print outs with
|connecting lines. Capacity of each tree has
|been greatly expanded, and you can link
|family trees together for seemless
|searching, reporting and movement through
|family members. <ASP> [ASAD] {STAR}
022\GBBS9511.ZIP 33635 11-03-95
|Genealogy BBS list for Nov. 1995.
022\GENIUS14.ZIP 440092 11-10-95
|GENIUS for Windows Version 1.4 Visually
|oriented, easy to use family tree database
|program Requires Win 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL File
|date 10 Nov 95 Release 1.40.00 Genius for
|Windows is an easy to use Windows based
|Family Tree record keeper Four generations
|of family members are displayed on the
|Family Tree screen. The display includes
|Parents, Grandparents, one Partner up to two
|Siblings, up to four children and the
|currently selected person Selecting any
|person displayed on the family tree with the
|mouse (or using the keyboard) enables you to
|then print, view or edit their information
|Printing includes Descendants Chart 10
|generations), Pedigree Chart Individuals Data
022\GIM_308.ZIP 645979 12-17-95
|provides all of the basic features of
|traditional genealogical database managers
|plus many new features not available from
|any other product. GIM is fast and
|powerful, yet intuitive and easy to learn.
|This archive contains executables and
022\GNKT200.ZIP 57179 12-07-95
|Genealogy Tool Kit V2.0.
022\HANTPRV4.ZIP 128471 12-20-95
|Phillimore's Hampshire Parish Records, Vol
|4. Transcribed by Reg Moore, Wainuiomata,
|New Zealand, December 1995. Contents:-
|burials, christenings and marriages at
|WINTON (Winchester) Cathedral and ST.
|marriages at CRONDALL.
022\IUKSLHLP.ZIP 4431 01-06-96
|Instructions on how submit your Family
|History/Genealogical research interests to
|the FidoNet Ireland & UK Surname List
022\I_MILLE.ZIP 18713 11-08-95
|Text file containing the names of the
|volunteers who landed at Marsala on May 11,
|1860 (Garibaldi's campaign in Southern
|Italy). Transcribed from "I MILLE"
|(Francesco Guardione, Libreria
|Internazionale A Reber, Palermo).
022\KK302.ZIP 414786 01-08-96
|Kith & Kin V3.02 : Windows genealogy (ASP
|Excellent shareware program for documenting
|and storing family trees. Graphic interface
|timeline, zoom, stats, relationships, etc
|Pictures, maps, diagrams, sounds, etc may be
|embedded in or linked to a person or family
|Many more new features. Win95 ready Needs
|286+, Windows 3.1+, VGA+. By SpanSoft
022\LCGS9511.ZIP 10788 12-05-95
|Lanark County (Ontario Canada) Gensoc
|Newsletter for Nov 1995.
022\METIS96.ZIP 14053 01-14-96
|Information kit on a non-profit service for
|Genealogical Research of Metis Fur-Trade)
|families in North America Includes over 1300
|family names being researched by 356
|subscribers from Canada, New Zealand and USA
022\OGSBRNCH.ZIP 106474 11-21-95
|A map of Ontario, Canada in PCX format
|showing the areas covered by each Ontario
|Genealogical Society Branch and the meeting
|site for the branch. The branches are
|typically split along county boundaries.
022\SOMNFWC1.ZIP 13597 11-08-95
|Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset (Uk), Baptisms
|1726-1812. Roy Parkhouse.
022\SOMOTTC1.ZIP 6741 12-16-95
|1752-1812; Roy Parkhouse.
022\SURN1195.ZIP 53636 11-29-95
|IGA_Net IGA_GENEALOGY Surname List for
|November 1995.
022\WRYMNWC1.ZIP 76136 12-22-95
|Baptisms at Holy Trinity, Meanwood, Leeds
|(WRY,UK) 1849-1923.
022\W_RIDING.ZIP 295665 11-08-95
|Topographical Directory of Yorkshire, Thomas
|Langdale, 1822. West Riding Section,
|transcribed by Colin Hinson. Includes the
|City of York and the Ainsty. NB: further
|copying and distribution allowed for
|noncommercial purposes only
*Graphics & Drawing Programs
023\3DEM21.ZIP 287510 01-20-96
|traced landscape scenes from USGS Digital
|Elevation Model (DEM) files, NASA Mars
|Digital Topographic Map (DTM) files, or any
|topographic data file which is organized by
|rows and columns of elevation data. 3-DEM
|can produce color three dimensional
|projections or red-blue projections which
|require the use of red-blue 3D glasses for
|viewing. Completed scenes can be saved as
|Windows 95 bitmaps for transfer to other
023\3DENVMAP.ZIP 125362 11-05-95
|PLG Models Real Time Renderer. Environment
|mapped gouraud shaded polygons. Produces
|35000 polys/sec on a 486DX-100MHz and a
|Local Bus VGA Coded by Thanassis Tsiodras
023\DOCU4A15.ZIP 420855 01-14-96
|Docuthek Document Imaging v1.50 <ASP
|Comprehensive document imaging system for
|MS-Access. Business and personal use
|Industry-standard format and compression
|TIFF, DCX, GIF, JPEG and other formats
|Multiple pages. Easy to use, intuitive
|powerful SQL-based query method. AutoText
|Requires VBRUN300
023\DOCUDX15.ZIP 909302 01-15-96
|Infothek Docudex v1.5 Dec-1-95 <ASP Document
|imaging system and image catalog for
|business and personal use.
|Industry-standard format and compression.
|TIFF, DCX, GIF, JPEG and other formats.
|Multiple pages. Fixed database with 5
|keyword fields, drawer,folder and date
|fields. (For document imaging system with
|complete relational database, use the
|Infothek Docuthek system.) SWREG # 8275
|Requires VBRUN300.DLL
023\DOCUTK15.ZIP 957861 01-15-96
|Docuthek Document Imaging v1.50 <ASP
|Comprehensive document imaging system for
|business and personal use.
|Industry-standard format and compression.
|TIFF, DCX, GIF, JPEG and other formats.
|Multiple pages. Popular relational database
|engine. Easy to use intuitive, powerful
|SQL-based query method AutoText. Scan
|documents with fax or scanner Requires
023\DOCVU12.ZIP 280347 01-24-96
|Infothek DocView v1.2 <ASP>. Image viewer
|for document imaging systems Easy
|integration with virtually any database TIFF
|format and compression. Many other graphics
|formats are also supported DocView features
|multipble image displays multi-page
|functions. Single file or bulk format
|conversions. Rotation, inversion
|magnification, etc. $59 per user Requires
023\FIXIM25.ZIP 52901 12-18-95
|Fix Image 2.5 .GIF & .JPG image fixer. Ever
|get a JPG or GIF image file from a Mac BBS
|and find C-show or most any other image
|viewing software will not reconize it? Run
|this. This PC image utility will fix it up
|in a jiffy! Works with single files or
|whole directorys. Seeks out and fixes only
|corrupt images in a directory full of mixed
023\GFXCK120.ZIP 64629 01-15-96
|GFXCheck v1.20 - Graphics file checking
|utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
|graphics files. Great for sysops who
|receive graphic files via uploads or other
|means. Detects corrupt, incomplete or
|invalid image files, dispositions files
|based upon image characteristics, trims
|extraneous bytes, updates BBS descriptions
|and inserts GIF and JPEG comments. Includes
|both DOS and OS/2 executables. Now with
|support for BMP!
023\GFXCK121.ZIP 64936 01-30-96
|GFXCheck v1.21 - Graphics file checking
|utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
|graphics files. Great for sysops who
|receive graphic files via uploads or other
|means. Detects corrupt, incomplete or
|invalid image files, dispositions files
|based upon image characteristics, trims
|extraneous bytes, updates BBS descriptions
|and inserts GIF and JPEG comments. Includes
|both DOS and OS/2 executables.
023\GPAINT10.ZIP 240842 01-01-96
|GILBOAPAINT 1.0 Goerge Steeves, Programming
|Services, Box 111 Gilboa, NY 12076 256 color
|SVGA paint program for .PCX images, photo
|retouching, does not alter palette or
|dimensions of images.
023\GPHMN1_5.ZIP 194717 01-07-96
|v1.5) Graphic Manager Plus - allows for
|management of bitmap, metafile, icon and run
|length encoded (rle) graphic files Extract
|icons from executables and dll's Load an
|entire directory of different images of
|varying sizes then review, edit or remove
|selected ones. Shareware (US$ 15.95
023\GRVIEW15.ZIP 178519 11-05-95
|Graphics View v1.50 - Graphics viewer views
|BMP/GIF/JPG and many other formats.
|Includes a slideshow feature that allows you
|to define by file or directory the files to
|be viewed. Supports drag and drop from the
|file manager.
023\GRVIEW16.ZIP 179354 12-17-95
|Graphics View 1.60 Graphics viewer will view
|BMP/GIF/JPG and many other formats, it
|includes a slideshow feature that allows you
|to define by file or by directory the files
|to be viewed, it also supports drag and drop
|from filemanager
023\GTW95195.ZIP 671355 12-28-95
|Diamond gt drivers 2.00.195 stealth series.
023\GTW95203.ZIP 894868 01-16-96
|Diamond stealth 64 4.02.203 beta win 95
|drivers. 1.16.96 release
023\HOTKEY21.ZIP 221471 12-17-95
|HOTKEY v2.1: Editor of PCX images
023\I2BPRO.ZIP 99822 11-29-95
|Icon 2 Bmp Pro - Converts icons! 3 sizes!
|Choose From 16x16, 22x24, and 32x32!
|Outputs 1 at a time by double clicking, or
|does the whole directory with 1 click!
|Shareware $10 - Disk And Desk Inc.
023\ICCAPT11.ZIP 242071 11-04-95
|IconCapturer v1.1 icon manipulation
|management utility.
023\IV16110.ZIP 360551 01-04-96
|ImgViewer/16 Graphics Viewer v1.1 <ASP
|Windows Viewer for GIF and JPG. Easy to use
|viewer with quick zoom and simple editing
|without the overhead of paint and cataloging
|programs. Full program, with 60-day time
|limit on usage. Req VBRUN300.DLL
023\MAGPS300.ZIP 47300 11-13-95
|PICTOPS (PICture TO PostScript file) v3.00
|converts image files to COLOR, GRAY and B&W
|PostScript file format. Supports BMP GIF
|Level 1 and 2.
023\MYVWER17.ZIP 274586 11-12-95
|My Picture Viewer v1.7: fully featured
|MS-Windows (and 95) graphics viewer that
|supports BMP, DCX, EPS, JPG, GIF, IMG, TIF,
|PCX, TIF, TGA, WMF, WPG, etc. reqs vbrun300
023\NEOPNT32.ZIP 612577 11-01-95
|NeoPaint 3.2 - A complete image
|editing/paint program for DOS! Includes
|powerful features and naturalistic tools
|(such as oil and water colors) usually found
|only in more costly apps. Resolutions up to
|24-bit. Supports PCX, TIFF, BMP, GIF
|formats. SIA Awards runner-up,
|Ziff-Davis/PC Mag. s/w awards finalist
|1994. Drivers for 300+ printers. Easy to
|use. Reqs: DOS 3.1+; 640K+; Hard disk;
|mouse; Herc.mono, EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics card
|& monitor.
023\PEANUTS2.ZIP 8905 02-17-96
|Peanuts Gang icons for Printmaster
023\PIC260.ZIP 158936 11-23-95
|Picture View v2.60 - PIC View will allow you
|to scan directories for windows picture
|files /bmp/icon/wmf. Display 40 in an
|enlarged format and select from the display
|to move, copy, delete.
023\PL35C.ZIP 140314 01-19-96
|PRINTLORD is a shareware banner making
|software, that enables the user to make
|special banners with the help of her/her
|printer. PRINTLORD is unique in the fact
|that a large collection of icons can be
|intermixed with text to create a long
|banner. PRINTLORD is clone after
|Printmaster in the aspect of banner making
|but is easier on the printer ribbon. This
|latest version is easy to use Epson printer,
|CGA+ required. Shareware
023\POSTER23.ZIP 160940 01-20-96
|Win util makes posters/signs/banners
023\PSP31_32.ZIP 1502460 11-15-95
|Upgrade for registered PSP3.11/win3.1 to PSP
|for Windows 95 Paint Shop Pro
023\QPV17C.ZIP 517300 01-06-96
|QPV/386 1.7c, the famous grafx viewer,
|incredibly fast!, with unique preview
|feature (nearly realtime), mouse panning etc
|it supports VGA and many SVGAs including
|VESA), requires 386 or better. JPG TGA GIF
|January bug" has been fixed
023\QV103.ZIP 57237 11-30-95
|QuickView V1.03 DOS based Mulimedia Viewer
|including AVI with sound! Also supports
|and more. QuickView is very fast, perhaps
|the fastest viewer for IBM & compatibles.
|Includes documentation in English and German.
023\RIPSPY.ZIP 121422 12-17-95
|RIPspy 1.01: probably the most comprehensive
|RIPscrip file viewer around! Has support
|for many RIP commands that other viewers
|don't Latest update adds support for WWIV
|codes and corrects a few minor bugs
023\SGRAB170.ZIP 109712 11-23-95
|Screen Grab 1.70 Screen Grabber will allow
|you to capture any area of the screen and
|then call paintbrush to edit/modify,
|maintains a directory for BMP files Requires
023\TGAPAK03.ZIP 354137 01-27-96
|TGA Gif Artist's - low-res but high-quality,
|especially if you like somewhat sinister or
|macabre designs. 98
023\VUEPRI43.ZIP 325225 12-08-95
|VuePrint v4.3 - Fast JPEG/GIF Viewer for
|Windows. VuePrint is a fast Windows
|JPEG/GIF viewer which can: view & save 6
|file types GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA, JPG, TIF);
|copy/paste images and image comments;
|install a screen saver (formerly VueSav);
|read/write uuencoded files; display multiple
|images in a window display 24-bit images on
|a 256-color display use 12 effects for
|repainting screen. Req Windows 3.1 and
|386+. Windows installation executable.
|Shareware by Ed Hamrick
023\VUEPRO44.ZIP 304967 02-17-96
|VuePrint Pro 32-bit 4.4 Cool graphics app
|that also supports graphics and video. Win95
023\VUESETUP.ZIP 1012849 11-02-95
|Vistavue v2.2 multiformat graphics viewer.
023\VUGRAF13.ZIP 283333 01-13-96
|VuGrafix v1.3 Image Viewer (9-Dec-95) <ASP
|View, convert, print and file graphics
|Support for BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, IMG, WPG
|WMF, DCX, PCX, EPS file formats. Thumbnails
|color adjustments, copy and paste, multiple
|images on the screen. SWREG# 7675 Requires
023\VUSTP30A.ZIP 1256610 12-26-95
|Vista view graphics viewer ver 3.0a windows.
023\WINCPY13.ZIP 214780 11-24-95
|WinCopy v1.3 Screen Capture (Nov-24-95) <ASP
|Easy to use screen capture program creates
|BMP, GIF and TIFF files. Print Tiff
|Compression Group 4
023\WJT_C03.ZIP 102537 12-12-95
|WILDHARE JPEG Tester v0.3 This is the DOS
|command line version of the WILDHARE JPEG
|tester. Use it to test your jpegs before
|you upload! Now supports WLICARDS!
*Ham Radio Programs & References
024\APRS74E.ZIP 1132665 12-10-95
|Automatic Packet Reporting System version
|74.E for Amateur (HAM) radio use. This is
|the complete package, not just an upgrade
|from a previous version.
024\ARN_0296.ZIP 60663 02-01-96
|AmateurRadio Net(sm February 1996
|Information Pack If you have any users
|interested in Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners
|or Citizen Band this is the net for you We
|cover these topics and more QWK & FTS(FIDO)
|distributions avail Currently echoing in
|North America and Europe
024\FFTSCAN1.ZIP 49212 12-17-95
|Hams: Sound-Blaster FFT Morse code decoder
024\HCALL36.ZIP 142173 01-05-96
|HamCall Lookup program v3.6 by Carl Tice (WC
|4.1x .wcx) Amatuer Radio Call-Sign Look-up
|Program for HAMCALL by BuckMaster
024\RAMDIODE.ZIP 20083 11-05-95
|Ham radio-ramsey ramdiode fm transceiver
|diode for use by hams. Reqs Windows/vbrun300
*Hard Disk & Floppy Utilities
025\4X6XV1_2.ZIP 21210 12-04-95
|IDEInst Utility affords greater control over
|installing 4x or 6x CD-ROM drives for
|existing WARP 3.0 installation.
|VROBJ.DLL.ZIP VXRexx Runtime Required.
025\CONSPECS.ZIP 8163 11-23-95
|Full specs on conner's ide hard drives
025\DCF51.ZIP 110303 12-20-95
|DISK COPY FAST v5.1 : Powerful 1-pass
|diskette duplication utility. VERY fast.
|Support DMF, XDF, selected FDFORMAT, 800KB,
|MAC HD and standard formats. Support PS/2.
|Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for
|backup or multiple target; Mouse support;
|Format diskcopy diskcomp all in 1 pass; Use
|extended memory; Image file; On-line help;
025\DIMAG185.ZIP 311864 12-17-95
|Disk Image 1.85 Disk image will display and
|print a graph of your disk space
|utilization, by directory or extension.
025\DIMAGE18.ZIP 310533 11-27-95
|Disk Image 1.80 Disk image will display and
|print a graph of your disk space
|utilization, by directory or extension.
025\DISKE291.ZIP 89544 11-19-95
|DISKED v2.9.1-The DISK EDitor. Sector level
|disk editor. Recover lost data; edit files
|at the sector level; edit BOOT sector; etc.
|Full C source code available through CUG
|volume #406B or Prozac BBS: 508-540-9711.
025\DSTAT103.ZIP 26641 11-06-95
|Displays information about your disk drives.
|Report: Volume, filesystem, local/remote,
|tot size, free, usage. Version 1.03.
025\FIPS15.ZIP 121068 11-22-95
|Fips v1.5 - nondestructive repartition
|utilities. dir 49
025\FLMAS350.ZIP 114356 12-17-95
|Floppy Master 3.5 - January 1995 THE NEXT
|GENERATION Small but efficient floppy disk
|utility program. It keeps all your floppy
|disk data in one place. Added virtual
|memory archive browsing, file comments,
|config program, registration keys and MUCH
|more Made in Slovenia Shareware 10 USD
025\HDACC168.ZIP 96668 12-17-95
|The HardDisk Accomplice V. 1.67 Disk Cache
|Support 43/50 line text modes for the
|EGA/VGA Video cards Mouse Control Added
|security of Password protection An online
|Help facility Features a configurable Screen
025\HDCP10.ZIP 42705 02-01-96
|HARD DISK COPY v1.0 : Hard disk sector copy/
|backup utility. Ideal for Win95 backup or
|duplicating same configuration on multiple
|systems. Very fast. Has fast mode that
|copy only the portion of HD with active
|data. Backup to and restore from image
|files. Command line or menu driven. Mouse
025\MRACE321.ZIP 68851 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade for ACER AP5C
025\MRASU321.ZIP 72453 11-20-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade ASUS PCI P54TP4/TP4XE
025\MREDO321.ZIP 72456 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade EDOM MP058 revB
025\MREND321.ZIP 70893 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade for Intel Endeavor
025\MRSUP321.ZIP 70366 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade SuperMicro P55CM
025\MRTEC321.ZIP 71879 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade MB-8500TEC ver 2
025\MRTMC321.ZIP 69210 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade TMC PCI-54IT
025\MRTY1321.ZIP 72183 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade Tyan S1461 thru S1466
025\MRTY2321.ZIP 68966 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade Tyan S1468
025\MRZAP321.ZIP 70018 11-18-95
|MR BIOS flash upgrade for Intel Zappa
025\PARTITV1.ZIP 165029 01-08-96
|Partit: The Partition Cluster Analyz~R
|analyzes your current stored files and
|provides you with critical information to
|help evaluate how your hard disks might be
|partitioned to minimize disk waste
025\SMARTM10.ZIP 6067 12-21-95
|SMARTMEM resizes SmartDrive 4.0 - 5.0 cache
|memory without having to reboot ! Ideal for
|large DOS games. Boosts free XMS/EMS memory
|for applications which would otherwise need
|a "clean" boot. Freeware by Erik de Neve
025\SPACE285.ZIP 162969 12-02-95
|Space Manager v2.85 - Space manager will
|search your disk for wasted space taken up
|by duplicate DLL files or any you specify.
|Provides an anaysis report as well as a
|detailed report of space used. Drop to
|archive or delete
025\USAGE30.ZIP 39758 12-15-95
|This is the newest version of the Disk Usage
|Meter by J.B. Langston (3.0). It
|calculates the percent of disk space used on
|your disk drive and reports the results in a
|bar graph.
025\VGACP62I.ZIP 246395 01-18-96
|VGA-COPY/386", v6.20 (international
|release), one of the most popular and
|fastest shareware utilities to copy and
|format disks. Made in Germany Fancy
|graphics and shocking dingdongs via
|Speaker/Soundblaster/Ultrasound Supporting
|new Microsoft DMF-disks most used anti virus
|software like F-Prot or McAfee and the
|packer ARJ Internal full heuristic
|bootsector checking against viruses. Can
|store and load diskimages to your harddisk
|Now with complete manual in english language
|and easy credit card order Requires at least
|'386, 4 MB, Mouse
025\WD221.ZIP 328348 01-20-96
|WinDupe v2.21 Windows Disk Duplicator High
|performance diskette duplicator for Windows
|3.1+ featuring single pass operation,
|copy/format/compare diskette image files,
|smart loading format translation, DMF
|support and much more. Extensive built in
|help, color toolbar, tooltips, status bar
|with prompts, plus lots more Very powerful
|and easy to use
*Health & Medical Applications / References
026\AD951103.ZIP 5080 11-03-95
|Aids Daily Summary #95-1103 (11/03/95).
026\AD951107.ZIP 3703 11-07-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1107 (11/07/95).
026\AD951108.ZIP 5426 11-08-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1108 (11/08/95).
026\AD951109.ZIP 4431 11-09-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1109 (11/09/95).
026\AD951114.ZIP 4622 11-14-95
|Aids Daily Summary #95-1114 (11/14/95).
026\AD951115.ZIP 5077 11-15-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1115 (11/15/95).
026\AD951116.ZIP 3810 11-16-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1116 (11/16/95).
026\AD951117.ZIP 4583 11-17-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1117 (11/17/95).
026\AD951120.ZIP 5207 11-20-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1120 (11/20/95).
026\AD951121.ZIP 4509 11-21-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1121 (11/21/95).
026\AD951122.ZIP 5392 11-22-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1122 (11/22/95).
026\AD951128.ZIP 6204 11-28-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1128 (11/28/95).
026\AD951129.ZIP 3843 11-29-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1129 (11/29/95).
026\AD951130.ZIP 4941 11-30-95
|Aids Daily Summary #95-1130 (11/30/95).
026\AD951201.ZIP 4595 12-01-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1201 (12/01/95).
026\AD951204.ZIP 5434 12-04-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1204 (12/04/95).
026\AD951205.ZIP 5070 12-05-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1205 (12/05/95).
026\AD951206.ZIP 4108 12-06-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1206 (12/06/95).
026\AD951207.ZIP 5799 12-07-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1207 (12/07/95).
026\AD951208.ZIP 5519 12-08-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1208 (12/08/95).
026\AD951212.ZIP 5160 12-12-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1212 (12/12/95).
026\AD951213.ZIP 5366 12-13-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1213 (12/13/95).
026\AD951214.ZIP 4985 12-14-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1214 (12/14/95).
026\AD951215.ZIP 5232 12-15-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1215 (12/15/95).
026\AD951220.ZIP 5807 12-20-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1220 (12/20/95).
026\AD951221.ZIP 5678 12-21-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1221 (12/21/95).
026\AD951222.ZIP 5562 12-22-95
|Aids Daily Summary #95-1222 (12/22/95).
026\AD951227.ZIP 5785 12-27-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1227 (12/27/95).
026\AD951228.ZIP 5633 12-28-95
|AIDS Daily Summary #95-1228 (12/28/95).
026\AD951229.ZIP 6149 12-29-95
|Aids Daily Summary #95-1229 (12/29/95).
026\AD960102.ZIP 4778 01-02-96
|AIDS Daily Summary #96-0102 (01/02/96).
026\AD960103.ZIP 5669 01-03-96
|AIDS Daily Summary #96-0103 (01/03/96).
026\AD960201.ZIP 5607 02-01-96
|Aids Daily Summary #96-0201
026\AD960202.ZIP 5191 02-02-96
|Aids Daily Summary #96-0202
026\AD960205.ZIP 5601 02-05-96
|Aids Daily Summary #96-0205
026\AD960206.ZIP 5135 02-06-96
|Aids Daily Summary #96-0206
026\AD960207.ZIP 4875 02-07-96
|AIDS Daily Summary #96-0207
026\ADHDNIH.ZIP 30598 01-12-96
|Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
|Decade Of The Brain. Text from the National
|Institute for Mental Health.
026\ADSMBOOT.ZIP 7381 01-08-96
|Warp Connect - ADSM 1.2.7 Disaster Recovery
|Disks. This cmd file will create the
|necessary disks to boot OS/2 with TCPIP
|loaded and ADSM command line functionality.
026\ANS130.ZIP 12296 12-28-95
|Vamc Aids News Service No. 130 (12/29/95).
026\ANS132.ZIP 4857 01-18-96
|VAMC AIDS News Service No. 132 (01/17/96).
026\ANS133.ZIP 16786 01-26-96
|VAMC AIDS News Service No. 133 (01/26/96).
026\ATN238.ZIP 17052 01-04-96
|AIDS Treatment News No. 238 (01/04/96).
026\ATN239.ZIP 17247 01-20-96
|AIDS Treatment News No. 239 (01/19/96).
026\ATN240.ZIP 17376 02-08-96
|Aids Treatment News No. 240 2.8.96
026\CATF58.ZIP 18235 12-07-95
|CATIE TraitementSida58-7(4) Apr 1995 Medical
026\DEPRESS.ZIP 56134 12-08-95
|This is a practice guidline put forth by the
|American Psychological Association for the
|diagnosing and treatment modalities of
|depressive illness, 1994.
026\DFAN9512.ZIP 7897 01-22-96
|Diabetic Friends Action Network (DFAN Online
|Diabetes Newsletter - December 1995
026\DFAN9601.ZIP 7972 01-22-96
|Diabetic Friends Action Network (DFAN Online
|Diabetes Newsletter - January 1996
026\DGFA1995.ZIP 20985 01-21-96
|1995 U.S Department of Agriculture / U.S.
|Department of Health and Human Services
026\DRUGBASE.ZIP 260189 12-06-95
|Drug database. Included is comma delimited
|ASCII, and dbase IV format files. Contains
|somewhere between 4-5000 drugs, including
|many different strengths and dosage forms
026\DTSDOC10.ZIP 10721 11-18-95
|Manual for file DTS-V10.ZIP; $15 ShareWare.
|Diabetes Tracking System v1.0: James E.
026\DTS_V10.ZIP 229481 11-08-95
|Diabetes Tracking System v1.0: with a menu.
|Post and print diabetes logbook information.
|Maintains one full year of data on a cyclic
|basis. ShareWare, $15.00 registration fee.
026\DTS_V11A.ZIP 236407 12-23-95
|Diabetes Tracking System Information ver 1.1
|Maintains full year of data on a cyclic basis
026\FDA_9512.ZIP 49861 11-30-95
|FDA Consumer magazine -- VOL. 29 NO. 10
|DECEMBER 1995) Features: How FDA Works to
|Ensure Vaccine Safety; Concern About AIDS in
|Minority Communities; Botulinum Toxin: A
|Poison That Can Heal; Fingernails: Looking
|Good While Playing Safe; How Much Do You
|Know About FDA
026\GMHI0912.ZIP 21922 12-27-95
|GMHC Treatment Issues 9(12) - December 1995.
|Gay Men's Health Crisis publication
026\IMMR0196.ZIP 194331 12-31-95
|Monthly review of recent medical news
026\IMMR0296.ZIP 174661 02-01-96
|Monthly review of recent medical news
026\IMMR1195.ZIP 180516 11-30-95
|Monthly review of recent medical news
026\IMMR1295.ZIP 170113 12-14-95
|Monthly review of recent medical news
026\MDIVE3.ZIP 26964 12-19-95
|Cardiovascular risk assessment Program
|predicts the risk of various cardiovascular
|events (heart attack stroke, coronary heart
|disease) based on the risk factors in an
|individual (age sex, smoking history,
|fasting blood sugar serum cholesterol and
|HDL, and electrocardiogram). The model is
|based on Anderson KM, Odell PM, Wilson PWF,
|Kannel WB Cardiovascular disease risk
|profiles Am Heart J. 121:293-8, 1991.
|Program shows how exercise stress testing
|affects probabilities Christopher T.
|Leffler, M.D ctleffler@aol.com
026\MEDBILLS.ZIP 9639 01-14-96
|The Medical Bill Analyst Shareware program
|that tracks your medical bills, insurance
|payments and your payments. For Windows.
026\MEDHERB2.ZIP 227802 01-21-96
|Illustrated Medical Herbal Encyclopedia v1.8
|All the medical herbal knowledge you need at
|your fingertips! Full color illustrations
|detail descriptions, match herbs to ailments
|Registered version comes with 200+ Wholesale
|Herb Sources to save up to 80% on all herbal
026\NASA1201.ZIP 4458 12-12-95
|Nasa news, 12-01 galileo update.
026\NGAHD43.ZIP 811085 12-10-95
|NutriGenie American Heart Diet for Windows
|winner of Home PC Top 100 Products of the
|http://pages.prodigy.com/CA/nutrigenie Based
|on U.S. Surgeon General's dietary
|guidelines for lowering cholesterol,
|avoiding obesity and reducing heart disease
|risk. Has unique & sophisticated tools:
|menu generator food pyramid and RDA
|analyses, weight control planner,
|cholesterol profiler, BMI calculator, blood
|pressure tracker, etc
026\NGLHBP44.ZIP 841860 01-10-96
|NutriGenie Lower High Blood Pressure Windows
|winner of Home PC Top 100 Products of the
|Non-drug approach for lowering blood
|pressure Sophisticated technology can
|generate meals based on ADA food exchanges &
|foods of your choice. Analysis of K Factor,
|RDA, sodium potassium, etc. Tools for total
|management of hypertension: weight planner,
|cholesterol profiler, blood pressure
|tracker, BMI, etc
*Internet / World Wide Web (WWW)
027\0204T2A1.ZIP 591706 01-01-96
|=< TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.04a, file 1 of 4 >=
|*FREE* DOS comms. program with multiple
|task- windows (great w. Warp/Windows)
|Internet/ISDN speeds up to 115,200 bps while
|using integral QWK'em mail reader, File or
|ftp Navigators or its TETRIS game or a
|CD-ROM. RIPscrip & Fido! Powerful
|REXX-like Script Language. SmartPad,
|MouseMenu(TM). Comprehensive Fax Manager
|and cost management incl. Long Distance
|Carriers, Zmodem, Compuserve B+, Kermit and
027\0204T2A2.ZIP 608894 01-01-96
|=< TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.04a, file 2 of 4 >=
|NEW: leech the Internet w. our ftp
|Navigator! Communications Server handles
|Ansaphone, Fax, Fido Mailer OR Data calls to
|IEMSI /ANSI Host on single line with
|RingWatcher(tm) if you've an adaptive answer
|modem! Xlation, Keyboard & Faxfont
|editor(inc. cyrillic,arabic) Use SVGA
|modes. ISDN, Fossil, Networks, Hydra,
|Prestel ZIP viewing. 8086 vers (80286+code:
|0204T2A6) BOTH files 1 & 2 are needed for
027\0204T2A3.ZIP 239119 01-01-96
|=< TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.04a, file 3 of 4 >=
|RIPscrip(TM)1.54 graphics in the Terminal
|AND the QWK'em Offline MailReader AND
|Prestel AND ZIP.EXE means this is the most
|complete comms program available. If you've
|never tried full colour online graphics,
|point&click interface and autolearn
|scripting - then download this! Automatic
|option with more than 500 modems to pick
|from makes installation simple. This 3rd
|file of 4 is optional for a full installation
027\0204T2A4.ZIP 642869 01-01-96
|=< TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.04a, file 4 of 4 >=
|Better Help file & lots of complementary 3rd
|party programs make T2 the most
|comprehensive communication suite available.
|SAM'ed, a Fido (tm) and SQUISH (tm)
|compatible Tosser/Editor /Scanner/Reader
|included for free use by kind consent of
|QWK'em's author. Sponsors' files will
|unpack to give a new phonebook and extra
|files in ..\SPONSOR\ directory. Last
|optional archive completes TERMINATOR 2
027\0204T2A6.ZIP 713520 01-01-96
|=<v2.04a TERMINATOR 2, 286 code optimised>=
|Has *only* T2.EXE and T2.OVR files compiled
|for 80286 & better processors replacing
|those two files generated by a generic
|installation of the great *FREE*
|communications program w. multiple
|task-windows (great w. Warp/Windows)
|Internet/ ISDN speeds up to 115,200 bps
|while using integral QWK'em mail reader,
|File Navig -ator, CD-ROM. RIPscrip & Fido!
|Powerful REXX -like Script Language.
027\ABW10B8.ZIP 467659 12-04-95
|Afterburner Ver 1.0b8 The Macromedia Plugin
|for Netscape 2.0 compression utility. This
|program allows you to compress Director
|files for use in your WWW page with Shockwave
027\ACTIVES.ZIP 28133 01-10-96
|Active Newsgroup List From Planet Connect. 7
027\AM_IB44.ZIP 382822 01-08-96
|INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC MS Windows 3.1). Whether you are an
|Internet experienced user or just a beginner
|Internet Book is for you. It gives you an
|easy way to gather information about all the
|Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages,
|Gophers Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail
|Addresses and News Groups. All your
|information about the Internet can now be
|stored at one place and easily retrieved
027\AOLNT.ZIP 6955 12-02-95
|Three test files tell how to use Netscape
|Navigator with Windows 3.1x and Windows 95.
|And with TCP/IP communications format within
|America On Line.
027\ARIADNA2.ZIP 1097966 12-20-95
|Ariadna is a full-featured world wide web
|browser for the Window 95 and Window NT
027\BICWIZ10.ZIP 274517 01-20-96
|BIC Wiz 1.0 Background Image Catalog Wizard
|Using the familiar Windows' wizard motif
|this app generates HTML image catalogs for
|web page developers. Requires VB40032.DLL
027\BKMKNTRO.ZIP 31298 02-03-96
|Bookmark2 v1.2 Intro for Netscape Navigator
|Whether you are just getting started, or
|have been cruising the Net for some time,
|this file will save you the hassle of
|typing, and give you HUNDREDS of places to
|go on the Net Immediately! (Just let
|Navigator know the file's location
027\CCM303.ZIP 828659 12-17-95
|Win95. A utility to help keep track of
|connect time to various services. Allows
|multiple services automatic start, and many
|other features. Perhaps the best feature is
|that it is FreeWare
027\CF1614F6.ZIP 261893 12-14-95
|CuteFTP v1.4 6: 16-bit MS-Windows FTP client
|designed to simplify remote file xfers via
|Internet; intuitive modern-style interface.
027\CF1614F7.ZIP 263453 01-10-96
|CUTEFTP WIN 3.x 16-bit Internet FTP file
|transfer utility. Widely hailed as one of
|the best. Also comes in 32-bit mode
027\COMPU28.ZIP 17273 12-17-95
|CompuNotes, Issue #28, Weekly News, Reviews
|and Interviews. Includes the cool Web Site
|and FTP File of the week! A must reading We
|Review Sidekick95, Activision's CDROM
|Adventure and Norton Navigator! We also
|have the Lawyer's Web Site and SWAPIRQ
027\COMPU33.ZIP 14324 01-20-96
|CompuNotes, Issue #33, Weekly News, Reviews
|and Interviews. Includes the cool Web Site
|and FTP File of the week! Reviews of
|MechWarrior II Expansion Pack and Go Figure
|News about RIP-II and Novell's Plan to
|Discount NSEPRO! ComputerWorld debuts a web
027\COMPU34.ZIP 17924 01-27-96
|CompuNotes, Issue #34, Weekly News, Reviews
|and Interviews. Includes the cool Web Site
|and FTP File of the week! A must reading
|Buy My New Booklet, Please <grin>. Reviews
|of Escape with your Life and Discovery's
|Ocean Planet. News about Apple and Sun
027\CTERP10.ZIP 409555 12-30-95
|CyberTerp v1.0 is an easy to use CGI engine
|for Web servers that support the WINCGI
|interface. HyperAct, Inc.
027\CWEBV02.ZIP 685346 12-13-95
|Clearweb is A Tool Which Allows You to
|Create And Manage Internet Address Lists.
027\DDJ0296.ZIP 177578 01-02-96
|Dr Dobbs Journal - INternet/WEB sources 2/96
027\DGRAB3.ZIP 441038 12-21-95
|Grab-A-Site 0.9 beta Win95. Build local
|libraries of info off the Web. This app
|goes online and downloads Web pages to your
|computer, translating the links and
|references to local referneces
027\DRBOB501.ZIP 23616 12-01-95
|Accessing The Internet by E-Mail. Doctor
|Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access V5.01.
027\DUNCE132.ZIP 35965 12-13-95
|Dunce (Dial-Up Networking Connection
|Enhancement) v. 1.3.2 allows you to connect
|to a Dial-Up Network with much greater ease
|It will automatically press connect for you
|on the Connect To dialog box a very annoying
|feature the Microsoft Dunce's left in. It
|will also make the redial actually work,
|unfortunatly Dial-Up Networking will only
|redial 100 times if you start it manually
|and it won't redial at all if you start it
|from inside a program. Dunce also supports
|an auto-reconnect feature so if you get
|booted you'll get right back on Another
|oversight of DUN was the lack of a run
|command in the scripting language, Dunce
|allows you to run a program on the display
027\EPDIST3T.ZIP 19441 02-03-96
|TEXT: EPDistrib E-Zine Volume 3 Ed.1
|Includes: "Mom's Surfing the Net," a pick of
|some world-wide-web sites; "Tips Tricks,"
|helping you get more use out of the Win95
|taskbar, plus: A list of Excel Progs
|shareware, distribution sites includes
|several bbs's directly accessible via the
|internet as well as other great dial-up
|boards), and more. This is the text file
|version. Edited by Andrew Malek of Excel
|Progs http://idibbs.com/excel/ep.htm
027\ESIG1_0.ZIP 9067 01-05-96
|v1.0) ESig - E-Mail/Signature/Eudora ESig is
|designed to change signature files for most
|Internet e-mail software ESig is small and
|fast. A sample signature file is included
|ShareWare $5.00 (US EMail: dbs@micron.net
027\FINL10B1.ZIP 500529 12-12-95
|FIGleaf Inline Plug-in for Netscape 2.0
|allows viewing many popular vector and
|raster graphic formats. Windows NT or
|Windows 95
027\FINL10B2.ZIP 1291042 02-15-96
|FIGleaf Inline Plug-in for Netscape 1.0 Beta
|2 Supports inline viewing, zooming, and
|panning of a wide variety of popular vector
|and raster graphics. Win95
027\FTDAY.ZIP 1394412 11-30-95
|Off-line training for Windows Internet
|no-punches-pulled, down and dirty help with
|the information and skills needed to become
|competent and confident with Windows
|Internet in the shortest possible time
|Covers essential skills needed for Internet
|tasks, software requirements, shopping for a
|provider, making sure your computer is
|internet-fit. We don't say "dummies" here
|Shareware Day Excursion version, far too
|deep to describe here
027\FTP11_95.ZIP 408451 11-30-95
|Ascii list of anonymous ftp sites dated 11-3.
027\FTP4W24B.ZIP 168659 12-01-95
|Ftp4w (v2.4b) - A complete FTP Client in DLL
|The Ftp4w Library provides a client side
|interface for FTP. As a client, it logs
|into the server, looks for files, downloads
|or uploads, logs out and much more. The
|APIs can be called by any development system
|that allows access to external DLLs. This
|package contains both 16 bits and 32 bits
|DLLs. Free
027\FTPIC20.ZIP 803072 12-18-95
|Ftp icon connction (ftpic) v2.0.
027\FTPLIS10.ZIP 60528 01-14-96
|Ftplist is a windows help file containing
|listing of Anonomous FTP Sites. rel 1/96
027\FTPMGD31.ZIP 42923 02-05-96
|FTP Manager v3.1, front-end interface to
|IBM's OS/2 FTP-PM. Adds power, flexibility
027\FTPMGR10.ZIP 24372 12-31-95
|FTP Manager v1.0: designed to work w/IBM's
|FTP-PM app for OS/2 it will activate FTP-PM
027\FTPMON10.ZIP 86257 01-29-96
|Ftpmon 1.0 Scans Remote Ftp Directory For
|New Files.
027\GAMEZONE.ZIP 1479892 12-19-95
|Client for playing Hearts, Bridge, And Chess
|while logged onto the internet.
027\GETURL.ZIP 128374 12-04-95
|GetURL (1.0 OS/2 program for retrieving URL-
|specified files from the Internet. Supports
|HTTP FTP, NNTP, GOPHER, and Local File
|Transfers Shareware ($30.00 U.S Decker
027\HDOGPRO2.ZIP 1880200 12-21-95
|HotDog Pro v2.0, one of the best HTML around
|Supports HTML 3.0, syntax check, check spell
|ing, www browser preview, template, More
|This program is for Windows 3.1 or above
|works under win95, required vbrun300.dll
027\HOWAMOR.ZIP 52752 12-19-95
|Lotus 2.4 amortization files.
027\HTML1195.ZIP 130165 12-01-95
|OS/2 Zone Ezine in HTML Format Nov 95
027\HTMLBU11.ZIP 17004 11-27-95
|HTML Buster v1.1: pgm to convert an HTML
|formatted document to "pure" ASCII
027\HTMLCAL.ZIP 29200 12-04-95
|HTML Calendar Creator v1.1 [1/1 This program
|will generate detailed HTML (Netscape
|Enhanced) calendars for use on your
|homepage, web server or other system where
|web browser have access. Define holidays
|and events. CSWare 12/95 Release
027\HTMLWZ.ZIP 858261 12-20-95
|v1.54) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor Makes
|editing HTML documents much easier by
|providing a "Tagbar" that inserts
|appropriate tags around text. Has user
|definable tags and supports non-English
|characters. Previewing with Web Explorer
|and syntax checking with Weblint also
|supported.Shareware (US$ 20 Dirk Terrell
027\IAB133.ZIP 30294 01-26-96
|IAB v1.33, The Internet Address Book for
|OS/2 - New Look and Feel! Easier to Use
027\IADDRS13.ZIP 547694 01-14-96
|The Internet Address Book Version 1.3
|Organize your WWW, E-mail, FTP and any other
|addresses you may have Nice to use as
|referance while you are online Requires OS/2
|2.0 (With Service Pack or higher
027\IANIM10A.ZIP 98109 12-17-95
|I-ANIMATE v1.0 - Evaluation Version. Used
|for WEB Animations and can Only Be Viewed
|Through Netscape 1.1 or better. Do you want
|animation on your web page or even better
|animation and sound!. Do you want to go out
|and buy a 2500 page book and learn to Create
|CGI Scripts? or just use I-ANIMATE and get
|done with it FILE One of Two
027\IC099B2.ZIP 759078 12-02-95
|InterCom v0.99 Beta 2 - OS/2 Based telephone
|for the Internet.
027\IC101.ZIP 352972 12-30-95
|InterCom v1.01 - PM Internet Telephone for
|OS/2 Features such as answering machine,
|caller ID call blocking, dialing
|directories, and quick dial. Electronic
|telephone book server and talk servers.
|Seamless support for dynamic IP users Fully
|functional shareware version
027\IC105.ZIP 414320 01-20-96
|InterCom v1.05 - PM Internet Telephone for
|OS/2 Features such as answering machine,
|caller ID call blocking, dialing
|directories, and quick dial. Electronic
|telephone book server and talk servers.
|Seamless support for dynamic IP users Fully
|functional shareware version
027\IPCID101.ZIP 251247 01-16-96
|Internet phone caller id.
027\IPHONE21.ZIP 1014268 02-10-96
|Internet Phone Build 3.2 Talk voice over the
|internet! This is a self extracting -
|Instal EXE for Windows.
027\IVIEW110.ZIP 483391 12-15-95
|HTML Browser and Viewer v1.10 Offline Viewer
|for HTM Files
027\KSPMTS25.ZIP 131138 11-26-95
|KSP-Mail (vers 2.5) A Multi-Threaded Server
|for SMTP Mail and NNTP Usenet news.
|Replaces UUCP, its monthly fees, and slow
|transfer rates! No more unwanted
|newsgroups! Instant mail without waiting
|for scheduled events Works with any BBS
|software that presently uses UUCP. Requires
|a 24hr TCP/IP Internet connection. Shareware
027\MFL16151.ZIP 54810 12-11-95
|MailFlag version 1.51 Shareware Windows
|utility to provide enhanced new-mail
|notification with MS Mail 3.x & Exchange 4.
|Features repeating audio alerts (beep or
|.WAV file); popup window allows "remind me
|later", activate Mail, delete read receipts;
|popup shows sender,subject whether files
|attached, receipt requested. All options
027\MIRC39.ZIP 538628 12-28-95
|Mirc V3.9 Internet Relay Chat (Irc).
027\MODER55.ZIP 25371 12-02-95
|A list of MS-DOS FTP sites, their moderators
|and other useful information By Prof. Timo
|Salmi, University of Vaasa Finland
027\MR2I099E.ZIP 652002 12-11-95
|MR/2 ICE v0.99d: Internet Email Client An
|OS/2 PM reader for internet email POP3 and
|SMTP support, 32 bit multi threaded,
|toolbars, multiwindow thesaurus, speller.
|Many more features with more to come.
|Public wide" beta
027\MR2I099O.ZIP 706989 02-07-96
|MR/2 ICE v0.99n: Internet Email Client An
|OS/2 PM reader for internet email POP3 and
|SMTP support, 32 bit multi threaded,
|toolbars, multiwindow thesaurus, speller.
|Many more features with more to come.
|Public wide" beta
027\MR2I099P.ZIP 732333 02-12-96
|MR/2 ICE v0.99p: Internet Email Client An
|OS/2 PM reader for internet email POP3 and
|SMTP support, 32 bit multi threaded,
|toolbars, multiwindow thesaurus, speller.
|Many more features with more to come.
|Public wide" beta
027\MSIE15.ZIP 834135 02-10-96
|Ms internet explorer 1.5 for win 3.1 beta.
027\NETCLK95.ZIP 124615 12-19-95
|v4.00) NetClock - Win Winsock/Timer/Net
|Keeps track of your internet time and usage
|usage. NetClock is designed to be small
|easy to use, use as few resources as
|possible and be internationally usable
|Shareware: US $15 via RegNet
|Author: David W. Yutzy, dyutzy@terminus.com
|Internet Site
027\NETTOOB.ZIP 995871 02-10-96
|Nettoob - Live Video Feed From The NetWeb
|Interface With Netscape And Others hmmm T
027\NFTP053.ZIP 47656 12-31-95
|Nftp 0.53 - New FTP client for OS/2 Fast
|fullscreen operation, small memory reqd
|progress indicator and more. Freeware
|version; limited to 30 Mar 1996
027\NN960201.ZIP 5977 02-01-96
|NN960201 - DOS Text WWW Access. No GUI
|needed; no fooling. Complete with a log-on
|script for Procomm Plus and sample sites to
027\NT281.ZIP 538367 01-07-96
|NetTerm v2.9 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
|SLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminal
|emulator with fast zmodem file transfers.
|It can also be used as a dialer program for
|SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting
027\NT282.ZIP 539125 01-14-96
|NetTerm v2.8.2 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
|SLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminal
|emulator with fast zmodem file transfers.
|It can also be used as a dialer program for
|SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting
|language For Internet hosts, the telnet
|protocol is enabled with VT100 and full ANSI
|graphics. A ftp server is included.
|Transparent printing and local host editing
|is supported for UNIX nt282.zip
027\NT99_386.ZIP 610992 01-07-96
|Nettamer vsn99; dos ppp access to www.
027\NT99_XT.ZIP 389257 01-07-96
|Nettamer99 for xt/286; dos ppp www access.
027\NWRTH202.ZIP 281033 11-16-95
|NewsWerthy 2.02 offline mail reader Released
|on 11/18/95, NewsWerthy is for usenet news
|and mail in the SOUP format It is DOS based,
|yet has an easy to use interface for
|keyboard or mouse with context sensitive
|help for all commands. Contains all the
|features necessary to read, reply and save
|messages. As easy to use as any QWK format
|reader, yet doesn't truncate the headers or
|cut short the message
027\OLUTILS2.ZIP 37435 12-07-95
|Utilities for use with offline readers and
|comm programs. Includes Removing duplicates
|from newfiles.dat, Adding messages to your
|rep file, on a regular basis (included
|sample is used to have rosemail only scan
|for newfiles once a day), Removing |nn
|characters from conference names. Getting
|robomail to recognize attached files from
|rosemail Should work with other olmrs that
|can handle attached files. Generate script
|commands to upload the files attached via
|your olmr Scripts for robocomm to properly
|handle attached files (uploading and
|downloading via rosemail. Freeware
027\OS2DIR23.ZIP 54463 02-03-96
|OS/2 World Wide Web Directory v02.03.96 in
|HTML format.
027\OS2WWW24.ZIP 1156820 11-30-95
|v2.04) PowerWeb for OS2WWW OS/2 version of a
|multi-protocol server (including HTTP, HTTP
|Proxy and POP3) for World Wide Web services
|on the Internet. Unparalleled in
|performance features and stability
027\PMFD10B.ZIP 20198 12-02-95
|OS/2 PM TCP/IP Finger Daemon v1.0b for
|TCP/IP v2.0, v3.0 or Warp Connect
027\PPTIA.EXE 221204 02-02-96
|Internet Assistant for Powerpoint 95 D/L'd
|from Microsoft BBS on 2/8/96
027\PRONTO32.ZIP 69177 02-15-96
|Pronto 32. Quick way to find most greetings
|in a wide variety of languages. Called the
|diplomatic accessory for Internet Phone.
027\PULLMAIL.ZIP 14836 01-03-96
|PULLMAIL v1.0s - Pulls mail addresses from
|unlimited numbers of HTML documents and
|stores them for easy "Cc:" and "Bcc
|retrieval and pasting into message texts
027\QN102.ZIP 59296 11-09-95
|QUICKNET. Version 1.02 Internet TCP/IP FTP
|program for the business community. If you
|regularly transfer the same file(s) between
|the same place(s), this product is for you.
|It has two features which set it apart: it
|can't be used for "surfing". The user has
|to know the file name and its location--thus
|productivity is enhanced; all your passwords
|are encrypted. Windows 3.1 and VBRUN300 are
|required. Shareware - $39.95 + s/h
027\RWW32.ZIP 2018370 12-23-95
|ReVol Web Worker for Windows 95! A very
|good web editor, 32-bit shareware.
027\SBI1295.ZIP 119897 11-28-95
|12/95 Guide to Select BBS's on Internet A
|comprehensive guide to BBS's accessible via
|TELNET, RLOGIN, or the WEB on the Internet.
|442 BBS's from around the World The official
|"SBI List", featured in BBS Magazine,
|Boardwatch and West Coast Online SYSOPS -
|Read SYSOPS.DOC for information on how to
|become a part of this list - it's FREE
027\SCOT004A.ZIP 632208 01-31-96
|scott004.zip, an interactive group of web
|browser homepages for approximately 25,575
|alphabetized web sites in 112 different
027\SCOTT004.ZIP 570422 12-31-95
|Interactive listing of 23,240 www homepages.
027\SFTP108.ZIP 141732 02-10-96
|SFTP v1.08, a simple PM ftp batch download
|and upload utility version for OS/2
027\SFTP109.ZIP 142253 02-13-96
|V1.09) - SFTP (Simple FTP). OS/2 PM program
|that allows batch downloads from ftp sites.
|Features storage of host logon information,
|easy viewing of .txt files auto sorting by
|date of directory listing Easy directory
|navigation. Freeware requires email
|registration. Keith Cotroneo
027\SLICS22F.ZIP 390961 12-05-95
|Internet Chess Server Interface & PGN/ASCII
|chess game reader for windows.
027\SLIP_IRC.ZIP 268014 12-14-95
|IRC V1.01 * DOS Internet IRC Client.
|Includes all utilities needed to set up and
|use it with any ISP providing SLIP service
|This package uses a TurboVision interface.
|May be used with or without a mouse! Note
|that this is an Interactive Program. There
|is no automation
027\SLIP_MUD.ZIP 225317 12-15-95
|MUDCALL V2.30 * DOS Internet MUD Client.
|Includes all utilities needed to set up and
|use it with any ISP providing SLIP service
|This package uses a TurboVision interface.
|May be used with or without a mouse! Note
|that this is an Interactive Program. There
|is no automation
027\SLNOT140.ZIP 1509314 12-08-95
|v1.40] SlipKnot - WWW browser w/o SLIP
|Developed for PC Windows users with UNIX
|shell accounts, SlipKnot is a full featured
|graphical World Wide Web browser similar to
|Mosaic and Netscape, allowing local document
|display offline, saving of documents, and
|includes FTP and Gopher Shareware (US$29.95
|-MC/Visa/AMEX/check/MO Peter Brooks,
027\SNUP140.ZIP 602444 12-08-95
|Slipknot web browser upgrade version 1.4c.
027\TCP4W15.ZIP 72322 12-01-95
|Tcp4w (v1.51) - DLL/TCP/Windows/Winsock
|Tcp4w provides APIs which allows a simple
|use of the TCP protocol. These APIs can be
|used to develop client or server application.
027\TELDR101.ZIP 85284 01-08-96
|Telnet Door is a door program written to run
|on OS/2 BBS systems. It allows the user to
|login to a host system on the Internet (or
|other TCP/IP networks This can be used to
|provide UNIX shell access via your OS/2 BBS
|or DOS BBS package running under OS/2. You
|can also run SLIP or PPP over the Telnet
|connection Requires OS/2 version 2.10+ with
|a 32bit TCP/IP protocol stack. I recommend
|using OS/2 Warp Connect
027\TELNETP.ZIP 9223 01-18-96
|Telnetp - Telnetpm Replacement Handler For
|OS/2 Webexplorer. Lets You Use Any Telnet
|Client in Webex. Freeware!
027\TRANSX09.ZIP 130322 01-30-96
|TRANSX 0.9 Shareware Version. Use internet
|email to transport your fido-style messages
|and file attaches in order to avoid long
|distance bills
027\URLSOUT1.ZIP 8484 01-09-96
|URLs Out! V1.0 Converts MS Internet
|Explorer Internet Shortcuts into a single
|HTML document, with some degree of control
|over the formatting. Win95
027\VHTML.ZIP 200263 11-18-95
|Visual HTML v1.00 for Windows 3.1x and Win95
|is a complete WYSIWYG WWW development system
|allowing you to create WWW home pages simply
|by pointing-and-clicking. No HTML knowledge
|is required.
027\VRW_NT.ZIP 625528 12-01-95
|VRWeb v1.0 beta4. This is the NT verison of
|VRweb, a vrml browser for MS windows NT 3.5x
|and Windows 95 with native OpenGL support
027\WEBPAR15.ZIP 88167 01-11-96
|WebParse v1.5 <ASP> (05-Jan-95 WebParse
|extracts, parses and formats the relevant
|data from web mailto survey form replies in
|the in-box files and creates comma-delimited
|ASCII files for easy import to databases, or
|for reports. Global scan of email inbox or
|individual message parsing SWREG # 7260.
|Requires VBRUN300
027\WEBPLAY.ZIP 1305973 02-17-96
|Astound WebPlayer Plays both Astound
|presentations and Studio M projects over the
|World Wide Web. Win95
027\WEBSAV13.ZIP 413258 01-01-96
|v1.3) WebSaver - Off-line WWW reading
|Websaver is a utility to reconstruct the
|World Wide Web pages that you have browsed
|with the Netscape navigator so you can view
|them off-line. You can also find again the
|locations of all the pages you visited
|Version 1.3: Adapted to Netscape 2.0b4 Email
|Jos Maas: jm@igr.nl
027\WINPM223.ZIP 1208163 11-27-95
|Pegasus Mail for Win '95 version 2.23.
|Stroud's calls it one of the best, and it's
|free. Get ready for PoP-3 mail.
027\WIRC10.ZIP 213886 11-17-95
|Winsock IRC v1.0
027\WP32B017.ZIP 590193 02-17-96
|ToolVox for Netscape (1.1 Beta 1) Get high
|quality audio feeds inline over the Web Win95
027\WSARCH32.ZIP 162442 12-21-95
|WS Archie, 32 bit for Internet FTP searches
|For Win95 and Win NT, NOT Windows 32s.
027\XTAC121A.ZIP 548503 12-22-95
|v1.2) XTACACS - XTACACS Server for Windows
|Authentication server based on the XTACACS
|TACACS protocol defined in RFC1492. Useful
|for central control and accounting of user
|logins to Cisco routers and comm servers
|Provides audit trial for all logins/logouts
|Includes accounting utility and source code
|for custom report generation Shareware (US$
|75 - check or credit card Peter Mak,
027\YAN9601.ZIP 31897 01-16-96
|Scott Yanoff's Special Internet Connection
|List. A List of Fun Things to do on The
|Internet. Jan 16, 1996.
027\YRN2_089.ZIP 427924 12-07-95
|PC Yarn v0.89 beta release. Suite of
|programs used to store and read USENET news
|and mail offline. Imports articles from
|SOUP files into a news database
*Kitchen Aids / Recipes
028\APPLES.ZIP 11077 11-03-95
|Lots of recipes using apples America On-Line
|in Meal Master format
028\FISHMM.ZIP 21271 11-03-95
|Lots of new fish recipes from America
|On-Line in Meal Master format
028\GC308R1.ZIP 690887 12-09-95
|recipe/meal plan/shopping list/cost manager
|for Windows. Prepares shopping list from
|your weekly menu created using personal
|recipe databases. User-defined categories;
|auto-categorizing. Add misc items to
|shopping list, remove items on hand. Get
|shopping list by aisle; cost of shopping
|list at stores. Quickfill data entry;
|expanded format for large recipes. All new
|database engine; cuts hours off
|organizing/converting recipes creating
|menus, making shopping list(s Converts Meal
|Master (tm) recipes Requires VBRUN300.DLL
|and PKZIP.EXE Food-for-Thought Software(c)
|1994-95 25 plus shipping/handling
028\GC308R3.ZIP 691001 12-12-95
|recipe/meal plan/shopping list/cost manager
|for Windows. Prepares shopping list from
|your weekly menu created using personal
|recipe databases. User-defined categories;
|auto-categorizing. Add misc items to
|shopping list, remove items on hand. Get
|shopping list by aisle; cost of shopping
|list at stores. Quickfill data entry;
|expanded format for large recipes. All new
|database engine; cuts hours off
|organizing/converting recipes, creating
|menus, making shopping list(s). Converts
|Meal Master (tm) recipes. Requires
|Food-for-Thought Software(c) 1994-95; $25
028\HERB_105.ZIP 78913 01-22-96
|Culinary herb FAQ v1.05 (Resource list for
|the rec.gardens newsgroup) Available by www
|and ftp: ftp sunsite.unc.edu
028\HERSHEY2.ZIP 9991 11-19-95
|24 Recipes from Hershey Foods Corporation.
|Meal-Master recipe format by Karen Mintzias.
028\KSINK165.ZIP 421307 11-19-95
|Kitchen sink 1.65 Kitchen Sink is a very
|unique utility that provides many features
|for the user. An extensive launch facility
|that may be located anywhere on the desktop,
|Maintains Calendar notes by date with search
|facilities. Text editor, Wallpaper
|scheduler, CD Player with volume control gif
|and jpeg viewer PKUnzip Shell for unzipping
028\MCOOK196.ZIP 468276 02-01-96
|MicroCook 1.96 <ASP> Recipe Manager - NORSKi
|Software. Easy to use menus and editor with
|full mouse support. Number of recipes only
|limited by hard disk space. Export and
|Import. Import Meal-Master, MasterCook,
|Edna's ASCII recipes. Powerful searches in
|index and data files. Full File Manager
|with ASCII viewer and editor. Duplicate
|recipe checking. 145 recipes included.
|2200+ recipes included when registering.
|Work great in Windows.
028\MMCROCK.ZIP 5772 11-03-95
|Lots of crockpot recipes from America
|On-Line in Meal Master format
028\OVENBAG.ZIP 3238 11-03-95
|From America On-Line, oven bag recipes in
|Meal Master format
028\PCFOOD71.ZIP 188632 12-02-95
|PC-FOOD II Professional Food Costing calcs
|food cost and required selling prices based
|on a desired gross profit % and/or $ amount.
|Edit portion sizes and ingredient costs to
|see the effect on costs and margins. User
|selectable sorted displays/printed reports.
|Full mouse support. On line help. Note
|field for each recipe, ingredient, menu
|item. Also calc total revenue, food cost
|and gross profit for a banquet, days sales,
028\QBTOMM20.ZIP 33671 11-25-95
|QBTOMM (TM) V1.20 converts QuikBook (TM)
|into Meal-Master (TM) recipes. QBTOMM will
|import single column QuikBook recipes and
|convert them to Meal-Master format. This
|feature generally works well. Error files
|are created for formats it can't deal with.
|The Key is good Until the end of 03/96.
028\RPW14S.ZIP 713051 12-06-95
|Recipe Processor For Windows V.1.4.
028\VEG95SUM.ZIP 35277 11-12-95
|Articles and recipes from _The Vegetarian_
|(Summer 1995 issue). Courtesy of The
|Vegetarian Society UK.
028\WRL32.ZIP 320117 01-22-96
|WRL Cookbook v32 - Windows Recipe Library
|provides a quick easy way of accessing a
|very large collection of recipes from around
|the world. Over 17,000 recipes divided into
|32 cookbooks by nationality or interest,
|Easy text search for ingredient and
|conversion table. View a recipe on screen
|or printer Windows 3.1, 3 meg HD. (Req:
*Legal Programs / References
029\CCCENSOR.ZIP 35718 11-07-95
|NEWS: Information on the Christian
|Coalition's propsal to censor the Internet.
|The worst threat yeat - worse than Exon!
029\NYBANK1.ZIP 59467 12-22-95
|NYBANK1.ZIP PART 1 OF 3 - -- - - -- - B A Y
|S W A T E R
029\NYCIVRIT.ZIP 38860 12-22-95
|LAW - -- - - -- - NEW YORK STATE' CIVIL
|RIGHTS' LAW' NYCIVRIT.ZIP - -- - - -- - B A
|Y S W A T E R
029\OL4WIN10.ZIP 468063 01-24-96
|Ohm's law calculator for windows
029\WILLS95.ZIP 1380480 12-28-95
|Wills for Windows. Simple will maker
*Mail-List / Managers Applications
030\MPLUS23D.ZIP 317328 01-01-96
|MPLUS 2.3d Mailing List System <ASP> <ESC
|Simple yet full-featured mailing system has
|user-configurable features, supports
|international mailing needs, duplicate
|checking, phone dialing, record tagging
|import and export, form letters, and more
|Perfect for home or business Author:
|Rosemary West. See VENDINFO.DIZ and
|MPINFO.TXT for more information
030\NAME100.ZIP 1302822 01-14-96
|NameBase for Windows v1.00 <ASP
|Name/Address/Notes/Phone database program
|which uses a Microsoft Access Database.
|Sort on any field. Specify any criteria to
|limit records displayed. Edit records on a
|spreadsheet-like grid or an edit screen
|Categorize records and display by category
|or combined. Locate records by simply
|typing first few characters of field sorted
|by Print labels, address books, envelopes,
030\PVLAB402.ZIP 132807 11-05-95
|to use label program with many advanced
|features such as indexing anywhere on each
|label, a powerful search feature, easy data
|entry and many other useful features. Now
|supports one, two, or three across labels on
|dot matrix, inkjet, and laser printers Can
|also be used as a simple database program.
030\SP140.ZIP 311258 01-10-96
|Is your phonebook accurate? 25 new area
|codes have appeared in the past 2 years.
|SmartPhone cross-references area, zip and
|country codes time zones, and geographic
|info. 20,000 towns listed. Why waste
|dialing a wrong number Look up a town,
|state, province or mail code Do
|"sounds-like" searches if you are not sure
|of the spelling. Easy-to-learn database
|built in. Evaluation copy has all features
|enabled Runs under DOS, Windows (3.1 or 95)
|and OS/2
030\TPHONE.ZIP 206643 01-12-96
|Menu driven telephone & address directory
030\ZCB32.ZIP 473618 11-27-95
|ZIP CODE BOOK for WINDOWS v3.2 A zip code
|(and city, state, area code lookup program.
|Enter a zip code to instantly bring up the
|corresponding city state, county and area
|code. Or enter the city name and state to
|find the zip code. Copy/Paste to and from
|any Windows application which supports the
|Windows clipboard. A "Must-Have" Windows
|utility Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in ZIP
*Mail-Readers / Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
031\1STICONS.ZIP 3488 11-06-95
|A collection of 16 1stReader icons in a .DLL
|for your use and enjoyment.
031\ADMSG120.ZIP 32821 02-02-96
|ADMsg v1.20, generates *.MSG, DOS+OS/2
|Generates FidoNet netmail messages (*.MSG)
|in many different ways, including combining
|lists of destination addresses and list of
|subject lines. For both DOS and OS/2. 386
|or newer needed.
031\AVNETKIT.ZIP 18579 11-24-95
|AVIATIONnet AVNETKit.ZIP Information about
|becoming a proud member of the Aviation
|Online family. AVIATIONnet is a FIDO type
|network. ZONE 40 info @1:311/27
031\BW23_386.ZIP 705777 02-12-96
|Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/386 v2.30. A
|Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline mail
|reader which offers the utmost ease of use
|and configurability. This is a 32-bit DOS
|text mode program which works on systems
|with an 80386 or higher processor only. Can
|use virtual memory to read the largest of
|mail packets. Release Date: 12 February 96
031\BW23_DOS.ZIP 484131 02-12-96
|Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/DOS v2.30. A
|Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline mail
|reader which offers the utmost ease of use
|and configurability. This is a 16-bit DOS
|text mode program which works on systems
|ranging from XTs to the Intel Pentium and
|compatibles. Release Date: 12 February 96
031\BWDEV300.ZIP 54730 11-30-95
|The Blue Wave Developer's Kit Version 3.
|All the information you need to create
|BW-compatible applications. Includes
|documentation and file structure header
|files (for ANSI/ISO C and Turbo Pascal).
|Release Date: 30 November 1995
031\COL_9512.ZIP 12692 02-03-96
|INFO packet for ColourNet, Ansi Network
|based in NJ (also GA, VA - grin) QWK or FIDO
|either's fine dated: 12/95
031\CVTF100.ZIP 7384 12-01-95
|CVTFREP v1.00 - Convert WWW form replies to
|readable text. The "mailto" method for Web
|forms sends hard-to-read text. Tidy it up
|Requires the shareware file-parsing program
|Parse-O-Matic, which can be downloaded from
|CompuServe, Pinnacle Software's free BBS at
|1-514-345-8654, or from the World Wide Web
|at http://www.cam.org/~pinnacl. This script
|was written by the author of Parse-O-Matic
|and may be distributed as freeware
031\DB2FTP93.ZIP 41350 01-29-96
|DBQ2FTP (D'Bridge Queue to FTP) Bridges the
|GAP between D'Bridge outbound Mail queue
|formats and FTSC/FTPMail formats. If you
|run D'Bridge, and want to setup an FTPMail
|link instead of paying MA Bell, YOU Need
|this program! Works with D'Bridge v1.58
|(and numerous versions below this) as well
|as the 2300SL Beta versions. (Should work
|with DB3000SL as well when it is released
|this month
031\DTQWK14.ZIP 262309 12-17-95
|DT-QWK, Version 1.4 QWK compatible offline
|reader for the PC DT-QWK features message
|base handling support of PCBoard, SLBBS and
|DMS color codes, SLBBS include statements,
|SAA user interface (bilingual - German /
|English message threading, message
|forwarding across BBSs and lots more Try it.
|You'll like it
031\EFF_JOIN.ZIP 7760 02-09-96
|Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF
|Membership Form and FAQ. Includes new
|contact addresses
031\ELIST512.ZIP 260484 12-01-95
|ELIST512.ZIP is the December 1995 Echolist
|archive, including detailed descriptions,
|origins, and moderator information for over
|1300 echoes (ELIST), a guide for adding or
|updating entries (ELMOD), answers to common
|questions (ELFAQ) and a summary of echo tags
|(ELTAG). A collection of echo rule files
|(ELRUL512.ZIP) is available separately.
|Produced by Adrian Walker, 1:1/201@fidonet,
|Web: http://www.portal.ca/~awalker/elist.htm
031\ELRUL512.ZIP 263101 12-01-95
|Elist Echo Rules (01 Dec 95).
031\EZPGPSRC.ZIP 38748 01-29-96
|EZ-PGP version 1.07. Simple and
|self-configuring program to link PGP and any
|off-line mail-reader. Includes installation
|instructions for Bluewave and OLX. Handles
|the Fidonet to Internet addressing kludge
|very well! Best of all, this program is
|freeware, distributed to help mankind!
|Includes complete Turbo Pascal 6.0 source
031\FNLS120.ZIP 46902 02-04-96
|FNLScan v1.20 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
|Scans up to 15 Fidonet-compatible nodelists
|for criteria defined by your users, e.g.
|BBS, sysop, city, area code or misc text.
|This allows your users to find other Fido
|systems easily for netmail addressing, etc.
|Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,
|FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport
|cards. Fully multi- language compatible,
|supports @-macros and @X color codes and
|OS/2, DV and Windows aware!
031\ILNK9602.ZIP 88641 02-11-96
|ILink International NetMail Info Packet
|ILink, the first QWK-based network, remains
|one of the premiere echomail networks in the
|BBS industry. This archive includes our
|conference listings and member BBS list. If
|you are interested in world-wide message
|exchanges or are tired of abusive
|participants, look at ILink's hosted
|conferences and internationally recognized
|member systems
031\IMM_100E.ZIP 221509 11-11-95
|InterMail Task Manager 1.00.SW Powerful and
|complete offline enhancement utility
|software for InterMail 2.2x. must item for
|MultiLine InterMail users!
031\INB_9601.ZIP 9223 01-01-96
|INBasket Official Intelec Newsletter Jan.
|96 Monthly News, Information & Statistics
|about the Intelec Network! Membership,
|Application Nodelist & Conference info is in
|IN_9601.ZIP Intelec supports QWK, Fido,
|Satellite & FTP
031\INB_9602.ZIP 11996 02-01-96
|INBasket Official Intelec Newsletter Feb.
|96 Monthly News, Information & Statistics
|about the Intelec Network! Membership,
|Application Nodelist & Conference info is in
|IN_9601.ZIP Intelec supports QWK, Fido,
|Satellite & FTP
031\IN_9602.ZIP 96687 02-03-96
|The Intelec Network Information File Feb.
|96 185 Forums! 446+Member BBSs in 12
|Countries Supports FTS, Fido, Satellite &
|FTP as well Friendly, Professional and an
|ACTIVE Network covering a wide range of
|topics from Issues Tech Support,
|Entertainment, Life, and more Intelec has a
|very ACTIVE membership and you can be a
|member in as little as 24-48 hours When you
|get tired of network hassles, check us out!
|Relaying quality e-mail since 09/89
031\IVN_0196.ZIP 40666 01-13-96
|The Intuitive Vision Network (tm) January
|1996 - Information Packet
031\IVN_1295.ZIP 36981 12-05-95
|The Intuitive Vision Network (tm) December
|1995 - Information Packet
031\IZ_QSFIN.ZIP 32098 12-06-95
|QWKScan v1.30 Swedish/Finnish Language Files
|Complete Swedish and Finnish Language Files
|for QWKScan v1.30. Courtesy of the HAM-BOX
|BBS in Finland. Download IZ_QS_13.ZIP for
|the complete version of QWKScan v1.3 -- The
|complete QWK mail system for PCBoard BBSs.#1
|From The Infinite Zone Software Collection
031\JUSTANET.ZIP 50486 01-13-96
|Justanet Application And Information Package.
031\LNDL26E.ZIP 74248 01-14-96
|LNDL Look at NoDeList v2.6e Fully
|configurable 'Fidonet' type nodelist tester
|Checks for many types of errors in the raw
|nodelist. Config file adaptable to any
031\MAJ01_96.ZIP 3924 01-10-96
|The Majesty Network Application (01-10-96
|PCBoard only FTS mail network! For the
|Support of PCBoard Sysops and PPE Authors
031\MAJ02_96.ZIP 4074 01-29-96
|The Majesty Network Application 02-01-96).
|A PCBoard only FTS mail network For the
|Support of PCBoard Sysops and PPE Authors
031\MBTC9602.ZIP 459614 01-24-96
|Mark Baum's Tagline Collection: 02/96
|Edition The best maintained RANDOMIZED
|tagline list to be found ANYWHERE! No
|duplicates or tags containing vulgar
|language. If you enjoy this list feel free
|and contribute to this list 20001 Taglines
|in this Collection
031\MENUZIP4.ZIP 161972 01-05-96
|MENUZIP 4.2 is the ultimate menu and disk
|directory system. With this program you can
|use it as a MENU for launching up to 672 DOS
|and Windows applications. You can even
|execute ZIP or ARJ files in their archive
|format. With the directory system you can
|navigate through all the directories on your
|drives. It comes with dual directory panels
|for easier access to your disk directories.
|You can view the contents of files, copy or
|move files or directories and more. You can
|tag files and archive them into ZIP or ARJ
|files. Or Extract ZIP or ARJ files.
|MENUZIP will Play MIDI and WAVE files. It
|also comes with a screen saver, conversion
|system for Metrics/English, Time of
031\METRO111.ZIP 22155 01-10-96
|Free Fido-Style Network that is Always
|Looking For New Hosts/Hubs. With a Variety
|of echos to choose from, you are sure to
|find something to your nature With Inter-BBS
|BRE & FE, be sure to join METRONET
031\METRO4.ZIP 6248 12-18-95
|=-=-=-=-=-=-= Metro-Net Info-Pak
|=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Metro-Net is a small
|QWK-Format Network serving the Southern
|California Area. It carries a few
|Music-Based subs, for those who love to
|listen, or who love to play. It also
|carries the usual subs (General, Debate, Etc
|). We are looking to expand to the far
|reaches of the U.S. as fast as we can, so
|spread this file to all your local boards.
|Download and join today!
031\MG107.ZIP 134823 11-10-95
|MailGate 1.07 imports RFC-822 mail from
|SENDMAIL into your Squish Message Base. It
|can Scan email out, and send it via SENDMAIL.
031\MM10B4.ZIP 757167 12-14-95
|MailMaker 1.0 beta 4 QWK compatible Windows
|offline reader Fast database to organize
|your mail Includes features like text
|search, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text
|justification, optional spellchecker, file
|attachments, picklists, easy install and
|uninstall and much more. Imports Robomail
|1.3 data / folder
031\NANNY.ZIP 35706 12-31-95
|Setting up Nanny mail processing-Doc files
031\NASA0117.ZIP 7867 01-28-96
|Nasa news, 01-17 new hubble images via i-netT
031\NASA0129.ZIP 4717 02-01-96
|Nasa news, 01-29 cassini project to saturn.
031\NASA0130.ZIP 7298 02-01-96
|Nasa news, 01-30 space station modules ready.
031\NASA0131.ZIP 4045 02-01-96
|Nasa news, 01-31 mir-21 to have us astronaut.
031\NASA0201.ZIP 4259 02-01-96
|Nasa news, 02-01 lightweight external tank.
031\NFX230.ZIP 154129 02-11-96
|NFX v2.3: Easy to use offline mail reader
|for QWK packets. Handles huge packets,
|thousands of messages per conference in
|thousands of conferences. DOCs included.
031\NTMGRG2.ZIP 185148 12-22-95
|NetMgr 1.00.g2; Copy, move, delete change,
|file, bounce, etc. netmail based on the
|message header/body JAM, Squish, Hudson and
|*.MSG formats supported. DOS version
031\NTMGRG2P.ZIP 159998 12-22-95
|NetMgr 1.00.g2; Copy, move, delete change,
|file, bounce, etc. netmail based on the
|message header/body JAM, Squish, Hudson and
|*.MSG formats supported. OS/2 version
031\NWRTH203.ZIP 291767 12-29-95
|NewsWerthy 2.03 offline mail reader Released
|on 12/29/95, NewsWerthy is for usenet news
|and mail in the SOUP format It is DOS based,
|yet has an easy to use interface for
|keyboard or mouse with context sensitive
|help for all commands. Contains all the
|features necessary to read, reply and save
|messages. As easy to use as any QWK format
|reader, yet doesn't truncate the headers or
|cut short the message
031\OLP_302H.ZIP 254626 01-10-96
|you save QWK messages then you need this
|program! Easily plugs right into SLMR/OLX
|You can do more with your saved messages
|than what your mail reader could ever do You
|View ANSI in 3 speeds! Everything is EASY
|There is a whole slew of things you can do
|OLPRINT is fully functional Guiltware.
|SMALL Have you ever saved a message? Then
|get this
031\OLXWIN1B.ZIP 424656 11-30-95
|Olx for windows PATCH version 1.0b. Must
|have OLX to use.
031\ONLINE24.ZIP 408314 01-04-96
|This is The Online World resources handbook
|version 2.4. It describes the breadth of
|the offerings by focusing on selected
|applications on major global networks and
|services including Internet, CompuServe,
|Fidonet, Usenet and BITNET. Perspective is
|global. It is an ASCII text file that is
|suitable for sending to a printer
031\OUTN1195.ZIP 5847 11-13-95
|The OuterNet Information Packet A cool new
|net that needs HUBS! If you're new to
|BBSes, and would like echomail, this is the
|net to start with! It's a QWK based net and
|may get FIDO soon! So come and join. This
|net is based mostly on games, but if anyone
|would like a conference made, and I get
|enough replies, I'll make a conference for
|that topic.
031\PACKIT21.ZIP 25600 12-22-95
|PACK_IT Convert multiple text files to a
|FidoNet type 2 packet in ONE PASS Can create
|both netmail and echomail, option to delete
|files once converted. Parses InterNet email
|addresses and place them in the message
|headers! Post log files to yourself.
|Errors logged via netmail. Shareware: $5
031\PMCPA283.ZIP 50538 11-16-95
|PmCPage v2.83 - Multilingual and
|multicodepage switch support for Pegasus
|Mail v>3.10 Added is set of translation
|tables for CP=437,850,852,867/895
031\RAIL0196.ZIP 8542 01-22-96
|Info pack for RailNet Network, Jan., 1996.
|Get On Board Application is included in
031\RIPNETK1.ZIP 9982 01-05-96
|RIPNet]=- Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy/RPG Network
|R.I.P.Net is a new QWK based network devoted
|to horror, science fiction, fantasy, and
|roleplaying games. Aliases are allowed in
|most conferences
031\SCOT1295.ZIP 13283 12-14-95
|SCOTTNet Application & Infokit SCOTTNet
|Application & Infokit Sysops! You're
|invited to join our SCOTTNet mail network.
|At least have a look at the contents of this
|kit. We are looking for Hubs, and Nodes
|WORLD-WIDE! The conferences listed in this
|info kit are generally unique and we strife
|to avoid duplication. *NO* fees! We have
|HUBS in California and Switserland. Our BBS
|software is GAP!
031\SMBU200B.ZIP 169725 11-18-95
|SMBUTIL v2.00 eta - Includes DOS, DOS4G,
|OS/2 and WinNT/Win95 executables! Compiled
|with SMBLIB v2.00 eta. Now allows sending
|of QWK and Internet netmail via command line.
031\SSSSCVUE.ZIP 61063 12-17-95
|Aim antenna to desired satellite
031\TGP_158.ZIP 208435 12-17-95
|Taggie-Punch v1.58 Taggie-Punch is a tagline
|manager For people who LOVE e-mail It has
|many special features such as Taglines /
|Messages filters Multi line taglines
|(cookies) SoundBlaster support Works with
|auto randomaly mode Marcos in taglines /
|cookies Suggestion method for picking
|taglines according to the message folder, or
|the message text! Works with almost any
|mail reader, and was tested with FrontDoor
|Editor, GoldED, and BlueWave offline mail
|reader Signature can be added! And now,
|multiple signatures for BlueWavers too!
|Quoting headers can be added, even with
|BlueWave Full mouse support! External
|editor can be used ! Random pick up of .SIG
|files and .QT
031\TR127E.ZIP 1590712 11-08-95
|Tropical Reader V1.27 for Windows. Offline
|reader for Internet EMail/Usenet and
|QWK-format with full database support
031\TXTQ130.ZIP 57896 01-26-96
|TXTQ v1.30 - DOS Utilities: convert mail
|reader saved-message files back into .QWK
|packets. Supports Robomail, SLMR and SPEED.
|Freeware (c) 1996 [26 Jan.] by DDA/ Reign
|Ware. With Pascal source.
031\UNI132CD.ZIP 17279 01-31-96
|Conference descriptions for U'NI-net
|including host information. Updated
|monthly. Accurate to 1/31/95
031\UNI288.ZIP 66067 02-02-96
|Information on the U'NI-net International
|echomail network. Dossier, Application and
|node listing. accepting applications from
|BBS systems compatible with the .QWK/.REP
|mail method
031\VLST0196.ZIP 6700 01-25-96
|VNET Echolist 01/25/96
031\WG951203.ZIP 603989 12-03-95
|WaterGate 0.21 beta. Message processor for
|Fidonet and UUCP. The best and fastest
|package to connect your Fidonet system to
|Internet e-mail and Usenet news using UUCP.
|Supports the most widely used message bases
|and mailers.
*Math & Science / Engineering
032\BULBS21.ZIP 44286 11-20-95
|BULBS v2.1 - Bulb String Voltage Calculator
|BULBS was written to help determine the
|proper voltage size of the bulbs in the mini
|bulbs strings used for Xmas lights and other
|mini bulb assemblies. With BULBS you can
|find the proper voltage bulb for your mini
|string fast and easy. Shareware by Paul
|Graydon, $2.00 to register
032\CHMCALC3.ZIP 34588 01-05-96
|ChemCalc 3.0 Chemistry Calculator for
|Windows Adds MW() (molecular weight) and %()
|(percent composition functions along with a
|flexible and expandable numerical constant
|database and an efficient simple
|equation-solver for equations such as
|x^2/(.1-x)=0.001 in acid base and solubility
|problems. Constants include Ka, Kb, Ksp,
|and general chemistry related.
|hansonr@stolaf.edu Freeware by Integrated
|Graphics, Nfld, MN
032\MEASR10.ZIP 53714 01-19-96
|MEASURES v1.0 Req. Win3.1 or Win95, mouse
|Measures.zip. Convert 100's of Measures
|from U.S. to Metric and from U.S. units to
|other U.S. units Measures 1.0 actually
|makes unit conversions fun and will save
|time and brain cramps. Requires Vbrun300.dll
032\NASA1204.ZIP 5997 12-12-95
|Nasa news, 12-04 hubble discovers black hole.
032\NLREG34.ZIP 216208 11-21-95
|NLREG v3.4 <ASP> - Nonlinear regression
|statistics and curve fitting. NLREG
|determines the values of parameters for an
|equation, whose form you specify using
|ordinary algebraic notation, that cause the
|equation to best fit a set of data values.
|Handles linear, multivariate, polynomial,
|and general nonlinear equations. Also plots
|data and equation. NLREG is the best
|shareware regression program available.
032\NUMER105.ZIP 266927 01-09-96
|NUMERO UNO--The Program for Numero logical
|Analysis. Version 1.05 This is a powerful
|full featured Numerology program. Supports
|most printers and word processors By
|Christopher J. Noyes the author of ASTRO
|Several Different registration levels.
|$29.95 49.95 and $54.95.<ASP NUMER105.ZIP
032\QBR_OS2.ZIP 24123 01-23-96
|32 bit OS/2 Snake-Byte Incorporated NFL
|Quarterback Rating Calculator. This program
|calculates the "official" NFL QB Rating from
|5 common, user-input statistics (Attempts,
|Completions, Yards Interceptions and
|Touchdowns). Shareware
032\SALCH15.ZIP 975772 11-17-95
|SoftAlchemy is both a P-Table and a
|chemistry facts program. It's very
|user-friendly and packed with facts of
|chemistry and physics. It should suit any
|user of all levels who needs this kind of
|information at their fingertips. Shareware
032\SYMBOL58.ZIP 142206 11-28-95
|Mathomatic V5.8: Symbolic math program This
|program can automatically solve, simplify,
|combine, and graph algebraic equations, etc.
|Does calculus operations, too. Runs under
|MS-DOS or Windows
032\UCONV201.ZIP 161523 01-22-96
|U-CONVERT-IT v2.01 Units Conversion Utility
|for WINDOWS! The fastest and easiest way to
|convert units of measure. Intuative
|interface features a built in calculator
|with many cool functions. Also accuracy
|formatting, unit swapping, clipboard
|functions. Saves all your personal
|settings. New SHRINK feature saves real
|estate! Linear, weight, volume, density
032\WATTS21.ZIP 46020 11-20-95
|WATTS v2.1 Stereo Wattage Calculator. WATTS
|was written to aid the electronics
|technician in finding the output wattage of
|an audio amp or stereo quickly and
|efficiently. This program will display the
|output RMS wattage at a glance. You should
|find the programs interface simple and easy
|to use. Speeds service work and hobby
*Multimedia & CD-ROM Applications
033\CDM35.ZIP 106910 01-01-96
|Compact Disc MASTER v3.5 - full featured DOS
|based controller for playing audio CDs on
|most CDROM drives. Special features are
|included for the SB Pro, SB16 and PAS-16
|Shareware. Written by author of BLASTER
|Master, Gary Maddox (1996
033\CDRBRWSR.ZIP 638 01-21-96
|F-R-E-E- FREE CD-ROM BROWSER Are you tired
|of having to use a different access program
|with each shareware CD-ROM that you own Here
|is the Solution Check out this low-memory
|use program that has all the functions that
|you need to search, view copy or extract
|files from any BBS-Ready" Shareware CD-ROM
033\CDSAT3.ZIP 15492 01-15-96
|CDSAT3.ZIP - CD Satellite 3.0 The
|auto-remember the songs you like CD player
|is revamped with this new version. Combo
|status bar, progress graph, bonus program
|Time Tracks built in Tells time of current
|and all selected tracks, plays any song in
|any order, micro small size memory
|usage,dragdrop install
033\CDUTL10E.ZIP 28262 12-17-95
|Collection of 5 CD Utilities (eg. Play, Lock
033\CPIC106.ZIP 547331 11-19-95
|Cpic-multimedia viewer/manager for win share.
033\DBCDP011.ZIP 553141 01-31-96
|v0.11) DBCDPlayer - Audio CD Player with a
|DB The program plays audio CDs and has the
|capability of storing Artists, CD and song
|titles in a data file. The current CD title
|and song title will be shown in the
|program's display window while the CD is
|playing. The CD Player can be controlled
|with both mouse and keyboard
033\DBCDP_01.ZIP 542520 11-08-95
|(v0.1) DBCDPlayer - Audio CD Player with a
|DB The program plays audio CDs and has the
|capability of storing Artists, CD and song
|titles in a data file. The current CD title
|and song title will be shown in the
|program's display window while the CD is
|playing. The CD Player can be controlled
|with both mouse and keyboard. frank@sbbs.se
033\FUN1224A.ZIP 1693651 12-24-95
|The Computer Fun Shop - 12/24/95 - 1 of 2.
|Requires RealAudio(tm)
033\GEMA26A.ZIP 138396 01-04-96
|[G]enPC [E]LiTe [M]AcRo [A]SsEmBlEr (
|version 2.6a ) A New 8086 to P6 Assembler,
|Based Upon GenST And Motorola 680x0. Easier
|And More Reliable Than The Old, Lousy And
|Bugged Turbo ASM. ?!? (C)oderite SECTOR
|ONE ?!? Released for The Party V, Dec '95
033\KALEID31.ZIP 69776 11-16-95
|Generate stunningly beautiful geometric
|patterns which can even be controlled by
|music if you have a sound card. Can be used
|without a sound card for visually entrancing
|kaleidoscopic variations. You will be
|seeing kaleidoscopes in every time you close
|your eyes! Bursting with color and infinite
|variety, this is no ordinary screen saver.
|Best in 256-color. Enjoy!
033\KPLD1116.ZIP 906558 11-08-95
|Music that's different each time. See extra
033\LORENZWW.ZIP 209306 12-27-95
|Lorenzian water wheel micheal monagle
|Interactive chaos demonstrator
033\MACTR017.ZIP 536121 12-19-95
|(v0.17) MainActor/2, A Mod Animation Package
|MainActor/2 is able to load, edit, play,
|create and save animations and pictures of
|any size in a format independent manner.
|The final version will include most of the
|animation and picture formats found in the
|graphics world. Together with many
|animation processing functions (timing of
|animations, sound effects, .. ). Includes
|DIVE support. Shareware(US$60. -
033\MASS_FLX.ZIP 66432 11-05-95
|M A S S i V E presents -=> F L E X I B L E
|<=- Our 3th prize-winner intro for the
|Wired'95 Intro Compo
|http://dds.dds.nl/~www_msv 386+ -
033\MBINGA23.ZIP 425984 11-13-95
|Penny Penguin's Math Bingo is a multimedia
|game designed to teach your child addition,
|subtraction, multiplication and division.
|With cute animation and excellent sound
|effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with your
|child, gently helping him or her to choose
|the correct block. Used in schools.
033\MBINGB23.ZIP 385660 11-14-95
|Penny Penguin's Math Bingo is a multimedia
|game designed to teach your child addition,
|subtraction, multiplication and division.
|With cute animation and excellent sound
|effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with your
|child, gently helping him or her to choose
|the correct block. Used in schools. This
|version requires Windows 95.
033\ONEFOS08.ZIP 41164 01-12-96
|ONEFOSsil, Revision 8, versatile single port
|high speed FOSSIL 5 compatible
|communications driver for MS-DOS based
|software under DESQview or Windows
|multitasking systems ONEFOSsil can support
|multiple ports and shared IRQs. Shareware:
|$10. Written by Carl Morris, published by
|Morris Softronics
033\PENKNIFE.ZIP 153026 11-29-95
|Swiss Penknife v1.1: MS-Windows app that can
|play CD Audio, sounds, midi music and other
|multimedia files as long as they are
|installed on your system; MORE
033\SHSUCD11.ZIP 202890 12-08-95
|CD-ROM server with C/ASM source
033\SSOFT.ZIP 68772 11-04-95
|This is an intro made with Thg F/X's
|IntroMaker 3. It tells about SmartSoft,
|greets a few people, and plays one of our
|new MOD files, Nuclear Visions.
033\TRAKFIND.ZIP 45842 12-10-95
|TrakFinder 1.1 32-bit These days a lot of
|people are getting extremely large CD
|collections. So it is getting increasingly
|difficult to remember where to find that
|particular track you're looking for
|TrakFinder uses the Windows 95 CD Player's
|index to search through all of your
|registered CDs to find that track you want
|to hear so much. Win95
*Multitask / Operating Systems Applications
034\LANTQEMM.ZIP 4968 01-24-96
|Quarterdeck Tech note on loading LANtastic
|6.0's REDIR.EXE and SERVER.EXE high.
034\TAME333.ZIP 108107 01-10-96
|TAME Release 3.33 Speeds multitasking of DOS
|applications in Windows, OS/2 Windows 95,
|Windows NT DESQview, Double DOS and many more
*Novell & LAN Network Applications
035\10FINALQ.ZIP 23886 01-17-96
|LANtastic for Windows 95 (12/20/95) 10 FAQ,
|PDF and TXT format.
035\ARCNET.ZIP 198371 11-04-95
|Nov 95 smc arcnet drivers. dir 66
035\DIFFLIST.ZIP 48046 12-17-95
|DiffList.Exe v0.951 (DOS or OS/2), a utility
|for network coordinators. Prepares a report
|of changes between any two Region or Net
|nodelist segments. Optionally extracts
|Region or Net segments from full nodelist
|and generates CRCs.
035\DSJET.ZIP 28540 01-17-96
|Tech info - using HP JetDirect with
|Corstream, LANtastic Dedicated Server
035\DSMNT2.ZIP 66524 11-06-95
|Nw 4.1 NDS maintenance update from Novell
035\FSL211.ZIP 255696 12-01-95
|FSLOGIN v2.11 <ASP> - Full Screen Login is a
|menu controlled login program for users of
|Novell NetWare. FSLOGIN supports Novell
|NetWare version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x, including
|NDS. Publisher: Confirm, The Netherlands
035\FSL212.ZIP 266987 01-08-96
|FSLOGIN v2.12 <ASP> Full Screen Login for
|Novell NetWare. Full Screen Login is a
|login utility for Novell NetWare users.
|FSLOGIN provides a userfriendly, menu driven
|interface to guide the user through the
|login process. This includes prompting for
|a new password before the password actually
|expires. Version 2 supports NetWare 2, 3
|and 4, as well as NetWare Directory Services
035\HTTPD200.ZIP 150839 11-01-95
|NOVUSER: HTTPD.NLM for Netware 3.X and 4.x
|Updates the 1.05 - Functional till mid 12/95.
035\LAN206.ZIP 158112 01-01-96
|LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company.
|Menu and Security System for DOS Networks.
|LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, Help
|System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3
|style menu system with password protection,
|telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in
|network support and mouse support. Screen
|Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and
|menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass)
|Member of [ASAD] <ASP> and {STAR}
035\LIBUP6.ZIP 560639 01-17-96
|17-01-96) - LIBUP6.EXE - Clib server update.
|For Netware.
035\LNCPY10E.ZIP 168962 11-25-95
|Backup util for LAN's
035\LOGN201.ZIP 57903 01-31-96
|LogNote is a utility that will log notes to
|a file. LogNote writes the date, time, node
|address, Novell user name and a message that
|you specify to this file. Shareware Updates
|to program posted on Paradigm Software's BBS
|at 703-450-0875
035\LUNEW.ZIP 244946 11-05-95
|LAN Intensive Care Utilities Update for
|LU.EXE Module.
035\NOVTIPS.ZIP 6637 12-23-95
|Novell Netware 3.12/3.11 network
|administrator tips and tricks (MS Word 6
035\NSH221R1.ZIP 1029105 12-11-95
|NovUser: Netshield - 2.21 - R1 1/4 McAfee
|Protect your Novell Server from Virus 12/95
035\NSH221R2.ZIP 1413153 12-11-95
|NovUser: Netshield - 2.21 - R2 2/4
035\NSH221R3.ZIP 1412976 12-11-95
|NOVUSER: Netshield - 2.21 - R3 3/4
035\NSH221R4.ZIP 693557 12-11-95
|Novuser: Netshield - 2.21 - R4 4/4
035\OS2P11.ZIP 807908 12-14-95
|LANtastic for OS/2 v1.0 patch 12/01/95
035\PASSBYTE.ZIP 30143 12-05-95
|PASSBYTE.ZIP by CPX Enterprises, LTD.
|Simulates Novell LOGIN prompt for fun and
035\SCANDS.ZIP 130871 01-11-96
|SCANTREE - NDS Treewalker Utility for novell
035\SLOG120.ZIP 83802 01-31-96
|SLogNote is a utility that will log notes to
|a file. SLogNote writes the date, time,
|node address, Novell user name and a message
|that you specify to this file. 3
|translation utilities included at this time,
|more to be added. Check our BBS at
|703-450-0875 for latest translation
|utilities. Shareware
035\SLOGDEMO.ZIP 77537 12-01-95
|SLogNote is a utility that will log notes to
|a file. SLogNote writes the date, time,
|node address, Novell user name and a message
|that you specify to this file. Working demo
035\STRTL4.ZIP 191699 02-02-96
|Latest streams/spx/tli ,etc. For netware
035\W95FAQ10.ZIP 28307 01-18-96
|The Ten Most Commonly Asked Questions
|regarding LANtastic for Windows 95.
|Includes both ASCII and PDF versions.
*OS/2 Programs & Utilities
036\65TRAC10.ZIP 4201 12-28-95
|This OS/2 base device driver automatically
|enables the trackball of an NP6500 notebook
|if the notebook is not docked. If the
|notebook is docked, the trackball is
|disabled so you can use the mouse on the
|serial port of the docking station. DOS
|version also included. FREEWARE by Robert
036\AFINST2.ZIP 7739 01-24-96
|Allfix for OS/2 Icon Installation Program
|AFINST2 Creates an OS/2 Work Place Shell
|Folder for Allfix/2 & Attches Icons to
036\ALBMP_B1.ZIP 97285 11-07-95
|Albatros MEDIA PLAYER for OS/2 MMPM/2
|version 2.0 beta 1 MOD,XM,STM,S3M,MTM,ULT
036\ALRMC31A.ZIP 371797 12-17-95
|(v3.1a) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
|Schedule reminder messages and programs from
|a convenient desktop clock. Schedule events
|once, daily, monthly, on specific days, and
|more. Events can be scheduled to occur
|repeatedly throughout the day and between
|certain hours. Highly customizable display
|with support for international date and time
|configurations. 60 day trial version.
|SHAREWARE WalkerWerks bcwlker@ibm.net
036\ALRMC31B.ZIP 420330 12-19-95
|(v3.1b) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
|Schedule reminder messages and programs from
|a convenient desktop clock. SHAREWARE
036\ALRMC31C.ZIP 388920 12-22-95
|(v3.1c) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
|Schedule reminder messages and programs from
|a convenient desktop clock. Shareware.
036\ALRMC31D.ZIP 278181 12-28-95
|(v3.1d) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler.
|Schedule reminder messages and programs from
|a convenient desktop clock. 60 day trial.
036\ALRMC31E.ZIP 239015 01-27-96
|v3.1b) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler
|Schedule reminder messages and programs from
|a convenient desktop clock. Schedule events
|once, daily, monthly, on specific days, and
|more. Events can be scheduled to occur
|repeatedly throughout the day and between
|certain hours. Highly customizable display
|with support for international date and time
|configurations. 60 day trial version
|SHAREWARE WalkerWerks bcwlker@ibm.net
036\APCODEC5.ZIP 136036 12-03-95
|AnPoCODEC 5, play Windows AVIs with OS/2
|warp. Included is support for AVI Video1,
|Cinepak and RLE.
036\BA2CLB01.ZIP 27951 11-01-95
|BackAgain/2 Professional CLBACK.EXE Update
|For Back Again/2 Professional v3.10a OS/2
036\BEAV1402.ZIP 277340 01-01-96
|BEAV 1.40.2 - Binary Editor And Viewer for
036\BETAFAQ2.ZIP 45228 01-13-96
|Unofficial OS/2 Beta faq - HTML format
|Rumours and facts concerning upcoming OS/2
|and OS/2 related releases from IBM.
036\BIGBRO20.ZIP 51531 01-01-96
|BigBro v2.0Shareware Synchronet Node Monitor
|for OS/2 The PM WFC screen with user editor,
|local logons, spawn SCFG, and stats all form
|the OS/2 Desktop. This is a muliti-threaded
|application with many sysop utilities
036\BIOG10A.ZIP 253051 12-25-95
|BIOGRAPH FOR OS/2 v1.0a: The ultimate
|program to compute biorhythms and pair
|matching. Bio- Graph tells you about the
|four cycles of your biorhythm. This
|information can help you in planning dates
|and gives you more understan- ding for your
|friends' and your partner's feelings.
|BioGraph currently includes german, english
|and dutch language. Shareware, re- duced
|introductory price until 2/29/96.
036\BLANKR60.ZIP 972779 01-31-96
|Blanker 6.0 - multimedia screen saver for
|OS/2 with five functions 1) screen saving:
|external modules, DPMS password, hot
|corners, full screen blanking 2) screen
|capturing, saving and printing 3)
|information window: displays time, date free
|memory, disk space, swap size 4) launch
|keys: open WPS objects with a key 5) alarms:
|message and task scheduling shareware; US,
|German and Lite version incl
036\BMAGIC99.ZIP 53571 02-07-96
|Background Magic [.99 ] OS/2 Background Util
|Are you using a replacement shell and miss
|having a background BMP? This works w/WPS!
036\BMPVW141.ZIP 195111 12-03-95
|BMP Viewer V1.41, Bit map picture viewer for
|OS/2 Warp, displays bit map pictures in a
|window. Use Drag & Drop to view pictures
|and or create lists of pictures to View.
|Set the BackGround of DeskTop or folders.
|VRObj.DLL required.
036\CALCALC.ZIP 88725 12-16-95
|OS/2 PM Calorie Calculator for Cyclists
036\CALCALC1.ZIP 87707 12-21-95
|Os2 bicycling ride calorie calulator v1.01.
036\CASE12A.ZIP 33613 01-17-96
|Case v1.2A: case conversion utility for OS/2
|HPFS file/dir names for OS/2 2.x, 3.x.;
036\CBY_PM10.ZIP 100697 12-30-95
|The Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion v1.0
|which is a 32 bit OS/2 Presentation Manager
|program full of records, statistics & info
|about the NFL team the Dallas Cowboys. It
|takes full advantage of the OS/2 desktop's
|easy-to-use PM features such as drop down
|menus & dialog boxes.
036\CD30.ZIP 16410 11-05-95
|* Color Directory Version 3.0 * A program to
|list the contents of a directory in color.
|Fully configurable. Freeware! For OS/2 2.0
|(With Service Pak), 2.1, 2.11 and WARP
|Version 3
036\CD33.ZIP 19682 01-12-96
|Color Directory Version 3.3 A program to
|list the contents of a directory in color.
|Fully configurable. Freeware For OS/2 2.0
|(With Service Pak 2.1, 2.11 and WARP Version
036\CDBOX161.ZIP 89863 11-29-95
|(v1.61) CD in a Box OS/2 CD Player. This is
|an Object Oriented CD Player where tracks
|appear as icons in a folder and you use
|direct editing to enter track and Title
|names. Add tracks to a Disc to create
|custom CD's and many more features.
|FREEWARE lroger@ins.co.nz
036\CENSOR10.ZIP 41177 12-19-95
|Lally's File Censorer is a pgm that will go
|through a specified file & replace any words
|in this file that match a word in the
|dictionary file with asterisks. Good for
|censoring bad words out of slightly profanic
036\CHG_CTLS.ZIP 131104 11-20-95
|CHG_CTLS- Titlebar Customizer for OS/2 WARP.
|A collection of replacement bitmaps to
|replace the default os/2 controls: Minimize,
|Maximize, etc.. Includes a Batch file to
|make updating extremely easy. Look in
|Readme.1st for full info. By: Matt Schellhaa
036\CODEX_09.ZIP 83886 12-01-95
|CODEX Bible Concordance for OS/2 Warp v 0.9
|Features multiple synchronized Bible windows
|in an MDI environment, fast phrase and log-
|ical search engine with powerful boolean op-
|erators. This file requires the Bible data
|found in BIBLE_08.ZIP.
036\CON1295.ZIP 621606 11-13-95
|OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for December 1995 in
|INF format suitable for use with the
|standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE).
|Simply type: VIEW CON1295.INF See included
|README.TXT file for description and
|installation instructions. Newsletter
|includes the names, numbers, and addresses
|(including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2
|contacts in the industry, along with news
|and a calendar of events.
036\CTEL012.ZIP 74089 12-31-95
|CapiTel is a CAPI 1.1 based 32-Bit answering
|machine for OS/2. This is a textmode ALPHA
036\CURSES16.ZIP 315167 12-17-95
|Curses (release 16) - Critically acclaimed
|interactive fiction text adventure in the
|tradition of Infocom, on a mammoth scale.
|Packed with wonder and intrigue, puzzles and
|personalities. Words paint pictures that
|computer graphics never can: free your
|imagination and explore the original form of
|digital virtual reality! OS/2 and DOS
|versions included in this archive.
036\DAYTIM15.ZIP 76249 12-07-95
|This package contains a time (RFC 868 and
|daytime (RFC 867) server as well as a client
|for both for OS/2. IBM TCP/IP is required.
|TCP and UDP protocols are supported. INETD
|operation is possible for TCP protocol
036\DISKIO19.ZIP 37539 01-02-96
|(v1.9) DISKIO, simple fixed disk benchmark
|for OS/2 measures drive cache/bus transfer
|rate, data transfer rate, average latency
|time, average data access time, CPU load
|caused by the disk I/O
036\DMP102.ZIP 116446 12-11-95
|(v1.02) Dual Module Player by Julien Pierre.
|Dual Module Player is a simple and fast
|module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or
|the new Direct Audio for output. It
|supports many module formats : MOD, NST,
|STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware
|by madbrain@micronet.fr Note : do not
|confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music
|Player aka DMPLAYER.
036\DMP104.ZIP 134166 02-10-96
|v1.04) Dual Module Player by Julien Pierre.
|Dual Module Player is a simple and fast
|module player for OS/2 It uses MMPM/2 or the
|new Direct Audio for output. It supports
|many module formats MOD, NST, STM, S3M, 669,
|FAR, MTM, and AMF Freeware by
|madbrain@micronet.fr Note : do not confuse
|DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music Player aka
036\DN142.ZIP 838632 01-22-96
|The best OS Shell a Man can get DOS
|NAVIGATOR 1.42 Released January 22, 1996
036\DOIP9601.ZIP 40134 01-01-96
|DOIP9601.FAQ is the January 96 release of
|the Frequently Asked Questions list for
|setting up and using the OS/2 Dial Other
|Internet Providers application
036\DRIVECHK.ZIP 7035 01-27-96
|DRIVECHK.CMD is a REXX program to scan a
|drive and determine wasted space for both
|the HPFS and FAT file systems. OS/2
036\DRVCHK2.ZIP 7815 02-02-96
|DriveCheck v.02, wasted drive space scanner
|for OS/2 Warp (probably 2.11 as well
036\DS9_PM10.ZIP 35523 11-23-95
|The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v
|1.0 for STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9. This is a
|full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it
|easy to view information on the popular TV
036\DZ100.ZIP 643182 11-11-95
|Os2 drop zone v1.00 - warp desktop utility.
036\E30EL1.ZIP 1397670 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: emacs lisp files (source),.
036\E30EL2.ZIP 1140000 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: emacs lisp files (source),.
036\E30EL3.ZIP 509523 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: emacs lisp files (source),.
036\E30INFO.ZIP 815898 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: info file (on-line help).
036\E30LIB2.ZIP 421646 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: emacs lisp library
036\E30MAN.ZIP 978109 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: documentation files (mostly.
036\E30MIN.ZIP 1205716 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: minimal set of files to run.
036\E30MORE.ZIP 302969 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: additional files.
036\E30NET.ZIP 493084 12-21-95
|Os2 Emacs 19.30: additional files for
036\EDESK50.ZIP 686481 12-02-95
|A MAJOR release, version 5.0 of the popular
|EXECUTIVE DESK Information Manager (PIM)
|program adds dozens of new features: Win '95
|compatibility, Dayview Control Center,
|Archiving of complete schedules,
|People/Project Links follow-up, Drag-n-Drop,
|Dialing and Pop-Run. Award winning
|EXECUTIVE DESK is now distributed worldwide
036\EFCOM209.ZIP 293785 12-27-95
|OS/2 PM Commander V2.09. HPFS, netware,
|commandbar with history, statusbar with
|context menu, toolbar with help, usermenu,
|drag & drop, packers, scalable panels,
|customized layout, powerful search, & more.
036\EFCOMM.ZIP 272678 11-10-95
|OS/2 PM Commander V2.07. HPFS, netware, MORE
036\EULER409.ZIP 468661 02-06-96
|EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math
|program, handling real and complex numbers,
|vectors and matrices, with 2D/3D graphics,
|programming language Shareware
036\FAUXRAM.ZIP 89551 01-31-96
|v1.0) FauxRAM - fake RAM doubler (humor
|Humorous OS/2 PM program meant to make fun
|of Windoze RAM compression programs. This
|program "doubles" system and video RAM
|processor speed, HD capacity, and CD-ROM
|throughput. Also converts SX processors to
|DX. In actuality it does nothing but
|display nice graphs (just like the "real"
|ones Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk
036\FBD099.ZIP 37884 11-15-95
|FBDIFF 0.9.9 (OS/2) - File base differencer.
|Monitors any group of files for new files,
|changed files, deleted files and duplicates.
|Shareware - registration is $20 CDN.
036\FC2_140.ZIP 174081 11-16-95
|File Commander/2 v1.4, Norton Commander(TM)
|(DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file
|management functions, program launch, text
|viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit
|OS/2 text mode.
036\FFF13E.ZIP 175855 01-07-96
|v1.3) FFF - OS/2 Frisky File Finder full
|featured file finder with DRAG DROP and many
|other features like searching for files by
|name, date, time, size and attributes with
|Operators Shareware (US$ 25.- private; US$
|50 business). Runs on OS/2 2.x or Warp 3 U.
|Hegemann Softwareentwicklung
036\FIAW10.ZIP 88541 01-01-96
|(v1.0) Finger-In-A-Window - PM finger util.
|OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store
|a list of frequently finger addresses and
|display the finger output in a scrollable
|window. The address list can be saved,
|sorted, and arranged and the program's size,
|position, and font may also be saved.
|Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (gregk@edp.net).
036\FLEET113.ZIP 969902 12-02-95
|FleetStreet 1.13 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM is a
|flexible and powerful FTN message reader for
|Squish, *.MSG & JAM areas, multithreaded, 32
|bit, CUA'91, Rexx, drag'n'drop, highly
|configurable, supports Squish, Fastecho,
|IMail, GEcho, LoraBBS, FMAIL, english,
|german, swedish and italian version.
036\FLIFLA10.ZIP 88983 01-29-96
|FLICFLAC v1.0: A game of colors, suitable
|for any age. Easy to learn, but very
|addcitve Requires OS/2 Warp and mouse.
036\FLINF10.ZIP 32421 01-24-96
|FLINF V1.0 - File List to INF Converter
|32-bit OS/2 command line utility converts
|many different file list formats
036\FM2_237A.ZIP 1071352 11-15-95
|FM/2 v2.37a An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit
|file/directory/ archive/etc. maintenance
|package with plenty of bells and whistles --
|a Swiss army knife for OS/2.
036\GO2_12.ZIP 21634 01-20-96
|Go2, version 1.2. An OS/2 command-line
|directory-changing utility Crosses
|disk-drives, networks, simple to use.
036\GTAK245.ZIP 560804 11-15-95
|Gtak v2.45 scsi tape backup for os/2.
036\GTIRC104.ZIP 217277 11-26-95
|(V1.04) GammaTech IRC - This is an OS/2
|Presentation Manager Internet Relay Chat
|client by GammaTech. It is a full featured
|demo of the commercial product but the demo
|limits online time to 30 minutes oer
|session. Contact SofTouch Systems for
|information regarding the commercial
|package: 1-800-944-3028, 1-405-947-8085, Fax
036\GTRAF001.ZIP 10565 11-11-95
|GigTraf v0.01 is a traffic reporter for use
|with the GIGO UUCP gateway package. It
|comes in 2 flavours : DOS and OS/2 (16 bit).
036\GZT0196.ZIP 952292 12-03-95
|The OS/2er's GrassRoots Gazette in INF
|format (Winter 95/96)
036\HTTPA130.ZIP 215424 11-29-95
|(v1.30) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read
|and file that the OS2HTTPD NCSA Server
|writes out
036\HV30.ZIP 124820 11-11-95
|HyperView 3.0: All new PM version. OS/2
|file viewer with special features for
|isolating and extracting information from
|word processing, text, and ZIP files.
|Automatically reads and recognizes Ami Pro,
|Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect & WinWord.
036\HV31.ZIP 133015 02-05-96
|HyperView 3.1: High performance OS/2 file
|viewer with special features for isolating
|and extracting information from word
|processing, text, and ZIP files. PM and
|text mode editions. Automatically reads Ami
|Pro Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect &
036\HYBRIS17.ZIP 18933 12-17-95
|OS/2: Tetris-clone OS2 v1.7.
036\IC103.ZIP 343054 01-09-96
|InterCom v1.02 - PM Internet Telephone for
|OS/2. Features such as answering machine,
|caller ID, call blocking, dialing
|directories, and quick dial. Electronic
|telephone book server and talk servers.
|Seamless support for dynamic IP users.
|Fully functional shareware version.
036\IED_SAT.ZIP 33674 11-12-95
|IEdit v.Saturn beta Editor for OS/2 PM by
|Alexander Wilkens of iLogic Software
036\IED_URAN.ZIP 34455 12-03-95
|IEdit v.Uranus beta Editor for OS/2 PM
036\IMILEO22.ZIP 555002 11-12-95
|InfoMiles v2.2 for OS/2 PM Communications
|usage and cost monitor for Internet,
|services, BBS, fax, email, etc.
036\INETLG49.ZIP 32160 11-03-95
|INETLOG.CMD v4.9 analyzes the OS/2 Warp
|Dialer's connection log file. Compatible
|with date stamps in all Dialer versions
|(1.53 beta is latest). Command-line
|options. Freeware/
036\INFPM132.ZIP 430620 12-29-95
|InfoPM v1.32 for OS/2. System information &
|benchmark for OS/2 3.0 (WARP) and above.
036\INIED213.ZIP 457528 11-24-95
|INIEdit/2 Version 1.3 for OS/2 -
|Edit/Manipulate OS/2 INI files - Tool Bar
|Support for easier access to options -
|Ability to make your own OS/2 INI files -
|ClassEdit/2 (OS/2 Object Class editor is
|free with INIEdit/2 * registration! (Reg.
|is $10.00)
036\INIMOU10.ZIP 5175 12-28-95
|On some systems, OS/2 will not load the
|mouse driver if you aren't doing a cold boot
|(i.e use the power switch). This OS/2 base
|device driver initializes your serial mouse
|so that the OS/2 mouse driver can be loaded
|even if you are doing a warm boot. A DOS
|version is also included. FREEWARE by
|Robert Muchsel
036\JC144E.ZIP 400799 02-13-96
|JetCommander, V1.44 powerful NC-Clone for
|for OS/2 and DOS. Only one user interface
|for OS/2 and DOS !, see REGISTER.DOC for
|registration information
036\JOTV1.ZIP 96045 01-14-96
|Jot v1.0, a small OS/2 notepad program that
|allows the user to create, edit and save
|multiple files containing multiple notes.
|Requires VROBJ.DLL, Version 2.14 or later
|and Rexx support.
036\L4OS2TCP.ZIP 8034 11-22-95
|Bulletin: Lantastic For OS/2 V1.0 And IBM
|TCP/IP V2.X For OS/2 Interoperability
036\LOD501O.ZIP 685164 11-05-95
|LOD Ver 5.00 - OS/2 exes [Optional] By Scott
|M. Baker These executables are for the OS/2
|version of LOD. Included are both a
|graphical PM version and a standard
|character mode application. Also included
|are several utilities and other associated
036\LST004.ZIP 247374 12-04-95
|LST/2 alpha 0.04 for OS/2 and DOS. Feature
|list: --Built in directory lister. *
|Displays last accessed and created dates on
|HPFS drives * Display anywhere from 1 to 9
|directory columns on screen * Automatically
|view files on righthand 3/4 of screen.
|--File viewer * Supports redirection. *
|Save the redirected text to a file. *
|Search forwards and backwards within file.
|* Search for hex strings. * Search for
|regular expressions. * View PC or Unix
|style text. * 3 viewing modes - Text, Hex,
|and Dump
036\MATRIX12.ZIP 95140 02-05-96
|Matrix v1.2 an OS/2 PM strategy game for two
|players. Completely configurable. Warning:
|might be addictive.
036\MDESK11.ZIP 336449 11-09-95
|MDesk for OS/2 Release 1.1, MDesk is a fast,
|complete WPS replacement or add-on for OS/2
|2.1 and Warp. It also features many desktop
|tools not found in the base OS/2 product
036\MIM2_010.ZIP 565301 01-04-96
|MR/2 INI editor. BETA With drag'n'drop
|color pallete and Virtual conference editor.
036\MLTPLT21.ZIP 89579 01-01-96
|(v1.1)MULTIPLOT/2 -Flexible PM Multiline
|Plot PM app for line plotting many
|disconnected data sets on same chart. WPS
|GUI & nice looking output. Experiment with
|data modification, interpolation, styles,
|plot formats ( log, dB, polar) by simple
|menu choice. Annotate chart & save or copy
|image to docs or disk. Full command line
|control for automated environments.
|Shareware US$20 M.Stott NeoDym Systems
036\MMINE121.ZIP 55509 11-17-95
|(v1.21) MegaMine - German version Very
|powerful OS/2-Minesweeper Shareware with a
|lot of new features for OS/2 Warp.
036\MONY_100.ZIP 35489 01-25-96
|MONY.SYS is an MDA device driver for OS/2.
|MDA, or monochrome display adapater, mono
|card, can be used together with a color VGA,
|and both can run at the same time. Handy
036\MR2I099D.ZIP 597712 12-04-95
|Mr/2 internet cruiser edition v0.99d email
|client for OS/2
036\MR2_226.ZIP 290731 02-01-96
|MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2
|text-mode. Menu/picklist driven mouse
|support, thread summary, multi threaded
|searching, virtual conferences address book,
|internal editor, speller thesaurus. Reply
|templates, clipboard access, BBS specific
|INI's. Message deferring, reply logging,
|long file name support. Much more Many
|SLMR/OLX compatible keystrokes
036\MSHRED.ZIP 24111 01-10-96
|mshred WPS object super-shredder for OS/2
|Warp+ from M. Kimes. Free-no warranty.
036\MUSE2V11.ZIP 217109 11-26-95
|Ethos's Native OS/2 S3M/MOD/MTM Player v1.1
|Plays S3M/MOD/MTM files under OS/2, supports
|MMPM/2, and DART and works with any OS/2
|supported sound card.
036\NEMO10.ZIP 190102 02-06-96
|Captain Nemo for OS/2, Version 1.0. The
|really authentic-looking Norton Commander
|clone. Complete file management with
|advanced archive support, .LONGNAMEs,
036\NFNF101.ZIP 182571 01-15-96
|NFNF v1.01, 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp
|adds extra functionality to the OS/2 WPS and
|makes many things easier to do. NFNF will
|only work on OS/2 Warp - not earlier
|versions of OS/2
036\NFNF102.ZIP 185463 01-20-96
|NFNF v1.02, a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2
|Warp. NFNF adds extra functionality to the
|OS/2 Workplace Shell and makes many things
|easier to do. Requires Warp, will not work
|with earlier versions of OS/2.
036\ODFXKT4E.ZIP 571065 01-22-96
|Os2 object desktop update to version 1.03.
036\OS2BMP1.ZIP 1022144 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 1 of 7
036\OS2BMP2.ZIP 834417 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 2 of 7
036\OS2BMP3.ZIP 750224 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 3 of 7
036\OS2BMP4.ZIP 766082 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 4 of 7
036\OS2BMP5.ZIP 587409 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 5 of 7
036\OS2BMP6.ZIP 310469 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 6 of 7
036\OS2BMP7.ZIP 603132 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files FILE 7 of 7
036\OS2BMP8.ZIP 285145 12-03-95
|WOW! .BMP files for the OS/2 Desktop WOW!
|Some of these files were converted from .PNG
|files I had on my bbs. Most of then came
|l D. Barnes was the author of all the WARP
|.BMP files. I took the liberty of dragging
|them to the desktop and converting them as
|per his instructions using PMVIEW92.ZIP Each
|zip file contains two .bmp Enjoy! BEST AT
|640x480x65,000 colors! Be sure to check out
|all the other related zip files
036\OS2CL015.ZIP 39993 11-24-95
|PM++ class library -- encapsulates the OS/2
|PM API. Compiles to a DLL with emx 0.9a
036\OS2DAY.ZIP 121736 12-27-95
|A "today in history" for OS/2.
036\OS2Z1195.ZIP 70856 11-30-95
|OS/2 Zone Ezine in ASCII Text Format Nov 95
036\OWTD_INF.ZIP 205676 12-25-95
|Os/2 warp troubleshooting demystified - info
036\PAGEOS2A.ZIP 95893 11-06-95
|OS/2 program to send an alphanumic message
|to a pager. It has Page by name or number,
|Delayed pages, Delay by minutes. Page at a
|particular date and time. Keeps a Log file.
|Remembers pages after server has been
|restarted. Client/Server application. V1.0
|Rev 4.
036\PAGER050.ZIP 226287 11-28-95
|SWISS PAGER/2 0.50 OS/2 Software zum
|Versenden von Meldungen an alphanume- rische
|und numerische Pager via Modem. Telepage
|Swiss und Telepage Private f hig.
|Vorbereitet f r Natel-D SMS. - Einzel- &
|Mehrfachversand - Gespeicherte Versandlisten
|- Drag & Drop Support - Druckfunktion -
|Getestet unter OS/2 Warp
036\PCAL1495.ZIP 192291 01-21-96
|Personal Information Manager (PIM).
|Appointment reminder (tickler), clock,
|scrollable calendar, notepad, historical
|tracker (diary). Runs as a normal program
|under Windows 3 or 95, and also as a stable,
|environment sensitive 6K byte TSR under DOS.
|OS/2 compatible! From FunStuff Software
|$39. PKZIP -AV by author Paul Munoz-Colman.
036\PCII1295.ZIP 75557 12-03-95
|Patrick Duffy's Information Files on PCI
|Hardware And OS/2. Dec. 1995 Update.
|Motherboards, Chips, Network Cards, Faq,
|Ide, SCSI And Video. Very Informative For
|Prospective Buyers.
036\PCOS95B.ZIP 9520 12-11-95
|Benefits/Costs: OS/2 Warp V Win95 V Winnt
|3.51. User View of Benefits & Costs For PC
|Users Who Need to Upgrade From 16-Bit
|Windows to A 32-Bit Software Platform.
|Compares OS/2 Warp, Windows 95 & Windows NT
036\PMCOM233.ZIP 430314 01-02-96
|PMComm 2.33, a PM terminal program for OS/2
036\PMFD10C.ZIP 20353 12-05-95
|Os2 pm finger daemon v1.0c.
036\PMMTOMR2.ZIP 15185 12-26-95
|PMMtoMR2 Version 1.0 - A utility to convert
|PMMail nicknames, folders, and mail to
|MR2Ice format. Options are available to
|either move existing mail or copy existing
036\PMP40A.ZIP 787132 12-22-95
|PMP40a.ZIP, PM Patrol version 4.0a 32-bit PM
|resource mgmt software and toolset for OS/2
|2.1+, OS/2 WARP.
036\PMP40D.ZIP 789071 01-23-96
|PM Patrol version 4.0d, 32-bit PM resource
|mgmt software and toolset for OS/2 2.1 Bug
|fixes - see Whats New section
036\PMPN200B.ZIP 1008306 12-30-95
|PM PostNotes for OS/2 Version 2.00b
|Filename:- PMPN200b.ZIP PM PostNotes
|provides a suite of utilities, which include
|PostIt (c) notes, small PIM w/ graphical
|time-usage, true digital clock w/ calendar,
|hour/quarter/half-hour chiming, hour
|tolling, digital stop watch, event timer
|reminder, program launcher, a calculator, an
|address book, and a phone dialer. Contains
|a demo of the Deluxe Edition in addition to
|all that is required to register this
|shareware application. Requires Rexx for
036\PMPRP200.ZIP 720399 12-06-95
|PMPrep 2.00 - OS/2 PM uuencoder/uudecoder
|PMPrep features an easy to use yet powerful
|drag'n drop user interfacefor OS/2 v 2.1+
036\PMSAT10.ZIP 683400 11-11-95
|PM Satellite/2 v1.0 Shareware
036\PMSB25.ZIP 147836 02-11-96
|PM Scrapbook v2.5, 32 bit OS/2 PM Personal
|Information Manager/Database with address
|books, to-do lists, user definable tables
|note pads and Workplace Shell references
|organized in a graphical tree format
036\PMSX211B.ZIP 762460 01-07-96
|PMsndX - OS/2 PM based program to convert
|sounds between different formats and provide
|tools for special effects, editing, and
|playing of samples stored in memory.
036\PMWIP120.ZIP 82812 11-04-95
|PM WIPE for OS/2 v1.20, easy-to-use program
|wipes (deletes) files/subdirectories so that
|they can't be recovered by the OS/2 UNDELETE
036\POPPLAB1.ZIP 134178 12-10-95
|MMPM/2 MOD-, STM-, S3M-, MTM-, XM- and
|ULT-player for OS/2 VROBJ.DLL VXRexx Runtime
036\POST2U21.ZIP 232624 01-08-96
|Ecee Software presents PostToYou/2 version
|2.1. An OS/2 program which provides yellow
|sticky notes to litter your screen with
|reminders. Notes can have alarms and
|repeating alarms with factors of minutes,
|hours or days. Notes can be stationary,
|hidden or floating, different sizes and
|tiling styles. Save to file or print
|features. Font and color support per note.
|Note text is typed right onto the note.
|Con- figuration allows for your choice of
|date format display, alarm attributes and
|more. Great for meetings, appoint- ments
|and event reminders. Shareware and NOT
|crippled or limited. Register via
|CompuServe SWREG# 8504.
036\PRIME10A.ZIP 160007 12-26-95
|Prime number Generator for MS-DOS, OS/2 and
|Macintosh. Very fast 32-bit algorithm. The
|source code for all platforms is included.
036\PRJMG104.ZIP 63778 01-02-96
|Project Manager v1.04 for GCC/EMX 0.9a is a
|simple to use OS/2 PM-Frontend & Maketool
|for GCC/EMX 0.9a. It needs the EMX runtime
036\PROS0196.ZIP 196623 12-20-95
|PROS/2 Newsletter for January 1996 in
|various file formats: ASCII text (.TXT),
|PostScript (.PS), and INF suitable for use
|with the standard OS/2 "View" utility
|(VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW PROS0196.INF
|See included README.TXT file for description
|and installation instructions. PROS/2 is
|the official newsletter of the Tampa Bay
|OS/2 Users' Group (TBOUG).
036\PS2_201E.ZIP 357123 01-07-96
|PalmScan/2 v2.01 - The Ultimate Archive
|Conversion Utility. 32 bit OS/2 version.
|Files from/to archives, full support for GIF
|packing, and lots more! PalmScan has full
|FileDoor, FILES.BBS, Remote-Access,
036\PVU110.ZIP 643897 11-27-95
|(v1.1.0) The Practice Viewer Upgrade
|Includes JPEG support for OS/2 Multimedia,
|and the Lightning Browser, a much-improved
|multimedia image browser. Formerly
|available as JPEGPROC. New in this release:
|* The Lightning Browser * Patch for Light
|Tables to support .jpg * Supports writing
|JPEG files Practice Corp,
036\QFRAME.ZIP 21909 01-11-96
|Qframe Version 1.0 for OS/2 - ConnectIx
|QuickCam frame grabber for OS/2 - = From the
|SophWare HoloHaus (c)1996 =
036\RAR200BP.ZIP 101933 12-22-95
|RAR version 2.00 beta for OS/2 first public
|beta of the next major release of the RAR
|archiver, and contains the EXE and WHATSNEW
036\RPO205.ZIP 195264 12-11-95
|Os2 upgrade for partition magic 2.0 from pow
036\RXFILE1.ZIP 292233 11-12-95
|REXX FILE v1.0: An OS/2 WPS file manager
|Drag and Drop is supported, Associations can
|be set in the Settings notebook. Direct
|editing of Filenames, Directory names and
|Attributes is also supported.
036\RXFNSET.ZIP 9706 11-05-95
|RxFnSet 2.0 OS/2 32bit Rexx Extensions for
|2.0 and up includes functions for
|identifying PIDs and process killing.
036\RXTT19.ZIP 298294 12-25-95
|Os2 Rexx tips & tricks v1.90.
036\RXU19.ZIP 192713 11-21-95
|Set of Rexx functions which expose most of
|the OS/2 API to Rexx Programs. v1.9
036\SC8_OS2B.ZIP 29695 11-13-95
|GTEK Smartcard 8 drivers for OS/2
036\SCHED230.ZIP 46779 12-07-95
|Schedule-IT! Version 2.30, OS/2 PM based
|Event Launcher. Schedule any OS/2, DOS or
|Windows programs for any time any and
|day(s). Can also launch programs in real
|time! Shareware $25.
036\SCLK10.ZIP 101227 02-13-96
|Simple Clock V1.00 for OS/2 WARP. Simple
|Clock provides the hands, and you provide
|the face. Drag any .bmp file to the clock
|icon, and it will open with that picture.
036\SMALED10.ZIP 256055 01-11-96
|Smalled 1.00 The perfect system editor
|replacement. Smalled is a PM Editor that
|Features Multithreading, Buttonbar,
|Drag-n-drop, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing,MORE
036\SOUND.ZIP 22016 11-19-95
|OS/2 Soundcard Summary by Rod Smith
036\SOUP15.ZIP 84077 11-13-95
|Os2 souper 1.5 create soup packets via ppp/s.
036\SOUPINST.ZIP 5226 01-25-96
|Document on How to Install Souper V14 And
|Yarn V0.89 For OS/2.
036\SPLGRD11.ZIP 222070 12-26-95
|SpellGuard v1.1 is an OS/2 as-you-type Spell
|Checker for PM programs,programs that run in
|an OS/2 Window and DOS programs in a DOS
|Window 56K Dictionary.Provides interactive
|spell checking and closet match Shareware -
036\SPLLMSTR.ZIP 213461 01-24-96
|Spelling Tutor With Spoken Prompts Needs
|Mmpm and OS/2
036\STKY2112.ZIP 73075 11-29-95
|(v1.12) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to send
|Sticky notes across a TCP/IP network. Great
|for interoffice and interFriend messaging.
|Allows for up to 2K of a message, and 1500
|names in your list. All suggestions and
|enhancements will be considered
036\STRIP20.ZIP 265790 12-10-95
|(v2.00) STRIP-Data File Code Stripper OS/2 &
|DOS command line program which removes the
|formating codes from ASCII data files such
|as *.ipf and *.html. This allows you to
|read and spell check the 'normal' text.
|Registered version will then reinsert codes.
|GUI for OS/2 version. Shareware: $10.
|Author: lrcopp@mtu.edu
036\SWAPMO13.ZIP 195084 11-24-95
|(v1.30) SwapMonitor - A complete OS/2
|monitor that will fit in a small window on
|your desktop. It is highly cutomizable.
|You can change font and color by drag &
|drop. You can display a clock, the disk
|occupation (free, percentage, total), the
|file system, the volume label, the number of
|process & threads, the elapsed time since
|last boot, and many more
036\SWAPMO14.ZIP 200378 02-01-96
|SwapMonitor v1.40, Complete OS/2 monitor
|that will fit in a small window on your
|desktop. It is highly cutomizable. You can
|change font and color by drag & drop You can
|display a clock, the disk occupation (free,
|percentage, total), the file system, the
|volume label, the number of process &
|threads, the elapsed time since last boot,
|and many more
036\SYSMON20.ZIP 259294 02-01-96
|SYSTEM MONITOR v2.0, Mulithreaded OS/2 PM
|program provides a status bar that monitors
|reports system activity and performance
|Items monitored are freely configurable so
|you only see what you like
036\TASKR402.ZIP 302931 12-05-95
|(v4.02) Tasker 4.0 /OS2 Task Scheduler
|Tasker 4.02 is a OS/2 Work place shell
|scheduler from Evolutionary software. it
|has the following features. 1.) Work Place
|shell Program 2.)Schedule DOS,Windows,OS/2
|programs 3.) Automatic Logging 4) Log viewer
|with extensive filters. 4.)Granularity of
|minutes, hours etc contact us with email at
036\TCOS295.ZIP 530790 02-07-96
|Take Command for OS/2 v. 0.95 pre-release.
|Full implementation of JP Software's
|award-winning command line tools for the
|OS/2 GUI environment. 4OS2,
|4DOS-compatible, dozens of new commands and
|command enhancements. PRE-RELEASE
036\TCSH6051.ZIP 210987 11-15-95
|Tcsh os/2 6-05.01 update - os/2 port of unix.
036\TE2_131T.ZIP 700530 11-01-95
|TE/2 (Terminal Emulator) v1.31 for OS/2.
|communications software for OS/2. fully
|functional test-drive version with script
|capability included
036\THD212_1.ZIP 442908 12-25-95
|THD ProScan v12.1 [OS/2]. The OS/2 native
|version of the popular Archive/File
|Processor. New features include the ability
|to decompress compressed executable files
|using UNP v4.11 as well as the ability to
|add external (and internal) archive
|definitions and external scanner
|definitions. Includes THDTERM for
|processing entire directories and THDPLUS
|for BBS updates. Fixes imbedded archive
|naming problem
036\TIM110P.ZIP 364652 12-02-95
|TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
|Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
|internal editor. OS/2 version.
036\TIME868B.ZIP 64384 11-09-95
|(v2) TIME868 - A PM time client/server This
|program will set your PC clock from a
|network time server and will also provide a
|time server. The program uses RFC 868 (time
|protocol). This program is shareware. See
|Register in the online Help. Norbert Dey PO
|Box 103 Newberg, Oregon 97132 Email:
036\TOOLS55.ZIP 316738 11-29-95
|Small collection of miscellaneous OS/2 tools
|developed by Kai Uwe Rommel
036\TOS_PM10.ZIP 38863 11-23-95
|The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v
|1.0 for The Original STAR TREK.
036\TOYLAND.ZIP 761525 11-19-95
|Toyland for OS/2 v0.6 - Public Beta Hi-Color
|Version. Guide your Toy through multiple
|levels of a maze. Shareware (in
036\TRASHSQR.ZIP 50556 11-19-95
|(v1.141) TRASHSQRT.ZIP - OS/2 Warp trashcan.
|Simple de/installation via REXX scripts.
036\TRSHCN23.ZIP 186994 11-04-95
|(v2.3) TrashCan - WPS trash can object - WPS
|extension for OS/2 Warp (or higher) - SOM2
|application - macintosh-like trash can
|object - Fully customizable to user needs -
|Many features for trash management -
|Shareware (US$ 20.00) Kai Sommerfeld,
036\TSCN107.ZIP 122135 12-11-95
|T-Scan v1.07 OutBound Statistics Scanner
|Full outbound resource analyzer and sorted
|statistics generation. T-Mail configuration
|support. Other binkleystyle mailer working.
|User statistics format support. Include DOS
|& OS/2 Version. (C) 1995, by Oleg Baranov,
036\TSERVE1B.ZIP 77347 01-26-96
|TSERVE 1.0b - Micro-Neil's Terminal server
|for OS/2 Warp Connect. Provides PPP
|internet access through your BBS lines.
|Fully configurable shareware, allows for
|fixed or dynamic IP addresses on a user by
|user basis Fully documented. Shareware $60
036\TSKBR105.ZIP 62688 01-02-96
|FM/2 Taskbar v1.05 An OS/2 2.x+ PM 32-bit
|taskbar. Shareware.
036\T_DLC35.ZIP 91896 11-22-95
|T-DLC 3.5 - T-Mail Download Counter for DOS,
|OS/2 and WinNT
036\ULP2_210.ZIP 184987 12-23-95
|UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.10. Now the
|premier upload processing system is
|available in a multi-threaded 32-bit native
|OS/2 version! NOTE: This archive is not a
|complete package; it contains the OS/2 files
|only. The general release archive
|ULP_210.ZIP must also be downloaded for the
|complete package To install, simply copy
|these files to your DOS ULP 2.x subdirectory.
036\ULTRA085.ZIP 201903 12-11-95
|ultra085.zip - version 0.85 of "The Manley
|GUS Drivers". Robert J. Manley's Gravis
|Ultrasound MMPM drivers for OS/2 UltiMOD
|v1.3, OS/2 Modplayer for the Gravis
|Ultrasound. Supports 4, 6 & 8 channel MODs,
|1-32 channel FT1, MTM, S3M and XM
036\ULTRA105.ZIP 273053 01-22-96
|The Manley GUS Drivers v1.05, Robert J.
|Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM drivers for
|OS/2. Archive includes UltiMOD v1.3, OS/2
|Modplayer for the Gravis Ultrasound.
|Supports 4, 6 and 8 channel MODs, 1-32
|channel FT1, MTM, S3M and XM. Uploaded by:
|Mark Davidson
036\UNI95324.ZIP 742256 12-08-95
|Os2 csd for unimaint 4.0 dated 12/05/95!
036\UUCD_PLS.ZIP 73053 01-08-96
|uudecode/uuencode for OS/2. does not
|require EMX or other foreign libraries to
|run. also included are uudecDOS.exe and
|uuencDOS.exe, exact DOS replicas of the OS/2
|programs. freeware
036\UUCODE15.ZIP 46170 01-31-96
|UUEncode & UUDecode, v1.5 Fast, free,
|32-bit, HPFS & EAs-Ok
036\VIDPERF.ZIP 119258 12-21-95
|Os2 Clear & simple's video performance test.
036\VIDPERF2.ZIP 151937 01-03-96
|(v1.2) VidPerf - OS2/Video/Test Video
|Performance Test will cover line drawing,
|text display,and bitmap viewing; displaying
|a timed result of each test segment.
036\VIL55OS2.ZIP 214549 11-28-95
|VILE Text Editor is compatible with vi in
|"finger feel". multi-file editing and
|viewing, key rebinding, and real X window
|system support.
036\VOMOD101.ZIP 424476 01-30-96
|Vocabulary Modern for OS/2 v1.01 Wordware
|for the GRE & SAT helps you learn advanced
|college level vocabulary words. OS/2 PM
|graphics. Fully functional, not expire
|ware, but has limited database. Register
|and receive the complete database of 3975
036\WE_URL.ZIP 74625 11-12-95
|Convert OS/2 WebExplorer addreses to
|standard URL addresses.
036\WHICH212.ZIP 126494 01-20-96
|Which" for OS/2 finds files and environment
036\WIN95OS2.ZIP 3342 12-07-95
|Instructions to install win95 on os2 system
|and be able to run either
036\WIRE1_01.ZIP 103045 12-30-95
|Wiresave v1.01, 3-D animated screen saver
|interfaces with the standard OS/2 lockup.
|It animates wireframe images that you can
|create using the Wiresave Editor. For OS/2
|3.0 (WARP) and above only.
036\WLM10.ZIP 28315 01-28-96
|Window List Manager 1.0 OS/2 Utility to
|remove entries from the Window List. Just
|removes the entry from the list, does not
|affect the programs running state Freeware
036\WMOVE101.ZIP 740465 01-07-96
|Window Controller V 1.01 for OS/2 WARP,
|PM-based setup program and command line
|utility used for window positioning of DOS
|and OS/2 programs
036\WPBIF091.ZIP 61007 01-04-96
|wpbif091.zip simple WPS version of unix Biff
|v0.91 with sources Author: Vitaly S.
|Gumirov <vos@ifshop.ict.nsk.su
036\WPCLS137.ZIP 163528 11-24-95
|WPClsExt Shareware Version 1.36 OS/2 Warp
|WPS Replacement classes which add following
|functions to WPS. 1. Folder's details view
|will display info about free space, size of
|selected objects (files), etc. 2. Password
|protection for folders 3. "Style" page in
|settings notebook 4. "Change to" menu item
|in pop-up (pulldown) menu 5. "Size" menu
|item in pop-up (pulldown) menu 6. Selective
|select or deselct of objects in folders 7.
|Changing default folder and data file icon
036\WPDSC094.ZIP 131417 11-29-95
|(v0.93) WPSDSCR for OS/2 - Description WPS
|Classes. This package includes replacements
|for Data File and Folder WPS classes adding
|a 'Description' column in Folder's details
|view using FILES.BBS file .SUBJECT EAs or
|4DOS's DESCRIPT.ION. Includes IDL's and SOM
|IR for new classes
036\WSEC204E.ZIP 837531 12-04-95
|Workplace Security v2.0.4 for OS/2 Warp
|password protect Folder and Program objects.
|(C) Copyright Maple Valley Software 1995
036\XDEL104.ZIP 31445 11-16-95
|XDEL v1.04 Enhanced DEL Command for OS/2
|Delete a Filename in Specified Directory,
|and ALL SubDirectories
036\XIT20.ZIP 96592 12-20-95
|Xit v2.0 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user
|defined titlebar buttons left or right side.
|Over 20 predefined actions.
036\XIT21.ZIP 137275 02-05-96
|Xit v2.1 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user
|defined titlebar buttons left or right side.
|Over 30 predefined actions.
036\XL21HOS2.ZIP 382130 12-27-95
|interpreter. Requires OS/2 2.0 or later &
|EMX.DLL in the DPATH. Supports long file
|names. Source code is available on SimTel
|mirror sites such as oak.oaklland.edu.
036\XR16READ.ZIP 39369 12-25-95
|OS/2 Warp 3.x (family) FixPak XR_W016
|Version.1.0 Helper Text Files
036\Z213UPD.ZIP 225627 12-18-95
|Os2 update zoc (v2.13).
036\ZOC213.ZIP 600284 12-17-95
|ZOC 2.13 - PM Terminal App. for OS/2.
|Outstanding GUI, solid VT102 and Zmodem,
|countless options and features including
|scroll- back buffer, external CIS-B
|protocol, online JPG and GIF viewer, REXX
|scripting, telnet and an ISDN kit. Not
|crippled -- just a registration reminder
|after file transfer.
036\ZTB145.ZIP 164128 12-09-95
|ZTreeBold v1.45: OS/2 32bit text-mode clone
|of XTreeGold. With full archiving support,
|and handling of EAs and HPFS.
*Printer Utilities
037\21UPRT62.ZIP 152283 01-02-96
|V6.2) - 21UPRT REXX PM program to print 2UP
|in landscape mode or 1UP in portrait mode on
|laser printers using PPDS, PCL or PostScript
|commands. Will number lines or support ANSI
|control characters. Suppresses multiple
|blank lines and page ejects. Also supports
|A4 (European) paper size. Many other
|functions Roger Lapp - CIS 70573,2577
037\2COL95.ZIP 59535 02-08-96
|2COL <ASP> is a compressed print utility for
|dotmatrix, ink/bubble/deskjet, prints up to
|8 pages on one side of a sheet of paper or
|16 pages using both sides).Faster and more
|readable than other compressed print
|programs.Great for shareware manuals and
|reducing the bulk of paper stored or
|transported.Save $ when faxing/mailing
|New:booklets/pamphlets.Prints 1-6 columns
|MS-Windows interface for TrueType printing
037\HP211.ZIP 161579 12-18-95
|Alphaware (R) Print tool for HP LaserJet
|v2.11. Supports 13 operating systems and is
|command line based. By Alf Urban.
037\JETCOL95.ZIP 94447 01-12-96
|JETCOL <ASP> is a compressed print utility
|for lasers. It prints up to 10 pages on one
|side of a sheet of paper and 20 pages using
|both sides. One of 10 soft fonts provided
|is automatically selected according to
|amount of compression needed. Has features
|which automate operation for best
|readability and appearance of printout.Saves
|$ when faxing or mailing. New:booklet
|printing,1-6 columns MS-Windows interface
|for TrueType printing
037\LANHPJD.ZIP 6020 11-22-95
|Bulletin: HP Jet Direct Printer With
|Corstream or Lantastic Dedicated Server.
037\PCNT320A.ZIP 350477 11-28-95
|PCOUNTER 3.x A page counting print server
|for Novell. Counts pages on Postscript and
|PCL printers, and contains many features too
|numerous to mention here. Use PCOUNTER on a
|dedicated station (EXE) or on the file
|server (NLM).
037\PMW3111.ZIP 72972 11-21-95
|Utility for forcing the Windows for
|Workgroups Print Manager to stay loaded for
|servicing print jobs. Perfect for any
|consultant tired of getting calls from a
|client saying their printers aren't working
|Written by Brad Choate of Choate Consulting
|501-279-2584, choate@cswnet.com
037\SAVER250.ZIP 114276 12-21-95
|The Paper Saver is a printer utility for all
|laser and Hew. Packard Deskjet printers.
|It is a great solution for reducing the
|paper glut that comes when printing large
|ASCII text files. The program can print up
|to 8 pages of text on every sheet in a tiny,
|but very readable font. It even prints in
|folded "booklet" format. Menu driven. This
|program will pay for itself! Save a tree,
|use this program!
037\TOPS14.ZIP 225306 01-03-96
|Save Paper and Time - TOPS for Windows THE
|KING of Paper-Saving for Windows! Let TOPS
|Show You How To Do Far More Than You Ever
|Imagined Printing Reduced Text Files or
|Creating Booklets. EXTREME POWER: 1 to 256
|LOOK! by ETS Inc. Shareware: $39.9
*Professional Applications
038\AUCTN103.ZIP 159283 11-25-95
|(v1.03) Auction Manger - DOS/Database/ZIP
|AUCTION v1.03 provides a set of functions to
|prepare for an auction, tabulate auction
|transactions as the auction progresses, and
|print bills of sale and reports of the
|auction results. Shareware (US$ 25.-
|donation) KNPB62B@prodigy.com
038\BCBUD2.ZIP 134741 11-20-95
|Budget manager for blue-collar workers.
038\BIZLTRS.ZIP 188435 12-30-95
|Collection of business letters and selected
|forms for a variety of business situations
038\CONS10.ZIP 26643 11-18-95
|MVS Console Simulation Shareware, great for
|training a mainframe environment operator in
|console activities.
038\CPWARP_1.ZIP 143345 02-09-96
|Conversion Pro - OS/2 PM Application
|Scientific and engineering units conversion
|program for scientists and engineers.
|Excellent reference for students, as well.
|Includes a button calculator and a
|temperature converter Version 1.0 -
|Shareware $10US
038\DLGW10.ZIP 590468 11-14-95
|DELEGATOR v1.00 <ASP> A delegation and
|performance tracking system for line
|managers and others who coordinate the work
|of others. Track assignments; plan
|workloads; manage projects; review long term
|performance; communicate priorities; bring
|forward. Learn and use basics in 20
|minutes. Oriented to the line manager not
|the project specialist.
038\FLT12.ZIP 105931 12-21-95
|Flight Log Maker v1.2 make accurate
|preflight calculations and print a trip log
|to take along on your flight. Only 226k!
038\GRADEP4S.ZIP 275157 11-08-95
|GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver
|4.16 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6
|week terms per semester. Teacher developed.
|Many special options and printouts for both
|elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
|over 30 different reports for students,
|parents, and administrators. Many schools
|use the progress reports for their mid-term
|mailings to parents. Includes attendance
|and seating chart options. Constantly
038\GRADEP4T.ZIP 274432 11-15-95
|GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver
|4.23 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6
|week terms per semester. Teacher developed.
|Many special options and printouts for both
|elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
|over 30 different reports for students,
|parents, and administrators. Many schools
|use the progress reports for their mid-term
|mailings to parents. Includes attendance
|and seating chart options. Constantly
038\GSH40B.ZIP 311038 12-17-95
|GRADESHEET 4.0A Powerful & easy gradebook
|program Powerful gradebook program with an
|easy interface. Mix letter & number scores
|multiple averaging methods, graphical
|distributions, statistics, pop-up notes
|attach to students, nice printouts password
|protection, hundreds of scores Education -
038\INTROK52.ZIP 357967 01-01-96
|Start a Home Computer Biz! Ver. 5.2 For
|Computer Reseller's, Consultants, BBS SysOps
|looking to buy hard\software for resale
|purposes? Ever wondered WHERE the mail
|order companies are buying from to resell at
|what looks like great prices? Want to
|compete? You can! INTROK52.ZIP The INTRO-
|duction to our "Resellers Source KIT."
|Version 5.2 Kevin King, Reg. $0.00
038\OPNHM300.ZIP 297347 11-12-95
|OpenHome <ASP> is an open home announcement
|generator designed for Mortgage Bankers and
|Realtors. It provides a one-sheet
|infomation packet for prospective home
|buyers, listing important information in an
|attractive way. The user provides key
|information about the property for sale and
|OpenHome produces a simple table showing the
|perspective buyer the financial requirements
|for purchasing the property in a
|straightfoward fashion.
038\PCFPL22E.ZIP 402251 11-14-95
|-=PC Flt Plan 2.2e=- Professional Flight
|planning prg. for DOS. Handles IFR or VFR,
|winds, climb/descent, fuel reserves,
|alternates, approaches, max weights and much
|more. Map display now supports VGA, EGA,
|CGA, Herc. and Oliv.-/AT&T 640x400
|displays. User maintainable nav. database
|and A/C performance tables. 4 different
|printouts, including one in knee-board size.
038\PCPUB217.ZIP 358925 01-07-96
|PC Publisher Elec. Publishing System v2.17
|Create ANSI and ASCII Catalogs, Magazines
|Books, Stand-Alone Text Files, Stand-Alone
|ANSI Art and Animation Files. Customizable
|Pop-Up and Pull-Down Menus. Includes Text
|Compression, small viewers (TVIEWER1 under
|7k), TOC compatible Readit ANSI Reader
|Simple, easy to use. Pull-down menus, mouse
|support, on-line context-sensitive help, new
|UI (User Interface) and more. From RSI
038\PROCR121.ZIP 584978 11-19-95
|complete bookkeeping system for the
|professional full time newpaper carrier.
|Can maintain up to 26 individual routes,
|generate invoices, mailing labels, customer
|& collection lists. Generate pre-defined or
|custom created reports. Create mail-merge
|letters. Handles multiple delivery types,
|variable collection schedules, direct or
|office-pay customers. Can import data files
|from Paper Route Ledger program. $59
038\SHEVENTS.ZIP 24348 11-09-95
|Scheduler/Events tracker to track birthdays,
|weddings, telephone nos, addresses,
|christenings, dr and dentist appts, home
|chore shedules, car repair
038\SHWTRUCK.ZIP 50459 11-08-95
|Expense keeper written by a trucker for
*Programming Languages & Tools
039\105ADS.ZIP 11524 11-17-95
|ADS bug fix for Watcom C/C++ 10.5
039\4CMP221O.ZIP 100238 12-16-95
|ForthCMP Forth Compiler, version 2.21o
|Direct machine code compilation of 83
|Standard Forth into MS-DOS COM, EXE, SYS
|TSR, or stand-alone 80x86 files. Many
|example programs. Register for documentation
039\4CMP23S.ZIP 113318 12-16-95
|ForthCMP Version 2.30S ANS Forth Compiler
|Generates COM, EXE, SYS, TSR, and
|stanbdalone programs. Multitasks. Many
|libraries. Shareware--register for printed
|docs, program *not* crippled
039\AFWDEMO.ZIP 1279079 12-14-95
|Demo for VB AppFramework (AFW). VB
|AppFramework is the first and only Add-In
|that lets you easily capture, save and reuse
|essential software components in Visual
|Basic 4.0 applications. dir 74
039\AIRVB25.ZIP 272894 01-24-96
|Aircraft Instruments VBX V2.5 <ASP Aircraft
|Instrument Custom Control (VBX) This control
|displays a variety of small aircraft flight
|instruments for use in Visual Basic Visual
|C++, or Delphi. Instruments include
|compass, heading indicator, altimeter
|vertical speed indicator, airspeed indicator
|HSI, artificial horizon, turn coordinator
|RMI, ADF, and OBI. Global Majic Software
|Inc. P.O. Box 322, Madison, AL USA 35758
039\ASEM5112.ZIP 137411 01-23-96
|ASEM-51 V1.2 8051 cross assembler for MS-DOS
|Intel syntax, 5 location counters include
|files, conditional assembly type checking,
|code optimization predefined 8051 SFR
|symbols 35 directly supported 8051
|derivatives user-defined derivatives
|bootstrap program for target system
039\ASM106.ZIP 24530 11-17-95
|(v1.06) Magic Assembler Simple 8086
|assembler, which can produce as well as COM
|files as boot sector programs, and print the
|sources including correct adresses. Donated
|to the public domain. Programmer: Bert
|Greevenbosch E-Mail:
039\ASPELL20.ZIP 379317 01-19-96
|AcropSpell v2.0. A spelling checker
|component for Borland's Delphi! Easily add
|spell checking to your applications by just
|dropping a component on your form. Existing
|TMemo, and TDBMemo and Turbo Power's Orpheus
|editor checkers included with access to the
|lowel level functions to make spell checkers
|for other objects. Context sensitive help
|and both US and UK dictionaries Registration
|is only $45 plus Shipping & Handling
039\AUTHOR.DOC 4845 02-20-96
|Info on how to have your software
|distributed on a Shareware CD-ROM.
039\BASIC43.ZIP 14424 11-17-95
|43 little BASIC games!
039\BDLG32.EXE 39948 12-15-95
|VC++ sample, draw bmps in dialog box
039\BEZIER02.ZIP 124989 11-06-95
|Sample Delphi Bezier unit
039\BITVCTR.ZIP 10453 12-04-95
|BitVector. It's a way to store lots of
|boolean values efficiently (space efficiency
|that is). It's free, it's small, and source
|is included. Requires VB4. Freeware.
039\BTRWIZ16.ZIP 173641 01-15-96
|BTRWIZ v1.6 Visual Basic 4.0 Add-in that
|gives developer ability to work with Btrieve
|data files.
039\CARVB25.ZIP 254784 01-24-96
|Car25.vbx Automobile Instruments VBX <ASP
|The CarGauge Control (V2.5) is a suite of
|automobile dash instruments for use in
|Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi.
|Instruments include speedometer, tachometer,
|water temperature, fuel gauge, oil pressure,
|and voltmeter. Properties are provided to
|modify gauge scales, tics, danger and
|warning areas border and background
039\COBUILD.ZIP 172554 11-01-95
|Component builder for Delphi
039\CSPLIT21.ZIP 25619 11-24-95
|C Echo Csplit Utility For Posting Code
|Public Domain With Source Code And executable
039\CSWSK110.ZIP 223972 12-08-95
|SocketWrench/VB 1.1 Windows Sockets Custom
|Control SocketWrench/VB is a custom control
|which allows Visual Basic developers to
|program against the Windows Sockets API. It
|supports the TCP and UDP protocols, both
|blocking and non-blocking modes, and the
|same control can be used to build both
|client and server applications. For those
|systems that may not have a Windows Sockets
|library, a loopback library has been
|included which can be used to simulate a
|network connection. In addition, the
|package also includes documentation in Word
|6 format and a number of sample programs. A
|tutorial has also been included for those
|programmers not familiar with TCP/IP or
039\DATERANG.ZIP 103174 12-07-95
|TestDateRange component for Delphi v1.1 78
039\DBL12S16.ZIP 109034 01-04-96
|DB Lock for Visual Basic 4.0 tool for
|database app. Developers. Works best with
|VB4.0 & Microsoft Access.
039\DBLOCK12.ZIP 103703 01-04-96
|DB Lock for Visual Basic 3.0 tool for
|database app. Developers. Works best with
|VB 3.0 & Microsoft Access.
039\DBSTR11S.ZIP 113208 11-22-95
|DB Structure v1.0 A database tool for Visual
|Basic programmers. With DB Structure you
|can document your database easily and
|clearly. The program helps you to print the
|tables and any links between them. You can
|also get a listing stating every table.
039\DDJBSP2.ZIP 92758 11-04-95
|C/C++ source sample for 3D BSP trees
039\DLGCBR32.ZIP 55294 12-21-95
|MS C++ sample srce to add dialog control
039\DLGED002.ZIP 23389 11-24-95
|Dialog Editor - uses the PM++ class library.
|Compiles with emx 0.9a
039\DLGHLP32.ZIP 48125 12-15-95
|MS C++ sample srce context help in dialog box
039\DN0118.ZIP 182797 01-17-96
|Delphi News Issue #11.
039\DYNC32.ZIP 35818 12-29-95
|MS VC++ MFC library dync32
039\EASYRG.ZIP 10341 12-21-95
|EasyReg is an OLE in-process server dll for
|use with Visual Basic 4.0 32-bit. Shareware.
039\EASYTP.ZIP 14501 12-21-95
|EasyTip may be the easiest way you have ever
|implemented tooltips into your Visual Basic
|4.0 application. Shareware.
039\EZEDIT.ZIP 113509 12-12-95
|Freeware Delphi source code editor
039\FCCOPY.ZIP 12316 11-22-95
|FileCopy v1.0.1b Delphi File Copy Component
|This little component will allow you to copy
|and move files with your Delphi programs.
|You can easily and quickly copy any size or
|type of file. Very configurable and FAST!
|From Daniel J. Karnes and TASP Development.
039\FDIV.ZIP 2959 01-19-96
|Text file describes default C/C compiler
|behavior in order to ensure correct floating
|point operation on faulty Pentium processors.
039\FONTREG.ZIP 188637 11-26-95
|6 freeware Delphi components
039\FRM2HTML.ZIP 11929 11-14-95
|Form To HTML v1.0 VB Forms Converter
|Converts VB3 and VB4 forms to HTML Pages.
|No Need for expensive text editors, or a
|HTML Editor, just make a form and poof!
|you're off! Requires VBRUN300.DLL and VB3
|Or VB4. Shareware $10
039\GSPEE400.ZIP 77608 11-14-95
|GetmanSoft presents GameSpeed V4.00 DER
|Benchmark fuer PC-Spiele! -
|Sprite-Animation - RGB-Farbpalettentest -
|VGA-Speed (320 x 200) - Super-VGA-Speed (640
|x 480)
039\IWIZ15.ZIP 70802 11-13-95
|I n s t a l l W i z InstallWiz is a
|front-end utility to automatically build
|APPSETUP.INF files and build installation
|disks that work with the InstallWare 4.2
|utility. This program is freeware, and
|requires InstallWare 4.2 or greater to work.
|This is version 1.5 which supports the
|changes in InstallWare 4.2 and fixes high
|resolution screen problems among other
039\JLVESA11.ZIP 59628 01-03-96
|C++ VESA SVGA library
039\JTEXTURE.ZIP 73967 11-19-95
|Constant slope texture mapping, C/ASM source
039\KINSTDOS.ZIP 104938 12-04-95
|powerful, versatile and robust installation
|program for both DOS and Windows software.
|Handles multi disk and partial installs,
|archive unpacking, replace or append to
|files, autoexec.bat, config.sys, INI file
|and Program Manager updating, comprehensive
|un- install, and lots more! Highly
|customisable, with attractive screens.
|Professional edition also available.
039\KNOBVB25.ZIP 333367 01-24-96
039\LDPH_196.ZIP 389138 01-16-96
|Ldelphi Additional Help File For Borland's
|Delphi Language, January 1996 Edition.
039\LEDVB25.ZIP 232122 01-20-96
039\LFN.ZIP 14934 11-15-95
|Pascal code to handle Long File Names, works
|with Delphi
039\LGAVB25.ZIP 285736 01-24-96
039\LIBKB021.ZIP 35573 01-01-96
|C keyboard lib for DOS, with source
039\MDF150.ZIP 405311 11-12-95
|Complete software to produce and apply
|patches to your programs and data files.
|For DOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT.
|It also produces self installing patches. C
|libraries and samples included. Shareware.
|Author: giunti@kagi.com
039\NADIR11.ZIP 372408 11-08-95
|NADIR, DOS & WIN Macro & Procedural Language
|Interpreted programming language that
|combines macro generation capabilities with
|ability to write procedural functions.
|Generate code for any language, analyse and
|manipulate text files, write application
|programs that run unchanged under DOS or
|Windows, or use it as a calculator.
039\OGRID116.ZIP 296536 01-05-96
|OOGrid Library v1.16: library of objects for
|Turbo Vision that provides a simple
|spreadsheet for use in your applications;
|works w/ TP 6.0 & Borland/TP 7.0
039\OSETUP95.ZIP 664182 12-21-95
|O'Setup95 is a powerful application setup
|toolkit with zip decompression extended
|registry access, uninstalling start
|menus/short cuts, and much more
039\OXCC1433.ZIP 996015 11-06-95
|OXCC v1.433 Interpreting C compiler with
|language extensions. Generates output in
|Architecture Neutral Format (ANF). Sample
|back end and byte code interpreter source
|code supplied. Callable from command line
|or as a reentrant subroutine. Can
|regenerate source after interpreting input.
039\PAR350A.ZIP 249878 01-22-96
|PARSE-O-MATIC 3.50A - Programmable file
|modifier. Use it for Importing, Exporting
|Auto-Editing, Text Extraction, Data
|Conversion, Table Lookup, Retabbing, Info
|Weeding, Selective Copying, Binary-File to
|Text, Report Reformatting, Text Folding
|Batch Creation, Tab Removal, Filtering
|Recasing, Column Switching, Properizing
|Created by Pinnacle Software. Phone our
|free files BBS at 514-345-8654
039\PBS_V13.ZIP 183087 12-02-95
|PBstring v1.30 String remover - 1DGROUP
|saver extrodinaire! FASTER, SAFER, and MORE
|COMPLETE than any other string remover.
|Handles C's escape codes and replacement
|parameters properly.
039\PDCURS22.ZIP 228930 12-17-95
|System V Curses library for DOS/OS2 - C
039\PFOWL106.ZIP 366437 12-13-95
|Date: December 13, 1995 Author: Edward March
|Jr Shareware: Registration is $39.95 Email:
|Emarch@ais.net Home Pages
|http://www.cl.ais.net/emarch OR
|Description Professor Owl is a C++ Code
|generator for the Object Window Library It
|is the fastest way to wrte OS/2 applcations
|using your Borland C compiler and the Object
|Window Library classes. Professor Owl
|generates skeleton applications, make files,
|and C++ code with headers It is easy to add
|objects and classes with functions/events to
|your existing C++ files or new C++ files You
|push the buttons and let Professor Owl do
|the rest It knows about hundreds
039\PMCLOCK1.ZIP 14222 01-05-96
|PMCLOCK.EXE Low-Overhead Program Manager
|Clock Just place PMCLOCK.EXE in your windows
|directory and create an icon for it.To turn
|on clock: Click on the Icon. To turn off
|clock: Close program or click again on the
|icon I just place the icon in my startup
|directory. C code is provided. Looks like
|Program Manager (Sun 1/1/96 12:00 AM
|FREEWARE Bob Hanson hansonr@stolaf.edu
039\PPL4VB20.ZIP 53137 11-21-95
|(PPL4VB20.ZIP), October 95, Ver 2.0, <ASP>.
|PPL4VB is a protocol library supporting
|YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols. Requires
|the Personal Communications Library for
|Visual BASIC (PCL4VB). By MarshallSoft
|Computing, Inc. $40.
039\PRIME12.ZIP 95229 02-01-96
|NEW: v1.2 Primenumber Generator for Linux,
|MSDOS, OS2 and Mac. Very fast 32 bit
|algorithm. Source code for all platforms is
|included. OS/2 ver. requires EMX-RT v0.9b
039\PTRTUT01.ZIP 27963 12-03-95
|PTRTUTR01.ZIP is a tutorial on pointers and
|arrays in the C programming language.
|Public Domain, by Ted Jensen.
039\QREP096.ZIP 122998 12-05-95
|QuickReport drop-in report component for
|Borland Delphi, version 0.96
039\RASANDGO.ZIP 45388 12-17-95
|VB3 example for ras from the commandline or
|batchfile. dir 74
039\REEDME.ZIP 105133 01-29-96
|Visual basic 4.0 questions and answers.
039\REUNON10.ZIP 24246 12-26-95
|PUBLIC DOMAIN A simple but useful
|registration program for family reunions.
|requires QBASIC.EXE to run. My first
|attempt at programming. PUBLIC DOMAIN --
039\S152DEMO.ZIP 341324 12-20-95
|Demo. Cib Sourcerer is A Tool For MS-VC++
|Developers. It Gives You A Popup Window of
|All Functions, Classes, Structs, Macros or
|#include Files With A Single Mouse Click in
|Any Visual C Source Code Window
039\SB400.ZIP 386964 01-08-96
|Windows Hosted Install Compress Disk
|Distribution Setup Program Builder Visual
|C++ Visual Basic VB VC Version 4.00 (1500+
|d/loads) SWREG #4153 A Win 3.1 utility for
|creating professional looking installation
|procedures Simple installs in less than 10
|minutes Fully automated with optional
|components. Handles multiple disks
|splitting, compression, modify .INI files,
|version/overwrite checking backdrops,
|standard 3D look, branding, PM groups+icons,
|registry de-install, VB .MAK import. True
|multi-tasking installations Highly
|tailorable via optional script code If it
|can be copied, SB will install it Uploaded
|by the author
039\SBDEMO12.ZIP 693323 11-13-95
|Demo of ShowBasic development kit for
|building stand-alone applications or add-ons
|to another applications in the following
|areas: - Computer Based Training (CBT); live
|and slideshow product demos/presentations; -
|live Windows based tutorials; MORE
039\SIMPWIN9.ZIP 277734 11-27-95
|Text graphic lib for c/c mouse and fonts.
039\SIMUL100.ZIP 17627 12-27-95
|v1.00) SIMUL - Simultaneous A/D & D/A on
|SB16 Does simultaneous recording and
|playback on the SB16. Uses 16-bit DMA for
|recording and 8-bit DMA for playback.
|Supports sampling rates up to 44khz and can
|be adapted for stereo. Sample program
|demonstrating "echo included. Requires
|Borland C compiler and SB16. Freeware Ethan
|Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
039\SLIDVB25.ZIP 330656 01-24-96
|Slider25 v2.50 <ASP> - The Slider Custom
|Control is a versatile input/output control
|to allow the user to create sliders, gauges
|meters, etc. that incorporate a sliding
|mechanism (for use with Visual Basic, Visual
|C++, and Delphi). The control includes
|properties to change the On/Off
|characteristics of the sliding bar, the
|background, tic marks, the knob handle
|direction and orientation
039\SMIX125.ZIP 165154 12-25-95
|(v1.25) SMIX - Sound Library (Turbo Pascal)
|Digital sound engine that plays multiple
|sounds simultaneously, mixing them in real
|time. Supports XMS, resource files, 16-bit
|output and auto-initialized DMA. Uses small
|fraction of CPU time. For Turbo Pascal real
|mode. Versions available for several other
|compilers. Freeware (Donation requested)
|Ethan Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
039\SMIXC126.ZIP 150422 01-20-96
|v1.26) SMIXC - Sound Library (Borland C
|Digital sound engine that plays multiple
|sounds simultaneously, mixing them in real
|time. Supports XMS, resource files, 16-bit
|output and auto-initialized DMA. Uses small
|fraction of CPU time. For Borland C real
|mode. Versions available for several other
|compilers. Freeware (Donation requested
|Ethan Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
039\SNIP9510.ZIP 759854 11-02-95
|The SNIPPETS collection is an archive of
|over 500 separate files, over 65,000 lines
|of mostly C/C++ source code - all public
|domain and freeware - which contains the
|best C/C++ answers to "How do I ?"
|programming questions.
039\SV33A.ZIP 50846 11-12-95
|Source View v3.3a (sv33a.zip), powerful
|programming editor for DOS, includes
|features such as Undo/Redo, Wild Card File
|Opening, Run-time File Access, Inter-file
|Find/Replace, Tabular Block, Dynamic
|Marking, Split Windows, and Multi-display
|Resolution (80/132 column modes, etc.).
|Shareware, fee $30. Author: Michael W.
|Chen E-mail: michaelc@miti.co
039\SWAG9511.ZIP 1120489 11-30-95
|NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 11/30/95. From
|Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version
|of READER.EXE v3.12 and DOC files. Will
|automatically update .SWG files on your
|disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
|collection of source code and program
|examples for the PASCAL language. Contains
|58 catagories covering every aspect of
|PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL
|reference libraries available. This is ONLY
|the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS
|snipets to date.
039\TOGVB25.ZIP 239871 01-24-96
|Toggle25 v2.50 <ASP> - The Toggle switch
|control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF
|indicator for use with Visual Basic, Visual
|C++, and Delphi. It displays captions or
|pictures to represent the toggle state. It
|is capable of playing wave files to indicate
|the switch turning on or off. It includes
|bevels for a 3D appearance and blinking
|capability to draw attention to the control.
|It also has a built-in shut-off capability
039\TPTUTR08.ZIP 76710 01-28-96
|Glenn Grotzinger's Instructional Tutorials
|on Turbo Pascal
039\UNOMSN.ZIP 19544 12-21-95
|UnOmissions is a collection of useful
|functions not found in the Visual Basic 4.0
|programming language. Shareware.
039\VBCODE1U.ZIP 650636 01-10-96
|VBCode 1.01 This application adds some
|useful tools for Visual Basic 4.0 32bit Win95
039\VBDIFF17.ZIP 63373 01-18-96
|Visual Binary Diff 1.7 (18-Jan-1996)
|VBinDiff interactively displays two files in
|hex and ASCII with differences between the
|two hilighted. Requires EMX 0.9b runtime
|emxrt.zip). Freeware (GPL). Includes
|source code
039\VBS3ASHR.ZIP 276549 11-20-95
|VB Servants 3.0 - Use for automating
|programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0.
|Fill in the blanks and have code generated
|to the clip board. Covers over 100 syntax
|items including a message box servant, an
|input box servant, and 5 common dialog
039\VDEMC18.ZIP 35095 11-15-95
|VMC - the VDE Macro Compiler v1.8 Support
|utility for VDE v1.8 and up. Compiles
|decompiles macro files from VDE format to
|easy-to-edit text format and vice-versa.
|Supports all VDE macro handling features as
|of VDE 1.8.
039\VHPRO31.ZIP 922694 12-19-95
|Visual Help Pro v3.1 WYSIWYG help
|development and runtime testing environment.
|Drag and Drop Visual Objects using Built-in
|Editor to create help files Fast. Project
|Wizard creates base help file in minutes.
|Support for bitmap, sound, and video files.
|Save compile time with runtime test. Design
|Images, Add buttons, and Customize Help
|Windows. Requires VBRUN300.DL
039\XLIB60.ZIP 265206 01-25-96
|XLIB is a library of procedures which can
|greatly simplify protected mode programming
|under DOS. XLIB provides the simplest and
|most reliable method for accessing extended
|memory from real mode languages. A tutorial
|on protected mode is included. XLIB
|procedures handle mode switching, extended
|memory memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and
|files XLIB also handles CPU exceptions and
|performs debugging functions. XLIB operates
|under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and clean
|configurations. Both Microsoft and Borland
|formats are included
039\ZOO150.ZIP 365336 11-12-95
|The Zoo 1.50 Mini Shell. A Place to store
|your Computer Critters. Highly customizable
|Program Launching Tool. Based on the
|popular tabbed window metaphor. Import
|Existing Windows Program Manager Groups.
|Supports Drag & Drop from File Manager.
*Screen Utilities
040\2BLANK.ZIP 4867 11-11-95
|2 Blank a no-nonsense screenblanker.
040\AISS_11.ZIP 239949 01-18-96
|Another Army Insignia Screen Saver for
040\ARTYSS12.ZIP 815005 11-11-95
|Artillery Screen Saver v1.2 <ASP> - Windows
|3.1 screen saver module. Photos of
|artillery in action - exciting! Photos
|rotate automatically when activated. Plugs
|in to Control Panel Screen Saver section
|like any standard screen saver module.
|Shots include self-propelled howitzer, MLRS
|rocket launch, and 105mm howitzers slung
|beneath a CH-47. 256-color Windows driver,
|4MB memory required.
040\ATLC110.ZIP 1317260 11-21-95
|and Background Changer for Windows(R) 95 -
|TEST DRIVE - Dry, itchy screen? Add thirty
|times the fun with this hilarious collection
|of cartoons about technology and the
|workplace from the pen stylus of Ted Goff.
|Use the screen saver to show images with
|special effects, and set your desktop
|background to change each day. With
|Learning Curve it is easy to customize your
|computer Requires a Windows 95 PC and 256 or
|more colors
040\AYL32.ZIP 207024 02-01-96
|AFTER YOU LEFT v3.2 screen saver - AFTER YOU
|LEFT is a screen saver where various insects
|collect a variety of food from your computer
|for their party. A beautiful inscribed
|board where you can leave your message to
|your visitors will be carried into the party
|Req: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL
040\BATT12WN.ZIP 684796 02-04-96
|Album/WIN 3.1+ screen saver featuring 15
|photos of monitors, cruisers and battleships
|c.1885-1910. The first U.S. battleship,
|the famous Maine and the monitor Puritan are
|included Graphics in the registered version
|are 24 bit, b & w and royalty free
040\BIRDSV11.ZIP 125939 11-21-95
|BirdSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Animated swans, parrots, pelicans, cardinals
|pheasants and more. Password protection
|option Register for screen saver bonus pack
|8 screen saver + CD-ROM Shareware. Galt
040\CYBERWRM.ZIP 23481 11-03-95
|AWESOME Windows Screen Saver! Fantastic 256
|color palette rotation with large setup
|screen allowing you to customize the screen
|saver to your preferences Hypnotic
040\DOSCOLOR.ZIP 8139 12-04-95
|Dos Color Changer 1.0 written by: Andrey
|Butov This simple program allows you to
|change the colors in DOS. It is user
|friendly, and created mainly for the novice
|computer user.
040\EXOGRAPH.ZIP 90139 12-25-95
|graphical program that makes it look like
|your computer is doing something very
|intellegent. It really makes for a
|fascinating screen saver. Its guaranteed to
|raise your perceived IQ. Its well worth a
040\FMOTN20.ZIP 132055 01-10-96
|Full Motion v2.0 screen saver Win/Win95
|AVI/MOV video screen saver. Plays your
|favorite video files, up to full screen
|Registered version comes with awesome video
|CD! Password protect, audio on/off and more
|Galt Technology
040\FRONT310.ZIP 168881 01-15-96
|FRONTLETS - VGA Bible verse screen saver An
|attractive VGA screen saver with a Bible
|theme. A different verse appears every 10
|seconds in LARGE hi-resolution graphics.
|Sure to draw attention. Includes
|setup/configuration utility. Version 3.1
040\HTSPT16.ZIP 40547 01-21-96
|v1.6) Htspt16.zip - Screensaver utility The
|function of this program is to create
|hotspots which will allow the user to turn
|his screensaver on and off simply by placing
|the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4
|Runtime Module, VB40032.DLL, is required to
|run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S Ron
|Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com
040\IN_NT12.ZIP 484757 01-27-96
|Incredible(Night, v1.2) screen saver Need:
|Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL and SVGA (256)
|color Incredible - Night is a screen saver
|where you can experience wonderful views
|under the Moon:happy birds sing and glide
|over ocean and sailing ships. You can reach
|me at Internet: markqian@aol.com or America
|Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or
|mail me at: P.O. Box 390235 Mountain View,
|CA. 94039-0235
040\IN_SU46.ZIP 291563 01-20-96
|Incredible(Sun, v4.6) screen saver Need:
|Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL and SVGA (256)
|color Incredible - Sun is a screen saver
|where you can experience wonderful views
|under the sun:happy birds sing and glide
|over ocean and sailing ships. You can reach
|me at Internet: markqian@aol.com or America
|Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or
|mail me at: P.O. Box 390235 Mountain View,
|CA. 94039-0235
040\JL_FT30.ZIP 391699 12-08-95
|Jurassic Land(Forest, v3.0) screen saver
|Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL and SVGA
|(256 colors Jurassic Land(Forest) is a
|screen saver where you can experience a
|jurassic evening with dinosaures You can
|reach me at Internet: markqian@aol.com or
|America Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail:
|76463,1251) or mail me at: P.O. Box 390235
|Mountain View, CA. 94039-0235
040\LOGOSV12.ZIP 103738 11-01-95
|LogoSaver v1.2, BMP screen saver Win/Win95
|shareware, turns small BMP logo file into a
|bouncing corporate screen saver. Site
|license available. Galt Technology 1995
040\NOVAGNT.ZIP 107443 11-02-95
|Screensaver with flies that swarm all over,
|and with sounds!
040\OFMAID59.ZIP 442602 01-14-96
|Office Maid(V5.9) screen saver Need: Windows
|3.1, VBRUN300.DLL Office Maid is a screen
|saver where you can leave messages(text,
|voice or picture) to your coworkers, take
|notes from your visitors, play your favorite
|music and movies,turn a non-saver program
|into a saver illustrate all the BMP, WAV,
|and AVI files in your machine, and more You
|can reach me at Internet: markqian@aol.com
|or America Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail:
|76463,1251) or mail me at: P.O. Box 390235
|Mountain View, CA. 94039-0235
040\PCTHT02.ZIP 1361215 11-12-95
|Picture That v1.0 Screen Saver. This
|collection, Scenics #1, contains spectacular
|scenic images inluding: Dairy Farm on
|mountain top during winter; Deception Pass
|Bridge in fog; Ducks on lake at sunset;
|More. Provides password protection and
|multiple screen display effects. Requires
|256 color display. Freeware. From
|Whirlwind Technologies.
040\PCTHT03.ZIP 936585 11-16-95
|Picture That v1.0 Screen Saver. This
|collection, Space #1, contains spectacular
|Space related images inluding: Astronaut on
|moon; Shuttle launch; Jupiter and it's
|moons; Spectacular view of Neptune; More.
|Provides password protection and multiple
|screen display effects. Requires 256 color
|display. Freeware. From Whirlwind
040\QUOTSV13.ZIP 203460 11-17-95
|QuoteSaver v1.3 screen saver Win/Win95
|Displays your favorite BMP/JPG/GIF/TIF
|images and .WAV audio files in a screen
|saver format, while showing inspirational
|quotes Random play feature, user selected
|picture interval. Password protect Audio
|on/off. Shareware. Galt Technology
040\RYUSAV11.ZIP 78770 12-20-95
|Dragon Punch Screen Saver v1.1: MS-Windows
|screen saver features Ryu, from the great
|game Street Fighter 2, doing his invincible
|Dragon Punch (or Sheng Long or Sho-Ryu-Ken)
040\SCRNPX12.ZIP 170573 11-11-95
|SCREENPIX v1.2 screen saver Win/Win95
|Displays your favorite images in a screen
|saver format (BMP/JPG/TIF/PCX/GIF) Random
|play feature, user selected picture interval
|Password protect. Shareware. Galt
040\SERAL360.ZIP 231898 01-17-96
|Seraline Screensaver v3.6 endless colorful
|abstract images are created from a wealth of
|drawing elements. Windows screensaver.
|Supports 16 color VGA, 256 color SVGA, &
|24-bit color. Shareware <ASP Seraline P/L.
040\SKYDIV11.ZIP 101201 11-21-95
|SkyDive Saver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Animated sky diving, includes chutes that
|don't open. Password protection option
|Register for screen saver bonus pack 8
|screen saver + CD-ROM Shareware. Galt
040\SNAG3230.ZIP 252220 01-05-96
|SnagIt/32 3.0 Easy to use Windows Screen
|Capture & Print Utility for Windows 95 and
|Windows NT. SnagIt/32 captures your screen
|window or region to the printer, clipboard
|or a variety of file formats, including PCX
|JPG, TIF, and BMP. Fully supports Dynamic
|Data Exchange (DDE) and MAPI for easy
|integration into your applications.
|SnagIt/32 supports all Windows video modes
|and rastering printers
040\SPSAVE11.ZIP 206654 11-26-95
|SpaceSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Photo-realistic astronauts, spaceshuttle
|galaxies, moon, and more. Password
|protection option. Register for screen
|saver bonus pack 8 screen saver + CD-ROM
|Shareware. Galt Technology
040\SSACVT.ZIP 19701 11-13-95
|Screen saver activate 1.13.
040\SSCRP27B.ZIP 148029 11-05-95
|Corporate Logo Screen Saver for Windows 3.1,
|NT and Win95, Version 2.7b This screen saver
|allows your to select your own company logo
|BMP file to be used as a screen saver.
|Advertise your product or service. Any
|Windows BMP file that will fit on your
|screen can be floated as a screen saver.
|Passwords are supported. Windows help file
|for the screen saver is included. Site
|license and source code are available.
|Supports 24-bit BMPs. This update fixes
|Win95 multiple copies with sscorp32
040\TRIBE_SS.ZIP 6865 12-10-95
|Cleveland Indians Screen Saver! Be the envy
|of all your friends as Chief Wahoo bounces
|around your screen endlessly
*Shells & Menus Applications
041\AMM.ZIP 60266 12-01-95
|Aquatic Moon Menu is a dos level disk menu
|supporting the mouse and keyboard for input.
|The menu uses no memory while a selection is
|running. It can be used with write
|protected media, since the menu does not
|write to the disk, except while editing the
|menu selections. Runs both over and under
|Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
041\BMENU105.ZIP 117457 12-28-95
|BasicMenu v1.05 - A FREEWARE menu system for
|PC-compatible computers. Allows up to 64
|DOS programs divided between up to eight
|sub-menus. Easy user interface, attractive
|design, very small size for speed! Uses
|standard DOS commands for program entry.
|Online help included. Easy installation
|program also included. Built-in screen
|saver too! - Author: Robert Schiele
041\BTNDOS62.ZIP 862608 01-20-96
|CLICK to launch any DOS software GameScan"
|automatic menu setup. Instant alternate
|boot configurations no more Boot Disks!
|Works even from WINDOWS 95 FREE Accessories.
|Rated EASIEST DOS MENU to use. A Home PC
|Magazine "BESTBUY
041\DN140.ZIP 680983 11-17-95
|Dos Navigator 1.40 ENGLISH Copyright(C)
|1991,95 RIT S.R.L The most powerful DOS
|Shell available anywhere! Multi-windowed
|interface, disk utilities, comprehensive
|File Manager, 17 types of archives
|supported, powerful customizable editor,
|spreadsheet, comms Terminal with TTY, ANSI
|VT100 and Avatar emulation, X/Y/Zmodem,
|Kermit protocols.
041\DOS221.ZIP 154237 01-01-96
|DOS Menu (Easy PC Menu) by MicroFox Company.
|Very simple Menu and Security System for all
|versions of DOS. DOSnnn.ZIP contains DOS
|Menu, Help System, and User Guide. It has
|Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with password
|protection, on-line help and mouse support.
|DOS Menu is not a TSR and frees all memory.
|Also has Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu
|entries, macros and built-in menu action
|functions. Author: Jim Hass, Member: [ASAD]
041\HDM504.ZIP 523158 01-01-96
|HDM (Hard Disk Menu) from MicroFox Company.
|A Menu and Security System for DOS and LANs.
|Has User Menu, Phone Dialer, Manual, User
|Log On/Off, Passwords, Macros, Functions,
|Timed Execution, Usage Logging and
|Reporting, Mouse and Network Support,
|Multi-Level Security, Screen Blanker,
|Pull-Down Menus, On-Line Help, 260,000 Menu
|Entries, all Menu, Screen, and Help text is
|customizable. Author is Jim Hass, member of
041\HDMS32.ZIP 185412 12-17-95
|HDMS is a complete dos based menu system
|that's VERY easy to setup & use. Features
|include an auto create menu that detects
|programs already on your hard disk, full
|system info, parameters, screen blanking
|full security, online help, network
|compatible, mouse support, no memory
|overhead when running programs
041\TOMSHOP1.ZIP 138498 12-13-95
|shell program for running all of Tommy's
|text mode toys. Just pick the toy number
|you want and it will search for the toy and
|run it for you if present on the current
|subdir. Programmed by aliens from outer
|space! BBS 303-433-2648.
041\ZCMENU25.ZIP 71212 12-31-95
|ZC_MENU 2.5 Another one of those Dos menu
*Sound Blaster Files
042\ACIDOPUR.ZIP 93542 01-27-96
|AcidoPuro Composed By FBY Four Channels
|Acid/Techno MOD
042\ACIDS3M.ZIP 76752 01-09-96
|Acid Lolli-pop 4:37 minute S3M to play with
|s3m player like DMP or Scream Tracker.
042\CMOD30B1.ZIP 62987 12-23-95
|CapaMod 3.00 beta1 _THE_ MOD, S3M and XM
|player for Gravis UltraSound
042\DTMF_RTD.ZIP 80836 12-17-95
|Real time DTMF decoders using a SB card.
042\ENDMEET.ZIP 134180 01-17-96
|End Meets End - end.s3m - An excursion into
|breakbeaty isolationist dance music
042\F_NOFEAR.ZIP 206625 01-27-96
|Feel No Fear Composed By Parsec 4
|channels/Acid/Techno .MOD
042\MAGN_RAD.ZIP 183387 01-27-96
|Magneto Radio Composed By Parsec Frequency
|of magnetic emmisions drilling my eyes with
|atomic lights 4 channel/Acid/Techno .MOD
042\MATTERS.ZIP 104545 01-23-96
|WAV file from Metallica. Lyrics are "And
|nothing else matters".
042\MINI9_16.ZIP 4401 01-17-96
|Mod to convert X10 mini controller to 4
|bands, control all 1-16 units
042\PLAY230B.ZIP 51222 12-07-95
|Mod 4 Windows - Player engine update 2.30b
042\RELAX01.ZIP 299685 01-03-96
|Relax A music/gfx demo by The Wolfwere SB/SB
042\SBTECH.ZIP 9900 01-01-96
|Sound blaster tech notes/faq's.
042\SKY_SFT8.ZIP 512582 02-11-96
|Version. 8.00 Eng - By SkyJump - Feb.'95
|The best Shareware program to create and
|manage your MODS DATABASE: Scan your MODs
|Directory,Extract Name,Size..From MOD,MTM
|Insert these datas into database. You can
|lists. Mouse support,PullDown PopUp Menus
|Multi-Windows, Soundblaster,SBPRO, SB16
|Speaker,D.A.C. Covox Support,Techno Intro
|Epson, Ibm, Hp Laserject printers NEWS : Now
|Support .XM files, CAT-disk Function (scan
|files), New Archive manag ing, Reindex
|Utility. Req. 565k Ram, VGA c) 1995 VENUS
|SOFTWARE - By Skyjump ReVeNGe Of SHaDoW BBS
042\TALLK.ZIP 351897 01-02-96
|Type in words for your PC to talk them.
|SBTalker for Windows. Reqs SB and Windows
042\TRANCE_G.ZIP 89904 01-23-96
|Trance Generation Composed By Slice/React
|Format: MOD Type: Acid/Techno Channels: 4
*Sound & MIDI Files
043\A_FLOAT.ZIP 167884 12-21-95
|Subliminal Presents: Flying Through Time A
|Soft guitar song that will really calm you
|down! My favorite one yet, and perhaps my
|best also! Get this! Also visit the AMP
|Website! http://www.halcyon.com/rbonnett/
|Calm Relaxing Ambient Guitar Music For The
|Soul! Another Production
043\EPIC_MID.ZIP 22057 11-02-95
|MIDI file of the song "Epic" by Faith No More
043\FFSTUFF.ZIP 85165 11-09-95
|Final Fantasy freeware files Contains MIDI
|music, icons,hint & tips, and Game Genie
043\HARDDAYS.ZIP 8499 01-03-96
|Hard Days Night by The Beatles. In MIDI T
043\HONEYSUC.ZIP 85863 01-05-96
|is a dixieland rendition of an old favorite
|of mine called "Honey Suckle Rose song
|includes trumpet, tenor sax, trombone
|clarinet, honky tonk piano, and acoustic
|bass in a traditional dixieland style 240
|measures 6:36 minutes Hope you enjoy it Jay
|Michaels Back TraX Productions, Inc
043\I_SHOT.ZIP 65475 01-06-96
|Eric Clapton's " I Shot The Sheriff as
|redone by: Bob Banks, Sysop of Mid Way
|Bulletin Norfolk VA
043\JAZZ2.ZIP 981234 11-30-95
|Midi: Jazz Collection 2
043\MIDIDUEL.ZIP 178296 02-04-96
|Mixed bag o' MIDI Various songs from rock
|n'roll to TV to Musical Theatre
043\MIDIKIDS.ZIP 346642 01-04-96
|(MIDI) includes several basic piano pieces,
|good for kids learning keyboards. Even
|includes the infamous tune "Chopsticks" that
|every beginner is exposed to.
043\MIXEDMID.ZIP 91521 12-19-95
|(MIDI) a mixed bag of tunes, all performed
|by Berklee College of Music students. Enjoy!
043\MLABV303.ZIP 158153 01-21-96
|MidiLab/2 v3.0: OS/2 MIDI sequencer, editor
|& data manager application w/record,
|overdub, playback, and track edit, etc.;
|targets the multimedia creator, MIDI
|musician, hobbyists
043\MMID13.ZIP 35788 11-30-95
|MultiMID - Multisession MIDI Overlay Driver
|for MS Windows 3.1 Allows connection of
|multiple programs to single-session MIDI
|drivers at the same time Requires WIN 3.1
|and a sound card (SB GUS, PAS
043\NITE_IN.ZIP 20147 12-05-95
|Bud Powell's rendition of the Gillespie
|Paparelli " Night In Tunisia " GM midi a
|Cakepro format.
043\OBSESMID.ZIP 29745 12-01-95
|(MIDI) a good version of Animotion's song
043\OMB11.ZIP 578752 01-01-96
|v1.1) One Man Band - MIDI auto-accompaniment
|One Man Band is auto-accompaniment software
|for use in a MIDI setup. It works like the
|auto-accompaniment in a home keyboard To use
|it you need a PC with MIDI-interface card, a
|MIDI keyboard and a General-MIDI synthesizer
|or wavetable soundcard Email Jos Maas:
043\ONE_MID.ZIP 8115 01-14-96
|One" by Metallica in GMIDI format.
043\SUBLIMNL.ZIP 1446032 11-05-95
|Some Great Music from Subliminal!
|SUB@REALITYBBS.COM This contains some great
|stuff from him! It has Ambient, Rock,
|Techno, and some other unnamed styles too!
|Listen to this, because he is willing to
|make music for games and demos! Get this
|now, and Listen!
043\ULT7P2GM.ZIP 218793 01-02-96
|Serpent Isle General MIDI / GS Update This
|will allow General MIDI wavetable cards to
|correctly play the music and *ALL* sound
|effects from Ultima 7 part 2. Allows Ultima
|7 Part 2 to natively play General MIDI/GS
|music. And natively play GS sound effects
|Works GREAT if you have a GS sound card This
|file does NOT come from Origin Systems
043\WHENAMAN.ZIP 45381 12-15-95
|This is one of the better Midi Sequences
|you'll ever hear. "When a Man Loves a
|Woman" By: Bob Banks, Sysop of Mid Way BBS
|from Norfolk, VA. And Jay Meyers of Back
|Trax Productions, Chicago, IL. Loaded with
|permission . Art Doud Sysop Pgh Midi BBS.
|Both Cakewalk and GS/GM Midi 1 Formats.
|Arranaged and sequenced by Bab Banks and Jay
|Meyers all rights reserved. Not for
|commercial use. 12-15-95
043\WUFIGHT.ZIP 37717 11-14-95
|If you're looking for something a little
|different, give this MOD a whirl.
*Sound & Music Programs
044\AWEMP140.ZIP 56011 12-20-95
|AWE32 modplayer v1.40 Plays all MODs, MTMs
|and S3Ms with up to 32 channels. Nearly all
|effects supported! 16 different reverb and
|chorus effects. Play-list with random play,
|holds a max. of 1024 entries.
044\BBZPL102.ZIP 62345 11-19-95
|Biz-E-Bitz Software's Music Module Player
|V1.02 BBZPlay is a music player which
|currently supports 4/6/8 channel Noise
|Tracker, Pro Tracker, Star Trekker, and Fast
|Tracker MOD files. Supports Sound Blaster
|family of cards.
044\DMP103.ZIP 116284 12-19-95
|(v1.03) Dual Module Player by Julien Pierre.
|Dual Module Player is a simple and fast
|module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or
|the new Direct Audio for output. It
|supports many module formats : MOD, NST,
|STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware
|by madbrain@micronet.fr Note : do not
|confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music
|Player aka DMPLAYER.
044\KARDP163.ZIP 423563 02-13-96
|KaraDos 1.6.3 - Karaoke player
044\MUTE100.ZIP 9255 11-04-95
|Mute is a tiny TSR utility that will monitor
|your PC Speaker to mute it at a regular
|speed, so that no beeps will be triggered
|but Mute lets digitized music and SFX go
044\PLAYWAVZ.ZIP 6403 12-02-95
|This is a simple WAV player. Freeware.
044\SMKPLAY.ZIP 47769 01-09-96
|SMK viewer that will use extended memory for
|better playing. ZIP also includes sound
|utility. Use with Mech Warrior 2, etc.
044\SSONIC12.ZIP 340338 12-06-95
|SUPERSONIC v1.2 - Rack-Mount Sound System
|with Mixer, CD Player, Sample Player, Sample
|Editor, Tuner (Radio), Real-Time 16 Band
|Spectrum Analyzer, Wave Analyzer, 3D
|Spectrum Analyzer and lots more cool stuff!
|All devices are rackmount like your stereo
|system and can be customized to look and
|feel any way you like. Extremely powerful
|software for audio enthusiast and those who
|like to dabbl
*Spreadsheets & Utilities
045\AIRNOV95.ZIP 45967 11-25-95
|Aviation etc HF utility stations in Lotus
045\GRADER51.ZIP 145064 12-16-95
|GRADER 5.1 -- An easy-to-use grading program
|with nice interface Spreadsheet layout
|allows intuitively easy entry and
|modification Output controls are powerful,
|flexible, and simple
*Virus & Security Applications
046\02NAV96C.ZIP 351354 02-09-96
|Feb 96 virus data update for Norton
|Antivirus Rev c. (third this month)
046\12NAV95.ZIP 284047 12-01-95
|December update for NAV95 from Symantec BBS
046\32CRCFCK.ZIP 67187 01-07-96
|File CRC (32 bit!) checking utility C & ASM
|source included. Good for version control
|and diagnostics A Funky Chicken Utility
046\AFE30.ZIP 526979 12-16-95
|AFE version 3.0 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/2
|2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program which
|provides a visual front end for the
|creation, updating, unarchiving, virus
|scanning, viewing, printing and deleting of
|ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files. Supports
|running of internal archive executables.
|Shareware $22.50.
046\ASTEAL21.ZIP 23020 01-02-96
|This program allows you to search for
|stealth viruses. (Stealth viruses are
|viruses, that try to hide themselves. Most
|modern & successfull viruses are stealth If
|stealth virus attacks file, and expands it
|by 500 bytes, after dir you will not see
|that change - virus is hidden. This is
|dangerous because most antivirus programs
|are not able to find them
046\AV24E.ZIP 162331 01-18-96
|IBM AnitVirus sig update for 2.4e
046\AVPWW103.ZIP 12369 02-01-96
|AVPWW 1.03 FREEWARE Antivirus for Word
|detects / disinfects known MACRO viruses for
|Microsoft Word documents Protect yourself
|today! with AntiViral Toolkit Pro
046\AVSCAN25.ZIP 354175 11-07-95
|AVScan 2.50 virus detection 11.95 version
046\BULL_221.ZIP 15522 12-18-95
|F-PROT Professional v2.21 Update Bulletin.
|Information on the global computer virus
|situation from the authors of the F-PROT
|antivirus program. ASCII version, 12/18/95.
046\CM8200.ZIP 265501 01-01-96
|ChekMate 2.0 Known/Unknown Virus Detection
|Utility Detects Changes To The Following
|Memory, Boot Sector(s), Partition Table
|Protected Files, Interrupts and CMOS
|Launches BAIT Files to Entrap/Snare File
|Infecting Viruses Give it a try - Lots of
|NEW features Word Macro Virus Detection 128*
|bit Cryptographic Fingerprints Byte for Byte
|Comparison of Files/Areas Detects many
|Boot/Partition Viruses In MEMORY - Generic
|Detection System Does NOT Use Scan Strings
046\DAT_9601.ZIP 334576 01-05-96
|Jan 96DAT update for Registered McAfee
|VirusScan programs
046\DCRYPTV2.ZIP 191934 11-23-95
|DIRCRYPT 2.11 - protects your data very fast
|and secure, hiding and encryption of files
|and directories 1.44MB floppy disk in 5-10
|seconds, 40MB on a HD in less than 10
|seconds. Very easy to use, english version.
|Private license regfee 30 US $, commercial
|40 US $.
046\FP_221.ZIP 612653 12-18-95
|F-PROT version 2.21 - December 1995 The
|F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus
|scanner combined with a disinfection
|program, as well as a resident monitoring
|program for intercepting known viruses.
|This program is free of charge for private
|users, but others are required to register
|or obtain the 'Professional' version - see
|the documentation for details
046\IV4WIN95.ZIP 560562 11-27-95
|The Ultimate Anti Virus Protection Version
|6.10c, English Anti virus suit, Generic
|Integrity Check & Restoration, ResQdisk
|Recovery Toolkit
046\KLVIR101.ZIP 180641 12-25-95
|KL-VIRUS Version 1.00 OS/2 PM based utility
|for virus scanning. Designed for McAfee's
|OS2SCAN product. Can send results in a
|message via cc:MAIL to numerous users, or
|use it standalone! Can schedule you scans!
|Register on Compuserve via GO SWREG. Keith
|Luken email on CIS: 75627,563 or Internet:
046\LOCKTT23.ZIP 233340 12-14-95
|locktt23.zip -- LOCKtite is a utility
|designed to help manage Windows(tm security.
|It works with the Program Manager to allow
|you to easily restrict the menu, to add or
|remove program groups from display, and to
|password protect any application. Is is
|particularly useful where more than one user
|has access to a computer. Shareware. $30
|for a single copy or a site licence
046\N10A25.ZIP 232667 11-01-95
|Norton Anti-Virus For Netware 1.0 And 2.0
|Virus Definitions Update For Nov 1995.
046\NOQUIT1.ZIP 13286 12-11-95
|NoQuit (TM) is a small utility to keep
|unauthorized users from exiting MS Windows.
|Perfect for library systems etc which need
|terminals to be in MS Windows 24 hours a
|day. NoQuit is SHAREWARE (US$7) Site
|Licensing available! THIS IS VERSION 3.00a
046\OSC_228E.ZIP 521646 12-21-95
|VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans
|and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new
|viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above.
|Version 228 (9512) 12-21-95
046\OVRHNGPT.ZIP 6111 12-11-95
|A doom 2 map created in doom cad v5.1, it
|shows how to create a pit, posts, and 2
|other items that doom cad v5.1 can't do
|without special consideration.
046\PASSGN50.ZIP 148315 02-02-96
|v5.0) passgn50 - Random Password Generator
|Creates random passwords using numbers
|letters and special characters. upper and
|lowercase letters are treated as seperate
|letters. Therefore, a total of 94
|characters are available to choose from.
|Will not select the same password twice.
|Creates up to 1,000,000 passwords at a time
|Shareware (US $15 Tim Hirtle,
046\PCSEC22A.ZIP 960421 12-17-95
|(V2.2) PC Security for OS/2 Information is
|power! Now with the Workplace Security
|Components, Makes the mission critical
|environment more secure. File Encryption,
|File Locking, Window Locking, Keyboard
|Monitor, File Wipout, Alarm and much more.
|New Workplace Shell Objects. Silvio
|Kuczynski, 73742.1104@compuserve.com
046\PIGAS202.ZIP 227434 11-01-95
|DATA PROTECTOR Version 2.02 <ASP Protect the
|information in your PC against unauthorized
|access. The protected data becomes totally
|unavailable even when using a powerful disk
|utility or booting from a diskette.
|Unlimited number of users. Full report
|about authorized/unauthorized activity in
|the system. Fast and simple hide/open
|operation. No need for the program to be
|resident. From PIGAS Inc. <ASP> $35
046\RESTEASY.ZIP 64397 01-22-96
|RestEasy Security 1.0--Windows security
|package Copyright (c) 1996 by Nathan Bryant.
|All rights reserved RestEasy Security allows
|you to prevent users from tampering with
|your Windows machine by placing access
|restrictions on Program Manager commands and
|programs, and/or preventing the user from
|exiting Windows. $15 shareware
046\SCNB230E.ZIP 428084 01-17-96
|VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
|cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
|Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 230 (9602)
046\SCN_229E.ZIP 470320 01-05-96
|VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and
|cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.
|Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 229 (9601)
046\SCYTAL12.ZIP 368633 11-04-95
|Scytale version 1.2 Brings the convenience
|of Windows to encrypting, decrypting data
|with PGP. Clipboard encryption. Key
|management. Wiping feature included.
|Drag'n Drop. Six dictionaries of common
|passwords. PGP Startup Guide. Remove
|Procedure. Req: Windows 3.1+, 386+.
046\SECDR14A.ZIP 132114 12-06-95
|SecureDrive V1.4a is a 2.7K TSR that
|encrypts up to 4 hard disk partitions and/or
|2 floppy drives) using the strong IDEA
|encryption method (as in PGP 2.x allowing
|free access to the encrypted information by
|applications. Freeware; GNU Copyleft.
|Source in Turbo C
046\SECWIN17.ZIP 158889 02-17-96
|Cw15 Datasoft's Secwin - Add Security to
|Your Windows Apps. Powerful Features. 16
|Bit Version is Free.
046\SENTRY30.ZIP 78119 11-16-95
|(V3.0) Sentry - Security for DOS/Windows.
|Sentry is a highly customizable security
|program that allows you to control and
|monitor access to your PC. It supports up
|to 100 users with normal and "SuperUser"
|access. It can be used in Windows to secure
|the DOS icon. Installed correctly, Sentry
|is an extremely powerful security tool for
|your PC.
|l Mike Bobbitt [Mike.Bobbitt@AcadiaU.Ca]
046\SIREN10.ZIP 259280 11-04-95
|Enhanced alarm for Thunderbyte Anti-Virus
|for Windows.
046\SYNC_V2.ZIP 77171 12-22-95
|SyncScan v2.0 Evaluation Copy
|BulletProof(tm) Advantage True Offline File
|Processing File Conversion Age Testing RAR
|(Virus eXchange) Mode GIF/JPG
|Processing/Conversion Supports DISK/XMS
|swapping Remote ANSI/ASCII Support New
046\TBAV651.ZIP 323093 11-16-95
|Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete
|anti-virus system available. Included are
|TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk,
|TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil.
046\UP951126.ZIP 453673 11-26-95
|AntiViral Toolkit Pro v2.2 11/26/95 Update
|This is a cummlative update for AVP version
|2.2 only. REGISTERED USERS ONLY You must
|have version 2.2 installed on your machine
|to use this update.
046\UP951209.ZIP 460861 12-10-95
|AntiViral Toolkit Pro 12/09/95 Virus
|Detection and Disinfection database update
|This is a cummlative update for AVP.
|Protect yourself today with AVP
046\UP960126.ZIP 476954 01-27-96
|AntiViral Toolkit Pro 01/26/96 Virus
|Detection and Disinfection database update.
|This is a cummlative update for AVP Protect
|yourself today with AVP
046\VDS30W.ZIP 353459 11-20-95
|VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0w An
|up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM PCs
|with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support. Now it
|is Windows 95 aware! It features a fast
|scanner, a robust integrity checker,
|real-time decoy launcher, and a generic
|virus remover. Its user interface is one of
|the most functional in the market. This is
|the shareware release of the military-grade
|"Pro" version.
046\VIRTST95.ZIP 563398 12-20-95
|VIRTST95 - Test reports of analysis carried
|out by the Virus Research Unit of the Univ.
|of Tampere (Finland) during the summer of
|95. Includes data on 16 popular DOS,
|Windows, OS/2 and network antivirus products.
046\VS9515R2.ZIP 1195992 12-07-95
|McAfee VShield for Windows95 Release
|Candidate 2 No more DOS TSR's. On Access
|scanning of floppy diskettes, UNC aware,
|Long file and directory name support,
|Netware and MS Network aware,
046\VS95I20E.ZIP 1154182 01-05-96
|McAfee VShield for Windows95 Version 2 -=-
|No more DOS TSR's. On Access scanning of
|floppy diskettes, UNC aware, Long file and
|directory name support, Netware and MS
|Network aware, Log file support with
|realtime logging.
046\VS95I21E.ZIP 1152204 02-01-96
|ViruScan for Win95 ver 2.01 from McAfee
|Assoc D/L'd from McAfee BBS 2/1/96
046\VSUMX510.ZIP 932809 11-07-95
|Vsum V9510 - Patricia Hoffman's Hypertext
|Virus Information Database For November 95.
046\VSUMX512.ZIP 949639 01-06-96
|Virus Information Summary List v5.12 lists
|all known viruses, origins, descriptions and
|cures. Hypertext.
046\WDWLCK21.ZIP 27280 11-12-95
|Simple password for windows & windows apps.
046\WILD_601.ZIP 10379 01-10-96
|WILDLIST - January 1996. A cumulative list
|of PC viruses currently reported as being in
|the wild by 37 virus information
|professionals as of 1/96. Collated by Joe
|Wells of IBM's T.J.Watson Research lab
046\ZC031.ZIP 65905 12-20-95
|Z*Crypt 0.31 Random File Encryption. Binary
|file de/encryption program designed to
|remove any trace of the original nature of
|the original files once encrypted. Fast
|encryption, output files are assigned random
|filenames. Original filenames are recovered
|with password when decrypted. The same file
|encrypted with the same password will appear
|completely different if examined. CRC
|integrity checks maintained. Freeware for
|OS/2 and DOS
*Windows 95 Applications / Games
047\150021D.ZIP 515732 12-19-95
|Win95 drivers for at1500 ni cards from ati
047\17WIN95.ZIP 29184 12-19-95
|Win95 beta version at1700 ni cards from ati.
047\3DMAZE95.ZIP 1055036 11-26-95
|3DMAZE V1.2 (11/25/95) generates mazes under
|Windows 95. The mazes are displayed in 3D
|Use keys to solve them or have the computer
|solve them. Visual Basic 4.0 source code is
047\64MPG208.ZIP 501939 12-19-95
|Windows 95 Software MPEG Player for ATI Mach
|64 Display Cards V2.08, requires Windows 95
|Display Driver V2.08 (64w95208.zip).
047\64W95208.ZIP 368014 12-19-95
|Windows 95 Display Driver V2.08 for ATI Mach
|64 Graphics Cards (Expression, Winburbo,
|Graphics Pro, etc).
047\864W95.ZIP 119639 11-14-95
|Win95 driver for genoa phantom 864 graphics.
047\95BOOTR3.ZIP 8008 11-14-95
|95Booter Windows 95 Multi Booter, Previous
|DOS, Menu, and More
047\95CBW151.EXE 777168 12-05-95
|Lates windows 95 software for Colorado Jumbo
|drives fresh off cms bbs
047\95RPI115.ZIP 547259 01-15-96
|Win95 driver for rpi chipset modems
047\ADROID32.ZIP 215379 12-24-95
|Adroid 2.01 32 bit version For Windows NT
|and 95. Requires 486 or higher processor
|Adroid is a 3D first-person shooter Test
|your skills against 15 droids in a battle
|for world economic domination Enjoy
|realistic shading techniques uses full
|palette for great graphics
047\AFMW9511.ZIP 408896 12-21-95
|v1.1) Fund Manager for Windows 95 FM is a
|portfolio management application FM is
|designed to help individual investors
|monitor and analyze their investments with a
|wide variety of easy to use graphs and
|reports. FM accepts as input: price
|investment, and distribution information
|Prices may be entered manually, or imported
|from AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe, or Quicken
|Shareware (US$ 29), beiley@aol.com
047\ALRM951B.ZIP 246092 01-30-96
|Alarm 95 Complete alarm program that lets
|you schedule one time alarms or recurring
|alarms Recurring alarms can be set to occur
|daily weekly, monthly or yearly. The
|intuitive interface lets you view your
|scheduled alarms by day, week, month or
|year. Alarm 95 is totally integrated into
|Windows 95. You can use the date and time
|format as specified in the Control Panel, or
|override this and use one of Alarm 95's
|pre-defined formats
047\ATP95.ZIP 100880 12-19-95
|Audiotrix Pro Beta Windows 95 drivers This
|archive contains the latest version of the
|Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 drivers Please read
|the enclosed README.TXT file for information
|on how to install these drivers The drivers
|included in this package support full duplex
047\ATTRMENU.ZIP 17148 01-14-96
|AttrMenu is a shell extension for Windows 95
|allowing you to directly access a file's
|attributes from its context menu
047\ATW1A.ZIP 308984 11-08-95
|Add to Win V1.0 Organizes and launches apps
|form the Win95 desktop
047\AWALE.ZIP 497175 01-05-96
|AWALE v1.0 African Strategy Game for Windows
|95 Fully Graphic
047\B5PLUS.ZIP 970453 01-02-96
|Win95 Babylon 5 Desktop Theme For MS Plus.
|Must be Viewed in 16 Bit Color.
047\BAT9511.ZIP 170581 12-04-95
|Batch95 for Windows 95 v1.1 is designed to
|enhance the Windows 95 shell by allowing
|full use of MS-DOS batch files from Windows
047\BCDP32.ZIP 301603 11-21-95
|Business Card Designer Plus V4.0 New version
|for Windows 95 Create stunning business
|cards easily on your printer. Use rotated
|text, boxes circles, lines and clip art.
|Any Font Size, Style and Color. Extremely
|easy to use. WYSIWYG formating. Card
|Expert for quick card creation. Full color
|support Click and drag sizing and moving
047\BECURSOR.ZIP 11502 12-17-95
|tHe bEEs!, aN aNiMatEd dEsKtOP cURsOr scHeMe
|fOr wInDOws 95. iNClUdEs, hIvE, eXTrAcToR
|HiVe tOol, & mOrE fOr YoUR dEsKTop
047\BG06B.ZIP 23193 01-06-96
|BG06B Famous BG06 backgammon program that
|didn't run under Windows 95 until now
047\BOMBARD.ZIP 117412 01-07-96
|BMP of a planet being bombarded by asteroids.
047\BPUT95S.ZIP 659684 11-21-95
|Barry Press Utilities for Windows 95
|Included in this version are a simple
|monthly calendar, a drag-and-drop ASCII file
|printer (also capable of spooling Postscript
|files to a Postscript printer), an icon for
|printer orientation control, an ASCII file
|comparison program, a shell extension to add
|a command line option to the Explorer (like
|the old File.Run), a digital clock, and a
|random multimedia file player. This version
|also includes the Windows 95 version of
|DLLMan, a tool to show the dynamic link
|libraries used by programs or the programs
|using a dynamic link library
047\BSCURSOR.ZIP 10336 12-17-95
|Original Boy Scout Cursors animated cursor
|scheme for Windows 95. An "unofficial
|cursor scheme for the Boy Scouts of America
047\BTASK10A.ZIP 71415 12-03-95
|BTask 1.0 Button controlled realtime task
|switcher for
047\BTWZIP22.ZIP 192416 12-13-95
|Button Works v2.2 - Get Win95 functionality
|on Windows 3.1 today. Button Works is a
|Toolbar that launches applications with a
|single mouse click. Similar to the Windows
|95 Taskbar - only better. To configure,
|simply drag and drop icons from the Program
|Manager right onto the buttons. Move the
|mouse to the top of the screen and the
|taskbar disappears move it to the bottom and
|it activates itself
047\CAB202.ZIP 325638 12-07-95
|Cabrio V2.02 The configurable conversion
|calculator from Digital Workshop. Includes
|over 70,000 conversions from centimetres to
|miles to drachm to the speed of a Cheetah
|Requires Windows 3.1 or better Win95
047\CALC95S.ZIP 294085 11-02-95
|Calc95 is a pocket calculator simulator
|program for the Microsoft Windows95.
047\CALCOMPP.ZIP 1340262 01-02-96
|Calcomp plotter drivers for win95, win3x.
047\CBYWIN10.ZIP 121344 12-19-95
|The Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion v1.0
|which is a 16 bit Windows/Win95 program full
|of records, statistics & information on the
|NFL team the Dallas Cowboys. It takes full
|advantage of the Windows easy-to-use
|features such as drop down menus & dialog
047\CCAPV1.ZIP 149224 12-13-95
|Click and Capture - Captures the screen,
|screen areas, or windows Works best in
|Windows 95
047\CDR96V21.ZIP 1084305 02-01-96
|CDRunner96 V2.1 was designed to make the
|digital life easier for all of us.
|CDRunner96 makes Windows 95's
|AutoRun/AutoPlay behave as it should. While
|CDRunner96 is active all you now have to do
|to run that favorite CD is put it in the
|drive! CDRunner96 will take it from there
047\CDRUNR95.ZIP 1094965 11-02-95
|CD Runner for Windows 95 Make ANY CD autoplay
047\CHANGEXT.ZIP 4711 12-23-95
|CHANGE EXTENSION 2.0b Windows 95 has made a
|lot of things easier, but should you ever
|have a file with the wrong extension, it can
|be extremely tedious trying to get Windows
|95 to let you change its file type.
|Changext makes this simple
047\CHR1THME.ZIP 353648 12-22-95
|Win95 Desktop Theme - Christmas.
047\CLIP95E.ZIP 171467 12-05-95
|Win95 Clipboard enhancement, req vbrun300
047\CLIPFILE.ZIP 29321 12-07-95
|Windows 95 shell extension which copies the
|paths of selected files to the clipboard.
|Allows selection of long or short names,
|with or without quotes, and will optionally
|recurse folder contents and list full file
|details Can save a lot of time browsing
|round file-open dialogs (if you can see the
|object in a folder or explorer, just copy
|and paste the path), or overcome Explorer's
|lack of a "print" option (paste a folder
|listing into your text editor and print it
047\CLNPAT2.ZIP 708239 11-16-95
|Quarterdeck CleanSweep2 for Windows 95 patch
047\CLPBDPLS.ZIP 106714 01-25-96
|Win95 clipboard enhancement
047\CONFIN15.ZIP 100136 01-21-96
|Finger v0.15 Small console-based finger
|client for Windows 95/NT. I often keep a
|few command prompts running on my Windows 95
|box since I can type faster than I can
|click-and-drag. While pop up windows are
|pretty and all, do you really need one to
|get finger information about someone
047\CURFIT11.ZIP 566524 01-12-96
|CURVEFIT 1.0 Win95
047\CUTIL200.ZIP 403653 11-15-95
|clySmic Win32 Utilities V2.00 <ASP
|Collection of 32-bit desktop utilities for
|Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5x, and Win32s
|Included are a drag 'n' drop Wallpaper
|selector, an Exe File Info utility, a System
|Info utility, a user-controlled Random
|Wallpaper program, and File Manager
|Extensions. clySmic Software. Shareware
|Formerly the Drag 'n' Drop Utilities
047\DDS3.ZIP 223635 12-04-95
|Don't Stop 1.0 Win95 Automatically hits the
|Connect button when using Dial-Up Networking
047\DGD3.ZIP 217514 12-04-95
|Grab-a-Dial 1.0 Allows you to schedule a
|Win95 dial-up session
047\DIAG303.ZIP 208047 12-08-95
|Creative Bulletin Board Filename:-
|DIAG303.ZIP DIAGNOSE.EXE v3.03 - For users
|who are having problem installing you
|SB16/AWE32 under Windows 95. Get this
|DIAGNOSE program to assist you in your
|trouble shooting SB-BBS
047\DIALPR15.ZIP 190620 11-06-95
|DIALERPRO v1.5 Win/Win95 phone dialer. Dial
|you phone using your modem. Create list of
|names and numbers, double-click to dial. No
|need to search through your address book
|Sort, Edit, Move. Shareware. Galt
047\DIALU.ZIP 28628 12-07-95
|dialu.zip stores your list of names and
|numbers and dials them for you. Requires a
|modem and vbrun300.dll Runs on Win 3.1 or
047\DISASM32.ZIP 163878 01-16-96
|Visual Disasm32 (free limited demonstration
|version) is a symbolic visual disassembler
|for 32 bits Portables Executables (PE) used
|by Windows95/NT and Win32s. This new
|version 0.46 add somes improvements and had
|many bugs fixed and has been tested on many
|more misc executables and work on
|Windows95/NT 3.5 Win32s 1.2 or more
047\DOCMAN17.ZIP 175470 11-06-95
|DOCMAN17.ZIP: DocMan 1.7 DocMan is a 32-BIT
|Windows95 application that extends the
|functionality of the Documents" folder in
|the "Start" menu DocMan allows you to open
|documents load/save document lists, remove
|one some, or all documents, protect
|documents from removal, add documents, and
047\DOCMAN19.ZIP 158571 01-27-96
|DOCMAN19.ZIP: DocMan 1.9 DocMan is a 32-BIT
|Windows95 application that extends the
|functionality of the Documents" folder in
|the "Start" menu DocMan allows you to open
|documents load/save document lists, remove
|one some, or all documents, protect
|documents from removal, add documents, and
|more The "save options" bug has been fixed
|New & Improved Interface, More Features
047\DRVMAN11.ZIP 157809 01-28-96
|DRVMAN11.ZIP: DriveMan 1.1 DriveMan is a
|32-BIT Windows 95 application that provides
|a quick, comprehensive, and convenient way
|to access and care for the various storage
|devices available on your computer. You are
|provided with instant access to any device
|on your system, your favourtie folders, and
|the tools you need to maintain your system.
|Shareware The options saving feature has
|been fixed
047\DSQUED3.ZIP 259125 12-14-95
|Squedule 1.0 Win95 Schedule programs to run
|while you are away from your computer
047\DTOP10.ZIP 9971 11-26-95
|Have you ever tried to get back to the
|Windows 95 desktop for a moment after
|opening more than one DOS windows? If so,
|you know the frustration. DTOP version 1.0
|offers the convenience of using ALT-Tab to
|return to the Windows 95 desktop, no matter
|how many DOS windows you have open
047\DUDEN32I.ZIP 1551059 01-12-96
|Duden Spelling Dictionary 1.0 Spelling
|dictionary for popular word processors.
047\DUNCE2.ZIP 47723 01-05-96
|Dunce (or Dial-Up Networking Connection
|Enhancement) allows for much easier dial-up
|networking than Win95 currently provides.
|The program will automatically press
|"connect" for you on the "Connect To" dialog
|box, redial your Internet Provider
|indefinitely (even from within another
|application), and auto-reconnect if you get
|unexpectedly dropped. Furthermore it can
|optionally run applications when you are
|connected and force connections at a given
|time. 2.0 Also adds MSN Support and support
|for international versions of Windows
047\DUNCE2_0.ZIP 48170 01-08-96
|Dunce (or Dial-Up Networking Connection
|Enhancement) allows for much easier dial-up
|networking than Win95 provides.
047\DUP95HD.ZIP 2870 01-29-96
|Duplicate Windows95 hard disks
047\DV95_122.ZIP 658704 12-27-95
|Drag And View For Win 95/NT v.1.20 File
|Viewers for Win 95/NT. View files in 95
|with right button. Edit text files. Views
|most popular database word processor,
|spreadsheet, and graphic sound, AVI formats,
|plus also ASCII and HEX. Copy to clipboard,
|print, search and goto functions. Rotate
|graphics and save in other bitmap formats
|ASP Shareware
047\DWHTML20.ZIP 64463 01-29-96
|A Freeware HTML Editor for Win95 -32bit
047\DZ95_113.ZIP 658240 12-27-95
|Drag And Zip For Windows 95/NT v.1.0 Zip
|File Manager. Zip and unzip file with a
|right button click. Built-in zipping and
|unzipping. Built-in extraction of GZ and
|TAR. Links to Netscape and Mosaic. Makes
|Windows hosted self extracting Zips.
|Creates backup sets to automate zipping
|Interfaces to LHA. ASP Shareware
047\E111W95.ZIP 224753 12-17-95
|e-Mail Notify 1.11 for Windows 95. POP3
|Mail Notifier, checks for mail headers and
|notifies the user of new mails. With "Quick
|Delete" and "Quick View" and Dial-Up
|Networking control
047\EARTHBMP.ZIP 52511 01-11-96
|Nice color photo of earth from space bmp.
047\EARTHTIM.ZIP 927831 02-15-96
|EarthTime Plug-in for Netscape. This
|plug-in shows you the local time and date in
|8 global locations. Win95
047\EASYIC95.ZIP 150778 01-07-96
|Easy Icons 95 Win95 Extract and Edit Icons
|from .DLL and .EXE files
047\ECPD32.ZIP 250347 01-24-96
|Ecopad32 v3.10 is a text editor replacement
|for Windows Notepad which can print up to 8
|pages of condensed text on one physical
|sheet of paper. New for Windows95!
|Supports any printer that is compatible with
|Windows95/NT Shareware version is now fully
|functional Ecopad can now load/print files
|up to 32MB Two sided printing. Requires
|Windows95 or WindowsNT 3.51 <ASP
047\EIW302.ZIP 318961 01-19-96
|Encrypt-It v3.02 for Windows 95 High
|performance - 32 bit - file encryption
|program featuring three way proprietary and
|Data Encryption Standard (registered
|version) encryption methods. Up to 2
|billion files can be encrypted decrypted, or
|securely wiped at a time in a batch mode.
|Provides protected key entry, auto key
|clearing, and drag & drop support Extensive
|built in help, color toolbar, tooltips,
|status bar with prompts, plus lots more.
|Very powerful and easy to use
047\ENC20B1.ZIP 308805 11-28-95
|RealAudio 2.0 beta Encoder for Windows 95
|Make your own RA files for Real Audio player
047\EXL11.ZIP 1768155 11-07-95
|Exile Fantasy Role-Playing Game v1.1 A HUGE
|highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore almost
|80 dungeons and towns, while solving puzzles
|meeting many characters, and completing
|three game-winning quests. Compatible with
|Windows 95
047\EZDESK17.ZIP 75894 11-05-95
|EzDesk is a Windows(R) 95 utility that
|manages the desktop icons' layout.
047\FAX_V503.ZIP 720930 01-26-96
|Complete faxing program for Windows 3.1x, 95
|and NT. Allows printing from any program
|that can print. FaxMail for Windows makes
|creating high quality faxes as easy as
|printing Includes a Fax/Modem-tester.
|-timed sends broadcast queue holds 32,000
|-works in DOS and Windows -GOOD help system
|-all functions very fast -background FAX
047\FF13W102.ZIP 215539 01-01-96
|FoxFire 13 Solitaire v1.02 For Windows by
|Randy Rasa and Todd Svec - Great card game
|from the creator of Solitaire Suite and the
|SYSOP of FoxFire BBS. Simple to learn, not
|so easy to master solitaire game can keep
|you busy for hours. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
|and optional sound support. This version
|adds MIDI music support and a setup program
|Windows 95 tested
047\FISHY11.ZIP 130877 11-21-95
|FishSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Animated swimming tropical fish Password
|protection option Register for screen saver
|bonus pack 8 screen saver + CD-ROM
|Shareware. Galt Technology
047\FIXDTR95.ZIP 9827 11-11-95
|Fixes DTR drop-out in Win95 Comm. Drivers.
047\FMANJ70.ZIP 75610 12-12-95
|File Manager Jr. for Word 95 v7.0. The
|program allows you to delete, undelete, move
|copy and rename files--all without leaving
|Word. You can also open existing files
|delete backup files in one or more folders
|and print files without having to bring them
|onscreen. Additional features are available
|to registered users
047\FP211SW.ZIP 440945 01-09-96
|File PLUS multi window file
|manager.Shareware For Windows 95/NT
047\FPAR07B1.ZIP 178604 01-18-96
|fpArchie Ver. 0.7 beta1 An excellent Archie
|Client Allows you to search Archie Indexes
|for specific files on the Internet For Win95
047\FSYNC10.ZIP 118566 12-11-95
|Win95 util compares/updates directories
047\FTL202.ZIP 757792 01-22-96
|Follow The Leader 2.02 For WINDOWS AND
|WINDOWS 95 Featuring OUTSTANDING Sounds and
|Great Graphics How Long Can you keep up
|Download This And Try it c) 1996 Wonder-Soft
|This Program Is EVALUEWARE
047\FWDMAILS.ZIP 147530 11-16-95
|ForwardMail 1.0 Win95 Scans your inbox for
|all incoming mail
047\GAMCHEST.ZIP 549050 11-10-95
|Game Chest for Windows 95 Game Chest Play
|Backgammon, Yatze, Rummy Fortune's Favor,
|Queen's Audience Against the Computer or A
|Friend WinGames.Inc ShareWare
047\GC0196.ZIP 192208 01-12-96
|Garbage Can (01/96) for Windows 95 & 3.1 A
|secure file delete program guaranteed to
|make a deleted file, completely
|unrecoverable. Includes routines that
|process the 'Slack Area associated with a
|file. Also includes a File Manager
|extension DLL version Shareware by Denam
|Systems. You can register this program for
047\GDIT14.ZIP 174975 01-10-96
|Gdit - GDInTerpreter v1.4: simple MS-Windows
|95/NT graphics interpreter which processes
|drawing directives on standard input and
|produces a gif file representing that image
|includes C source Harvey-George.
047\GEOWIN95.ZIP 7768 11-09-95
|GEOWIN95.ZIP by Charlie Orlando Smith, 1995
|This text file provides you with the general
|instructions you need to get GeoWorks to run
|from within Windows 95. Now you can launch
|GeoWorks from Win95 and not have to worry
|about that dreaded "no valid userdata/fonts"
|error message Requires GeoWorks Ensemble and
|Windows 95
047\GF195.ZIP 82174 12-22-95
|Win95 drivers for gravis ultrasound family
|of sound cards, released 12/22, from gravis
047\GRVUTL4.ZIP 180898 01-25-96
|Advanced gravis win95 joystick utility.
047\HBCL75B.ZIP 378569 12-10-95
|date conversion, holidays, anniversaries
|Torah/Haftarah readings, sunrise, sunset and
|zmanim. Print custom calendars and zmanim
|lists. New this version: edit month names
|holiday names and descriptions, and
|readings; improved anniversary database New:
|fixed Win95 bug when running minimized
|Requires VBRUN300.DLL
047\HORSEB13.ZIP 354129 11-14-95
|Test your betting skills and luck on an
|exciting animated horse racing game for up
|to four players. Choose one of eight horses
|to win, place or show, based on posted odds
|which influence the horses' performances
|Create your own voice overlays and hear
|yourself introduce the races. Also included
|are a full on-line help, and the option to
|toggle voices on and off. This version
|requires Windows 95
047\HOST100B.ZIP 89074 11-25-95
|Host v1.0.0 beta Windows Sockets 1.1 32-bit
|MS Windows app that resolves host name and
|address information.
047\HOTC111.ZIP 19405 12-10-95
|Hot Corners v1.11 for Windows 95 Allows you
|to activate or disable the screen saver by
|positioning the cursor in a user-defined
|corner of the screen. 32-bit and enhanced
|for Windows 95
047\HTPE1.ZIP 585579 11-09-95
|Hyperterminal pe,upgrade for win 95 hypertext
047\HTSPT11.ZIP 34997 11-29-95
|v1.1) Htspt11.zip - Screensaver utility The
|function of this program is to create
|hotspots which will allow the user to turn
|his screensaver on and off simply by placing
|the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4
|Runtime Module, VB40032.ZIP, is required to
|run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S Ron
|Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com
047\IFA400A.ZIP 455953 01-21-96
|Instant File Access v4.00 Enhances the File
|Dialogs of Windows applicaions by adding
|File/Directory recall, LONG FILE NAMES
|Floating file lists, File Manager functions
|etc. Allows Win 3.1x apps to give assign
|long names to files. Allows Win 3.1x apps
|to view and open Windows 95 long filenames
047\INETVOY.ZIP 767553 02-02-96
|Internet Voyager 1.01a Win95
047\IS11101.ZIP 396607 12-22-95
|ImageStor by McAfee, Inc Image backup for
|Windows 95 Requires Windows 3.1 and above
|client Version 1.11 12-22-95
047\IT111.ZIP 1216367 12-01-95
|Investors Toolbox v1.11 Windows 95 (32 bit
|How to Get Rich and Stay Rich.
|Comprehensive personal financial program.
|Provides calculations, projections, graphs
|for Saving Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
|Mortgages Loans, Stocks, Mutual Funds and
|401(k) Plans All aspects of financial life.
|Portfolio management system records, tracks
|and graphs your investment performance.
|Excellent On-Line Help. For Windows 95
|only. Requires VB40032
047\KN32V152.ZIP 645965 11-24-95
|KeyNote Music Drills 32-Bit v1.52 for
|Win95/NT 3.51 was designed to help music
|students learn to identify the notes of the
|bass clef, treble clef, and grand staff, and
|to locate their positions on the keyboard or
|guitar fingerboard. Also, there are
|additional drills for the alto and tenor
|clefs. Options include timed drills, set
|drill item count, and visual feedback for
|elapsed time via progress indicator bar, and
|sound playback
047\LBLWZ24D.ZIP 328336 11-09-95
|Label Wizard version 2.4a WIN32 (11/09/95 An
|all-purpose label utility program for
|Windows 3.x (Win32s), 95, NT. Includes
|templates for mailing, floppy disk labels
|audio-visual labels, J-Card labels, and A4
|labels. A very versatile program that is
|only limited by your imagination and your
047\LCAM101A.ZIP 537659 11-21-95
|Labels, Cards & More V1.0 New Version for
|Windows 95 Create incredible labels, cards,
|envel and more on any printer. Custom
|layouts OLE2 support, boxes, lines, circles
|clipart & text in any size, color, style
|rotation. "Special" objects to link to data
|files for mailing lists, counters quick
|addressing, personal info. WYSIWYG drag &
|drop, setup and online help
047\LFNCRAP.ZIP 18950 12-12-95
|Windows 95 and Long File Names A Myth In
|Windows 95, Microsoft has once again
|demonstrated that DOS is alive and well
|While there are many significant techno
|logical advances in Windows 95, the weak
|implementation of long file names is NOT one
|of them. This essay to was written to
|express my frustration with long file names
|and the inefficiency of storing Windows 95's
|desktop shortcuts and menu items each as
|separate files, Feedback both positive and
|negative is welcome Both MS-Word and ASCII
|text files
047\LIGHTS95.ZIP 174185 11-23-95
|Holiday Lights v2.0 Enjoy watching Holiday
|Lights on your Windows95 desktop. Select
|bulb type color, background music, screen
|savers and more Holiday Lights v2.0 for
|Windows95 Hang a string of virtual holiday
|lights from the top of your Windows95
|desktop. Many bulbs to choose from,
|background music, and other goodies to
|enhance your desktop for the holiday season.
|Happy Holidays Publisher/Author: Don Metzler
|Product Version Number: 2.0 Product Version
|Release Date: 11/23/95 Registration Price:
|15.00 Basic Platform: Windows 95 Product
|Category: Windows95 utility Product
|Distribution Category: Shareware, freely
|distributable by all channels Keywords:
047\LIONKIN2.ZIP 77859 01-28-96
|Win95 Desktop Theme - Lion King. T
047\LLV_141.ZIP 20980 12-29-95
|1.4.1) LaTeX Launcher - tex/latex/win/util A
|configurable Windows launch utility
|specialized for the LaTeX user. Purpose is
|to give an integrated "feel" to a LaTeX
|session. LL will pass info to other progs
|file names, pg nums These params are
|configured w/ dialog boxes at run time. LL
|can launch both DOS and Win apps, it has
|been tested with Emtex using Win 3.1 and Win
|95. Install and use info included
047\LPAD_V2.ZIP 632734 12-08-95
|32 bit programs! Launch Pad & Speed Bar
|Windows 95 Menu system & Button Bar Create
|up to a million menus w/programs Common
|Windows programs on one pull down menu.
|Button Bar w/fast access to common Windows
|95 Programs 19.95 Shareware
047\LS9512.ZIP 10292 01-04-96
|Multi-format Directory Lister for Windows95
|DOS box. Supports Long File Names. Freeware
047\MAILMON2.ZIP 81437 12-17-95
|Mail Monitor 0.2a Background POP mail
|checker Win95
047\MAILX100.ZIP 198398 12-27-95
|Mail Explorer 1.0 uses the VFAT file system
|to save mail messages so that mail can be
|browsed with Win95 Explorer
047\MASKTHME.ZIP 1034341 01-04-96
|Win95 Desktop Theme - The Mask. T
047\MATCH101.ZIP 509522 11-09-95
|MATCH MAKER (v1.01 Match Maker is an
|incredibly fun memory game for Win 95 and
|Windows 3.1! Features great graphics, one
|and two player option, variable levels of
|complexity and cool sound effects Shareware.
|Registration fee: $5.00. Published by
047\MC32V7B3.ZIP 209578 12-03-95
|Microchart/32 Win95 Drill Design And
|Charting Aid System For Marching Bands.
047\MC32V7B6.ZIP 236980 02-15-96
|MicroChart/32 7.0 Beta 6 Drill design and
|charting aid system for marching bands.
047\MDMUSRIM.ZIP 5565 01-03-96
|Usr imodem win95 updatedinf file. 1996
047\MDMUSRSP.ZIP 4843 01-03-96
|Usr sporster win95 updatedinf file. 1996
047\MLAUDIT.ZIP 8590 11-23-95
|ModemLog Audit 1.0 converts Windows95 Modem
|Log into a clear, concise report of dates,
|times durations and quantity of data for
|each modem session. Prints the entire file
|or selections as well as exports
|Comma-delimited ASCII files for further
|analysis. Shareware (5.00
047\MM1032B4.ZIP 800999 12-14-95
|MailMaker 1.0 beta 4 32bit QWK compatible
|offline reader for Windows 95 and Windows
|NT. Fast database to organize your mail
|Includes features like text search, internal
|unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text justification,
|optional spellchecker, file attachments,
|picklists, easy install and uninstall and
|much more. Imports Robomail 1.3 data /
047\MM95US.ZIP 318361 12-04-95
|Mobymail Win95 Mapi Transport Provider For
|Sending And Receiving Messages to Cellular
047\MOBY95EN.ZIP 293778 02-15-96
|MobyMail Win95 4.01 Demo of a MAPI transport
|provider for sending and retrieving messages
|to cellular phones and pagers using European
|service providers. Can be used with MS
|Exchange and other MAPI compliant software
047\MOO4.ZIP 23263 11-06-95
|MOO 4.0 menu system for Windows 95 quicker
|than the START BUTTON! MOO doesn't replace
|the Windows 95 menu system, but rather
|supplements it by providing quicker access
|to its menu items
047\MYCD130.ZIP 291637 01-05-96
|MyCDplayer - Audio CD Player, Library
|Apptmnt book/diary. Exclude, Program
|Shuffle, Sample, Volume, StayOnTop. Saves
|exclusions, program. Programmed with the
|KISS" principle in Mind. Supports multiple
|CD drives. Import Win95 Player library.
|Does not alter files on your system
047\NB32.ZIP 50969 12-02-95
|Automated NNTp Downloader and Decoder for
|windows 95 and windows NT
047\NFS95_41.ZIP 744726 11-09-95
|NFS95 v4.1 client, printer & server for WIN95
047\NN32_17D.ZIP 287589 11-27-95
|NETNOTE 1.7d THE electronic post-it for
|Win95. Create and send "Post-it" type notes
|across the net
047\NOTBKA31.ZIP 1261754 11-29-95
|v3.1) Notbka31 - W95 Large File Editor
|Notebook is a Notepad replacement which will
|(1).It will open VERY large files 2).It has
|a toolbar; (3).Supports DRAG and DROP
|editing; (4).Features full font control (5).
|Supports overtype mode 6). Will allow
|printing/saving to file SEL ECTED text
|Shareware (U.S. $15.00 + ship Ron Parker
|(CT Software) ron2222@aol.com
047\NPFIFB5.ZIP 630041 01-18-96
|Fractal Plug-in for Netscape V1.1 (Beta 5
047\NSLIDE20.ZIP 249929 11-05-95
|NSLIDE20.ZIP NetSlide95 2.0 for Windows95
|NetSlide is the ideal complement for
|Netscape WEB Browser -NetSlide can visualize
|Autocad Slide (SLD), Autocad Library (SLB
|and Autoshade Render file (RND) on Internet
|Library creation -Conversion to color DXF
|Interruptible display -Polycentric zoom
|Bitmap and Vectorial Clipboard - more
|NetSlide is Shareware. Web address
047\NST32121.ZIP 327154 12-08-95
|v1.21) NetScanTools 32Bit Win95 TCPIP
|Network Utils. Works with netcards and/or
|SLIP/PPP dialup connections. Resolves
|hostnames and IP addresses. UNIX Finger.
|Port ID. Requires active net connection to
047\NTZ323.ZIP 152222 01-04-96
|NoteZ V3.23 varient of the Post-It idea for
|Windows NT and 95. It provides the usual
|pop up notes on the desktop, but also a
|diary and a calendar for reviewing
|appointments and reminders. Notes are
|organised into folders and can be sorted and
|searched, so they can be used as a simple
|flat file database. V3.23 is a bug fix
|release with no new features over 3.22
047\OBASIC95.ZIP 635763 01-21-96
|O'Basic95 System script language for
|Windows95. Standard object-oriented basic
|syntax with extended registry access
|clipboard, DDE client, INI file writing
|printing, and more
047\ODOM110.ZIP 211203 11-01-95
|gadget for Windows 95 and Windows 3.1! NEW
|VERSION now includes MicroMode" to use even
|less desktop space How far do you move your
|mouse each day You'll soon know with Mouse
|Odometer Features an exclusive "cleaning
|alarm Awesome graphics and animation make
|this odometer look like the real thing!
|Other features include selectable english
|and metric units of measure, corner snap,
|always in front, AutoStart and more. Mouse
|Odometer is also "polite" to the Windows 95
|task bar This program is not to be missed!
|Shareware Registration fee: $5.00.
|Registered users of previous version need
|not register again Published by
047\OFSPDB03.ZIP 50935 12-18-95
|OmniFSPd for Windows 95 v1.0b3 High
|performance 32 bit FSP server designed
|specifically for Windows 95 and Windows NT
047\OOBE.ZIP 161536 11-26-95
|Windows 95 OOBE that's the out of the box
|experience that you will enjoy now - see
|this cartoon that accurately describes the
|horror of Windows 95. By Steven Mussey. AVI
047\PARASOL.ZIP 429300 12-27-95
|Paradise Solitaire - 30 excellent solitaire
| games for Windows 3.1. Contains multiple
| decks, 2 card sizes, 6 backgrounds, and
|lots | of sounds. Support for saved games,
|undo, | and auto-play. Games include:
|Beleageured | Castle, Canfield, Clock,
|Dutchess, Four | Seasons, Golf, Klondike,
|Montana, Pyramid, | Spiderette, plus 20 more
|games when you | register. You also get a
|Windows95 version | when you register.
047\PIM.ZIP 126413 01-07-96
|New P.I.M. for Word 7.0 for Windows 95: |
|<ASP> Imports all databases and |
|spreadsheets, & logs calls! Integrated with
| Word 7.0. Now stores many entries in two
| address books! Set alarms, schedule |
|appointments. Works and looks like a real |
|rolodex! Allows creation of FULL-COLOR |
|reports, and business letters. Has its own
| phone dialer, automatic dialer, VOICE MAIL
| DIALER. Supports automatic BACKGROUND
047\PMDIFF40.ZIP 204747 02-03-96
|PMdiff v4.0 (OS/2 version) - Side by side
|graphical file comparison and file merge
|Files are display in adjacent windows and
|lines are drawn clearly showing the
|differences between files. Merged files can
|be created and saved contained selected
|changes from both files Available for
|Windows NT, Windows '95 and OS/2 Shareware -
|US$30, UK20 Email pmdiff@arac.demon.co.uk
|for information
047\POLYV220.ZIP 417492 11-19-95
|PolyView v2.20 - shareware image viewer,
|file converter, and printing utility for
|Windows NT and Windows 95
047\POOHPLUS.ZIP 1170527 01-12-96
|Win95 MS Plus Desktop Theme - Winnie The Pooh
047\PORTSCAN.ZIP 250216 12-17-95
|Port Scanner tool for Win95 that allows you
|to scan a group of IP addresses looking for
|the presence of specific incoming TCP/IP
|ports. This is a large benefit to anyone
|managing a TCP/IP network, or to anyone who
|is concerned with the possible security
|risks that some TCP/IP tools present to
|their network
047\PRIM20.ZIP 91140 11-14-95
|Primordial Life v2.0: artificial life screen
|saver for MS-Windows 95 and WinNT
047\PRT95_25.ZIP 205120 12-17-95
|Win95 print screen util, limited to 256
047\PSOL95.ZIP 485539 12-25-95
|Paradise Solitaire - 30 excellent solitaire
| games for Windows95. Contains multiple |
|decks, 2 card sizes, 6 backgrounds, and lots
| of sounds. Support for saved games, undo,
| and auto-play. Games include: Beleageured
| Castle, Canfield, Clock, Dutchess, Four |
|Seasons, Golf, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid, |
|Spiderette, plus 20 more games when you |
|register. You also get a Windows 3.1 |
|version when you register.
047\QBUTTN27.ZIP 213307 11-17-95
|QuikButton v2.7 - A floating button that
|gives you instant access to a command line
|configurable menu items, desktop blanker
|task list, OS specific utilities, resource
|monitor, free disk space display, wallpaper
|selecter, clock, exit/shutdown/restart
|Windows, reboot your PC, WAVE player, and
|much more! Supports Win95, Win 3.x and Win
|NT. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
047\QTB10.ZIP 22454 12-04-95
|QTB V1.0 Using the new Shell Extensions to
|Windows95, QTB will create an AppBar, that
|is, a window like the TaskBar at the bottom
|of the Win95 screen, and scroll selected
|stock tickers across it
047\RECON42.ZIP 19424 12-17-95
|RTV Recon V4.2 Win95 Redails lost connections
047\RSMON150.ZIP 52858 01-27-96
|Resource Monitor Win 3.1x and '95 Version
|1.40/1.50!! Monitor your system resources
|so you don't run out New-Improved versions
|Features low resource alarm, and
|taskbar-integrated monitoring system! Both
|Windows 3.1x and Windows 95 versions are
|included It's better than the one that comes
|with Windows 95 ) Now has the program manual
|in .HLP format! Requires file VBRUN300.DLL,
|not supplied. This is Freeware
047\RTVREC50.ZIP 30034 01-01-96
|RtvReco from the U.K. Utility for Windows 95
047\SAFTYNET.ZIP 165576 12-08-95
|v4.1) Saftnt32.zip - Backup Utility Safety
|Net is a utility for backing up key files.
|It has 1 default setting - to backup key
|"windows" & system files - & 3 user
|configurable options. SafetyNet could
|easily backup all of your .DOC and/or .MDB
|files for example. Also the files can be
|ZIPped to disk. It can also print your
|directory tree and make a boot disk.
|VB40032.DLL required Ron Parker (CT
|Software) ron2222@aol.com
047\SB16W95U.ZIP 175482 12-20-95
|Creative Bulletin Board Filename:-
|SBW95UP.ZIP SDR-95UPD-1-US(Revision 1 Latest
|SB16/AWE 32 drivers for Windows 95 Driver
|updated to support more languages Corrected
|the problem of producing a loud constant
|tone during the playback of a recorded
|compressed wave file. Will now load mixer
|settings for TREBLE, BASS and Output Gain
|for Vibra C16F. Correct SB AWE32 DRAM size
|detection problem on some Pentium machine
|Please refer to README.TXT for more
|information Disk 1 Of 1 SB-BBS
047\SBBS22_W.ZIP 293993 11-14-95
|Synchronet Win95/NT Utilities (11/14/95
047\SBIDE_95.ZIP 13018 12-15-95
|Creative Bulletin Board Filename:-
|SBIDE-95.ZIP SBIDE.MPD v1.09 - updated
|miniport driver for Windows 95. This device
|driver is for Creatives IDE CD ROM drives to
|run under Windows 95. Funia E2750UA(f/w
|1.03) can now be detected at Start Up.
|Clear GPF problem with MKE 581J when running
|Win 95 DDK Transfer Rate Test. Solved CD
|420E dual drive problem. Please refer to
|the README.TXT file for installation. This
|device driver supports Creative CD220E,
|CD420E, CD620E, NEC CDR271/272/273 Mitsumi
|FX400, FX400D, MKE CR574, CR581B, CR581M,
|CR581J, Hitachi CDR-7730, Toshiba XM-5302,
|Goldstar 540B, Funai 2750UA, Sony CDU-75E &
|Sanyo CRD-254P. [ SB-BBS ]
047\SCH_PAB.ZIP 13296 11-30-95
|ScheduleToPAB data transfer is a template
|that contains two macros which will enable
|you to xfer all your existing fax contacts
|entered in Schedule (MS-Windows 95) to your
|Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book in 2
047\SDAM.ZIP 89419 12-13-95
|This document provides the information you
|need to automate your Single DOS Application
|Mode (SDAM) sessions. This is the first
|installment of a series of Windows 95
|Registry Techletters.
047\SDIR95B4.ZIP 46038 01-26-96
|SuperDIR 95 V6.00B4 - Incredibly fast, easy
|to use, customisable directory lister
|Features: complete MS-DOS 7.0 and Windows 95
|long filename support, fully user
|customisable display formats, support for
|4DOS/NDOS filename descriptions, extended
|wildcard specifications, recursive directory
|display, directory tree, and much much more
|A must for all DOS users. Heaps better than
047\SEEV1B.ZIP 1575286 12-31-95
|SOUND EVENT EDITOR '96 v1.0b for Windows95
|Freeware Utility to add Open,Close,Maximize
|Minimize,RestoreUp/Down sound events to
|nearly any program in Windows 95
047\SERVD.ZIP 29294 12-19-95
|Calculation server v1.0 for Windows 95.
|This program lets you organize a server to
|conduct simple calculations from different
|client places. The server works in the
|console mode No special client required -
|you may use a simple telnet. Server may use
|any TCP/IP port argument while running the
047\SHEXCD.ZIP 10854 01-25-96
|The MS-DOS Prompt Shell Extension adds an
|MS-DOS Prompt" menu item to the context
|right-click) menu of all drives and folders
|including the start button). Win95
047\SHOVIT10.ZIP 11356 11-29-95
|ShoveIt 1.0 for Win95 This little utility
|fixes a bug in Windows 95 that appears when
|the taskbar is docked on the top of the
|screen (like a Mac) instead of the bottom.
047\SIMPWAVC.ZIP 1393184 01-14-96
|Simpsons Wav Files Win95.T
047\SIMPWAVE.ZIP 1318485 01-15-96
|Simpsons Wav Files Win95.T
047\SLDSHO40.ZIP 283388 11-17-95
|SlideShow V4.0 for Windows. Windows 95 and
|Windows 3.1 screen saver that will display
|your favorite pictures on your screen as a
|slide show. SlideShow will display the
|pictures using 80 different fades, wipes and
|dissolves. JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, DIB
|supported. You can elect to have a colored
|border and control the size and look of two
|3-D bevels, to give your pictures a
|professional look. Password protection is
047\SNAP254.ZIP 296539 11-24-95
|SNAPSHOT/32 version 2.54 automatically
|CAPTURES Win95/NT SCREENS. Now with the new
|progressive JPEG format and enhanced BMP and
|GIF options! Use HOTKEYS you define to grab
|your desktop, a window, client, or
|user-defined area. INCLUDE CURSOR IMAGES in
|your captures! PRINT captures with frames
|in reverse or black and white. SAVE as BMP
|or GIF files interlaced or transparent for
|the WORLD WIDE WEB, or copy them to the
|clipboard. SNAPSHOT/32 goes where no screen
|capture utility has gone before
047\SP1353.ZIP 37416 12-11-95
|KBDBR.KBD Compaq has determined that the
|Brazilian Portuguese keyboard may not
|function properly specifically, the "?/"key
|while running Windows 95 All Compaq
|commercial ProLinea and Deskpro computers
|manufactured before December 7, 1995 and
|using a Brazilian Portuguese keyboard with
|English Windows 95 may be affected
047\SPICE11.ZIP 129142 11-11-95
|SPICE v1.1 - Shareware program that will
|change your desktop wallpaper at a user
|specified interval for Windows 95. Fee 3.50
047\SPRSOL11.ZIP 502709 11-20-95
|Super Marble Solitaire v1.10 <ASP
|Challenging puzzle for Windows 95. This
|game not only allows you to play on
|different style boards with animated pieces,
|you can even design you own board! Name
|your board design and enter your name as the
|designer There is extensive online
|documentation that tells you how to play
|well by using "move patterns". From
|Wrenware (TM
047\SQURLJ3.ZIP 748472 12-14-95
|SqURL Jr. 1.0 Client app for Win95 that
|searches multiple search engines (like Lycos
|and Yahoo) and stores info in a local
047\SR.ZIP 198298 01-30-96
|advanced search & replace util for Win95/NT
047\SSE260.ZIP 71403 12-19-95
|SCREEN SAVER ENHANCER (SSE) 2.60 - lets you
|instantly trigger your screen saver via
|mouse or keyboard in Windows 95! Or disable
|the saver for backups and such Great
|enhancement for convenience and security.
|Works with Windows 3.1/95/NT
047\STARTCLN.ZIP 17375 01-06-96
|Start Clean v1.0 for Windows 95 Cleans the
|Start Menu by removing unnecessary links and
|directories. A must have for any power user
047\STIKN13A.ZIP 187847 12-20-95
|Sticky Notes 1.3a Sticky Notes implements
|PostIt like notes on your Windows 95 desktop
047\STIKN14A.ZIP 191980 01-11-96
|Sticky Notes 1.4a Sticky Notes implements
|PostIt like notes on your Windows 95 desktop
047\STIKN15.ZIP 199429 01-28-96
|Sticky Notes 1.5 Implements PostIt like
|notes on your Windows 95 desktop
047\STIL19R1.ZIP 202770 11-12-95
|Stiletto v1.9r1. Tiny 3.1x bar
|launcher/utility featuring: small footprint
|(fits in title bar any mouse button starts a
|command; multiple bars direct access to prog
|mgr/shell commands multiple launch
|menus/submenus; task switch close, on top;
|time/date, resource usage, timers over 50
|built-in commands; alarms; sound paper
|control. V1.9r1 adds up to 50 named menus;
|full hot key support; win95 awareness;
|show/hide via mouse movement; safe, quick
|window close
047\STILE19T.ZIP 219807 01-23-96
|Stiletto v1.9t. Tiny 3.1x/95 bar
|launcher/utility featuring: small footprint
|(fits in title bar any mouse button starts a
|command; multiple bars direct access to prog
|mgr/shell commands multiple launch
|menus/submenus; task switch close, on top;
|time/date, resource usage, timers over 80
|built-in commands; alarms; sound paper
|control. V1.9t adds support for Win95 long
|file names, key stroke sending, auto-minimize
047\STRTCL11.ZIP 18574 01-14-96
|Start Clean v1.1 for Windows 95 Cleans the
|Start Menu by removing unneeded links and
|directories. A must have for any power user
047\SUPRM21A.ZIP 32935 01-04-96
|v2.1) SuperMenu. Popup access to Win95
|StartMenu SuperMenu is a popup-menu which
|makes it possible to select the Win95
|StartMenu button from wherever the hand is
|at the moment when clicking the right
|mouse-button alternate mouse-button
|Shareware (US$ 15.- Visa/AmEx, Transfer
|Jarle Pettersen, jarlep@telepost.no
|CompuServe: 100420,474
047\SUPRMN21.ZIP 32861 12-29-95
|v2.1) SuperMenu. Popup access to Win95
|StartMenu SuperMenu is a popup-menu which
|makes it possible to select the Win95
|StartMenu button from wherever the hand is
|at the moment when clicking the right
|mouse-button alternate mouse-button
|Shareware (US$ 15.- Visa/AmEx, Transfer
|Jarle Pettersen, jarlep@telepost.no
|CompuServe: 100420,474
047\SURF95.ZIP 161824 12-17-95
|Surf's Up 95 - Windows 95 has the ability to
|add sounds to different events, but the same
|sounds play for each event in all programs
|Surf's Up 95 extends Win 95's sound support
|to enable you to configure different sounds
|for each event for all your programs
047\SWAGWIN3.ZIP 421046 11-09-95
|SWAG for WINDOWS version 1.03. WINDOWS
|version READER program for .SWG files
|Includes WINDOWS help file and SETUP
|program. Compatible with WINDOWS 3.x or
|WINDOWS 95 Extract the archive to a
|temporary directory, and execute SETUP from
|the WINDOWS program manager or Explorer c)
|1995 GDSOFT
047\TARD95V2.ZIP 44169 11-08-95
|Tardis for Windows 95 2.0 <ASP Tardis is a
|Windows 95 program that synchronises your PC
|s clock to a server on the Internet or a
|LAN. It is used where your PC is connected
|to a remote machine by TCP/IP, SLIP, or PPP.
|A typical use would be to synchronise the
|clock on starting a SLIP/PPP connection to
|an Internet provider
047\TICKERIN.ZIP 673522 01-02-96
|A new news service from IBM that scrolls
|headlines across your desktop. Select a
|headline, and your Web browser displays the
|story! Win95
047\TIMSICO.ZIP 73929 11-03-95
|Icon lib for Win95, 256 colors
047\TORISAN3.ZIP 27161 11-10-95
|Driver for Sanyo 4x3CD CXDR for Win95.
047\TOYSTORY.ZIP 319466 01-08-96
|Win95 Desktop Theme - Toy Story.
047\TPNPBIOS.ZIP 1112813 01-24-96
|Toshiba Plug & Play BIOS for Windows 95
047\TPW32_10.ZIP 43954 11-15-95
|TPW32 v1.00 This is a package containing
|units to add 32-bit functions to Borland
|Pascal for Windows and Delphi 16-bit
|programs running under Windows 95 or Windows
|NT The units implement some of the Win32
|API, but also provide a means for people to
|call functions in 32-bit DLLs when running
|under a 32-bit version of Windows This
|package is released into the public domain
047\TSTHEME.ZIP 206370 01-03-96
|Toy Story desktop theme.- Based on the hit
|Disney movie. Works in conjunction with
|Microsoft's Plus!. T
047\ULSD118.ZIP 240383 12-18-95
|Universal Lottery System v1.18 Easy to setup
|for any type of Lottery Create databases to
|record winning sets of numbers from previous
|draws. Shows count of how many times each
|number has been drawn These are displayed in
|graph and grid form With Pick-a-Winner
|random number generator Excellent On-Line
|Help. For Win 3.x and 95 Requires
|VBRUN300.DLL. Rated
047\UNZIP95S.ZIP 387665 12-17-95
|UnZIP95 (tm) for Win95 [FlashPoint The
|Completely Simple (tm) solution for managing
|zipped archive files under Windows95.
|Integrates with the Windows95 Explorer to
|provide custom icons, property sheets and
|context menu controls for unzipping, testing
|and opening ZIP files. No painful nag/delay
|msgs. Support for ZIP 1-2.0 compatible
|files. Easier than WinZIP
047\VDS30Y.ZIP 353775 01-11-96
|VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0y An
|up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM PCs
|with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support Now it
|is Windows 95 aware It features a fast
|scanner, a robust integrity checker,
|real-time decoy launcher and a generic virus
|remover. Its user interface is one of the
|most functional in the market. This is the
|shareware release of the military-grade
|"Pro" version
047\VFWIN1_0.ZIP 141228 12-04-95
|VF Very Fast Access To Any Folder On Any
|Drive For Windows 95 ONLY. This small
|utility gives you fast and easy access to
|your folders and directories. With powerful
|filefind utility. Just start VFwin, enter
|folder or part of foldername, hit enter or
|click 'start' and the folder opens with the
|explorer, FAST. Scans your disks at
|lightning speed
047\VWMGR213.ZIP 31662 11-07-95
|Virtual Windows Manager 2.13 for Win95
|Create virtual screens and easily switch
047\W95ICON2.ZIP 20851 12-21-95
|A set of win95 icons converted to os/2 icons.
047\W95ICONS.ZIP 115086 12-16-95
|256 color icons for Win95
047\W95SCTXT.ZIP 5925 01-08-96
|Windows 95 text file. Dial-Up Scripting
|Command Language for Dial-Up Networking
|Scripting Support. Use to help you write a
|script for Win95 dial up Internet connector.
047\WCMD201.ZIP 604766 12-14-95
|WINDOWS COMMANDER 2.01 (final) for NT/95/3.1
|Wincmd is a file manager replacement for
|Windows. It now supports long filenames on
|Windows 95 and Windows NT, but still runs on
|Windows 3.1 without win32s! Now supports
|ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2, multi-volume ZIP/ARJ.
|Now also a Spanish version!
047\WFOS106A.ZIP 32627 01-18-96
|WinFossil v1.06a 32-bit FOSSIL driver for
|Windows 95. Dramatically improves transfer
|speeds for FOSSIL-aware software
047\WIDEN163.ZIP 65496 11-10-95
|WideOpen v1.6 Windows 95 Long File Name
|Support for Word 6
047\WIDEN168.ZIP 87293 01-17-96
|WideOpen v1.6 Windows 95 Long File Name
|Support for Word 6
047\WIDXL152.ZIP 60084 01-17-96
|WideOpen v1.6 Windows 95 Long File Name
|Support for Excel
047\WIN95SHO.ZIP 5709 12-03-95
|An 'Easter Egg' for Windows 95 that will
|display the 95 development team in a
|multimedia format.
047\WINFOSIL.ZIP 27833 01-02-96
|The *FIRST* Fossil driver made EXCLUSIVELY
|for Win95 32-bit VxD for Win 95 enhances DOS
|and Win comm applications that depend on
|fossil comm support, such as BBSs, frond end
047\WINGO14.ZIP 57792 11-09-95
|WinGO 1.4 for Windows 95 - adds an icon to
|the system tray which when clicked, brings
|up a menu containing shortcuts to the
|folders you use most often. Selecting a
|shortcut opens an Explorer window on that
|folder. Easy to use and configure This
|latest version allows the menus, dialog
|boxes and help to be displayed in English,
|French, German and Japanese (requires
|Japanese Windows 95 Registration fee US$20.
|Uploaded by author You can register online
|on CompuServe: GO SWREG, id: 8124
047\WINSHADE.ZIP 198414 11-08-95
|WinShade V1.5.0 allows you to roll-up
|windows into their title bar Win95
047\WINU201.ZIP 173657 01-24-96
|WinU 2.0 <ASP> Windows 95 menu system with
|timeout and security access features. Ideal
|for parents who want to limit children's
|access to the family PC, or computer stores
|that want to let the shopping public try
|their featured software without allowing
|access to the entire computer. NEW: much
|more robust security, multiple password
|protected desktops, more customizable
047\WINZP60A.ZIP 357572 12-04-95
|WinZip 6.0a for Windows 95 and NT <ASP
|Brings the convenience of Windows to Zipping
|Features tight integration w/the Windows 95
|shell: drag and drop TO or FROM the Explorer
|or ZIP and UNZIP without leaving the
|Explorer External pgms not needed for ZIP,
|tar, gz, z
047\WPPAD.ZIP 49983 01-20-96
|Win PostPad 96 - Win95 utility that
|minimizes itself to the system tray next to
|the clock in the Task bar on Windows 95.
|The right mouse allows you to add sticky
|notes, save view, edit and paste in any
|other application. You can also place the
|time date,memory & resources in the Title
|bar on the active Windows. It also has an
|built in calendar, calculator, view images,
|access the control panel and much more
047\WSB1W32.ZIP 428545 01-22-96
|ASAP WebShow for Netscape Beta 1.0 Displays
|presentation files in Netscape, created with
|ASAP WordPower. Win95
047\WT125B3.ZIP 181084 12-19-95
|Wintalk version 1.25 beta 3 for win95/nt.
047\WT125B4.ZIP 181081 12-29-95
|Wintalk version 1.25 beta 4 for win95/nt.
047\WT95APP1.ZIP 71786 12-01-95
|Wintune 95 Word/Excel Macros. Excel 5 or 95
|and Word 6 or 95 macros for Wintune 95.
047\WT95V10.ZIP 1306847 11-27-95
|Wintune95 v1.0 Test & Tuneup kit for Win95
|Win NT. Analyzes system for performance and
|provides tips & information to make system
|more efficient
047\WTRSPT16.ZIP 76518 01-17-96
|It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor
|displays, as it does not attempt to
|manipulate the palette in any way
047\XL95CAL.ZIP 277586 11-28-95
|A calendar program for XL for WIN95 (v.7.0).
047\YESTHEME.ZIP 1235388 01-24-96
|Win95 Desktop Theme - Music Group Yes. T
047\YG404W95.ZIP 80557 11-12-95
|YGrep Search Engine v4.04 This is a powerful
|32-bit library able to search text using
|regular expressions as well as approximative
|descriptions of the pattern. Allows search
|(grep), replace substitute Registered users
|get both DOS and Windows versions. For
|Borland, Visual and others
047\ZDROP.ZIP 39935 12-21-95
|ZipDrop is an extension to the Windows 95
|shell that makes it easier to work with .ZIP
|files. It allows you to add files to a .ZIP
|archive by simply dragging them over to the
|.ZIP archive icon and dropping them in.USAGE
047\ZIPSEND.ZIP 174558 12-14-95
|ZipSend v1.0 - Shareware program that allows
|you to select several files from Windows 95
|Explorer and "SendTo" a mail compressor that
|will make a zip file and start a mail
|session with the zip file attached. Really
|Cool Fee - $15.00
047\ZIPVIE.ZIP 31918 11-21-95
|ZipView extension to the Windows 95 shell
|first published in PC Magazine 12.19
*Windows Applications / Games
048\01CSDEM1.ZIP 381726 12-23-95
|Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|This is part 1 of 3 parts Divided into
|smaller parts for easier downloading by
|those with slow connections Enjoy the five
|beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as
|they all fade, slide, skip and scroll across
|your desktop screen Also, learn how to
|create your own screen savers through
|scanning/coding services c) 1995 Andrew
|Malek of Excel Progs and Idaho Interactive
|BBS. Requires a working copy of
048\01CSDEM2.ZIP 398003 12-23-95
|Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|This is part 2 of 3 parts Divided into
|smaller parts for easier downloading by
|those with slow connections Enjoy the five
|beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as
|they all fade, slide, skip and scroll across
|your desktop screen Also, learn how to
|create your own screen savers through
|scanning/coding services c) 1995 Andrew
|Malek of Excel Progs and Idaho Interactive
|BBS. Requires a working copy of
048\01CSDEM3.ZIP 351836 12-23-95
|Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|This is part 3 of 3 parts Divided into
|smaller parts for easier downloading by
|those with slow connections Enjoy the five
|beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as
|they all fade, slide, skip and scroll across
|your desktop screen Also, learn how to
|create your own screen savers through
|scanning/coding services c) 1995 Andrew
|Malek of Excel Progs and Idaho Interactive
|BBS. Requires a working copy of
048\02CSDEM1.ZIP 315293 12-23-95
|Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|This is part 1 of 3 parts Divided into
|smaller parts for easier downloading by
|those with slow connections Awe-inspiring
|photographs of the Canadian Rockies tower on
|your computer; watch them fade, slide, skip,
|and scroll across your desktop screen.
|Also, learn how to create your own screen
|savers through scanning coding services.
|(c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and
|Idaho Interactive BBS Requires a working
|copy of VBRUN300.DLL
048\02CSDEM3.ZIP 331450 12-23-95
|Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|This is part 3 of 3 parts Divided into
|smaller parts for easier downloading by
|those with slow connections Awe-inspiring
|photographs of the Canadian Rockies tower on
|your computer; watch them fade, slide, skip,
|and scroll across your desktop screen.
|Also, learn how to create your own screen
|savers through scanning coding services.
|(c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and
|Idaho Interactive BBS Requires a working
|copy of VBRUN300.DLL
048\02CSDEMO.ZIP 932625 12-04-95
|Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95
|Awe-inspiring photographs of the Canadian
|Rockies tower on your computer; watch them
|fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your
|desktop screen. Also, learn how to create
|your own screen savers through scanning
|coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek of
|Excel Progs and Idaho Interactive BBS
|Requires a working copy of VBRUN300.DLL
048\10KEY31.ZIP 190393 11-25-95
|Powerful Windows calculator with nearly
|every feature imaginable, including a
|scrolling tape you can save, print, resize,
|and even edit (causing the tape to
|automatically recalculate); selectable
|syntax (normal, RPN or tenkey adding
|machine); financial dialogs customizable
|display; keep on top option Tip of the Day",
|and much more. You will never go back to
|the default Windows calculator. $19.95
048\2SAVER.ZIP 116735 11-07-95
|2 screen savers: 1 based on UFO's and
|another based on TV's X-FILES show!
048\4FILE330.ZIP 114014 12-06-95
|Recommended by PC-Computing magazine 9/94
|Combines fast disk navigation with complete
|file management, program launching, and 4DOS
|NDOS compatible file annotation. For DOS
|Windows, OS/2 & DV. Puts your favorite util
|ities and applications at your finger tips
|Shareware, $30 with printed manual
048\4LANG41.ZIP 86940 11-27-95
|Ultimate Language Tutor v4.1 for Windows If
|you want to learn Spanish, French German or
|Italian, download this one This program
|makes it easy to learn the vocabulary of the
|above languages. Has built-in test and
|flashcard modules Requires: VBRUN300.DLL
|(not in .ZIP file
048\64NT3520.ZIP 126256 11-13-95
|Windows NT Device Drivers Version 1.50
048\64UTL201.ZIP 358557 11-16-95
|ATI mach64 utilities for Windows 3.x ver2.01.
048\ABOOK42.ZIP 200064 01-14-96
|ShareWare Address Book, for Winword 6.0
|Version 4.2 Store up to 1000 names,
|Addresses and phone numbers Search for
|specific record by name or by company Insert
|the details directly to your document the
|desired details, in the way you want Import
|and Export data Create reports. Normal
|report, and Wide report for mail merge
|Automatically sort after every change made
|Included template for creating letter
048\ABOOL23A.ZIP 182449 02-01-96
|Boole Text Searcher Ver 2.3a for Windows
|Search, display files and directories Auto
|save settings. file preview window Many
|options to tailor searches Supports AND OR
|conditions Works with editors
048\ACT2062.ZIP 950043 01-03-96
|Installation instruction for Act
|Update 1/3/96 This update will only work
|with an existing installation of Act! 2.0.6
|for Windows If you are using without
|problems, there is no need to use this
|update You should ONLY use this update if
|you are using Act! 2.0.6 with WinFax Pro
|7.0. In addition to this update, you will
|also need the update for WinFax 7.0.
|Contact WinFax Technical Support for
|availablity information on that update
048\AD302.ZIP 451227 01-03-96
|ANNO DOMINI v3.02 for Microsoft Windows 3.1
|View a monthly calendar between the years
|1753 and 2153, national holidays for the UK
|USA, Canada, Europe, Australasia, Christian
|festivals, moon phases and sunrise and
|sunset times for any location around the
|world. Also On This Day feature which shows
|8 historical events and birthdays for the
|current date Country specific details can be
|chosen from a database of 700+ cities around
|the world
048\ADDAPP40.ZIP 236973 01-16-96
|ADD APPLICATIONS v4.0 - A 32-bit Windows
|application for migrating Program Manager
|groups amoungst ALL Windows platforms
|Supports NetDDE on any Microsoft network
|platform. Search for applications, create
|and maintain Program Manager groups save and
|restore desktops; both locally and
|REMOTELY!. Supports Cut/Copy/Paste
|operations. TDAC Software Inc. $15.00 add
|$5.00 for surface mail delivery
048\AJPEG110.ZIP 143894 01-23-96
|Amazing JPEG Screen Saver v1.10 - Lets you
|have your favorite JPEG images float across
|the screen. Supports 256 color and true
|color displays. Great for even the slowest
|computers! Options include different image
|movements, image resizing, auto changing
|images, password protection and much much
|more. Runs under Window 3.x Win95 and WinNT
048\ALASKA1.ZIP 11369 11-14-95
|Bmp file of the state of alaska
048\AM_BA10.ZIP 944874 01-08-96
|Barbarian Books - Windows 3.1 For beginners
|and advanced users. Includes six separate
|modules (Daily, Phone, Home, Reminder, Bank
|Books and Catalogue of your choice) each
|designed to accomplish a group of related
|tasks. All are very intuitive and user
|friendly. Example files included. All will
|save you time by offering solutions to some
|simple but time consuming or cumbersome jobs
|Can be used by all members of the family
048\AM_BB41.ZIP 275725 01-08-96
|BANK BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
|(MS Windows 3.1). It allows you to keep
|track of your bank accounts. Unlimited
|number of entries, automatically sorted by
|transaction date. You can filter your
|transactions by a time period or transaction
|type and display a summary of your income
|and expenses. A book like format makes it
|very easy to use Register on-line on
|Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID 3964
048\AM_BC41.ZIP 260901 01-08-96
|BOOK CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
|MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your library
|(books and/or magazines) in as much detail
|as you need. Unlimited number of entries
|automatically sorted. Searching by any
|field printing and much more. A similar
|format to a regular catalog book makes the
|program very easy-to-use and intuitive.
|Registration fee is $15. To register
|on-line on Compuserve GO SWREG (ID# 3839
048\AM_CA42.ZIP 435070 01-08-96
|CAR BOOK PLUS for Windows (MS Windows 3.1
|excellent for Laptops). Includes two
|separate programs: Car Mileage Book and Car
|Expenses Book. Both programs will help you
|keep track of all car records (services,
|maintenance repairs, insurance & license
|fees, fuel & oil costs, leasing costs,
|mileage, and more CAR BOOK PLUS well suited
|for both personal and business car use
048\AM_CB42.ZIP 412030 01-08-96
|CONTACT BOOK + for Windows(MS Windows 3.1
|excellent for Laptops). Includes two
|programs: Contact Book and Note Book. Can
|be used at home or for business. Keeps
|track of all kinds of contacts (personal,
|business Unlimited number of entries,
|automatically sorted. Searching, modem
|dialing, printing records, letters,
|envelopes, notes, and much more. A similar
|format to a regular book makes programs very
|easy to use and intuitive
048\AM_CC41.ZIP 263371 01-08-96
|COIN CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC
|MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your coin
|collection in as much detail as you need
|including the Country of issue, Description
|Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of
|Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of
|entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
|any field, printing and much more
|Registration fee is only $15. Register on
|line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID# 3874
048\AM_CO10.ZIP 273678 01-08-96
|Collectibles Catalogue - (Windows 3.1/95)
|For Beginners and advanced users. Designed
|to help you (or members of your family) to
|store information about your different types
|of collectibles (bears, dolls, miniatures,
|house plants, jewelry, precious moments
|figurines Coca-Cola memorabilia, magazines,
|etc Example files included. Very intuitive
|and user friendly. It can be used by all
|members of the family
048\AM_CR41.ZIP 178786 01-08-96
|CALENDAR/REMINDER (MS Windows 3.1):excellent
|for Laptops. Have you forgotten a birthday
|anniversary, meeting, or any other special
|occasion? Let the computer do the work for
|you.Program allows you to keep track of all
|the above. Even more,it will remind you
|about the events automatically. A similar
|format to a regular calendar-note book makes
|the program very easy to use, intuitive
|On-line helps are only one mouse click away
048\AM_DN41.ZIP 231274 01-08-96
|DAILY NOTES for Windows: (excellent for
|Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Are you writing
|a lot of different notes on a daily basis?
|Do you want to refer to them very quickly?
|Do you want to sort them by subject or by
|date Or perhaps you are writing a diary? Do
|you want to be able to print some or all of
|your notes? Let Daily Notes do the work for
|you On-line registration on Compuserve (GO
|SWREG ID# 3670
048\AM_EK10.ZIP 590402 01-08-96
|Entertainment Books - Windows 3.1/95 For
|Beginners and advanced users. Includes
|three separate catalogues. Each designed to
|help you (or members of your family) to
|store information about your collection of
|books music, and movies. All programs are
|very intuitive and user friendly. Unlike
|most expensive applications they are not
|overloaded with hundreds of features that
|would make them unnecessarily complicated
048\AM_HC41.ZIP 261703 01-08-96
|HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your
|computer hardware in as much detail as you
|need, including the serial # and phone
|support number. Unlimited number of entries
|automatically sorted. Searching by any
|field printing and much more. A similar
|format to a regular catalog book makes the
|program very easy-to-use. GO SWREG to
|register on-line on Compuserve (ID# 3875
048\AM_MC41.ZIP 267974 01-08-96
|MOVIE CATALOG for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your movie
|library in as much detail as you need.
|Unlimited number of entries, automatically
|sorted Searching by any field, printing and
|much more. A similar format to a regular
|catalog book makes the program very
|easy-to-use and intuitive. Registration fee
|is only $15. You can register on-line on
|Compuserve (GO SWREG ID# 3840
048\AM_MU41.ZIP 264054 01-08-96
|MUSIC CATALOG for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your music
|library records, CDs, casettes, etc.) in as
|much detail as you need. Unlimited number
|of entries, automatically sorted. Searching
|by any field, printing and much more. A
|similar format to a regular catalog book
|makes the program very easy to use,
|intuitive, and straightforward. On-line
|help messages are only one mouse click away
048\AM_PB42.ZIP 218755 01-08-96
|PHONE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
|excellent for Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1).
|Can be used at home or for business.
|Includes fields for name, addresses, two
|phone numbers, fax, and comments. Unlimited
|number of entries, automatically sorted.
|Searching modem dialing, printing,
|export/import and much more. A similar
|format to a regular phone-address book makes
|the program very easy to use and intuitive
048\AM_PL10.ZIP 282473 01-08-96
|PLASTIC BOOK :Designed to make keeping track
|of all kinds of "plastic cards" as easy as
|possible. It can be used for credit cards
|bank client cards, library cards, etc. The
|data file has fields such as: Type, Number
|Code, Limit, Fee, Issuing Institution
|Customer Service Phone Number, Lost Or
|Stolen Phone Number. Entries can be sorted
|by a selected field. Our "book-like" user
|interface makes the program very easy to use
048\AM_SC41.ZIP 265385 01-08-96
|SOFTWARE BOOK for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your
|software in as much detail as you need
|including the serial # and phone support
|number. Unlimited number of entries
|automatically sorted. Searching by any
|field printing and much more. A similar
|format to a regular catalog book makes the
|program very easy-to-use. You can register
|on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID# 3876
048\AM_SH10.ZIP 429353 01-08-96
|Computer Catalogue - Windows 3.1/95. For
|computer users to organize hardware and
|software information at one place. Includes
|two modules - Software Book and Hardware
|Book. Unlimited number of entries
|automatically sorted. Searching by any
|field printing and much more. A similar
|format to a regular catalogue book makes
|programs very easy to use, intuitive. Can
|be used by both beginners and advanced users
048\AM_SK10.ZIP 853323 01-08-96
|Scholastic Survival Kit - Windows 3.1/95 For
|beginners and advanced users. Includes six
|separate modules (Course, Terminology
|Reference, Reminder, Phone, Note Books),
|each designed to accomplish a group of
|related tasks. All are very intuitive.
|Examples included. Not only will this soft
|kit help you organize your daily work but
|will also make you more familiar with the
|computer (the tool of your future job
048\AM_SP41.ZIP 276297 01-08-96
|SPORT CARD CATALOG for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your sport
|card collection in as much detail as you
|need, including the year of issue, brand
|card number, team, type, description, date
|and price of purchase, and more. Unlimited
|number of entries, automatically sorted
|Searching by any field, printing and much
|more. You can register on-line on
|Compuserve GO SWREG, ID# 3965
048\AM_ST41.ZIP 261275 01-08-96
|STAMP CATALOG for Windows: program for
|IBM-PC MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your stamp
|collection in as much detail as you need
|including the Country of issue, Description
|Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of
|Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of
|entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
|any field, printing and much more. You can
|register on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID
|3877). Registration fee $15
048\AM_WB43.ZIP 271471 01-08-96
|WINE CELLAR BOOK (Windows 3.1). Program for
|the inventory and management of a home wine
|cellar. You may catalog as much detail as
|you need: vintage, producers, grape varietal
|rating and more. Unlimited number of
|entries automatically sorted. Searching,
|sorting printing, summaries, graphs, reports
|A similar format to a regular book makes the
|program easy to use. Help messages are one
|mouse click away
048\AM_WW10.ZIP 304087 01-08-96
|WHO'S WHO BOOK : Who's Who Book has been
|specially designed to make your
|communication within corporation
|(organization) as easy as possible. Members
|of an organization may be represented in the
|form of a database and graphical charts.
|Managers can keep track of their contacts
|and employees. Who's Who Book will save you
|time by helping you find the right person in
|less than one second. Program very easy to
|use and intuitive
048\ANM8_113.ZIP 179544 11-28-95
|MAJESTICK ANIM8 ver 1.13 Latest shareware
|version of the 32-bit sprite editor and
|animation software for game programmers.
|Anim8 features complex sprite manipulations
|and editing tools such as sprite
|rotations,color compressions, and much more
|This version is the complete
|fully-functional program of the older
|version 1.1 Run install before you start the
|program Shareware
048\ANONCAR2.ZIP 102111 12-11-95
|AnonCard 1.2 Anonymouse Christmas Card for
|Windows 3.1 an up fix for 800X600 resolution
048\ANRCHY20.ZIP 395253 02-06-96
|ANARCHY is a cross between Othello and Life
|The object is make the pattern into a single
|color using the fewest number of moves.
|These networks consist of icons connected to
|each other by colored arrows. Each icon is
|one of 3 colors and sends its color to
|neighboring icons in the network. If only
|one color comes into a icon, it takes that
|color. If two colors come in, ey cancel and
|the icon assumes the third color
048\AOOGA_.ZIP 67716 11-04-95
|WAV File.the sounds of a Submarine warning
|Aooga sound.
048\ARTMAKER.ZIP 380456 11-09-95
|ASCII Art Maker v1.00: MS-Windows app that
|turns bitmaps into ASCII art
048\ASTRW116.ZIP 873935 11-10-95
|ASTRO For Windows--The Program For
|Astrological Analysis. A Powerful Astrology
|Program For Microsoft Windows 3.1 Full
|Featured. Interprets. Produces Text
|Reports and Graphics Cartwheels Natal,
|Compatibility, Transits Version 1.15.
048\AUTOSPEL.ZIP 667479 11-18-95
|Autospell softare add-on for wincim 1.4.
048\BA5WIN10.ZIP 71534 11-16-95
|The 16 bit Windows Automated EpGuide v 1.0w
|for BABYLON 5. This is a full featured
|Windows program that makes it easy to view
|information on the popular syndicated TV
048\BAB5WV28.ZIP 142333 11-08-95
|Babylon 5 WAV collection #28! 6 clips total
|all sampled in 8-bit mono at 22K and
|suitable for event association. Recorded by
|Ted Tatman in November, 1995
048\BALLOON5.ZIP 79927 12-24-95
|Hot air balloon wallpaper.
048\BALLSV11.ZIP 111598 11-22-95
|BalloonSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Animated hot-air balloons float across the
|screen, blown by the clouds and wind
|Password protection option Register for
|screen saver bonus pack 8 screen saver +
|CD-ROM. Req.VBRUN300.DLL Shareware. Galt
048\BARON_VU.ZIP 62172 12-24-95
|Cockpit view of WWI air battle BMP.
048\BDAYLST.ZIP 21791 12-07-95
|Birthday.zip contains a small program that
|will hold a database of names and bithdates
|and copy them by month to the clipboard.
|You must have vbrun300.dll in your windows
|system directry
048\BIBN220.ZIP 423613 01-16-96
|GEK ProSoft BibNotes v2.20 is a management
|software of "handwritten" notes, of articles
|or all kinds of text documents like imported
|text files. BibNotes is also a text editor
|with powerful features. The notes are
|classified by folders, and by themes.Each
|theme is accompanied by an abstract or
|keywords furthering the search. Needs
|VBRUN300.DLL and MSAJT110.DLL. Shareware US
|$25 or FF120). Copyright 1995,1996
048\BILDIT41.ZIP 291863 11-03-95
|Build your own v4.1 is an MS-Windows Word
|for Windows book on understanding the PC
|which now covers Pentium, Win 95, L2 Cache,
048\BLAST12.ZIP 103544 12-04-95
|Blasteroids v1.2: MS-Windows 3.1 and 95 game
|where you use the mouse to destroy the
|invading UFO fleet; if you fail, you'll hear
|the taunting laughter of the invaders;
|requires VBRUN300.DLL
048\BLUBBLUB.ZIP 331064 11-09-95
|Homer Simpson doing a quick sound check !
048\BONZO1.ZIP 149804 12-21-95
|A bitmap image of John Bonham during his
|Clockwork Orange phase.
048\BOXES53.ZIP 1241931 12-07-95
|BOXES v5.3 <ASP> from DynoTech Software Fun,
|challenging, and addictive puzzle game for
|windows (Optimized for Win 95). Eliminate
|colored crates by maneuvering and dropping
|boxes on them. Watch out for falling stones
|Smarts are more important than speed. It's
|not as easy as it looks! Min Sys Req: 386
|4MB RAM, Win 3.1 or Win 95, 256 color VGA
|6MB hard drive space, Mouse, Joystick (opt
|Sound Card (opt, but recommended). [$20
048\BRIDGE31.ZIP 481425 01-01-96
|Bridge Assistant v3.1 <ASP> is a Windows
|program for all bridge players. It enables
|you to improve your game by study and
|practice away from the table. The program
|can save and restore hands and also deal
|hands of chosen types enabling you to study
|aspects of bridge where you are weak. It
|requires Windows 3.1 and is Shareware. For
|additional information contact: SoftTech,
|CIS Mail 100116,3254
048\BSW20.ZIP 553986 01-21-96
|BRAINSTRAIN v2.0 Req Windows. BrainStrain
|is a word guessing game. It's like a cross
|between MasterMind and Hangman. You choose
|the word length and difficulty levels, and
|the computer will choose a word from its
|master word list. To win the game, you must
|guess the unknown word by guessing words of
|the same length. By using logic and
|deduction, you should be able to figure out
|the unknown word. Great fun for the family
048\CAN242.ZIP 765106 12-11-95
|Windows canasta game; you against the PC
048\CCHUNK.ZIP 45260 01-09-96
|Windows Program: Combine or Split PGN Files
|By Paul Onstad
048\CCM286.ZIP 455866 12-17-95
|Windows. A utility to help keep track of
|connect time to various services. Allows
|multiple services automatic start, and many
|other features. Perhaps the best feature is
|that it is FreeWare
048\CFING13B.ZIP 199974 12-09-95
|Finger 1.3b includes these features: finger,
|echo, finger daemon, echo daemon, simple
|nslookup, whois. It has a good, powerful
|user interface that includes a popup list of
|frequently fingered sites.
048\CHESSSS.ZIP 224353 11-11-95
|Chess Screen Saver for Windows. Replays 9
|famous chess games
048\CHESSU3.ZIP 76593 01-24-96
|ChessU3 PGN Tree Searcher Demo for Windows
|Part of the "U4" family, by Paul Onstad
048\CHWIN250.ZIP 288452 12-09-95
|CHEAT for Windows v2.5 - by Mike Zier,
|1:272/169 - List of cheats for popular
|MS-DOS and Windows computer games - over 351
|games covered in this release. As featured
|in Computer Gaming World's Dec. 1995 issue!
|Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included
048\CLOWPIC.ZIP 3387 01-09-96
|BMP of a clown's face for kids to color.
048\COMMFX.ZIP 19244 12-15-95
|Here's a .WAV file of the sound of the
|communicator pin from Star Trek
048\CONMG231.ZIP 1093078 12-08-95
|functional, VERY friendly Windows program
|with a LOT of power to help you manage names
|& info. about friends, family clients, etc.
|Prints labels & envelopes Outstanding
|Search/Filter/Sort features Includes a phone
|dialer, reports & MUCH more. Import/export
|files. "Reviewer's Pick" $29.95 Visa/MC
048\COOL152.ZIP 835838 11-17-95
|Cool Edit v.1.51 is a waveform editor with
|features such as: Echo, Flange Reverb,
|Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress Brainwave
|Synchronizer, Noise Reducer Envelope,
|Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most
|every file format Cue and Play list. View
|waves as amplitude or frequency plots.
|Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let
|you play back complex operations
048\CPAST220.ZIP 24626 01-10-96
|Cut & Paste is a text mode mouse based
|program that allows you to select a part of
|the screen using only the mouse, and to
|paste it to the keyboard buffer, or to a
|file, or to a printer Allows selection of
|many parameters Works in a Windows DOS box
048\CSW200.ZIP 866687 11-12-95
|CompuSlave For Windows Version 2.00 <ASP
|CompuSlave imports CompuServe forum capture
|files into a database, converting them to
|individual messages. Add, delete, edit, and
|search the entire database for key words or
|phrases. Create your own technical support
|resource. Ideal for power users,
|programmers and network administrators. Now
|includes a Windows communications program.
|Databases are compatible with CompuSlave For
048\CTM9601W.ZIP 298528 01-27-96
|COMPUTERTALK(tm) MAGAZINE Volume 3, Number 1
|- February 1996 A monthly online computer
|magazine with articles, HW/SoftWare reviews,
|and news Windows HLP version. See README.1ST
048\CYBRCITY.ZIP 87605 11-10-95
|A take on Cyberspace from "The City" BMP
048\DDWIN32.ZIP 482503 11-20-95
|V3.1) DDWIN - DingDang Write 3.1 Standard
|Windows MDI Chinese word processor Printer
|preview, unlimited file size etc Pinyin,
|quanpin, cangjie, quwei and lianxiang input
|methods. Update lianxiang on fly Reveal
|pinyin or GB code under cursor. Simple or
|complex fonts included in shareware. Can
|scale characters in printing. Read selected
|text in mandarin Chinese through speakers
|Yijun Ding, xxye@curie.ualr.edu
048\DECOR111.ZIP 177037 11-28-95
|v1.10) Decor - Wallpaper selector Will
|randomly select a wallpaper Setup your
|wallpapers, give them a weighting depending
|on your preference (the higher the
|weighting, the more likely a wallpaper is to
|be selected) or have some papers selected on
|certain days Replaces Decor v1.00
|Charityware (UKP 10 jleith@dircon.co.uk
048\DNUMBR40.ZIP 1121258 01-01-96
|Dino Numbers v4.0 <ASP> - DynoTech Software
|Exciting windows arithmetic game for 7-12
|Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue cows from Rex
|the Tyrannosaurus by solving various math
|tasks (add, subtract, multiply, or divide
|Includes animation, music, and sound effects
|Also has a "no loose" feature to help make
|learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1,
|Win95 or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card
|(optional, but recommended). [$20
048\DRTRASH2.ZIP 9515 11-09-95
|DropTrash v2.0: MS-Windows util intended to
|be used with Dropper or a toolbar that can
|accept files dropped from a file manager;
048\DTAFIT21.ZIP 407263 11-22-95
|v2.1) DATAFIT/VIEWPLOT for Windows is an
|easy to use tool which provides a wide range
|of curve fitting functions plus FFT analysis
|Simply enter/import data, select which/all
|equation types to fit and solve. Solution
|can be viewed graphically or in tabular
|format Plots can be customized, saved,
|printed, cut pasted. Can create
|compiler-ready source code to include in
|user written code for 'on the fly'
|interpolation. No knowledge of curve
|fitting necessary. Documentation is online
048\EASYX1.ZIP 207047 11-16-95
|Easy Crosswords Vol 1 contains 25 MS-Windows
|crosswords for your solving pleasure either
|on screen or on the go; req VBRUN300.DLL;
048\EASYX2.ZIP 206751 11-16-95
|Easy Crosswords Vol 2 contains 25 MS-Windows
|crosswords for your solving pleasure either
|on screen or on the go; req VBRUN300.DLL;
048\ECBW9512.ZIP 410027 12-10-95
|EchoMail Conf. Lists and Node lists are now
|powerfully searchable via this great tool
|==> EchoBase! <== December 1995 release.
|This is the Windows version It's fully
|mousable, user-friendly, and includes
|colorized/interactive docs Use it to QUICKLY
|locate conferences or BBS's which fit YOUR
|parameters! This ZIP includes ILink,
|Intelec, U'NI-net and RIME data. Only U.S.
|boards listed
048\ECHO_V20.ZIP 248807 11-12-95
|Echo On v2.0 Small Windows file copy utility
|for quick access to all of the standard copy
|and move functions, as well as file
|searching, file attributing, disk formatting
|and copying to multiple targets. Optionally
|remains on top of any application
|VBRUN300.DLL req'd
048\ECOCLASS.ZIP 99036 01-12-96
|Windows Program: Classify Games in PGN Files
|by ECO Codes. By Paul Onstad
048\ECON104A.ZIP 381728 11-11-95
|Econ's Arena <ASP> is an exciting fantasy
|chess-like strategy game. The elements have
|declared war on one another and only the
|begin called Econ can prevent them from
|destroying their world. Play as Earth, Air
|Fire, or Water on the changing terrain of
|Econ's Arena. Control Ogres, Griffons
|Dragons, Tritons, and other mythological
|pieces. Cast spells imprisoning your foes
|or protecting your troops
048\EM141.ZIP 203989 11-19-95
|Event Manager vs 1.41 - Windows 3.1
|Task/Alarm Scheduler Event Manager is an
|easy to use, low cost Win 3.1 "Task" and
|"Alarm" scheduler Its purpose is to let your
|computer do things (like download files /
|perform backups) while you're away (or
|asleep Schedule up to 40 "Events", "Tasks"
|or "Alarms" to be run anytime Alarms can
|either stay on screen, or go away if you
|don't respond Events will launch Windows or
|Dos programs Can terminate an offensive
|application prior to running an event Exit /
|Restart Windows Great encrypted password
|protection features Simply the easiest
|possible way to automate your routine
|Windows tasks Like all SRO programs,
048\EMXWIN20.ZIP 244847 11-20-95
|Enigmacross for Windows v2.00 Solve and
|construct professional acrostics on your
|Windows computer! New features include
|SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support
|with SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot
|link"access and extensive on-line help
|Includes 5 professionally constructed
|puzzles by some of the top names in the
|industry Easy to install and UN-install
048\EPDIST3.ZIP 246946 02-03-96
|EPDistrib E-Zine Volume 3 Ed.1 for Win3.1
|Multimedia magazine with text, graphics
|music; easy to navigate with button-clicks
|Includes: "Mom's Surfing the Net," a pick of
|some world-wide-web sites; "Tips Tricks,"
|helping you get more use out of the Win95
|taskbar, plus: A list of Excel Progs
|shareware, distribution sites includes
|several bbs's directly accessible via the
|internet as well as other great dial-up
|boards), and more. This requires the
|application Midi Machine V2.00 (V2.01 is
|STRONGLY recommended!) to run (it should be
|found here as midmv201.zip Edited by Andrew
|Malek of Excel Progs
048\EPIP12WN.ZIP 803848 01-04-96
|Epiphanies of the Goddess v1.2 is a WIN 3.1+
|Media Album/Screen Saver with 15 visionary
|paintings that are original computer art.
|Explore animal myths from a variety of
|cultures, past and present, as they partake
|of the divine feminine epiphany. Each image
|is royalty free to registered users
048\ERR_SCAN.ZIP 230819 11-21-95
|ErrorScan for MS-Windows is a system and
|disk cleaning utility that detects and
|cleans a specfic group of error-files the
|big disk utilities, un-install and sweep
|type programs have missed! Includes
|resource gauges, task and modules load
048\EVEREST.ZIP 97740 01-11-96
|Color photo of moon over Mt. Everest BMP.
048\EVLWIN31.ZIP 600108 12-14-95
|Windows 3.1 drivers for the Evolution VGA
048\FAXWN428.ZIP 715563 11-01-95
|FaxMail for Windows adds full FAXing
|capability menu to all Windows Applications
|Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. -timed sends
|broadcast queue holds 32,000 -works in DOS
|and Windows -GOOD help system -all functions
|very fast -background FAX printing
048\FHD201.ZIP 237818 11-10-95
|File_Handle v2.01 <ASP> - File Management
|for DOS, Windows and LAN's. Finds files and
|runs programs easily. Get an overview of
|all files on the system. Can be hooked up
|to the tools you already know. Featuring a
|flexible File-Finder, a File-Manager that
|checks your actions, and a Program-Launcher
|that connects any file to YOUR tools and
|applications Full mouse control. Support
|for CD-ROM/MO and unarchiving. Shareware
048\FP59.ZIP 374961 11-03-95
|Flying Perfect(V5.9) screen saver Need:
|Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL Flying Perfect is
|a screen saver where a variety of flying
|styles are provided instead of flying
|Windows logo, you can fly your own images.
|It also provides a HUNTING LAND where flying
|arrows and bullets are hiting balloons and
|pumpkins and burst out hearts, skulls, and
|more You can replace ANYHTING you see with
|your own images.You can reach me at
|Internet: markqian@aol.com or America
|Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or
|mail me at: P.O. Box 390235 Mountain View,
|CA. 94039-0235
048\FPBWIN10.ZIP 147230 11-25-95
|Browser for Adobe typeface packages.
|Contains details up to package number C352.
|Supports searching by file name, package
|number, type foundry name and font name.
|Free for personal use. (Does not display
|typeface samples.).
048\FREEDK25.ZIP 120072 12-07-95
|FreeDock is a FreeWare Windows Application
|Dock program. It comes in both 16 and 32
|bit versions and is supplied with the C
|source code Current Version is v2.50 (4 MAY
048\FUNDMN84.ZIP 361017 12-19-95
|v8.4) Fund Manager for Windows FM is a
|portfolio management application FM is
|designed to help individual investors
|monitor and analyze their investments with a
|wide variety of easy to use graphs and
|reports. FM accepts as input: price
|investment, and distribution information
|Prices may be entered manually, or imported
|from AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe, or Quicken
|Shareware (US$ 20), beiley@aol.com
048\GC0101.ZIP 229519 12-30-95
|Global Chat v 1.2.0 by Quarterdeck/Prospero
|for Windows 3.1,for use with Netscape Browser
048\GCKWIN71.ZIP 468067 11-26-95
|GEOCLOCK 7.1 sunlight clock for Windows.
|The current sun position is displayed, and
|the parts of the earth in sunlight and
|twilight are highlighted, with local
|sunrise/set and times around the world. A
|DOS version GEOCLK71.ZIP) is also available,
|and the two versions are functionally and
|graphicly similar. Over 200 maps and a
|spinning globe program are available
048\GDSS100.ZIP 431476 11-29-95
|GODDESS V1.00s - FLI and FLC animation, BMP
|RLE, and DIB image file player/screensaver
|Password protection. Script editor which
|supports: multiple animation and image
|files; duration and speed controls MID, RMI,
|WAV and CDAUDIO sound. Windows ShareWare
|only $5 WOW! Made for you with love by the
|elves at Oh My Goddess
048\GE302.ZIP 862774 12-01-95
|GroupEase v3.02: MS-Windows groupware prod-
|uctivity tool for Netware whose functions
|in- clude business card data, scheduler,
|personal notes/ reminders, phone messages,
|online chat & more; 12/01/95; Ethosoft, Inc.
048\GGSET200.ZIP 229087 01-06-96
|Gift Gauge v2.00 - Unique new software
|tracks gifts received and/or given. Useful
|for weddings, showers or all occasions where
|gifts are exchanged. Tracks people, events
|and gifts. Even tracks dollar value and
|comments. Includes quote of the day from
|the Bible about gifts. Handy and simple to
|use Shareware. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
048\GLC_STPD.ZIP 51890 01-19-96
|WAV file for Windows association. A man
|screams, "Thank you for playing Should We or
|Should We Not! Follow the advice of the
|galactically.STUPID!". T
048\GLENNGOU.ZIP 226117 11-29-95
|Glenn Gould WAV clip sampler "Bach Gigue
|from English Suite No. 2" 27.52 seconds.
048\GWAVE303.ZIP 465094 01-08-96
|v3.03) GoldWave - Audio editor for Windows
|GoldWave is a digital audio editor for
|Windows 3.1. It has realtime oscilloscopes
|intelligent editing, and numerous effects
|such as echo, flange, distortion, mechanize
|and reverse. The intuitive user interface
|makes GoldWave easy to learn and use Author:
|Chris Craig (chris3@cs.mun.ca
048\HBCL75.ZIP 377761 11-19-95
|date conversion, holidays, anniversaries
|Torah/Haftarah readings, sunrise, sunset and
|zmanim. Print custom calendars and zmanim
|lists. New this version: edit month names
|holiday names and descriptions, and
|readings; improved anniversary database
|Requires VBRUN300.DLL
048\HERE10.ZIP 59685 12-21-95
|Here 1.0 - Posts PPP address to finger Here
|is a shareware program that allows you to
|easily and automatically post your ever
|changing dynamic PPP/SLIP Internet address
|to your finger account for public display.
|Also includes a finger client to easily
|check the PPP/SLIP address postings of
|others Requires: 386+, Windows 3.1+, and
|Winsock 1.1+. beers@cris.com
048\HOUSPROB.ZIP 18337 12-03-95
|This is a wav file of Tom Hanks saying.
|"Houston, we have a problem." It is from the
|movie Apollo 13! T
048\ICEDIT20.ZIP 144073 11-11-95
|Icon Edit v2.00 - ICon Editor is an Icon
|display/Edit program, a very powerful editor
|with many features that allows the user to
|easily design Icons. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
048\ICNCT455.ZIP 405353 01-17-96
|ICNCT455 - Displays 100 icons at a time for
|quick viewing, printing, copying, renaming
|moving, deleting, editing, converting
|extracting using drag&drop, mouse clicks
|hotkeys. Extracts icons inside DLL/EXE
|files Converts BMP -> ICO, ICO -> BMP.
|Captures ANY area of the screen into an
|icon/bitmap Turns any icon areas
|transparent. Powerful editing tools
|including flip/shift. Shareware
|doanc@netcom.com, 102425.1613@compuserve.com
048\ICNMVR23.ZIP 107734 01-05-96
|IconMover 2.3 transfer Windows icons from
|one application to another; collect icons
|into EXPANDABLE DLL libraries; create icons
|from bitmaps of any size; create bitmaps frm
|icons Includes a sample icon editor derived
|from VB shareware; display and catalog whole
|direc tories of icons in one quick
|operation. Intro duces a new standard for
|expandable DLL libs Shareware US$20
|Integrated Graphics 312 Nevada St. Nfld, MN
|55057 hansonr@stolaf.edu
048\ICOHLIC2.ZIP 422767 01-03-96
|Collection of 1,000 Icons. Offered by
|Author as Freeware - Just Send Postcard to
|Let Him Know You've Downloaded The File.
048\IDATE30A.ZIP 49382 11-21-95
|IDate is a personal date reminder for
|Windows. Its relatively small size is a
|great advantage while it has numerous
|features incorporated with it. IDate is
|ShareWare (US$10.00 THIS IS VERSION 3.00a
048\IEYES30.ZIP 51563 01-07-96
|Icon Eyes v3.0 for MS-Windows is a small
|util that provides various animated
|characters that follow the cursor as it
048\IL0004.ZIP 293434 01-16-96
|InocuLAN for Windows 3.0 Virus Signature
|Files version 2.42
048\IMWINCFG.ZIP 458590 11-07-95
|I-Modem Windows Configuration Manager V1.1.0
|(Internal And External).
048\INFISHN.ZIP 671085 11-04-95
|Fishing for windows, cool fishing simulator!
048\INI240.ZIP 189494 12-02-95
|INI Manager v2.40 - Manage your Windows INI
|files with this program. Understands the
|internal structure and allows you to search
|based on section headers in large files
|Maintains a list of your INI files for easy
|opening. Requires vbrun300.dll
048\INSTGA20.ZIP 59355 01-09-96
|InstallGuard v2.0 - Finds changes after SW
|Install - A powerful and yet simple to use
|Windows utility which tells you exactly what
|changes are made to your system when you
|install any DOS or Windows program. Detect
|all new, changed or deleted directories
|files, Program Manager groups and icons.
|V2.0 includes bug fixes, more flexible and
|faster operation plus improved user
|interface. $14
048\INSULT11.ZIP 788700 01-04-96
|95 Featuring OUTSTANDING Sounds A unique Way
|To Play Sounds Download This And Try It c)
|1996 Wonder-Soft This Program Is EVALUEWARE
048\JIM_M.ZIP 532995 01-13-96
|This is a recording of Jim Morrison. He is
|talking about a personal experience WAV
048\JLEEHELO.ZIP 67039 11-11-95
|Jerry Lee Lewis saying. Hello you good
|looking thang! Great for a Windows opener.
048\JOECOCKE.ZIP 489049 11-29-95
|Joe Cocker WAV clip sampler "Summer in the
|City" 38.65 seconds. T
048\JURASS11.ZIP 174021 11-21-95
|JurassicSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver
|Animated T-Rex, Stegosaur, Brontosaur
|Raptor, and hatching eggs dominate the
|screen Password protection option Register
|for screen saver bonus pack 8 screen saver +
|CD-ROM Shareware. Galt Technology
048\KEYNOT16.ZIP 561870 11-18-95
|KeyNote Music Drills 16-Bit v1.51 for
|Windows 3.1 was designed to help music
|students learn to identify the notes of the
|bass clef treble clef, and grand staff, and
|to locate their positions on the keyboard or
|guitar fingerboard. Also, there are
|additional drills for the alto and tenor
|clefs. Options include timed drills, set
|drill item count and visual feedback for
|elapsed time via progress indicator bar, and
|sound playback
048\KOSH.ZIP 51614 11-04-95
|Babylon 5 wav - Kosh speaks to Sheridan
048\KPLH1095.ZIP 441785 01-09-96
|Know Place Like Home HyperText Home
|Improvement Series Project 1095 A DOS based
|HyperText tutorial on basic tools needed for
|everyday home improvement projects Uses an
|easy to master hypertext reader. 20 color
|illustrations included, plus topical search
|and bookmark options. Will run under
|Windows 3.x (PIF Included Requires DOS 3.1
|(or better VGA, 384K free RAM Mouse
|recommended From KPLH Information Systems
|BBS 612) 935-3074
048\LIQ100.ZIP 151591 01-14-96
|The Liquid Tracker v1.00 A Great
|Sounding/Looking Module Tracker. Support
|For: SB16,Pro SB1,SB2,PAS16,XMS/EMS, And
|Nice InfoScreen. Smart loader, SVGA
|Extended Text-modes, and more T A K E I T N
|O W
048\LOUPE16.ZIP 41677 12-17-95
|Loupe for Windows displays a magnified view
|of whatever is beneath the mouse cursor,
|much like a printer's or jeweler's loupe.
048\MACROM.ZIP 300564 12-10-95
|MACRO MANIA 1.1 Powerful, very easy-to-use
|program that works with ANY Windows program!
|A Power User's Dream! Start programs,
|switch to currently running programs, and
|send key- strokes to programs with one
|command, just as if you had started the
|program and typed in the keys yourself.
|Additionally, it can switch back and forth
|between programs to transport data via
|Windows' clipboard using cut, copy, & paste
|functions. Req. VBRUN300
048\MAPDRW21.ZIP 93719 12-13-95
|MapDraw v2.1 Deed Plotting System <ASP
|Easy-to-use deed plotting system for real
|estate and title professionals. Draws maps
|based on metes and bounds descriptions
|Instant online display while data is entered
|Curves, gap, acreage, perimeter, closure
|scaling, multiple lots. High quality
|printing on any Windows-compatible printer.
|Feet and metric measurements. Requires
048\MARBLE.ZIP 58963 12-11-95
|MARBLE 1.11 (game for Windows In a block of
|squares (maze) you can put mirrors. The
|program has a hidden copy of the maze also
|with mirrors. Your objective is to make
|your maze behave in the same way as the
|hidden maze
048\MARKXY00.ZIP 16565 01-22-96
|MarkXY is a graphics-to-ASCII
|extraction/conversion util that lets you
|mark data points in the picture & saves the
|pixel requires VBRUN300.DLL and ofcourse
048\MBS103.ZIP 387641 01-19-96
|MicroFox Baseball Statistics for Windows
|Keeps track of multiple years, leagues
|teams, players, fields, umpires, standings
|hitting, pitching, fielding, and schedules
|User defined sorts, custom screen, help
|Prints team standings and player statistics
|Schedules and Prints teams, fields, umpires
|Keeps any notes on teams, players, etc.
|like phone numbers, addresses, and reminders
048\MBTAWN41.ZIP 196345 12-03-95
|MBTA for Windows v 1.41 Directions on the
|Boston Transit Now allows your own points of
|interest Enter place you start, where going
|Software gives directions all subway, bus,
|commuter rail
048\MCONV111.ZIP 244255 11-07-95
|MASTER CONVERTER version 1.11 - Master
|Converter is an easy to use Windows utility
|that can quickly convert to and from over
|150 different units in 13 categories.
|Categories include: length, area, volume,
|mass, power, time, energy, force,
|temperature, and others.
048\MEDIT160.ZIP 191531 11-29-95
|Medit v1.60 - A multiple document editor for
|large documents as well as word wrap, drag
|and drop. Calendar, calculator
048\MERCUR.ZIP 86525 11-15-95
|MERCUR is a SMTP/POP3 mail sever for Windows
048\METZP16E.ZIP 691065 01-15-96
|METZ Phones 16-bit 5.62 Beta 7 EXE only.
|Need previous installed
048\METZP32E.ZIP 818630 01-15-96
|METZ Phones 32-bit 5.62 Beta 7 EXE only.
|Need previous installed
048\MFLG3215.ZIP 63641 11-11-95
|MailFlag version 1.5 Shareware Windows
|utility to provide enhanced new-mail
|notification with MS Mail 3.x & Exchange 4.
|Features repeating audio alerts (beep or
|.WAV file); popup window allows "remind me
|later", activate Mail, delete read receipts;
|popup shows sender,subject whether files
|attached, receipt requested. All options
048\MFTC15C.ZIP 575427 11-14-95
|MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, v1.5c RCCO
|Research. Windows 3.1 or greater. MFTC
|provides a facility for determining the tax
|cost of redeemed shares (full or partial) in
|one or more mutual fund accounts. For IRS
|Form 1040 Schedule D filers. Computes divs
|CG distribs, sales, purchases on an average
|cost basis. Report Writer
048\MINALL.ZIP 14725 01-17-96
|Minimize All Windows.
048\MODEMWAV.ZIP 167244 11-22-95
|WAV files for Windows 3.1 thru 95. These
|files are voiced alerts by a female "File
|Tranfer Complete", "Terminal Disconnected",
|and "Establishing Connection". Use these
|with your favorite Windows COMM Program to
|give it that personal touch.
048\MOE_WAV.ZIP 231909 12-15-95
|Hilarious .WAV file of Moe from the
|Simpsons. It involves Bart's prank phone
|calls to Moe's Tavern and is a compilation
|of the funnier moments, such as Al Coholic,
|Seymore Butts, and Amanda Huginkiss
048\MOM110.ZIP 310764 12-28-95
|Momshell V1.1 - The Alternative Windows
|Shell A Windows 3.1 Program Manager
|replacement Improved and easier interface
|than PM Program Manager and File Manager
|files import Optionally prevent launching a
|second copy of a program Monitors free
|memory, resources, disk space and batteries
|Low memory/resources/disk/batteries alarm
|notification Quick Exit / Reestart / Reboot
|windows Works in Windows 95 with
|limitations. See documentation Shareware
|$20 - GO SWREG #7926 to register
048\MONTAN14.ZIP 45123 11-18-95
|Montana Solitaire for Windows is as easy or
|as challenging as you want to make it. All
|52 cards are dealt face up into 4 rows, then
|the aces are removed. Your mission is to
|arrange the cards in order by suit in the
|fewest number of moves and shuffles Features
|Three eye-saving card styles Two ways to
|beat the record (fewest shuffles, fewest
|moves Quote displayed upon winning (over 100
|entertaining quotes CompuServe online
|registration: GO SWREG and specify ID #4878
048\MOON_BMP.ZIP 17290 01-11-96
|Picture of the moon from outer space
048\MOVIT101.ZIP 109015 11-04-95
|MoveIt v1.01: MS-Windows util that allows
|windows to be moved out of the way
048\MRMEM12.ZIP 191436 12-27-95
|Mr. Mem V1.2 - Run more Windows programs
|Have you ever seen this error message in
|Windows? "Insufficent memory to run this
|application". If you have seen this message
|get Mr. Mem. With this program you will be
|able to run more programs concurrently in
|Windows then ever before. It Quick and Easy
|You won't need to know why it works, it just
|does. Kamyan Software
048\MSTWIN10.ZIP 137710 11-04-95
|The 16 bit Windows Automated Episode Guide v
|1.0w for Mystery Science Theater 3000. This
|is a full featured Windows program that
|makes it easy to view information on the
|popular Comedy Central TV Show MST3K
048\MTW15.ZIP 347277 11-21-95
|Create your own cookery books with
|MenuTracker for Windows.
048\MVIEW11W.ZIP 35162 11-14-95
|Mountain View v1.1 - Text viewer for Win 3
|1/Win95. Display ANY file, including DOS
|UNIX, and Macintosh file formats. Once
|loaded, Mouse Scrolling allows quick file
|viewing without ever touching the keyboard
|Save any portion or the entire file to disk
|or printer. Quickly sort any text file or
|search to locate any string
048\OJ2.ZIP 29388 02-02-96
|cars in the famous low-speed.for Windows T
048\OLXWWAV.ZIP 142169 11-13-95
|MoreWAV files for OLXWIN
048\ORIGN151.ZIP 1138976 02-04-96
|Origins of Mythology explores the beginnings
|of religion and ritual with hunter/gatherers
|in the Upper Paleolithic and the Dreamtime
|experience of Indians in the Amazon An
|E-Book for WIN 3.1+ from Reality Software.
|Double click setup.exe to install
048\P2DISK21.ZIP 472920 11-18-95
|Print2Disk v2.1 - Especially for fax users
|Redirect your windows reports from paper to
|one of 4 graphic formats (BMP, DCX, PCX
|TIFF). Features six activation modes:
|dialog box, sendkeys, text file, DDE, DOS
|environ var. and cmd line. Req. Windows
|3.1x VBRUN300.DLL (NOT WIN95 or NT Compatible
048\PAPERS43.ZIP 132417 11-20-95
|Paper Selector 4.3 Wallpaper manager - Paper
|Selector v4.3 BMP viewer, ICO viewer, and
|Windows wallpaper changer. Windows Magazine
|superior shareware and Ziffnet's reviewer's
|pick. View multiple thumbnails and choose
|wallpaper from anywhere on your hard drive
|or create a BMP SlideShow right on your
|desktop, while you continue to work! Now
|prints BMP files! Requires VBRUN300.DLL
048\PARAS111.ZIP 428677 11-15-95
|Paradise Solitaire - 30 excellent solitaire
|games for Windows 3.1. Contains multiple
|decks, 2 card sizes, 6 backgrounds, and lots
|of sounds. Support for saved games, undo,
|and auto-play. Games include: Beleageured
|Castle Canfield, Clock, Dutchess, Four
|Seasons Golf, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid,
|Spiderette plus 20 more games when you
|register. You also get a Windows95 version
|when you register
048\PETMT14A.ZIP 182627 12-12-95
|Peter's Many Things 1.4A for Windows
|Maintain a list of scraps of information
|Various filters regroup the list Three files
|of 800 items. And/Or search Group copy,
|paste. Fixes error in 1.3 Doubleclick speed
|searches. Select colors
048\POWRLINK.ZIP 503636 01-24-96
|Carry an ALPHA PAGER? See Extra Yeah, I
|know. Sending alpha pages from your PC is
|no big deal. But here's a new twist
|POWERLINK is a Windows paging application
|that you give away like business cards to
|anyone you want to stay in touch with you.
|If your company furnishes you with an alpha,
|POWERLINK can be distributed to co-workers
|without getting into licensing hassles
|What's useful and unique about POWERLINK
|though is how it is customized for your
|business When you order POWERLINK, you
|include whatever you want others to know
|about you or your company. This can be a
|graphic item like your logo or a picture of
|you/your office, a phone directory of
|everyone in your
048\QCAL10.ZIP 235285 01-29-96
|QuikCal 1.00 Simple reminder program
|designed to be easy to use and to configure.
|QuikCal runs under all current 32 bit
|versions of Microsoft Windows, including
|Windows 95 and Windows NT
048\RABHP318.ZIP 863083 11-14-95
|Steve Dossick's RabbitHelp (R Windows 3.1+
|Edition World's best-selling "Plug-In" Help
|System For Microsoft Word Windows For
|Microsoft Excel Windows For WordPerfect
|Windows For Lotus 1-2-3 Windows Benefits
|Auto "Plug-In" to all main menus Provides
|practical how-to, step-by step guidance for
|the most commonly used tasks in day to day
|work Turn out polished, professional looking
|documents and spreadsheets The ideal on-line
|training program Ease-of-Use Lightning
|lookup without searching through 800+ page
|manuals in vain Fully Automatic
|Install/Un-install Evaluate program free of
|charge Published by Webster's Lexxicon
|Publishing Corp
048\RABHPNT8.ZIP 863065 11-14-95
|Steve Dossick's RabbitHelp (R Windows NT
|Edition World's best-selling "Plug-In" Help
|System For Microsoft Word Windows For
|Microsoft Excel Windows For WordPerfect
|Windows For Lotus 1-2-3 Windows Benefits
|Auto "Plug-In" to all main menus Provides
|practical how-to, step-by step guidance for
|the most commonly used tasks in day to day
|work Turn out polished, professional looking
|documents and spreadsheets The ideal on-line
|training program Ease-of-Use Lightning
|lookup without searching through 800+ page
|manuals in vain Fully Automatic
|Install/Un-install Evaluate program free of
|charge Published by Webster's Lexxicon
|Publishing Corp
048\REPL206B.ZIP 489209 11-09-95
|Find And Replace v2.06B: add-in library for
|MS-Access 2.0 that provides a find/replace
|function for Tables, Queries, Forms,
|Reports, Macros, and Modules
048\SAVERV49.ZIP 122394 01-12-96
|Savervisor(V4.9) Saver and Wallpaper
|manager. Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL
|Savervisor is a screen saver and Wallpaper
|manager. It provides single-click
|launching, saver and wallpaper scheduling,
|and more cool functions You can reach me at
|Internet: markqian@aol.com or America
|Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or
|mail me at: P.O. Box 390235 Mountain View,
|CA. 94039-0235
048\SCHEDTIP.ZIP 3673 01-17-96
|Microsoft schedule tips/1996 holiday calendar
048\SCRAP10.ZIP 15201 11-02-95
|SCRAP for Windows 1.0 Place scraps of text
|on your desktop for use.
048\SCRNPR12.ZIP 30747 02-01-96
|SCRNPRO 1.2: an automated Word 6 for Windows
|template which gives you all the tools you
|need to produce a professionally formatted
|screenplay Has a reprogammed Style-TAB key
|and Style Formatting toolbar.SCRNPRO
|anticipates the styles you'll need next New
|features: Quick Cast Adds and Scene Cards
|template. Registered users get with Script
|Analysis Tools. (2/1/96
048\SIGNFNT2.ZIP 100966 11-12-95
|M Y S I G N A T U R E v 2.0 Convert your
|signature into a Microsoft Windows TrueType
048\SMPLMAPI.ZIP 23249 01-17-96
|Example 32bit MAPI class application.
|Besides encapsulating the API, the class
|handles the loading and unloading of the
|MAPI DLL (16 or 32 bit)
048\SMTBRD10.ZIP 352198 02-01-96
|SmartBoard R1 - a Windows Clipboard Extender
|supports all clipboard formats. Collect
|items copied to the clipboard and paste back
|days or weeks later with a single
|mouse-click Create boilerplate text items,
|add templates grab graphics and metafiles.
|Assign system wide hotkeys for items to
|autopaste. Merge text together while
|capturing or after. No icon but access with
|a single mouseclick or hotkey- looks built
|in to Windows
048\SMTSTK12.ZIP 155841 01-15-96
|Smart 'n Sticky V1.2 - Labelling for Windows
|with FULL OLE CLIENT SUPPORT - giving you
|the power of packages such as Corel Draw, MS
|WordArt and hundreds more! Easy to use with
|MDI, Undo, Mark & Revert, Bitmaps, Metafiles
|TrueType with rotation & justification,
|Color Graphics, Serial Numbers, Date & Time
|fields import from ASCII & DBF, vast range
|of predefined labels or add your own,
|toolbar status bar, small & fast (not VB)
|and more
048\SP0975.ZIP 931309 02-02-96
|COMPAQ - SP0975 The PCnet-SCSI Support
|Diskette V.1.02 for MS-DOS and MS Windows
|contains drivers for the Integrated NetFlex
|ENET/PCI controller and the integrated SCSI
|controller on Compaq Deskpro XL Replace
|SP0932 COMPAQ AMDSCSI V.1.02 Rev.A Pass#3
|Size 144 11/08/94
048\SPLT231W.ZIP 362340 01-28-96
|SPLOT V2.31 for Windows, the HP-GL/2 HP-GL
|and DXY-GL pen plotter simulator It supports
|more than 50 HP-GL/2 or HP-GL instructions
|and 20 DXY-GL instructions SPLOT has many
|features as comfortable user interface with
|on-line help exporting a picture to the
|HP-GL, DXY-GL and DXF formats, printing a
|picture trim, zoom, pan and rotate functions
|variable line widths etc SPLOT requires the
|MS-Windows ver. 3.1 or higher
048\SRCP20.ZIP 196956 11-16-95
|Source Printer 2.0 (Windows) prints your
|code so that it is easy to read Preserves
|indented blocks and intelligently word
|wraps. Specify different fonts for normal
|and commented code. Specify headers/footers
|char/line spacing and more. Supports
|drag/drop, Clipboard. Interprets comments
|for a number of languages Assembler,
|Basic,C, C++,Cobol, Fortran Lisp, Pascal,
|POVRay, Clipper). Specify a user defined
|comment format to handle almost any other
|programming language Source Printer is
048\STYLUS.EXE 128244 12-03-95
|Updated Epson Stylus Color drivers for NT
048\SWJUNK.ZIP 19629 12-05-95
|Luke Skywalker saying "What a piece of
|junk!". WAV
048\SYSCHK04.ZIP 44449 01-12-96
|System Checker For Windows v0.4 - Gives you
|all the Windows information you need to
|troubleshoot problems you have. It will
|tell you about your disk, screen, memory,
|network keyboard, COM ports, Windows setup
|and more
048\TBAR16.ZIP 41967 01-12-96
|ToolBar 1.6 reviewed in WOLR106.
048\TBAVW651.ZIP 740726 11-16-95
|TBAV for DOS version 3.0 DOS 5.0 or later
|recommended TBAV for Windows version 3.1x
048\TDC_V1_1.ZIP 4565 11-11-95
|Tempo-Delay Calculator v1.1: MS-Windows pgm
|which allows you to set your analog/digital
|delay or echo unit to be synchronized w/the
|rythmn of your music;
048\TIMTOOL.ZIP 272546 11-09-95
|From the Tim Allen collection, more wavs!
|Includes "brown stains need more tools", and
048\TMTR110.ZIP 162179 11-26-95
|v1.1.0) TimeTracker for Windows Application
|for recording time tasks useful anyone who
|bills for time or just wants a simple
|solution for keeping track of time events
|and charges Shareware (US$ 20.- MC/Visa/AmEx
|Maui Software INTERNET:mauisw@aloha.net
|Pause/Resume button Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete
|time records Multi-Document Interface Print
|/ Print Preview Time Events report Time
|Display Increment of 1, 6, 15 min Export
|time events to tab delimited file Extensive
|online help - MS Help format Automatic
|Charge calculation Automatic Document total
|charge and total time calculation Default
|Hourly Rate Preference setting Houly Rate
048\TOSWIN10.ZIP 85115 11-29-95
|The 16 bit Windows Automated EpGuide v 1.0w
|for the original STAR TREK, a full-featured
|Windows program that makes it easy to view
|information on the popular original STAR
|TREK series
048\TRKSANTA.ZIP 943548 11-29-95
|Track Santa as he makes his Christmas
|rounds. Runs under Windows. Better late
|than never!
048\TVNOW406.ZIP 918734 01-26-96
|Cable-Satellite TV Schedule 4.06 software
|for Windows Also need data base file
048\TXBEDIT.ZIP 117470 12-20-95
|PR'S BRIEFING EDITOR v0.9 This program
|allows the user to edit the mission
|briefings in Descent. With this program,
|Descent level editors will be able to
|include their own briefings with Descent,
|using their own pictures if they like
048\TXTIME22.ZIP 342468 02-11-96
|TraxTime 2.2-personal punch clock for
|Windows Featured in Windows Magazine's
|SUPERIOR SHAREWARE column. Ziff-Davis
|Interactive awarded TraxTime 4 stars! Its
|slick design is easy, yet powerful.
|Unlimited # of projects and dates. All
|in/out times are easily edited. Requires
|VBRUN300.DLL Custom reports go to printer,
|disk, screen. Lots of options 19.50
|shareware. Manager's version is also
048\UC96.ZIP 89882 11-20-95
|Unit Conversion 96 is a unit converter that
|is simple to use and needs minimum
|keystrokes to get the conversion. It also
|comes with Percentage/Solution calculation
|and a simple Loan Calculator that you may
|like. Many unit conversion may be
|simultaneously opened and used. For Windows
|3.1. Registration fee is only $5.00. Free
|update for registered users of the previous
048\UCNVRT12.ZIP 142073 11-14-95
|U-CONVERT-IT v1.20 - Units Conversion
|Utility for WINDOWS! The fastest and
|easiest way to convert units from metric to
|english or back Simple to use interface also
|features a built in calculator with many
|functions. Also accuracy formatting, unit
|swapping, clipboard functions. Saves all
|your personal settings Linear, weight,
|temperature, velocity, volume more!
|Shareware - Requires VBRUN300.DLL and
|THREED.VBX. *Test drive U-Convert-It today
048\ULT7GM.ZIP 165552 12-14-95
|Ultima VII: The Black Gate GM Music Update
|This will allow General MIDI wavetable cards
|to correctly play the music and some sound
|effects from Ultima 7. Allows Ultima 7 to
|natively play General MIDI/GS music This
|file does NOT come from Origin Systems
048\USC21.ZIP 89359 11-27-95
|Windows Game This SW version of USC includes
|three fully-working solitaire games
|(Klondike Monte Carlo and Four Seasons).
|Also includes rules and strategies for a
|total of 9 solitaire games. Beautiful card
|designs (they look real). Fantastic
|Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file
048\UUCODE14.ZIP 45058 01-25-96
|UUEncode & UUDecode, v1.4 Fast, free,
|32-bit, HPFS & EAs-Ok
048\UZEVP130.ZIP 181796 11-13-95
|SOFTWARE Version 1.20 Released 8 January,
|1995 A MS-Windows 3.x application to
|statistically profile Windows events. This
|tool allows you to find out the hidden costs
|of other programs, by statistically
|examining the Windows events they generate
|and consume in relation to the other active
048\UZPWR151.ZIP 80070 11-13-95
|SOFTWARE Version 1.40 Released 8 April, 1995
|A MS-Windows 3.x Battery Power Monitor for
|power-managed laptop and desktop computers
|which do not have this critical feature.
|Unmistakeably warns if battery power goes to
|low and critical level. Estimates remaining
|battery life. Included is an APM
|examination utility
048\V2PLSREG.ZIP 50798 11-30-95
|View2 Plus (TM): Total Window Management for
|Word 6 & 7 by Michael M. Ross.
048\VCRCLOCK.ZIP 425589 01-21-96
|VCR Style Software Timer v1.0: MS-Windows
|utility that launches any file at specific
|times on any day of the week
048\VIRC085.ZIP 933410 01-02-96
|IRC client for Windows w/primer
048\VLB20.ZIP 458263 11-08-95
|Very Little Bob v2.0 - For those who get
|lost in Windows. Have a taste of Artificial
|Intelligence. You can talk to your PC and
|he will answer you. You can ask your PC to
|open your favorite game and he will do it
|for you Quickly, you will use it to open
|your favorite programs and for your
|repetitive actions. For Windows 3.1/95.
|GREAT Three default dictionnaries (English,
|French and Spanish) are provided. SHAREWARE
|ONLY 15
048\VLT16112.ZIP 315151 11-11-95
|Vault v1.12 for Windows 3.1 - Vault stores
|your information as an outline. Vault
|organizes your information into categories
|and sub-categories that you specify.
|Vault's search command finds the information
|you need instantly. You can also browse the
|outline by expanding and collapsing items.
|A version of Vault for Windows 95 and NT is
|also available
048\VNOTE113.ZIP 244990 02-01-96
|Vulcan Notes v1.13 - Fast Sticky Notes for
|Windows - Create up to 100 note-windows on
|your screen. Features include: list of all
|notes, automatic titles, autosave, cascade
|alarm, font & color settings, find/replace
|printing, popup menus & hints, etc. It's
|the perfect reminding tool that will
|increase your productivity and help you
|clean up your desk. Made for Windows 3.1 &
|3.11, but runs perfectly under Win95 &
|WinNT. Shareware
048\VOCAB30E.ZIP 179582 11-10-95
|Vocab FOR Windows v3.0 - an easy to use
|vocabulary testing application. Write a
|word in two desirded languages and let the
|computer generated a radom query. Vocab
|includes many features like multiple choice
|use of special characters, building of
|chapters, various print options, etc. You
|can even tell the computer to speak to you
|if you have entered a word/expression
|correct or wrong. (needs VBRUN300.DLL
048\VSRC10B.ZIP 549981 11-13-95
|Visible::Source v1.0b - RCCO Research
|Developers' code listings repository for
|Windows 3.1 or 95. Provides a storage and
|cataloging system for code fragments or
|listings from different projects Source
|items may be copied and pasted to/from
|projects and files. Listings are sorted in
|any of five different choices
048\W95IR.ZIP 270295 11-07-95
|Infrared support file transfer.
048\WALL240.ZIP 244780 11-28-95
|Wallpaper Manager v2.40 - Wallpaper manager
|will allow you to schedule windows wallpaper
|changes hourly, or custom design your own
|schedule. Includes some new bitmaps for
|your use. Fully programmable by the user;
|modify standard wallpaper and save for
|future use Requires vbrun300.dll
048\WCHSS25A.ZIP 593769 11-10-95
|WinChess 2.50a is an easy to use chess game
|for Windows with awesome graphics Req: 386,
|4MB RAM, Windows, 32k colors
048\WCHSS25B.ZIP 653438 01-06-96
|WinChess 2.50b is an easy to use chess game
|for Windows with awesome graphics Req: 386,
|4MB RAM, Windows, 32k colors
048\WHATCHA.ZIP 163206 12-20-95
|Wav file of rap artist NINE off of the album
|Nine Livez.singing Whatcha Want? T
048\WINMAN23.ZIP 222849 11-11-95
|Win Manager v2.30 - Win Manager has many
|features. It incorporates the search disk
|features of FMSeek and in addition will
|allow you to add programs to the program
|manager change icons, add groups, execute
|programs Other features include: an alarm
|for your desktop, a clock with selectable
|fonts and colors, a calendar, a calculator
|with a list memory and system monitor
048\WINMO101.ZIP 98235 11-11-95
|WINMORET v 1.01. Multi-Calendar one Page
|For Windows 3.1 +. 5 calendar:Gregorian
|Julian,Hebrew,Muslim and French Revolution
|Conversion between these calendars. Choice
|of 3 entries date for the Gregorian. Show
|old style for years before 1752. Span of
|5000 years Many features.Great tool for
048\WINPAC15.ZIP 269898 11-28-95
|WinPac V1.5 Pacman is back, this time on
|Windows Play 50 brand new levels w/ stereo
|sound and one or two player simultaneous play
048\WINQTE11.ZIP 141379 11-19-95
|WinQuote v1.1 Completely Customizable After
|a few E-mail suggestions, I decided to
|update the file View a different Quote,
|Joke, Psalm, Idea Motivation or (whatever
|you want) everyday Customize: Face(23 to
|choose from), Frame color Time(3 to 60
|seconds), and Mode(cycle the Faces And/Or
|Frame colors automatically) whenever
|WinQuote runs. Includes improved balloon
|hints and Windows help file. THERE ARE NO
|NAG SCREENS Give It a Try
048\WLDCLK65.ZIP 188553 12-01-95
|A Windows global time program that displays
|a colorful map of the world and tells the
|date and time for any location, recognizing
|Daylight Savings Time "on-the-fly". Great
|educational tool for teaching Time Zone
|relationships. Select your displayed Map
|Clocks and Ticker cities. Search for the
|time-of-day via City, State, Province
|Country, Areacode, or Country International
|telephone code
048\WM_S21.ZIP 99516 12-01-95
|WinMiser for Windows v2.1 corrects problems
|associated with insufficient Windows DOS
|Memory, allowing only apps that specifically
|request low memory to receive memory.
|Handy. this region; 12/01/95; Chicago-Soft,
048\WNOT18B.ZIP 226017 11-07-95
|The Windows 3.1 version of NotGNU, an EMACS
|clone which sacrifices programability for
|space and small size. This is the version
|1.8 beta
048\WNY10.ZIP 247336 02-02-96
|Weigh_in v1.0 Easy to Use WINDOWS Catch and
|Release Program Determines Weight of Fish by
|Their Length - Freeware!!
048\WOLR106.ZIP 677167 01-31-96
|WinOnLine REVIEW Issue #106 Reviews of the
|LATEST Windows Shareware, Software Hardware,
|the ORIGINAL WinHelp EZine Reviews of
|HURT YOU, Ergonomic Computing - Important
048\WPRT20U.ZIP 319399 11-07-95
|WinPRT v2.0 Capture a window or the desktop
|and either print it or save it to a file
|Great for capturing windows for insertion
|into documentation. You can also capture
|window menus in the dropped state. For
|Windows 3.1 or 3.11. Req VBRUN300.DLL
048\WQB200.ZIP 16470 11-11-95
|Windows Quick Boot is a small utility for
|MS-Windows which can automatically boot,
|restart or exit MS-Windows at up to 10
|differently defined times Doubles up as an
|alarm clock too Fully functional shareware
|Non-Nagware THIS IS VERSION 2.00
048\WTAR20U.ZIP 161950 11-20-95
|WinTAR - Tape ARchive for Windows v2.0 For
|Window 3.1/WG w/Win32s/WIN95/WINNT
048\WWASC2_1.ZIP 78970 01-28-96
|WWASC2_1.ZIP Vol2 No.1-WindoWatch in the
|Ascii format; This anniversary issue was
|guest edited by Herb Chong and looks at the
|past present and future trends of Windows
|and the Internet. There is a retrospective
|by Jon Halpern; Upgrading to Windows95 by
|Gregg Hommel;Phil Leonard talks about his
|favorite '95 "Nits and Picks",NT in the Home
|from Linda Rosenbaum;A 1000 Times,by Herb
|Chong;Applianced Computer Network(s) by Lois
|Laulicht;Neuendorffer'Alice; Paul Kinnaly's
|Whither Windows;Frank McGowan continues his
|Suite Report, Derek Buchler;Leonard
|Grossman's Modem Junkie;Stan Kanner's Report
|from Israel Jerry Laulicht looks at
048\XTRACE10.ZIP 116597 12-25-95
|Xtrace v 1.0 Windows game tests memory
|Blocks are lit by computer You retrace the
|blocks 5 levels
048\YTA21.ZIP 265807 11-14-95
|Ancient Yacht is a dice game of luck and
|strategy similar to Yahtzee but based on the
|original game of Yacht. An ancient scroll
|and stone cup sit on a marble table waiting
|for your play. Click on the cup and it
|shakes and spills the dice onto the table
|where they roll across the tabletop with
|accompanying sound effects. Compete with an
|excellent computer player, or play alone or
|with a friend
*Word Processing / Text Editors
049\BLUEMANI.ZIP 185336 12-03-95
|BlueMania 1.6 AE, (c) J. Heise, 1994-95
|BlueMania ist ein Denkspiel im hoch aufl
|senden VGA-Modus, komplett mit Maus- und
|Tastaturbedienung. Z ge, die der Computer
|vorlegt, m ssen r ckg ngig gemacht werden.
|Erfordert ein hohes Ma an logischem Denkverm
|gen. Das ideale Spiel f r mal kurz
049\ECPD3233.ZIP 250691 01-26-96
|Ecopad32 V3.31 <ASP> Text Editor for Win95
|Windows Notepad replacement which can print
|up to 8 pages of condensed text on one sheet
|of paper. Supports any printer that is
|compatible with Windows95/NT * Shareware
|version is now fully functional. * Ecopad
|can now load/print files up to 32MB * Two
|sided printing. Requires Windows95 or
|WindowsNT 3.51
049\JOT140.ZIP 407613 11-28-95
|Jot is a Windows text editor containing many
|common features you've seen in other
|full-blown text editing programs such as
|print preview. It is easy to use and runs
|quickly and gracefully Run highlighted
|programs and dial telephone numbers from
|within a document. Context sensitive help
|Minor update, and now includes a spell
|checker. Shareware $14.95. Version 1.4
049\NOTEBK20.ZIP 179332 12-17-95
|v2.0) Notebk20 - Large File Text Editor
|Notebook is a Notepad replacement which will
|(1).It will open VERY large files 2).It has
|a toolbar; (3).Supports DRAG and DROP
|editing; (4).Features full font control (5).
|Supports overtype mode 6). Will allow
|printing/saving to file SEL ECTED text.
|VBRUN300.DLL Required Shareware (U.S.
|$12.00 + ship Ron Parker (CT Software)
049\PCDESK56.ZIP 179616 01-17-96
|PCDESK v5.6 <ASP> - This versatile PC/AT DOS
|program generates Monthly Calendars and a
|Weekly Planner to which you can add memo
|notes, and generates Yearly Calendars. The
|program also includes an Address Book data
|base, a DOS File Manager Utility and an
|ASCII Text Editor. Requires a color EGA or
|VGA monitor. Mouse and printer support
|included On-line instructions. Shareware.
049\READ31.ZIP 84758 12-14-95
|READ v3.1 <ASP> - A compact PC/AT DOS
|program for reading or editing ASCII text
|files of virtually unlimited size. Features
|include a File Selection Menu, Large Text
|Mode, Word Wrap, Block Editing,
|Search-and-Replace, Printer Support and
|On-Line Help. The program comes with a text
|file (READ.DOC) describing the features.
|Requires a color monitor. Mouse supported.
|Written by R.L. Wells. $12.00
049\READ32.ZIP 84685 01-17-96
|READ v3.2 <ASP> - A compact PC/AT DOS
|program for reading or editing ASCII text
|files of virtually unlimited size. Features
|include a File Selection Menu, Large Text
|Mode, Word Wrap, Block Editing,
|Search-and-Replace Printer Support and
|On-Line Help. The program comes with a text
|file (READ.DOC) describing the features.
|Requires a color monitor. Mouse supported.
|Written by R.L. Wells. $12.00
049\SUPRED26.ZIP 265092 11-19-95
|SuperEdit v2.60 Superedit with many features
|a multiple document editor, an independent
|note pad for your desktop, drag and drop
|calculator and now supports large documents
|i.e. diskbuffer, as well as word wrap
|improved calendar
049\TABNOTES.ZIP 491603 11-19-95
|TabNotes Multi-Tabbed Text Editor v1.31
|Designed to be a direct replacement for
|Windows Notepad.
049\TXP16131.ZIP 505621 11-11-95
|TEXTPAD 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner.
|"TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text editor I've
|seen! It's fast, loaded with features, and
|beautifully done. Get it!" - Dr File
|Finder. "Setting new standards 10/10" - PC
|Plus. "Best editor for Windows that we've
|ever seen" - Windows User. Available for
|Windows 95/NT & Windows 3.1. Writing
049\TXP32131.ZIP 717944 11-11-95
|TEXTPAD 1.31: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner.
|"TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text editor I've
|seen! It's fast, loaded with features, and
|beautifully done. Get it!" - Dr File
|Finder. "Setting new standards 10/10" - PC
|Plus. "Best editor for Windows that we've
|ever seen" - Windows User. Available for
|Windows 95/NT & Windows 3.1. Writing
049\TXTAB601.ZIP 119196 01-24-96
|TXTABLE.EXE (6.01): Program to generate text
|tables. Was originally designed as a way of
|converting WordPerfect tables to text.
*WordPerfect Applications / Macros
050\ED22U3.ZIP 234780 11-27-95
|Editeur V2.2 text editor for Windows 3.1x
|Full-featured, all-users text editor.
|Handles Windows, Dos, and Unix files.
|Multitext, no size limit. Font choice.
|Tool and status bars. Editing options
|incude word wrap and viewing of
|tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited
|undo/redo, multitext search/replace
|bookmarks, macros, sortings, help
050\EDPART10.ZIP 337711 01-01-96
|EditPartner v1.0. Windows NotePad
|replacement text editor. Spell checking,
|search and replace, edit files up to 16
|megabytes in size Undo/Redo and FAST US and
|Britsh English dictionaries available.
|Registration is only 25 plus S&H
050\SAT13WP.ZIP 90263 02-17-96
|Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, WP
050\TRC_WP.ZIP 130916 01-17-96
|Text on changing the tax system, Word
|Perfect doc T
050\WIDEWP11.ZIP 68352 11-10-95
|WideOpen for WordPerfect ver. 1.1 Use
|Windows '95 features (e.g. Long file names,
|shortcuts, quick view in WordPerfect 6.1
|with Windows 3.1.
*TBBS - ASR Third Party BBS Applications
051\ABOOK.ZIP 34334 03-03-96
|Public/Private Internet Address Book
051\ALERT.ZIP 9513 03-03-96
|Alarms the console for monitored users
051\ALIAS.ZIP 19959 03-03-96
|1st TDBS system to allow ALIAS accounts
051\ALIST2.ZIP 144853 03-03-96
|Brings together your message areas
051\ANSI.ZIP 339134 03-03-96
|Ansi Pics for ANSISHOWS configuration
051\ANSISHOW.ZIP 55912 03-03-96
|Tremendous Ansi Theater w/slideshow
051\ASR.CAT 114942 03-03-96
|ASR's Software Catalog
051\ASR.DIR 10602 03-03-96
051\ASRCHIVE.ZIP 17253 03-03-96
|1st ONLINE Archiving/Unachiving System
051\ASRDIGTL.ZIP 5944 03-03-96
|FREE, Realtime Digital Ansi Alarm Clock
051\ASRFILES.ZIP 4063 03-03-96
|UNCLASSIFIEDme Digital Ansi Alarm Clock
051\ASRLINK.ZIP 131886 03-03-96
|FREE, 1st TDBS Programmers Lib Linker
051\ASRRIP.ANS 883 03-03-96
|FREE, RIP header file for BULLETS 2.x
051\ASRTSR.ZIP 12733 03-03-96
051\ASR_DOS.ZIP 224528 03-03-96
|The ULTIMATE TBBS online operating syste
051\ASR_SAT.ZIP 31170 03-03-96
|FREE, Program to simulate a Sat-Link
051\BADDBF.ZIP 5169 03-03-96
|FREE, Scans for corrupted .DBF files
051\BDAY2.ZIP 13206 03-03-96
|UNCLASSIFIEDfor corrupted .DBF files
051\BDAY31.ZIP 14253 03-03-96
|Users System Birthday Announcer
051\BOSSKEY.ZIP 1517 03-03-96
|FREE, Will give your users a fake C:\
051\BSHIPS14.ZIP 54552 03-03-96
|The Classic BattleShips game for TDBS
051\BULLETS3.ZIP 47494 03-03-96
|Conf. Bulletin Mgr. with RIP
051\BUSTOUT.ZIP 20526 03-03-96
|Arcade Game like the Orginal BREAKOUT
051\C2CHAT.ZIP 4177 03-03-96
|FREE, Ultrachat System chat request sys.
051\CCOMM.ZIP 8426 03-03-96
|FREE, Allows color config within UCHAT
051\CHATJACK.ZIP 52650 03-03-96
|Highly interactive Reno Style BlackJack
051\CHATROU.ZIP 60891 03-03-96
|Chat Roulette, Reno Style Roulette Game
051\CHKICON.ZIP 14809 03-03-96
|TDBS prg to update users ICONS w/RIP
051\CIERRLVL.ZIP 7325 03-03-96
|Free-ErrLvls to Copyit by Brian Cash
051\CI_API.TXT 40621 03-03-96
|Programming API for the Copyit Interface
051\CJBROWSE.ZIP 6665 03-03-96
|FREE, Database Browse util for ChatJack
051\CLASSADS.ZIP 55667 03-03-96
|Classified Advertising System
051\CONSOLE.ZIP 153866 03-03-96
|FREE, LAN Based TBBS Console Control
051\COPYIT5.ZIP 295825 03-03-96
|This is the remarkable ASR Server Cntrl.
051\DD.DBF 39199 03-03-96
|DataBase of BW TOP100 for DialDir
051\DDNODE.ZIP 7998 03-03-96
|Nodelist Importer for ASR's Dialing Dir.
051\DELFILES.TPG 1354 03-03-96
|FREE, Deletes files from areas in FMAN
051\DESIGNER.DES 34977 03-03-96
|Description of System Designer 1.5
051\DIALDIR.ZIP 46173 03-03-96
|InterChange Dialing Dir and BBS Lister
051\DRD608.ZIP 89098 03-03-96
|DRM-600 Driver for Single Drive Ltr Cnf.
051\DRD60ASP.ZIP 11919 03-03-96
|ASPI Version of DRM 600 Device Driver
051\DSKSPACE.ZIP 5325 03-03-96
|FREE, ascii/ansi/rip disk space analyzer
051\DUMPSTAT.ZIP 1993 03-03-96
|FREE, The last thing your lockouts see
051\FAKEDOS.ZIP 218240 03-03-96
|FREE, A DOS Simulation for your Hackers
051\FAXMACH2.ZIP 31243 03-03-96
|Online REALTIME Fax. Requires Copyit!
051\FILESRCH.ZIP 6382 03-03-96
|FREE, Global File Searching for Fileman
051\FIXANSI.ZIP 26833 03-03-96
|FREE, Strips ANSI Positions from Menus
051\FMAN4_2.ZIP 419655 03-03-96
|FileMan 4.2 w/RIP and Systems Commands
051\FMAN7TH.ZIP 137835 03-03-96
|the 7th heaven of fman/copyit!
051\FMBUILD.ZIP 130218 03-03-96
|3.1 setup & configuration util
051\FMHATCH.ZIP 8143 03-03-96
|1st TBBS online FidoNet File Hatching
051\FMMAP.ZIP 4692 03-03-96
|FREE, Fileman Graphic Mapping Utility
051\FMREPT11.ZIP 12029 03-03-96
|FMAN usagelog parser by Kurt Gruztmacher
051\FPPRINT.EXE 23869 03-03-96
|DCX/PCX Print util for COPYIT fax sys.
051\FROMRAM.ZIP 2475 03-03-96
|FREE, ghost util/copies back ramdrive
051\GIFSCAN.ZIP 2811 03-03-96
|FREE, Scans Enclosure Dir for GIF Files
051\GOTOCMD3.ZIP 38444 03-03-96
|Incredible Jump Word and Menu Disp. Sys.
051\HB.ZIP 5343 03-03-96
|FREE, HeartBeat, RIP System Perf. Meters
051\HILFE.TXT 7925 03-03-96
|Fileman help files in German
051\HOST_API.ZIP 5999 03-03-96
|FREE, API w/source .prg for MONITOR1.ZIP
051\IPP.ZIP 48414 03-03-96
|FREE, ASR's InterNet Product Processing
051\JUMP103.ZIP 40294 03-03-96
|Simply/Easy to use Jump word Sys w/RIP
051\LAST126.ZIP 5064 03-03-96
|FREE, Type 22 Replacement & Enhancement
051\LASTCALL.ZIP 4900 03-03-96
|FREE, Utility to replace the TYPE 22
051\LEGEND44.ZIP 436903 03-03-96
|Legends Fantasy Role Playing v4.4
051\LEGENDS.ANS 2478 03-03-96
|FREE, Legends menu by Dr. Thornton
051\LEGENDS5.ZIP 625956 03-03-96
|Legends! Fantasy Role Playing v5.0
051\LINELST.ZIP 8045 03-03-96
|bps, modem and line to users
051\LW1.ZIP 12164 03-03-96
|Non-obtrusive on-screen news and info
051\MAGSTAT.ZIP 100197 03-03-96
|Complete TBBS Dayfile Statistics Sys.
051\MAPVIEW.ZIP 7850 03-03-96
|FREE, FMMAP SIM that allows Jump to Area
051\MON16.ZIP 13975 03-03-96
|ASR Host TSR system, For ASR-DOS/SYSMON
051\MON32.ZIP 14082 03-03-96
|ASR Host TSR system, For ASR-DOS/SYSMON
051\MON64.ZIP 14080 03-03-96
|ASR Host TSR system, For ASR-DOS/SYSMON
051\MR_CID.ZIP 5874 03-03-96
|FREE, Realtime Caller ID Polling Sys.
051\MSGWAIT.ZIP 9265 03-03-96
|FREE, Reads Waiting Msgs for any User
051\NAP1A.ZIP 639579 03-03-96
|1st TBBS NAPLPS Graphics System
051\NAPGLRY1.ZIP 13885 03-03-96
|Image Gallery System for NAPS
051\NERIX.ZIP 8795 03-03-96
|LineUp the pinwheels in the fewest turns
051\NERIXG.ZIP 9563 03-03-96
|Nerix GENUIS, a Rubix Cube type Game
051\NETCR.ZIP 9121 03-03-96
|FREE, CC Entry for purchasing NetMail CR
051\NEWFILES.ZIP 3435 03-03-96
|FREE, Allows you to display new files
051\ORACLE.ZIP 6760 03-03-96
|FREE, InterNet Oracle Program. FUN!
051\PAGEMON.ZIP 11821 03-03-96
|Sysop Paging Control and Con. Disp. Sys.
051\PAGESAT.DES 2453 03-03-96
|of the Satellite UseNet Feed
051\PARTYAST.ZIP 7222 03-03-96
|FREE, Party Assistant for BBS Parties
051\PIMP.TXT 10467 03-03-96
|Description of PIMP 2.0 Internet OM
051\PIONEER.ZIP 192122 03-03-96
|FREE, DRM602x/604x/600 Single Drive SW
051\PMAN3_0.ZIP 88823 03-03-96
|User Profiler and Registry System w/RIP
051\PMUCHAT.ZIP 6225 03-03-96
|FREE, UltraChat interface to PROFMAN
051\PPONG.ZIP 19566 03-03-96
|Arcade Game like the Original PONG
051\PRIMP.DES 16227 03-03-96
|Description of PRIMP, PIMP Preprocessor
051\PURETEST.ZIP 57219 03-03-96
|Administers the Online Purity Test
051\PVIEW2.ZIP 29936 03-03-96
|Periodical Reader and control system
051\QK.ZIP 41938 03-03-96
|Quest for King, Trivia Game!
051\QSOGATE.ZIP 324247 03-03-96
|QSO Enhancement to relieve system impact
051\QSORIP.ZIP 1833 03-03-96
|FREE,Set of QSO Rip Menus by Dean Mackin
051\QUAT.ZIP 9597 03-03-96
|Simon Says style Game
051\QUEST1.ZIP 85309 03-03-96
|Kings Quest, Legends Adventure Enchment
051\QUEST2.ZIP 75118 03-03-96
|The Seige, Legends Adventure Enhancement
051\QUICKSRC.DES 2538 03-03-96
|Description of QuickSearch
051\QWKFIX.ZIP 4182 03-03-96
|FREE, Allows any archive format with QSO
051\RATIO.ZIP 146147 03-03-96
|Computes and Displays user Ul/Dl Ratios
051\RIPLIB.ZIP 8906 03-03-96
|FREE, RIP 1.54 TDBS Library for ASRLINK
051\RIPMATH.ZIP 138956 03-03-96
|FREE, Handles all of the math in RIP
051\RIPNUM.PRG 560 03-03-96
|FREE, Code 4 Dec. to MegaNums/Ultranums
051\RIPWATCH.ZIP 9437 03-03-96
|FREE, Realtime RIP Analog Clock
051\SCRINVDR.ZIP 22263 03-03-96
|Arcade Game like the Org Space Invaders
051\SCRNSAVE.ZIP 5998 03-03-96
|FREE, RIP 2.0 Online Screen Saver
051\SMGHOST.ZIP 2380 03-03-96
|FREE, Ghost Event Display Sys for Sysmon
051\SP.ZIP 5162 03-03-96
|FREE, Private system msg program for UC
051\SPT.ZIP 7839 03-03-96
|FREE, LANDMARK perf. test in realtime
051\SSPRO.ZIP 40295 03-03-96
|Super Simon Pro with Ansi Music Support
051\STAT1_3.ZIP 24257 03-03-96
|1st REALTIME STAT/Graphing System
051\STRIPOKR.ZIP 118360 03-03-96
|FREE, RIP StripPoker from Event Horizons
051\SUPRCHT2.ZIP 47223 03-03-96
|1st Full TDBS Conference System for TBBS
051\SYSMON5.ZIP 205980 03-03-96
|Remote Console Control Sys-NON TSR Ver.
051\SYSMON62.ZIP 139152 03-03-96
|Remote Console Control Sys -TSR version
051\SYSPAGE.ZIP 3540 03-03-96
|FREE, Configurable Sysop paging System
051\TAROT44.ZIP 35489 03-03-96
|Very Nice TAROT Card Reader for Users
051\TBANK11.ZIP 42522 03-03-96
|Realtime Time Bank w/cc processing
051\TBBSBBS.ZIP 39865 03-03-96
|FREE, 423 TBBS Systems in DialDir DB
051\TMAN2.ZIP 100134 03-03-96
|Online TAPE BACKUPS (manual/ghost)
051\TR.ZIP 2816 03-03-96
|FREE, Toggle the UC prompt to TIME LEFT
051\TRASHCAN.TPG 5348 03-03-96
|FREE, Use this on your locked out users
051\TSC.ZIP 31187 03-03-96
|The 1st TBBS Modem 2 Modem Gaming Sys.
051\TURBO.ZIP 1609 03-03-96
|FREE, Prompt user to turbo to main menu
051\TYPEONE.ZIP 25571 03-03-96
|Text File Reader w/High Speed Srch w/RIP
051\UCGOTO.ZIP 5720 03-03-96
|FREE, GotoCommand UltraChat Interface
051\UCHELP.ZIP 5538 03-03-96
|FREE,UltraChat Extended Command Help Sys
051\UCSEND.ZIP 6636 03-03-96
|FREE, Sends UChat Pvt Msgs Immediately
051\UC_SPLIT.ZIP 11525 03-03-96
|FREE, UltraChat SPLIT SCREEN Chat Sys.
051\ULFIX.ZIP 134987 03-03-96
|FREE, Repairs corrupted userlogs.bbs
051\ULINK.ZIP 2692 03-03-96
|FREE, Ultrachat Link Teleportation Util
051\USAREAD.ZIP 17421 03-03-96
|USA Today Reader with pull down menus
051\USERMAIL.ZIP 17802 03-03-96
|E-Mail Control and Sysop Mass Mailer Sys
051\UUENCODE.EXE 14912 03-03-96
|FREE, For Filemans UUencoding Process
051\U_SYSOP.ZIP 66918 03-03-96
|The 1st User Created BBS Interface
051\VSNET.NET 23462 03-03-96
|This is todays VS-NET Int'l master file
051\VSYSOP.FAQ 62216 03-03-96
|FREE, V-Sysop Frequently Asked Questions
051\VSYSOP.RIP 845 03-03-96
|FREE, Virtual Sysop Rip Interface Templ
051\VSYSOP.ZIP 205506 03-03-96
|The Virtual System Operator Simulation
051\VS_NET.ZIP 28014 03-03-96
|FREE, Virtual Sysop Int'l Game Network
051\WHOSON.ZIP 15478 03-03-96
|WHOSON disp for Sysmon! Supp. RIP/UCHAT
051\WINREAD.ZIP 5990 03-03-96
|FREE, Resizable Scrolling Win. Text
*end of filebase
34,"Animations Graphics"
1875,"Archive Compression Utilities"
7349,"Association of Shareware Professionals <ASP>"
50594,"BBS Doors / Utilities"
116254,"BBS Software"
144079,"Bible / Religious"
145894,"CAD Programs / Utilities"
146696,"Clipper Applications"
147612,"Communications & Modems"
164814,"DOS Utilities & Helps"
187700,"DTP Desk Top Publishing & Clipart"
190468,"Database Programs"
193694,"Demos of Commercial Programs"
194833,"Desk / Home Programs"
202195,"Education Programs"
222780,"File & Directory Utilities"
230754,"Finance & Business"
242584,"Fonts, Fonts, and More Fonts!"
245610,"JPG / GIF Pictures"
247404,"Gambling Programs"
253222,"Games & Entertainment"
338862,"Genealogy Applications / References"
346443,"Graphics & Drawing Programs"
356921,"Ham Radio Programs & References"
357825,"Hard Disk & Floppy Utilities"
363043,"Health & Medical Applications / References"
371095,"Internet / World Wide Web (WWW)"
396657,"Kitchen Aids / Recipes"
401257,"Legal Programs / References"
401957,"Mail-List / Managers Applications"
404328,"Mail-Readers / Electronic Mail (E-Mail)"
420615,"Math & Science / Engineering"
424344,"Multimedia & CD-ROM Applications"
429930,"Multitask / Operating Systems Applications"